Alucard69's Journal

Alucard69's Journal


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CHAPTER I: This is how its begin...

01:12 Jan 05 2011
Times Read: 589

Its been quite sometime I did not talk about myself, I have kept silence for years and I mean years...it is 1809 I was riding on a horseback, I travel from village to village as a merchant for the DUKE. Its was a cold eerie night, the moon was red as an eye that sees blood. While riding in this dark forest I heard a flapping sound in the sky, as I looked up there is nothing that I could see...and I can feel that I am been followed. It gave me a creep and as I wanted to looked back I felt a burning sensation at my shoulder and saw it was a huge vampire bat piercing its fangs. While trying to hit the bat of my shoulder I fell from my horseback and slowly my vision becoming blur and double.I was left at the forest for how many days no ones knows. It was liked a dream I was somewhere in time I see ladies, wealth and famous. And in my dream I was attack by a pack of wolves, and came this huge wolf that stand 1" 89 inches with one blow my throat opens like a canal that streaming with blood. Then I was floating in the air wandering looking down to earth.

I was awake by "him" with his commanding red eyes I followed without hesitated."He" brought me to a place somewhere that is as hot as hell...."He" said "I can give you life, wealth and immortality". Life? Am I dead? "You will walk the earth till the end of time like on others." I saw soul been punished, whip, abuse like rag doll....screaming in pain, asked for forgiveness but no one cares. "In change of soul that feed me and keeps the flames of my palace burning with their sins". I died this can't be truth, "He" smile as if "HE" had read my thought. "HE" explained ..."you were sick from a bite of a vampire bat and I watch you for days. Then came a Lycan and kill you". I was furious with anger, "I will give you the chance to pay back what the Lycan had done". My eyes was burning red, I clinch my fist and swear that I will kill all Lycan till they doesn't exist anymore. I will hunt them and kill them all. And I said to "Him" give it to me....with a blink of an eyes "He" was right in front of me holding my throat staring deep in my eyes and said "you will become an immortal till the end of time and you will burn in hell, you will feed on blood and you will not see any sunrise again" what is "He" saying I don't understand and I'm gone lost in somewhere.

I wake up by a swamp near to a cave and its about to sunrise, the moment sun is rising I felt burns to my skin as if I am being burn by a torch its sure hurts as hell. I ran to the cave feeling tired, confused and fell asleep. I wake up with sadness in me to what I had become, I ran out of the cave to see the sun but it was night fall. I sat down just staring at the ground without knowing tears ran down from my eyes. The wind echoing through the swamp as if cursing me, I am all alone then the thought of why I became this made me frustrated and anger was building inside me. It was the pack of wolves and one particular huge wolf that I looked forward to dealt with. Now my eyes is burning red with hatred and I swore to myself that I will hunt them down and will take my time feeling pleasure in killing them. Bits by bits I will tear their skin and made myself comfortable. With the thought I walked through out the swamp looking forward for the killings. And that is the last time I saw tears of my own.

I walked up north seems to be running away from sunrise. And I reached a village town where it was bustling with people, and no ones seems to noticed me or they are just ignoring me. The smell of bakery and music was in the air as I walked down the town with hunger overwhelm me. I passed the bar where the music came from. Few doors down and there is the bakery, but that is not what I'm looking for. And next to the bakery is a brothel where there is a busty matured lady standing at the balcony eyeing on everyone who passes by. As I was about to approached she turn and came to me with her seductive smile and said "monsieur please come in." I followed her down the hall where I can hear women moaning and I can hear a man saying "come on bitch!" She lead me to her room which is at the end of the hall. As I entered the room the smell of cheap perfume was lingering on the bed. I can hear heart pounding heavily but it wasn't mine. I looked at her and could see her artery was beating rhythmic. She was already half naked as I felt my teeth grows, when she was about to turn I was already at her neck piercing my fangs deep into her artery. I could feel the hunger all this while in me has been fulfilled. I kept sucking her blood to filled my hunger even though her heart has stop beating then the taste of her blood nausea me, I stopped.

Suddenly the felt of guilt envelopes in me then I realised what I had done. I carried the motionless body in my arms to the bed feeling remorse. Suddenly, the surrounding of the room turns into hell and from a cloud of flames "HE" appeared with a triumph of laughter and said "you have send me the very first soul, remember you need to keep the flames of my palace alive for immortality and need to feed to stay alive. You will noticed the power within you when more souls are being delivered." And he reminds me that I should stay out of daylight and hunts at night. Just before "HE" disappeared "HE" said, "the wolf that you are looking for is called Lycan and he is an immortal, a human change to a wolf when does a full moon occurs" and the room was back to as it is. I walked out of the brothel without no one noticing me as I came in. Lycan?.....Immortal?.....

so he is dead of the undead just like me.

