Adora's Journal

Adora's Journal


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19 entries this month

09:21 Nov 30 2008
Times Read: 681

So, I'm flying home today...

God help me deal with a fussy 1 year old on the go for 7 hours.

I better pack those cookies...





11:24 Nov 29 2008
Times Read: 694

Oh God.

Ryan is going to be the end of me... And despite the intensity and action he brings into my life every day I am sitting here longing for another baby.

Damn mother instincts!

No but seriously... The only reason I feel free to do so is that I know that no child by far can be a bigger challenge than Ryan is...

I visited my father the other day and my brother who is 2 days older than Ryan is SOOOO different. Well it was apparent even when they were still babies... But it's clearer now. He barely said a word the whole time we were there, when he cries it doesn't even sound like crying... It's so calm and quiet. He can sit still and play by himself forever, he goes to sleep by himself, alone in the room without protesting... He lets himself be fed and have his nappy changed without fuss. He's like a damn Angel.

Don't get me wrong... I wouldn't want Ryan to be like that, I know that when he grows up... These qualities will (if I raise him well that is...) will make him into a strong, independent, determined person who won't let himself be stepped on. The kind of son I will be proud to call my own.

But for now... I am so exhausted I can't even remember my name. Me and Yendor are going to get someone to clean for us... I have to swallow my pride but the truth is I can't keep up with everything, I can barely keep up with Ryan.... And I don't want to raise him half heartedly because I'm too busy with other things. He needs, no, he DEMANDS my full attention... And I am his mother, I should be there for him at all times.

Yendor suggested a nanny... I told him to take that idea to hell because no one is raising my baby but him and myself. I don't trust anyone to do the job for me.

Anyway... He is napping now, I better hurry up because I have a lot to do and little time to do it... Yeah... That's another thing about Ryan, he seems to need less sleep than I do. Little energizer bunny... He can keep me up until midnight and wake me up at 8 the next morning...

But I love him, I do. So much. My baby.



13:35 Nov 29 2008

Actually a Nanny isn't a bad idea- because they help with the cleaning and cooking, plus when you want to goto the gym you can. Or if there is shopping you really need to do- you can. None of my friends who have nanny's feel the child is being raised by the nanny-it's more the nanny is there so they can leave the house and keep up with their lives :)


11:04 Nov 27 2008
Times Read: 726

Can someone please advice me here?

Am I a bad and horrible mother for losing my patience and temper with Ryan from time to time?

Is there something wrong with me?

When I'm really exhausted it happens that I just lose control, he gets on my nerves and I have to restrain myself from shouting at him or just doing something bad. I don't always manage to stop myself from snapping at him or make him cry.

Apparently I scare him to death doing this, I traumatize him and he will lose trust in me and not feel safe with me anymore.

Since I've been in Sweden it has happened only once to the extreme, and once very lightly...

When I'm in Malta i have bad days regularly... although I don't often "scare" him.


What I mean to ask is, is everyone but me some kind of holy mother who never loses her temper with her kids???

Cause SOMEONE makes it sound like that and it pisses me off. AS if I don't do my best to stay sane with Ryan at all times.



11:20 Nov 27 2008

Adora as I have said before , i think it's just a lot of stress. i think that now that your back home, it will let up a lot. As Ryan senses your emotions as well.

12:34 Nov 27 2008

It's called being human dear...best to go into another room and relax when it gets too much.

12:43 Nov 27 2008

Ok.. I don't have any kids, but I have had a hand in raising my other 2 siblings. You are gonna have those moments when you are extremely overwhelmed, but just think about what makes them happy, and calm. Get up and hug him, and just count to ten.. I dunno.. every mom I have met tends to have times of snapping. I have it with my girlfriend, and I so wish it were legal to strangle! HAHA!

Although violence never solved anything. Try to relax, and the baby should follow in mommys calm!

You are not a bad mom Karo! Never ever think that of yourself!

15:22 Nov 27 2008

You're not a bad mother, Adora. Things get overwhelming with a baby. I mean when they cry and they can't tell you what's wrong but no matter what you do does not soothe them in the least... yeah, I've been there and I still am. I can't wait for Aurora to be able to tell me what's wrong.

