I was planning on re-watching "Star Trek" at the cinema.
What do I discover?
It is no longer in the Maltese theaters.
No, because apparently movies stop showing after only a few weeks here.
Now if that is not a good reason to get the hell out of here, then I don't know what is!
I feel about ready to have a panic attack again.
My chest will explode with the pressure, and what a pretty sight I would be with my body torn apart.
What's wrong with me? Shouldn't I be happy now that I'm going home?
What on earth will it take to satisfy me?
I'm beginning to feel hopeless, greedy, insufferable.
The past week or since I heard the relieving words "You may go home", I've been feeling light as a feather. It's as if that heavy cloud of smoke suddenly lifted off my shoulders, I could see clearly again, I could breathe. Perhaps the relief of knowing I had a choice now, a choice to stay or to go back where I thought I belonged, made me that way.
Does my depression only lie in whether or not I go home, or does it roam deeper than that? The fact that I have not been feeling like myself, that I continue to get shortage of breath and a sense of wrong... It suggests that going home won't solve my problems.
Truth be told, I'm sitting here wondering whether I'm making the right choice. What will I truly gain by going home? Will I be happier? Will I finally regain my sense of self? Will I accomplish more in life?
I need to narrow it down, really consider what's waiting for me back home versus what I can expect by staying here.
I am taking Ryan away from his father, I am going to have to put him in kindergarten and go to work providing that I find one, I won't have much money unless I do. By doing so, I will give Ryan the chance to grow up in the same environment I did, he and I will both benefit from the company of my friends and family and most importantly he will experience a better and healthier life... Sweden has so much more to offer when it comes to education, activities and people. True, Swedes can come off as reserved and cold unless you dig deeper, but people in Malta are so intolerant and extremely religious. I don't want him growing up among people who are so narrow minded. He will also learn Swedish and better Polish, he can attend an English school or any school for that matter... Even the AIR is fresher in Sweden, here it is so thick and polluted. Not to mention the fact that people eat healthier in Sweden...
But leaving behind this sense of security, this home we have built up for him won't be easy.
Ultimately, I believe going to Sweden is the right thing to do for Ryan... Even though there are some negative aspect to consider, and even though I can't expect it to heal me.
We are leaving on August 27th as the ticket price on that specific date is affordable. My mom is already expecting us and my sister is thrilled at the thought of having me back... She really needs me, which is another reason why I should go.
So why does it feel so difficult, so...arduous?
It is always hard to make a life changing move. It is normal to doubt yourself.
This is what you wanted deep down and you should at least try or you'd be forever feeling like you should have.
Bottom line: You won't know what will make you happy till you search it out. You just have to try things.
I am now a member of Chateau Orleans.
Thank you, I feel like I've found a place I can call home again. :)
We're very happy... and wait till Sahahria finds out :D She can hang in our Coven since we're in the same Alliance :)
Oh Hell YUH! :D
"Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer.
That's the book I want to read next...
Only problem is I shouldn't really spend money, but there is no library here so that's kinda my only option.... *sigh*
I don't really feel like reading "Great Expectations", it's the only book I own which I haven't read, well I've read 3 chapters... but for some reason it just makes me cry, and I feel depressed enough as it is.
I really don't have anything on my mind today, I just want to get back to reading.
The thing is, I often find myself wanting to sit down and write in the middle of the day when I don't have a chance to do it... And by the time Ryan goes to sleep, I've forgotten or don't feel the need to say what I wanted to anymore.
We took Ryan to "Popeye Village" today, just to get him out of the house. It was pretty cool to be in a place where an actual movie has taken place... but there wasn't really that much to see. There was a park with some rides which were too big for Ryan and a small pool with slides, but he is very... hesitant and cautious to his nature. He's really not one to rush to things, splash in the water or climb up anything he sees at any time...
He didn't want to get into the pool, just like he doesn't want to go swimming in the sea. Perhaps the water is a bit cold for him, but the temperature wasn't different from the one at the pool in Sweden where he actually wanted to go in. In any case, he much prefers standing by the side and watch me go down the slide and get splashed with water. He would only go into the pool if I carried him...
He's like that whenever I take him to the park as well, he can stay put for minutes just watching other kids running around. He is also very quick on asking me for help rather than trying new things on his own... I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing? But take walking up the stairs for example, instead of finding ways around it like crawling up or holding on to the handles he immediately asks for my hands to hold on to.
Although I guess judging from how much he must have observed by now, he's sure to grow up to be an intelligent little boy. I'm afraid of him observing too much bad behavior from other kids though, and what's worse copy them... He has been pushed once or twice, had his hair pulled by my baby brother numerous times, and a few days ago I noticed him holding out his arms and gently pushing a boy who was approaching him.
God, if it's not one thing it's the another. As soon as I stop worrying about one thing something else is doomed to come up. Most of my exhaustion doesn't really come from the actual taking care of and spending time with him part, it comes from the constant stress and worries.
Hmm... Did I say I didn't have anything on my mind? Didn't I just write several paragraphs? Yeah, I just can't keep my fingers still, can I...
Enough, enough.
You know what's completely insane though? Today I realized I miss doing maths. Seriously. Yes, I said that. I used to HATE maths mainly because I couldn't grasp it at all and always got an F, but for some reason I would now love to sit down with a maths book and just do some equations. I'm suspecting it's my brain complaining about the lack of stimulation, and if it's gone so far that I'm even feeling the need to do MATHS...
