I was eating lunch this afternoon and happened to glance over at what my mate was doing. He had a walnut firmly wedged between his forefinger and his thumb, trying to break it open.
Seemingly this was a normal scenario, right? So why was it that what I saw in the next few minutes was anything but normal?
As he struggled for a moment to break the shell, gripping his left hand over his right to gain more leverage. I could see the muscles in his neck straining as he applied pressure. Finally he gave up with a gasp and promptly put the nut down, only to pick up another. I suppose he thought the next one would be less of a challenge, which it did indeed prove to be.
So why did he take the path of least resistance? Was it because there were more nuts readily available? Was it because the effort vrs reward was just too far out of balance? Would he have stuck with that nut if there were no others? For that matter, did the fact that it was the first one he'd tried calculate into this at all? What about the one after the one he finally cracked wide? Why wasnt that enough for him? I'd watched him eat his lunch and was seemingly full. I figured he was just eating the walnuts to pass the time while he chatted with me.
What the hell am I talking about?!
I dont know myself, half the time. I do know that watching him and that nut opened me up to more insight as to how the world works though.
For instance the interaction between males and females. One is always the hunter and the other is always the proverbial nut. One is always hiding in their shell from predators while it waits for the perfect moment to spring forth full of kinetic energy.
I see it every day as cliques are born in the work place. In schools. Its built right into our castles! Yes! Even at home you are subject to the primal classification of hunter or the hunted! Intimidated or intimidator... Life or death?
Is this how the world is meant to be? A constant power struggle? The powerful conquering the weak?
Interesting utopia we are building for ourselves, if I may say so. Considering its a matter of time until there are only predators left to hunt other predators... couldnt we relate that to a chess board, as we're plucked one by one from the great game?
Oh to break the pattern, without falling into another. ~grins~