But you need to start doing some things for you. It's not selfish when you do. It's something they kept on telling me in the hospital is I have to make time for me. Have someone watch the baby and just do something for me without the stress or waiting for the next cry.

Also I know you have a hard time with getting all the cleaning done and feel guilty for not spending that time with Ryan. Try to make a schedule of what days to do what on. I know some things like dishes would be everyday but like the clothes... do them something like twice a week. It might help you eliminate some of the stress.

I really hope this helps you some...



11:48 Nov 26 2008
Times Read: 733

I want Edward.

Can I really put it any other way??





11:03 Nov 25 2008
Times Read: 740

I am in no mood to pack an go on a 7 hour journey with the boy tomorrow only to get back to a life where I am miserable.

I don't want to be lonely again...





I am in love with a vampire hahahahha

16:51 Nov 24 2008
Times Read: 750

Ok, so this is the name I'll be screaming from now on,




17:49 Nov 24 2008

I hear ya. ;) I just finished writing about the movie in my journal. I had to share my opinion about it. I absolutely loved it. Glad you did too!


20:10 Nov 22 2008
Times Read: 763



I have never in my life wanted to see a movie SO badly! GOD

Luckily, I'm leaving Ryan with my mom on Monday and going to see it... He's used to her now and he was with her for a few hours today without any problems so... I'm going!


But there's still Sunday ahead of me... Bleh

I WANT EDWARD!!! hahahah

Damn I'm feeling GOOD today!




09:51 Nov 17 2008
Times Read: 788

I woke up today, looking at myself from an outsiders perspective and realized how fucking pathetic I am.

How do I get over myself???



16:28 Nov 21 2008

Det enda sättet är att ge sig dän på att jobba med sig själv tills man mår bra. Och att vägra ge upp när man faller igen.


06:30 Nov 15 2008
Times Read: 806

Why even bother... I still feel like a shitty mess, what else is there to say?



07:31 Nov 15 2008

still the same karolina? Grow up Hun. Stop trying to feel sorry for yourself. Fantasies should only be used once in a while to help cope with reality. Yet you want it all to be so different. Only question my dear is when did you stop trying. For that matter did you ever start trying? Lives short. Ryan needs a mother to show him the joys and teach him to be wary of folly. This life is not yours anymore. Its his as well so get it together.


18:07 Nov 14 2008
Times Read: 818

Dammit, I knew I would end up obsessed with the twilight saga. DAMMIT!

I hate it when I get like this.

Now all I can do is spend every free moment reading the fourth book and daydreaming...

God, why cant things like this happen to me?

I want to be pretty, in love, free and living in some kind of... dream. Please.

I hate this because it makes living this boring life even worse, when all I do everyday is struggling to love the situation I am stuck in...

Sigh. I want to live... But no, I will just have to continue with my daydreaming.

Ryan fell asleep now at 6.30 PM, probably just for a nap... Which is not good because he will end up going to sleep around midnight, gah...

Oh well...



07:25 Nov 15 2008

Det är nåt fel på den där boken alltså. Jag har läst ettan nu o börjat i tvåan. Jag är TOTALBEROENDE. Man blir ju helt besatt av den! Jag vill se filmen! Åh, varför kan inte du o jag få se filmen ihop? :(


Question of the day

15:32 Nov 12 2008
Times Read: 833

What IS it with dad's and putting kids in front of the TV, what did they do 100 years ago!??



22:36 Nov 14 2008

They used to take them hunting...


10:56 Nov 12 2008
Times Read: 838

You know what seriously scares me?

I've been severely depressed before, to the point of attempting suicide, but never ever have I lost control over my weight like this. I've suffered from what feels like a million diseases yet I've always been obsessive about getting thin...

And now look at me, I glance at the mirror, confirm that I'm still ugly and move on. I feel my clothes getting tighter and I can't find it in me to care. The past month I've had a severe loss of appetite, I don't think I've eaten a solid meal once.

Can you see how bad this is getting, how far my depression stretches?