I want to go back to school. I can't believe I ever COMPLAINED about school. God, I can't believe I was once a teenager who knew nothing about life and spent her days bitching about things that don't even matter.
It's tough becoming an adult, too tough.
Tomorrow I've promised myself to work on my profile, something needs to be done about it... As long as I don't fall asleep I fully intend to keep that promise... As well as replying to my messages...
Now I'm off to read, for real this time. Yes... Yes... I am. Maybe I'll watch an episode of "Heroes" first... I have finally come to the episode where "Sylar" becomes more... visible... hard... to... resist... must... see... yummy...
This is the part where I faint.
I might never become famous, but clearly... Ryan will.
Ryan the Lion with his hit single "My Duck"
(He seriously goes around shouting "My duck" all the time...)
"The Corrections" is turning out to be a really interesting read, I'm glad I gave it a shot as it didn't seem like my type of book at the first glance... Well, it's still not my first preference of genre when it comes to books, but I thrive on trying out new things... All the time... All the time.
I've gotten through half of it, hopefully I will have finished it by the end of this week... Now I'm considering which book to take on next.
This is life at its best.
I just wish I had the time, creativity, intelligence and talent to write my own book... Now that would be something.
He knows where to go to find out what I want.
Thank you for the PM O:)
All things aside,
And maybe I should take some time to update my profile.
Something's been wrong with me this week, ever day I've felt dreadfully tired and walked around with a headache. Ryan hasn't been napping much during the days, during the hour he has I've mostly been cleaning or read a chapter in my book... He's gone to sleep very late, every night I've found myself so exhausted I passed out as soon as we laid down in bed, waking up half unconscious in the middle of the night unsure of where I was...
Last night was no exception and Ryan refused to go to sleep, he *should* have slept at 11 PM and ended up finally sleeping at 2 AM... In between those hours I lost my temper and raised my voice at him, even found myself hitting the bed out of frustration and it scared him a bit... but rather that than hitting him... which I would never do.
I find my levels of stress, impatience and irritation are reaching dangerous heights again. I haven't had a break for over a week and it appears that it's getting to me.
I sent Yendor away to the park with the kid now, but unfortunately it is a known fact that being away from him for an hour while at home doesn't do much.
In fact I'm sitting here stressed to my bones just expecting them to come home.
I keep thinking, what should I do with this hour? How do I relax? Read? Watch a movie? Spend time on VR? Chat? Listen to music? Clean? Drool over Zach? Write? Study?
By the time I've figured out what I want to do, the hour has passed.
Either that or I stress about not having cleaned.
I think a visit to the cinema is in order, very soon...
I hate feeling so tired and stressed out, I hate it.
Leaving all that behind,
I can't believe Michael Jackson has passed away. It won't sink in, I refuse to believe it, it can't be true. it hurts too much, I spent my childhood loving this man and dancing to his music.
I thought it was a tragedy when Heath Ledger died, but this is just too much. I can't even think about it without crying....
Maybe I should then, release some emotions.
Yes... maybe that's how I'll spend my hour.
I know exactly how you feel. My husband is always at work and I have the kids all the time, it gets so stressful. I have come up with taking an hour or two for just myself. I place the kids down for a nap and relax. I read, take a bath, or just surf the net. I have a two year old and a 10 month old, and one on the way. I understand the stress.
I hope that your hour was well spent, and know that even if you did spend it crying and feeling other emotions over the tragic end of a legend... That it was time well deserved and spent.
I hope that you find a bit of peace soon, I know how hard it can be with young children and time to yourself, as I know I have mentioned before.
Today I've re-discovered how much I dig Polish music, seriously.
My parents are both young, vital and very much Polish... And the Polish culture is very much about party, vodka and music. I grew up with it and although I remember at times it wasn't all nice, especially since my parents both have a habit of drinking too much... like all Poles do... but the music was beautiful, I've really learned to appreciate it.
So yeah... I'm going to make sure Ryan grows up with the same stuff, minus the alcohol though... for the most part... at least...
Every time I listen to Green Day I feel like maybe it's a good idea to just lose my sanity for a minute, and buy that concert ticket for 90$.
Yeah... And then the music stops.
Sorry I have been too tired and upset lately, I've barely even had a chance to sit down.
I'll come back later, hopefully.
It's 9 AM and Ryan is about to wake up.
I only have one problem with this whole moving thing,
How the hell do I find a job?
I have no college degrees, no certificates, no work experience, no qualifications, no driver's license... and I am a 22 year old mother/
It kinda feels like I have the odds against me, especially considering the recession and everything.
I don't know what I can or cannot do, the only thing I do have is TEFL certificate but the demand for English teachers in Sweden is next to 0.
I'm feeling useless and hopeless...
I just want to work and have a good income.
Maybe I should start a really famous blog and make money on that? There are people who get rich that way...
Or maybe I'll just win the lottery/
Or maybe it's just time for me to go to sleep.
I just saw that "Wicked" seems to be in production, to be released in 2010???
It better be good!
I finished reading "Wicked" last night and I was very positively surprised by it, I loved it! It's a thousand times better than the original story... Probably because that one was written for kids, but still.
It gives you so much insight and gives the character so much depth, amazing.
My only question is, why hasn't it been made a movie yet??? It's got so much potential!
