My Grandfather used to tell me a story of two people who moved to a new town and an old man who they approached for information. The first guy came up to the old man and said, “I just moved here. What are the people like?”
The old man responded, “Well, what were the people like where you lived before?”
The man said, “Oh my gosh! They were terribly unfriendly, snobby, rude, and just overall, not very nice people.”
The old man said, “Yeah, that is what you will find here as well.” And the guy walked away feeling sad and disappointed.
A couple of days later, another man, who had just moved his family to the town, met the same old man. The guy said, “We just moved here. What are the people like in this town?”
Again, the old man responded with a question, “Well, what were the people like where you came from?”
The man responded happily, “Oh, they were really nice people! We hated to leave our community, but my job required that I move my family here. We just loved the people there very much and are really going to miss them.”
The old man said, “Well, that is exactly the kind of people you will find here.” And the man left happy with a big smile on his face.
So, what’s the point of this story? Wherever you go, you take your attitude and your problems with you. You can’t escape your problems or a poor attitude by moving to a new place. If you have internal issues, those must be addressed internally; nothing externally will change them.
Your attitude, expectations, and perspective color your world. If you expect people to be rude, hateful, untrustworthy, and unfriendly, that is exactly the kind of people you will find. If you expect people to be kind, helpful, friendly, and loving, those are the kind of people you will find.
It is not the place you live in, but your expectations, attitude, and perspective that matter, and you take those things with you wherever you go. Your thoughts attract those things which you think about into your life. What you give your attention to increases. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from MUSASHI’s DOKKODO: The Way of the Lone Warrior,