I'd rather not, it scares the hell out of me. I don't know who I am anymore, I sincerely don't.




00:38 Nov 12 2008
Times Read: 844

I'm losing sleep again.

How can I go from being a zombie and passing out every time I lay my head on the pillow, to not being able to close my eyes?

I hate insomnia.

What's worse, tomorrow is a busy day as I have a lot to do before I go to Sweden... And the flight is at 7.30 PM, I'm already a bit worries about messing up Ryan's bedtime routine... But at least he'll hopefully sleep on the flight.

Damn RyanAir and their flight hours. ARGH!

That's not the only reason why I hate them either, I've been trying to rebook my ticket for a week now and it's not accepting it... I have no choice but to go tomorrow even though it feels a bit stressful... Sigh.

Why did Alter Bridge have to change the damn date of the concert!? They were supposed to be playing on the 19th, they literally fucked everything up for me.

Oh well... Ryan and Yendor are sleeping, I'm going to go back to reading...




10:06 Nov 10 2008
Times Read: 852

Most days I live in numbness, I take one hour at a time doing my best to avoid my emotions overcome me. Sometimes, I fail. Sometimes one or two thoughts sneak through my barrier and I'm being sucked into my emotional turmoil.

I do my best to do be responsible and do what's expected of me, all along suppressing my emotional state so that it won't get in the way for my responsibilities. I spend my days thinking intensely about what to cook, when I can find time to clean, what to talk to Ryan about... Having to focus real hard to keep my thoughts on track and stay in the present... Although far too many times I find myself drifting away from Ryan.

I hate days like this, days when I let myself feel. Well, not let myself, when I can't hide it anymore.

I go through every day wondering, why am I not feeling happy? Why am eating this when I don't really want to? Why do I have this pressure over my chest all the time? Truth is, the answers are all in there, I just don't let myself see them. No, I have to "snap out of it" constantly, keep suppressing it, keep ignoring i, keep living and smiling, being there for Ryan.

For the longest time I've been feeling depressed without actually feeling anything, or feeling why. I've been too busy cleaning to care about why I'm so down.

Now, the conversation I had with my mom a few days ago didn't affect me at first... Suddenly, today, one thought slips through and I break down.

I was determined to go to Sweden on Wednesday, if that's what my mom wants, fine, I'll go and make her happy. I began realizing today I'm not looking forward to going, I'm actually dreading it. And I hate the thought of taking Ryan away from Yendor for two weeks if I'm not even going to benefit from the stay.

Today I began to think about my best friend... And it slowly dawned on me that I'm not going to meet her. Fuck the concert, fuck my family, fuck Sweden, it's her I need. For 8 years she's been there for me and I love her, I love her so much. I can't go to Sweden if I don't meet her... Of course I want to meet my family, but I remembered the reason I booked the tickets in the first place was to meet her. Even if it's only for 2 days, I need her. If my mother doesn't understand that, fine. I wrote her a mail saying that I'm sorry, she hurt my feelings and I've lost all desire to come home and that I won't be going on Wednesday, perhaps not at all. I don't care if it disappoints her now, she deserves it for the way she treated me.

I don't know if it's got to do with the fact that I got all absorbed in Ryan and all my time suddenly had to be dedicated to him, but I feel like I've lost everyone. I am so fucking lonely. I thought I had friends on VR, the past years VR had been a big part of my life and I had find so much comfort here... I realized now, it's all gone. I have not a single person I message anymore here, and the one person I really got attached to doesn't even seem to want me anymore... I tried messaging her once, twice, no reply. Why? I loved her... I still love her. My heart is broken and it pains me even more when I think about how... another person's heart much have been broken by the same woman's actions. Oh God.

It's not just her and VR, even the few friends I had in real life seem to have disappeared. Aside from my best friend, I had one close friend who actually lived in Stockholm... I met her once during the summer, but it was far from what it used to be... Our friendship wasn't there anymore.

Truth is... I have no friends, I have no one to turn to, no one to talk to but Yendor and my best friend. Of course, that's enough for me but... It depresses me. It's so hard for me to make friends, in real life especially... And then the thought of not meeting her now that I was going to Sweden... I can't cope with that. I can't go there knowing I'll be in the same country but not meeting her.