I get so drawn into these worlds that it becomes difficult for me to let go once the story finishes, which is why I'm a bit reluctant towards the idea of starting another book now...
Because now that I think about it, "Angels and Demons" WAS a good movie... but I was still so into Star Trek that I couldn't let another story pass through my system.
"The Corrections" seems promising, even though it's not a book I that would normally appeal to me... but I've decided to give it a try now that I received it, I just hope The Wicked Witch of the West won't interfere..
I have a whole mess to clean up, Ryan hasn't really given me much chance to clean lately and I've been too tired to do it once he goes to sleep...
Especially now, he woke me up at 6 AM this morning after having gone to sleep at midnight last night...! So I'm exhausted, I'm about to just take the book and go to bed, I'll probably fall asleep after reading the first page...
I must get some rest or I won't have energy for the rest of the day.
Though I know Yendor is going to be pissed about the mess when he comes home.
Oh well...
I am not delusional, though I'm known to have been in the past... Nowadays I'm very much aware of things, I know how reality works.
I know I'm not going to get all roses and sunshine when I go back to Sweden.
In fact, now that the relief and burden have lifted off I'm left with a lot of worry, guilt and fear.
I feel incredibly bad for having to leave Yendor behind. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for him to let us go, especially Ryan. I tried to comfort him by saying that at least Ryan has no major milestones left to reach for awhile... if that can be considered a comfort.
I am facing difficulties as well though, the thought of having to give up my days with Ryan for some work I won't even enjoy... pains me. I'm afraid of how Ryan will handle this, going from the secure and comfortable feeling of being with me, to going to something completely unfamiliar to him... Not to mention he will be spoken to in Swedish, a language he has barely heard! My poor little boy...
My father offered me a job in his firm, providing that I learn some economics... Now I've never studied that, my father urged me to take a few classes back in high school but I refused as it is something I'm absolutely not interested in... but now I find myself regretting it, sometimes you gotta do things just for the sake of money.
So anyways, I'll probably have to spend the first couple of weeks self studying, hopefully I'll understand and will be of help to my father... If not... well... McDonalds anyone?
Ultimately though I want to go to University... When everything is settled, when Yendor is back with us and has found a well paid job, that's when I'll be doing that.
My mom is alright with taking me back, by the way, though obviously I'm going to have to help her out with the money as she barely has enough as it is.
I'm truly scared of abandoning Ryan for so many hours a day though... I don't know how this is going to work out and just the thought of this makes me wonder if it wouldn't be better to just stay here... where I can be with him all the time, as straining and tiresome as it gets at times...
I'll probably be leaving on August 27th, the ticket price is really cheap on that date, all the other dates are too expensive... It's a long wait and I'll miss the whole summer in Sweden (though knowing Sweden it will probably rain most of the time)... I also won't spend my birthday there, and I'll miss the chance to go for a longer visit to my best friend... but... I think it's worth the wait, I don't want to rush... There are things which need to be done... Telling Yendor's parents about the whole thing for one, that is not going to be easy... I'm sure they'll hate me forever.
I'm going to watch another episode of Heroes now and then finish reading "Wicked"... Almost midnight but I'm not tired enough to sleep yet...
Thanks for your support everyone, and good night. :)
I am so proud of you! Ryan will adjust, kids are like that. It will be good for him to not be attached to your hip all the time. He will branch out and be social and make new friends.
Don't doubt yourself. It may be scary, but in your gut, you knew you needed to at least try this to see if it helped the happiness level in your life!
We're going home.
It's pretty much decided and we've reached an agreement. We both know that us living hear is leading us nowhere and it's time to take action.
The plan is still being worked out, but basically I'm going to try to find a job there while Yendor keeps working here... Hopefully we'll have enough money saved soon so he can come join us. Ryan unfortunately will have to go to kindergarten, providing that there will be room for him there... Normally you have to wait in line for a few months if not more.
We'll have to stay with my mother, at least until I've managed to get an apartment somewhere close to her.
In any case.... this is a start and I have a feeling it's going to be tought, very tough... Especially with Ryan and Yendor being away from each other, but I'm hoping it will be worth it in the end.
After all, nothing can be worse than being stuck here for the rest of our lives.
I'm not sure when we'll be leaving, completely depends on the flight prices... whenever it's cheap, we'll go.
Now I hope my mom is prepared to take her adult daughter under her roof again, lol.
Brava dear Brava! I am proud of you. This will be hard. But you cannot live like you've been forever. I love you.
You both will make it through this- it most certainly will be the toughest thing you've both done, but in the end- if it means more true opportunity for both of you then you will be better off.
I finally received my Heroes DVD this morning...
I'll see you in about 16 hours... (spread over 16 days)
Or maybe, just maybe, I'll manage to pull myself away from the hotness that is... Heroes... just maybe.
My father once said that you need to get angry to get somewhere in life...
If I could take that advice and put it in action, I wouldn't find myself in this situation anymore.
I am angry, I am extremely angry for being treated so unfairly.
But I am also weak, selfless, too caring, prone to giving up and wallowing in my own misery.
Every time that I get angry and refuel my determination to end this and fight to get my life back, it only takes a pair of sulky eyes or a hurt voice to bring me back to what now feels like my prison.
I can't break free out of fear for causing too much hurt.