It is 1815 and its has been 6 years to what I have became. As times goes by, I learnt that I didn't aged, the complexion of my face stays younger and I possessed an extraordinary power such as able to float in the air, my senses is 100 times greater, able to read people minds as what they are thinking and with the reflection of my eyes I can control and command to anyone to be my slave. And this is how I owned this land and became a business partner of a sugar cane plantation and timber mills to a Honorary Judge Winston. He is highly respected by the community and he is under my spell. I kept my coffin in the basement of my mansion and when I sleep in the daytime Judge Winston is to make sure it is safe unnoticed from anyone. When I'm hunger for blood I will hunt far away for my home and leaves no trace. I feed only when I'm lust for blood.

I have not heard of any news or rumours about the wolf "Lycan" or his whereabouts and I did not know where to start to search for him. Is he into hiding? And every time when it is full moon I will search for howling and hoping that he came for me but it is a hope that I knew it will never happen. Every time I came across a wolf I will let them know that I am searching for this particular beast and after what they saw in my eyes with such a rush all of the wolf fled with a fearing sound. I have not seen others like me, am I the only one...vampire? I sometimes feels so lonely, not because of no friends or someone around but I feel as if I am outcasts from the rest. And sometimes I do forget who I am or what I am. Judge Winston will organise a party or gathering just to cheer me up but its not boisterous excitement that I looking for. Its is more something gentle touch or ........I just can't put it in words. In my sleep, I saw something that is so beautiful out of the ordinary, with dazzling lights that blinds eyes she held out her hands as if she wanted me to followed her, but I turned and walked away frustrated. Who is she? Is she an Angel? Why does she came into my dreams?

It was summer 1817, I heard that a man from far away village was killed by a ferocious beast, his throat was ripped open and claws marks at his chest was deep enough to see through his heart. And it happened on totally full New Moon. "Its him!" I said liked longing a long lost friend, suddenly I can feel my fangs grows and the urge to feed myself came to my mind. The thirst and lust for blood I can feel it right by my lips. Something question me......"why have he came out from hiding? To feed or the dead man by chance cross his path?" As I put on my cape Judge Winston was looking at me with a smile of knowing to where I'm going and said "Its feeding time." And into the dark night I when, with the swept of winds I travel from town to town to hunt for the right soul to be presented as the next sacrifice.

I reached a secluded cottage deep in the forest, it has a barn, a coop of chicken and firewood chopped lying around. As I neared the house I could heard a crying teenage pleading for leniency. In the shadows I saw a fat old bald man was ripping the girl's nightie. With one hand gripped on her neck and the other was groping the teenage full grown breast, kissing and sucking it. The teenage cried helplessly begging for mercy when she was thrown on the bed and the old savage man was on top of her. She cried and was biting her lips to refrain from the pain and disgusting act that the old man did, he was pounding hard, banging his fat body to the naked girl. It was over in a few minutes and the old savage man was breathing heavily due to fatigue of lust. With the only strength left within her, she managed to free herself and ran out of the room with just covering herself with a blanket. The old pervert laughed when saw the half naked girl left in a hurry, he threw his body back on the bed and with a smile of satisfaction as he recalled of what he had succeed.

I was already in the room at a corner when the old man realized that he was not alone. He quickly got up and saw me standing there "Who are you? Why are you in my house?" he asked while his eyes were looking for something to defend himself. As I came out from the shadow glided towards him, the fear that he felt was unexplained with words, I can hear his heart beats liked a galloping horse but stunned silence. "Enjoying yourself tonight?" sarcastically I asked, he nodded. He was about to scream when I lunge forward and sank my sharp fangs into his neck sucking his soul and blood out of his body. As I was draining his blood I saw visions of the old man, the seven sins in him... anger, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony of all he had done. After I had enough of his blood, I let go of him and with a heavy thump he fell to the floor....dead, another soul been delivered. In that moment I knew someone is watching, with the speed of light I am at the back of a teenage girl who have a machete in her hand and about to have another delivery when she said without turning around, "he deserved to die and rotten in hell" and I felt hatred in those words, "I was about to give him hell but you beat it to me first" she continued.

I kept hearing those words and hatred expression as I laid back to my coffin when Judge Winston said "have a good rest my Sire" and he left the secret hidden room in the basement locking it. While three storey above in the master bedroom lies the teenage girl sleeping comfortably

feeling warm and safe.



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