And then I can't stand the thought of meeting my father and his family... It makes me anxious, he's always made me feel worthless and I don't want to put myself in that environment, I already feel bad enough. I know I've gained weight and that's the first thing they'll comment on...I'm insecure enough as it is, thank you very much.

Sigh... I'm just going to go read while Ryan is still sleeping, I'm afraid of being alone with my thoughts, I'd rather just get lost in another world. I've read 3 books this past week... Finishing the Twilight series now...

God, if anyone even bothers to read this. I don't have friends anymore, what the fuck happend?




10:40 Nov 08 2008
Times Read: 862

Why do I just want to dig my own grave and stay there?

I am so lethargic and lifeless and the one who suffers from it in the end is Ryan.

*sigh* Is there anything that can bring me back to life?



14:46 Nov 09 2008

Kan du snälla bestämma dig för vad du vill göra? Jag har en resa att betala o jag vill gärna veta om jag kan räkna med dig eller inte...


10:22 Nov 07 2008
Times Read: 868

So my mom said this morning that she just got disappointed and upset yesterday because she misses us... and to come when I want to.

Well, that would be fine if it wasn't for Yendor suddenly deciding he can't be without Ryan for 2 weeks.

Imagine that, he doesn't want me to go and my mother asks why I can't stay for longer than that.

Now what do I do when whatever decision I make will hurt someone I love?

Forget about what I want, I've always been one to put myself in second place and since I became a mother I constantly find myself at the bottom. It's like everyone has needs and wants around me and it's my responsibility to keep them happy. Never mind me, never mind what I need.

I most probably won't go to Sweden now, I might as well have bought Ryan some winter clothes for the ticket money.

Oh well... I'm gonna go read now, that's the highlight of my days, when Ryan is sleeping and I'm not too tired to read. What a wonderful life.




20:43 Nov 06 2008
Times Read: 877


My mom, I just remember why she drives me crazy.

She has this nasty way of misinterpreting everything I say and playing on my feelings of guilt.


When I tell her "Mom, I don't feel good about leaving Ryan for so many hours"

"Nice to know that you trust me!"


Suddenly I don't have the slightest desire to go to Sweden anymore. Ryan is going to miss Yendor, my mom will suffocate me with her constant nagging, my father and his gf will only go on about how I'm doing everything wrong with Ryan and why don't I send him to kindergarten, and now it looks like I'm not even going to the concert.

And she's going on about how I don't care about her anymore and how I don't trust her and shit like that... And it all began because I told her I might rebook my tickets. 2 weeks here, 2 weeks there, isn't what matters that I'm coming!? Can't she understand that me wanting to rebook so that I can meet my best friend DOES NOT mean I love my friend more than her! WTF!!!

Ok, so she had already made plans and arranged for my sister's father t come and pick us up at the airport on Wednesday. Why can't that be post poned, what's the big deal?

I need to get there to have the 1 year check up with Ryan and get access to my bank account... If it wasn't for that, I'd seriously decide not to bother going at all, fuck the tickets.

So much for an understanding mother, when you're away from your parents you really start to forget their true faces and actually miss them... Thank God I don't live with them anymore, thank God for Yendor and Ryan.




19:21 Nov 02 2008
Times Read: 898

Apparently mothers with grown up children tend to forget how it was to have a baby in the house, either that or they chose to clean more rather than spend time with the baby.

They make it sound so easy... Like "put him down or you won't get anything done" or "I used to let him stay in the walker" (eh, no wonder he was such a fussy baby)... I remember my mother when Natalia was a baby, she used to let me feed her in the babysitter while she ran around cleaning and cooking...

This is just hysterical.

Whenever we're at his mother's or when one of them is here and Ryan is eating, they go wiping his hands and face all the time exclaiming "OH his hands are dirty!!!" like WTF, let him be, let him finish eating!!! You CAN'T expect a one year old to have manners, he IS going to make a mess, he IS going to play with the food, he IS going to throw the plate on the floor. If I hear another "Don't let him make a mess!" I'm gonna scream.