And that, my friends, is exactly the reason why in 10years I will look back regretting my life... still living in my loneliness, with nothing to look forward to, on a terrible little island named Malta.
If I can't find the strength and courage to help myself, who will?
All I know is I deserve a better life than this, I've given up myself and my life for something that is slowly killing me...
You know, just because my age states that I'm an adult doesn't mean that I am one. I still have the right to miss my mom, I have the right to want to be close to her, I have the right to want to go back home to her.
I'm sick of living like this, and if I don't do something about it now I'll waste another couple of years of my life.
How is it that I would treat him and Ryan unfairly by going back home? What about me? What about the fact that I have been treated unfairly since the day he was born? What about me having given all this time to trying to make this work, despite having to leave all my family and friends behind? Despite having to leave all my free time, all my dreams, my whole self behind? Is it really fair to ask of me to stay in a life where I will achieve nothing? Where my son will grow up to see me unhappy?
I gave up my life.
I. Gave. Up. My. Life.
And if I don't get it back, I'll never be happy. I'll keep feeling like I've given up my life, and for what? For the sake of Ryan having grown up with his parents living under the same roof?
Oh, yeah, I'm sure that makes up for it.
Especially if he sees them arguing all the time, surrounded by a constant cloud of negative emotions.
Ryan can live with having his parents separated, I did. True, he wouldn't have an hours distance or be able to travel back and worth every few weeks, but we could make it work. Who says his father won't be able to move to us in the near future? The thing is, I can't stay here anymore waiting for that to happen, IF it happens. My life is escaping me and I feel it's time for me to catch up with it again... I've had enough of this life, I don't even have enough energy left to say that I've had enough. I can't stay here, it's killing me.
Having a few hours a week to myself doesn't cut it when I have no place to go, nothing to do and no one to meet. Going to the cinema can only take you so far...
Believe me, Ryan will be far worse off growing up with his parents together arguing and disagreeing over everything.
It's going to happen sooner or later, we are not a good match. Simple as that. We had a baby too early, it strained our relationship too much. We must do something before Ryan grows old enough to remember, now he is still young enough to adapt to any new situation without any trauma. I watched my sister going through a lot of sorrow when my mom and her father broke up when she was 6, I don't want to see it happening to Ryan.
Something must change, can't you see that?
I know you believe in us, I know you love me, I know we both wish to work this out to Ryan's advantage, I know you know I still love you somewhere beneath all this crap, I know you hate the fact of us separating especially because your parents never did. I understand your difficulties with accepting this... But you must also understand how I don't see it as such a big deal, I grew up fine even though my parents weren't together.
The distance... We will solve it. Let us at least take a break from this, please, something.
It is unfair on you, the way I am acting. You don't deserve this, admit to yourself that you don't want life to be like this. It shouldn't be like this, for neither of us.
I hate being so angry and depressed all the time, I hate that I sometimes blame you for it.
I beg you! I can't live another day like this.
You know what you want, so but Ryan first and do it! I know it's hard but the longer you wait the harder it will be.
I was married the 1st time when I was 20. I realized I'd made a horrible mistake. I knew I had to get out before I wasted more of my life. So, one day I got pissed off at him for being an ass and I just started packing and went to a friends'. When he was gone I went back and got more of my stuff and I left him. he called and sent flowers and did everything to make me feel shitty for leaving. But I knew all the things that I hated would just happen again once his sorrys wore off. Things always go back to normal. I knew I would stay trapped. So, I just didn't talk to him for a while till things had kind of healed.
You're young and so is Ryan. Don't wait till it is too late to get what you want out of life!
I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home.
I want to go home, NOW!
YES, OK! So I've got a lot of pictures today... Geez! Stop complaining... :P
I just realized I barely have any pictures of me together with Ryan... But that's only because the camera makes me look bad... Or maybe it is that I REALLY do look bad.
I must take some though, bad or not, I'll just keep them for Ryan.
OOOhhhh , hon, he,s grown and he,s so cute, just like his mommy.
He's so cute!
I forgot to tell you...
I cut off his curls.
Yeah... Big shocker.
I did it a few weeks ago now, and here's the thing... His hair might be shorter, but it's still curly. He's got mommy's hair, that's for sure...
This picture is from when it was recently done... It's grown again now, so quickly I'm having to consider another haircut.
Anyone want to hire me to be their hairdresser?
I can't do it.
I can't start a silence which will only lead me to explode.
Though I wonder if that's what it's going to take for any change to occur.
I need to speak, even if no one is listening.
Let's leave it at that.
I'm done talking.
I'm shutting down now.
I am sorry that anyone or anything made you feel that way... It should never be that way... Here is your sanctuary to speak, place to get those thoughts out and make sense of the ones that confuse you. Your place of solstice and friendship....
If you need to chat you can always send me a message dear.
What have I done to deserve this? How did I manage o fuck up my life so badly?
I think I'm having a middle age crisis 20 years too early.
I am seriously panicking about turning 22 years soon, mostly because I feel like I haven't accomplished or experienced anything in life. I haven't even had a job, and who in their right mind will now hire a 22 year old mother without a college degree or any job experience whatsoever?
I can safely call myself a failure simply based on those facts.
I have a whole list of reasons why that word applies to me, but that's another story...
