I've actually met a few truly nice and very interesting individuals on this site. However, I feel I should state something that really needs to be said. I've had enough of these pretentious profile snobs who look at your profile and then leave a snide remark and low rating. Now, I'm fine with that, really. Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but when you go and look at their profile, all you see is pseudo intellectual depression poetry and the same old tired, and over-used graphics stolen from some web site everyone has already seen. Like that makes them special, because frankly, in my opinion it just makes them pathetic. Sure, my profile and portfolio and yes even this journal are light on content at the moment, but at least everything I have is my own work. Yep, that's right, my own original content. What a novel idea you might say, how strange that more don't follow in your example. Would you like an honest answer? Everyone wants to throw up some flashy graphics and steal code from other people's sites and pages so they can think they are superior in some way. It's just not so friends and neighbors. A thief is a thief is a thief. So forgive me that my profile, portfolio, and journal are all still devoid of much content, I prefer to slowly build something original which I can be proud of.