I've decided to make a few changes here. This is basically in regards to my aquaintences here, on VR.
Since I don't talk too, nor know most on my friends list...bu bye. I'm getting rid of more than 3/4 of these "so called" friends.
If you consider yourself a friend, ask yourself when was the last time you asked me how I was...? Whats happening with you Jen? Feel like talking about anything? If you haven't, guess what...? Bu bye.
If you didn't know my name was Jen...bu bye.
I'm always the "go too girl" and I'm pretty sick of it. I've been nice to you for far too long. Time to take care of me.
I'm also tired of bitching about how miserable life is. I've got it pretty fucking good. Better than most of you, I'm guessing. So my last poetry entry will be the last, I'm only keeping it because its pretty fucking good.
Lastly, its a shame some of you never got to really know me. I'm pretty cool, done some really interesting things in my short time here on earth. In short...the pyramids of Egypt rocked, the Louvre is amazing, and London is the most eclectic and fabulous city in the world! I wished I could have shared that with you.
well, I forgot to mention its Ozzy's 4th b day! for you dog freaks you know how important this is...I cannot believe its been 4 yrs. I luv ya buddy!
and OMG now that I'm thinking of it.
People can post up the ass about weddings, making sire, and stupid fucking songs they just listened too. I soo want to kill about a 100 ppl right now.
Ok, so this evening someone posts in the forum that a child died of SIDS. Someone the poster knows. He asked that everyone think of this family ect.. my beef is this...
So far 64 people have read this post and only a handful of people have made a comment. Sending condelences ect.. That is pathetic. We are supposed to be a collective community! We are typically outcasts in society, yet we shun our own kind in a time of need?
I am really outraged! Maybe this has hit waay too close to home, I don't know. Loosing a child is the worse thing that can EVER happend, yet, the assholes who need to level up and make a post cannot be bothered. Give me a fucking break!
I am soo pissed right now, Jesus!
I am soo bummed, the Bears finally lost. Flipping Dolphins..must have been a fluke.
On a better note..the Colts won, so all is not lost.
5 words, simplistic and honest.
Without being nasty, shamed and embarassed for you.
Call me when you're sober.
No, I don't want to fuck you, its 3 am...
Call me when you're sober.
You weren't the best I've ever had...wait a few hours and...
call me when you're sober.
Better yet, don't call me!