You are not a failure. Please don't say that. It is easy to get caught up going downa path that leads you off course. I'm 28 and have just recently started taking online college courses, before that I was a cosmetologist(which was nothing I wanted to do forever). I just got caught up. There are people now who are in their 60's and 70's, probably even older, now graduating. It's never too late to change your path. BUT only you can do it.
I am an image of my mother...
No wonder my father used to get so pissed with me.
Is is possible to change your character?
If so, please tell me how.
I want to be anything but this.
Well it seems that the option of me leaving with Ryan is out of the question.
It's not fair on either him or his father, apparently.
Yeah, I'm just being selfish again for even thinking about it, aren't I?
I can't possibly be considering what's best for Ryan.
I might just lay down and die, you just witnessed the moment when the little hope I had left vanished into thin air.
I used to expect more out of life, I really did.
There better be a life after this one, Bitch of the Universe has a fucking lot to make up for.
And I end this with an oh so very classic,
What the HELL are people thinking with in this country!?
EVERY DAY I see young children, even as young as Ryan, getting bottles of COKE! COKE! COKE! YES COKE!
I find it extremely outrageous, filling a toddler's tummy with not only a huge amount of empty calories and sugars, but also caffeine!
I could barely hide my shock when I saw a father giving his about 2 year old daughter a whole bar of snickers.
This alone makes me die to go to Sweden, at least there people are somewhat more health concerned.
OK, I admit, I do give Ryan ice cream, a piece of dark chocolate and smoothies... but once in awhile, not every day!!!
I even restrict his visits to his grandparents because they tend to stuff him full with biscuits, which apparently in their world is healthy for him.
Allow me to laugh the shock off while I try to digest the fact that biscuits are considered to be a part of a healthy diet.
Dear God, I just had to let this off my chest.
I don't think I deserve this.
I might not be the most beautiful, honorable, intelligent or selfless person in the world but I don't think that means I need to live a life like this.
I've always been one to put aside myself for every possible reasons, I've never cared or bothered too much about it, I just did it because it felt right. I've gone through life basking in other people's happiness, thriving on it to survive my own hell.
And I sit here wondering, will there ever be a day when I just feel like I've had enough and start acting in my favor?
Probably not.
Whatever I do nowadays is out of full consideration for Ryan above all, but not forgetting everyone else I care about.
Still... I keep thinking about whether I really made the right decision when I said to myself that I will just have to survive, live with it, bury all doubts and be strong.
I haven't been feeling well here since I moved, but I decided to stick with it because of Ryan and Yendor. I'm re-considering that now as my depression grows and I find myself unable to fight against it anymore. I am slowly realizing that however much you want it to be, it is not possible to forget that you have feelings and dreams of your own which will make you miserable unless you listen to them.
Am I really selfish for wanting to move back home with Ryan? Don't I deserve to be happy? Haven't I given life in this God forsaken Island enough time to prove itself worthy?
Then why the HELL do I keep feeling like moving would be wrong, out of the question, I could never hurt his father like that. Because that's the truth, I can't stand the thought of leaving him behind here, alone and missing his son. It makes me feel like the wickedest villain of all.
You know what's painful though? Thinking about how different all these months could have been, had they been spent in Sweden. I feel like I've wasted 18 months of my life by only filling it with pain rather than joy... Not counting Ryan of course, he does make me happy even though I can't see nor feel it at the time being.
Maybe it is he who is selfish for not letting us go?
Is this even about who is selfish or not? No.
It's about Ryan's happiness.
What makes Ryan happy is having two happy parents spending time and having fun with him, showing him all the pretty things in life.
Not being stuck at home most of the days with his depressed mother, and at times pissed off father.
We do try, I take him to the park every afternoon but how many afternoons can you do that without it getting boring?
There is no variation to his days and that is what worries me, once in a long while we manage to take him someplace new but like I said that doesn't happen often... Either Yendor is working, he's too tired or whatever... And I can't drive, or I would take him myself.
The child is bored and lacking stimulation! That's what scares me... And he barely has any family around him apart from me, his father and his grandparents who he sees once a week...
What pains me the most is that I know I could offer him so much more were we to move to Sweden.
Not to mention, I wouldn't be so lonely anymore... I haven't spent time with a friend since... God... Since I graduated? Apart from the very few days I had with my beloved Czekolada last summer. It's been 2 years... I'm starting to forget how you act around friends, I'm serious. I barely even speak to Yendor's family, not that there is anything wrong with them... well there is in a way... but I can't relate to them at all and I have nothing to talk to them about. Whenever we go visit I sit quietly until we leave, only minding Ryan.
This is excruciating.
How much longer can I live my life like this? It won't change, it hasn't in these past 1,5 years and there are no signs of it improving at all. We have small hopes of moving to Sweden together as the job situation there is terrible and Yendor would hardly get hired there... Now that I mention it, I doubt even I could find decent work there.
If we DO move, we'd have to stay with my mother... Not that I'd mind, on the contrary I'm thirsting insanely for company. I can't afford to pay rent for my own flat as it is now though, not until I'd get a decent job... or take a study loan... or something.
I don't know what to do.
The ultimate truth is that both me and Ryan would very likely have a better life in Sweden. As for Yendor, him staying here alone would be very difficult for him.
And as always, my heart tells me to stay here for Yendor's sake... even though it's whispering something about Ryan not getting the best out of life by doing so...
And now I'm going to continue reading my book while Ryan is napping, I'm half way through. It's good.