I realize I've ranted about this already, but it's really getting on my nerves. Apparently Yendor's mother commented on our bathroom being messy yesterday, suggesting that we should clean it more often. Excuse me? Ok, I know she means well deep down, but has she FORGOTTEN how it is trying to keep up with everyting!? And secondly, the bathroom IS NOT messy. Sure, there's a huge pile of laundry waiting to be done, the bathroom carpets were not in place and there was a towel on the washing machine as well... Ok, and the tooth paste was not standing upright. Apparently that's a mess in her eyes.


Let them talk, I can understand that you can't realize how it is until you're stuck in the situation yourself... Honestly, even I didn't realize, I remember how angry my mother used to get when I didn't do the dishes back home... And how she used to freak out about the mess... I know what she meant now and I wish I had been more understanding then.

I'm just really sick of having these expectations on me, I get tired enough just

Now I'm going to finish reading "Twilight", I'm loving that book... I've been waiting for night to come just so that I could finish it...



19:33 Nov 02 2008

Hang in there...it does get better...my favorite comment used to be "sleep when he sleeps...nap when he naps..." I was exhausted all the time. YEAH RIGHT - there's no way to nap when the baby naps!!


Happy birthday my little angel

19:46 Nov 01 2008
Times Read: 917


Ryan's birthday today.

The party itself turned out pretty well, it's the hours before that were a disaster. Yendor and I spent most of the time arguing and bitching over this and that, frenetically cleaning and fixing finger foods, me crying over the fact that I hadn't baked him a cake... And it resulted in barely any quality, reading or just playing time with Ryan. I feel so guilty.

That's what it takes to keep a house clean, clinically clean I mean, which is the way Yendor seems to want it. I lose out on a lot of quality time with my son. I don't hate cleaning, I hate missing out on moments with him. Why can't he understand that? What's so difficult to understand? I don't care if there's a little bit of clutter here and there, it's no big deal, but for him it's like the end of the world. The real problem is that we have daily arguments over this matter, he pisses me off all the time.

But you know what... I can see where he's coming from, growing up with his parents. They are completely obsessed when it comes to cleaning, worse than my own mother I've realized. At least, my mother doesn't attempt to keep Ryan from making a mess when he's eating...

"Don't let him make a mess!" is what I seem to be hearing constantly. In fact, when we're at their house, it's a constant negative NO NO NO environment... I'm afraid to let him touch a paper tissue because he'll tear it and "make a mess" on the floor. I hate that, I really really hate that.

For crying out loud, he's a baby, he's ALLOWED to make a mess! To prohibit him from it is to prohibit play! So, he enjoys tearing toilet paper apart and wipe the floor with it, so WHAT!? Waste of toilet paper, I hear... Or worse, he was playing with his little piece of cake tonight, painting the table with berries... And Yendor's mother comes wiping it up, fussing about the mess he's making.


I mean COME ON, is my reasoning so wrong? Is it wrong to let him make a mess? I don't mind cleaning it up... I might not clean it up immediately as Ryan will probably need my attention, but I WILL do it... Isn't that what matters? It's like when there's something to do, Yendor just expects me to put Ryan down and DO IT... Without considering Ryan's needs at the moment. Maybe he doesn't want to be put down, maybe he wants to walk around, or maybe he just needs cuddles? There's a time for everything... And apparently I prioritize wrongly by always putting Ryan first instead of cleaning.

Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

Always this fucking cleaning.

I'm so SIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK of this! When Ryan grows up and will go to school I'll have all the bloody time in the world to CLEAAAAAN! These first years are the most important in his life... I don't want to miss a minute of it, is that SO difficult to understand!?

Gah... Anyways... I'm off to read now before I go to sleep next to my 1 year old baby boy...

Nighty night.



21:18 Nov 01 2008

Happy B-day, Ryan. Little cutey.

I hope he had a great day even though you're arguing. And I hope you all had a good end of the day at least... :*

01:29 Nov 03 2008

Happy birthday, Ryan!!


And Adora, you are not wrong. Ryan needs to be able to make messes. It's how he will learn a lot of things!

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