I considered privatizing this entry... but then again, why bother? I've already opened up so much I don't know if there's much left to hide... And maybe, I really do need another pair of ears to listen to me, especially since I can't figure this out myself.
Selflessness is the only thing keeping me from going home. If Sweden is my home, but at least that is where my mom is.
Although after today I am beginning to wonder if it really is the best thing for Ryan to stay here, or if it would in fact be better is we settled back there...
I will never be happy as long as I stay here, my only concern is whether or not it will hurt Ryan. What's best for him? That's the never disappearing question on my mind, is it truly best for him if we stay here, despite him hearing us argue all the time? Despite the tense and negative surroundings he is growing up in? Despite seeing me like this every day?
Or is it better for him if we give it a try in Sweden, even though it would most probably mean him being away from his father?
The last thing I want to do is hurt either of them, to make them live apart seems so cruel, but at the same time maybe it's what's necessary.
He and I will never be happy together. I hate that he feels so strongly about us sticking together, I'm not sure I can handle the pressure. Then again I'm not sure I can handle the pain of ending this.
I thought I could stay with him, but we get on each others nerves way more than is healthy and what's worse we never resolve our issues, they just keep building up. I don't feel like I can relax around him anymore, like everything I do or say aggravates him... And everything he does or says irritates me.
It's not fair on him, he is so goodhearted and deserves way more than I can give him. The simple truth is that our characters seem to clash in every possible aspect.
I don't have the courage or the strength to hurt him, unless it is in the best interest of Ryan. So I have to ask, what's better for Ryan? I'm clueless. I only want to do what's right, yet the right thing is far from clear to me...
Things are not and most probably won't get any better, I only need to know where to go from here...
There are many studies that show that parents should stay together just for the kids. If all there is is tension, your son feels it, even if it is unspoken. Children from unhappy homes end far far worse off than children from broken homes.
We actually studied this in one of the classes I took.
Your right of course, Ryan must be your first concern. The best advice I ever heard about this kind of thing was from Judge Judy...she said that parents at war with each other need to love their children more than they hate each other.
I know you don't hate Ryans Dad but it's the same kind of thing. What Rayan needs is for his main carer ( you ) to be happy...he'll be fine wherever he lives, so the thing is if you go back to Sweeden two out of three of you will be happy.
It's either that or the two of you need to sit down and try one final time to resolve the problems between you. Good luck hon x
Isn't it funny how one day you can look at yourself feeling like the ugly ducking, and the next you kind of feel... good enough.
There are days when I don't hate my body, when I in fact like my curves instead of wishing to be a size 2.
Today is one of those days... Sadly the day is coming to an end, and I will most like wake up tomorrow feeling fat again.
Oh well.
I went to the cinema today to watch "Angels & Demons", though I wish I hadn't wasted my time and money on that movie...
It was OK, I expected it to be better. It lacked something, it totally failed to draw me in and keep me interested. I spent at least half the movie being restless and thinking about the lucky people who were being mesmerized by Star Trek at the same time...
It could have been worthwhile if they had AT LEAST cast a more charismatic and better looking female for me to drool over.
Moreover, I wasn't feeling any relief at all being away from Ryan, on the contrary I felt anxious and guilty throughout the whole stay... Especially since he had a horrible morning and because I later found out he was missing me.
I'm afraid I'm seeing signs of Ryan being distressed and even unhappy at times, being more whiny and clingy than usual... It's not nice hearing his parents argue and never get along, I can only imagine. In fact, I know what that feels like.
I never wanted this for him, yet I don't know how to put an end to it. It's not getting any better, it'll probably only get worse as he grows up continuing to see us in such disharmony. It's not a healthy environment for him to grow up in, especially not considering he is constantly seeing me unhappy. What signals does that send him?
I wish there was a way out of this, but there doesn't seem to be.
I am also very concerned about my mother, her mental health is getting worse by the day and I can't do anything to help her... She deserves so much more than this, I can't believe how life is treating her... but apparently I am headed the same way. Like mother, like daughter.
Why do my emotions always get the best of me? No matter how determined I can be one day, the next day they overwhelm me. I am desperately trying to be in control and find myself failing all the time.
I don't think I have much more to say... I am STILL waiting for my Heroes DVD, it's strange because usually it doesn't take more than 5 days for things to arrive... Now it's been over a week, why is the universe messing with me? I need my Zach-Fix... Hehe.
I'm going to toddle off and work a bit on my dream board and later read a bit... I got the idea to make a dream board from that book "The Secret", it's really inspiring but unfortunately not even that is enough to turn me around and make me look at things more positively... It's worth trying though.
See you around, I guess...
This song makes me cry...
Every time.
It's a good tension reliever when you don't know how to laugh anymore.
I am dangerously close to having a breakdown.
I need to stop myself every minute from shouting at Ryan, and sometimes my frustration and impatience gets the best of me.
I can't take this anymore, I'm beginning to feel physically weak from all this. I could barely make myself get up this morning, I only did it because I had a toddler pulling me.
I don't even remember the last time I actually had FUN and laughed for real, I can only vaguely recall doing it when I was with my sister back in April... Barely even then, because I mostly cried.
I have so much tension building up inside of me and I don't know where to release it.
Something has to be done, NOW.
I envy people who love being parents, I really do.
Sometimes I wish I was one of them.
I can understand now why they say 18+ months is a very challenging age...
Ryan is so headstrong and won't bend to my will anymore, be it going home from the park or washing his hair, and it is extremely frustrating having to do these things with him throwing a tantrum...
I am constantly feeling either angry, upset, depressed, stressed out, irritated or sad and am mentally exhausted.
Nothing seems to be able to change that.
I am reading again, I began with "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire which I have been intending to get to for a long time. It's promising so far.
I took my measurements today and was greeted by a great surprise followed by shock - In total I've lost 12 cm already in only 5 days.
If anything, that keeps me motivated. I am growing stronger every day and I know now that I can resist sugar.
Interesting enough, I just found out raw eggs don't taste half as bad as it sounds...
I drink it mixed with butter and some decaff coffee, it fills me up for a good 3 hours at least.
This diet is seriously annoying my taste buds which are not getting the sweets I crave... but my body is reacting so well to this, eating this way leaves it very satisfied.
Not to mention my energy level has gone up with about 100%, that alone is worth fighiting for.
I have promised myself a gift for every 5cm I lose, so today I bought a book called "The Corrections" by Jonathan Franzen.
(I'm sure I don't need to mention the reason why I chose that book, it has nothing to do with a certain man at all, nope, it's not like he has read it or anything...)
I am growing immensely sick of not seeing my mother and sister.
Ryan said 5 words in Polish today! 5 words! He is steadily increasing his vocabulary there.
As for the English, I'd say he has 50+ words by now, if not more.
Today at the park he saw a boy wearing a Spiderman hood and he said "Spiderman"...
I think that's about it, all in short because I really don't have time today as the laptop which I normally use won't switch on for some reason... And Ryan will wake up any minute now, so I'm just going to spend the night reading.
I doubt I'll be able to fall asleep anytime soon, I'm way too alert and energetic for that.
I'm going to see "Angels and Demons" tomorrow... That is, if I can conquer my huuuge desire to rewatch "Star Trek"...
Am I a freak for obsessing over someone I don't even know?
But I rarely do, if ever, so I'm giving myself a break this time.
The man is so damn lovely it's hard to help yourself.
Good night.
If there is anything I am proud of, it's being Polish. I've always embraced that part of me, eager to explore it and constantly learning more about my culture.
The fact that I was born and raised in Sweden doesn't change this.
I've seen so many people who leave their origins behind them and chose to be a part of whatever country they live in... Not that it's wrong to do so, to each their own... but I could never do that.
Throughout my childhood I was immensely proud of being Polish and loved going there over Christmas and Summers... Me and my cousin were both like this, I remember how much we used to cherish this part of us...
As much as I feel at home in Sweden, as much as I like it there and am grateful for having been born there seeing how the situation in Poland is... I can't call myself Swedish and feel right about doing so. I don't feel like a Swede, just because I happen to have spent my life there doesn't make me one. I really hate it when people overlook my origins and call me Swedish... I can't stand it, yet it's something EVERYONE does here.
Anyways... that's not why I got into the subject.
The thing is, I am not all Polish. My mother is half Welsh which means I have some Welsh blood in me, but it's a part of me I've never had the chance to learn about. I am incredibly curious to know about my heritage from that part of the family. My mother's maiden name was "Jones" (Oh, how uncommon...) but she took my father's last name when they got married... Even though their marriage lasted for only a few months and only took place because of me...
I don't know exactly what happened, all I know is that my grandmother was living in Holyhead in Wales with my grandfather and my mother, but she moved back to Poland after some time because of home sickness... Something she has confided in me that she deeply regrets now, saying it was the mistake of her life... We don't need to mention that my grandfather was a captain with his own ship and incredibly rich...
My mother has very few memories of him, she says he used to send her packages to begin with but eventually all their contact was broken... I would think because of my grandmother, she cheated on him... This is something my mother has been living with all her life, I grew seeing the pain it still causes her..
She had been intending to search for him for a long time before she finally got a hold of some people who offered to help her out, this was 2 or 3 years ago now... The search took them a few months, but eventually they found him... Only to learn that he had died 2 months earlier. I remember the phone call from my mom clearly, when I heard it I broke down and cried for a long time... She was not the only one who wanted to meet him.
The thought of it still pains me very much, especially since one of my better uncles from Poland sat down with me when I was there 2 years ago, telling me what a great and kind man my grandfather was... It made me sure that if we had only found him in time, he would have loved to see my mother... and me...
I have one picture of him and from the look of it, we share so many physical attributes... It makes me feel closer to him.
Apparently my mother does have siblings in Wales, but unlike me she was not interested in contacting them. As for myself, I would gladly take any opportunity to meet them providing that they would accept me... Anything to get to know my grandfather.
I truly wish to go to Wales sometime in the near future, if only to see what kind of life he used to live and what I have missed out on...
I'm going to put my mind on something else now, this upsets me too much.
I'm working on a dream board, collecting pictures which represent your dreams is a really soothing and peaceful activity... If I only had time to actually enjoy it, I either get interrupted or am too tired once I have a few minutes to spare. Needless to say it will take me another couple of days to finish, and I began with it last week...
I am off to bed now, I've promised myself to do at least half an hour of reading every day, I miss doing it so much and I have a whole list of books which I want to read... I simply must squeeze in some reading time in my busy schedule. Speaking of, if I ever get the chance I want to write a books to read list...
There is so much I want to do and so little time, I am nearly 22 years old already.. Life is escaping me.
I haven't been feeling well at all today, then again I rarely do... I just do my best to ignore it and keep up with playing with Ryan. I'm having a period where I'm missing home twice as much, both my sister and mother are going through very tough times and I hate not being close to them... My sister is just starting to experience the angst of being a teen and as her only older sibling, I should be there for her. Likewise, as my mom's oldest daughter I should be there for her... Her life has been such a long, tiring, miserable journey so far, everywhere she goes she seems to encounter new obstacles and negative influences... It doesn't help her seeing me unhappy either, neither does being so far away from her only grandson. It deeply worries me that I can't even say when I'll come to visit...
I miss them so much, not to mention how much I miss my best friend who is in Barcelona and having a blast right now... I am happy for her, she deserves it, I just wish I could have gone with her.
I have a lot on my mind today apparently... So much is troubling me.
The only positive thing right now is my growing determination to stick to my diet. I've managed to live through 5 days without binge eating/throwing up which is a huge accomplishment for me... Let's just hope I can get through the storm and stay put on the other side. Yesterday I took a step backwards though... Me and Yendor had a fight again which left me feeling upset and it triggered my brain to crave food again... It made me realize just how much I've been letting emotions control me, every time I felt sad, angry or distressed I just turned to food for comfort, feeding my addiction to say the least.
So I ended up having ice cream and getting all obsessive thinking about what I would eat next... but I only got to having a few glasses of milk and some watermelon before I stopped. I am so proud of myself, I could have just kept going and fallen back into the black hole but I was strong enough to let go. Today I had nothing but eggs, butter and cheese, making sure to stay away from even the smallest carbs as I know it would only trigger me... It's a huge struggle for me seeing the fridge filled with something as delicious and innocent as strawberries, constantly having to force myself to back off...
But I will make it this time, I must.
And now I am really going to bed... Thanks everyone for listening, as always... and good night.
(I'm off to dream about Zach, I had the most pleasant encounter with him last night...)
That was an interesting read.
Do you have any Polish community clubs where you live ?
Sadly Wales suffered a great deal with the bovine infections and many farms had to be let go, but the countryside round there is very beautiful.
I've never heard of a dream board before, maybe you could take a pic ?....as for Zack...well, enjoy !
I too have Welsh ancestors but have no proper name to search them out. Family gossip is they fled bill collectors and so changed their name, to Evans. Nearly as common as Jones apparently. lol
But at least you're close enough to someday get to visit the country and explore further if you still wish to do so and in a few more years your own son will find it a wonderful adventure to share with you.
I seriously can't sleep and Ryan is waking up every half an hour, wonderful.
I feel so energetic it is slowly getting on my nerves to be honest.
I like sleeping, I like dreaming.
Now I find myself unable to nap together with Ryan despite the fact that I only slept for 4 or 5 hours last night, after I went back to sleep at 6 AM it took me over an hour for my body to let go of the awakened state.
It's really difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.
Sometimes when I lay down in bed, I start twitching and turning from the spurts of energy my body seems to be filled with... It's really uncomfortable, I can't relax at all.
Though in a way it's a relief from going around being tired all the time...
Eh, isn't there something in between?
God, I'm never satisfied, am I...
Whatever, fine, I'll play by the rules.
I am not happy about it but rather that than being called a cry baby, I find that very insulting as I am NOT like that at all.
I don't even know why I bother, I guess I'm feeling a bit more hurt than I cared to show earlier.
All I know is it will be difficult for me to call another coven other than LRN or Lux Aeterna home.
And if you had even noticed, LKD is in my Coven. God mother of your son.
Oh well.
I am planning on updating my profile...
When that mission will be accomplished, I can't tell.
At least I am meaning to do it and that's a start...
I want to get back to being a bit more active on here, I miss it.
Now I really should try to get some more sleep, Ryan will wake up in 3 hours...
Oh for fuck's sake!
I can't stand it when people decide to induct you without even considering asking or at least notify you of their intentions!
I understand the whole society thing and that these kind of things are to be expected and I am not one to whine, but I find this awfully disrespectful.
I am not into witchcraft nor do I have the time to involve myself in it, so do not expect anything from me.
What do you even gain from having me as a member? An uplift in ranking? I wouldn't expect much.
Why do I even bother since I am not active on VR anymore? No matter, it is just incredibly frustrating.
I'd rather be homeless, though I learned a long time ago free will gets you nowhere in this place.
This sucks.
Then how about instead of bitching in public, you just ASK nicely to be kicked out on the ass.
vr manual
Having just read Pinky's journal, I have to say she does have a way with words lol....come on now, we play the game, nothing more, nothing less, give it a go you may even like it. Hopefully bridges have'nt been burned completly.
OK, so maybe it wasn't such a good idea getting out of bed because now I find myself feeling energetic again and wondering how on earth I'm going to get my ass back to bed, which I should if I want to get through the day tomorrow... I usually last with no more than 6-7 hours of sleep, but 4 is a bit extreme.
Anyways, I'm probably much known for my lack of motivation and determination, not to mention my frustrating habit of always giving up on things like... say... achieving the health and body I'm dying to have. I really want to get healthy, stay healthy and be in a great physical shape.
I think, no, I know I will do it this time around, what gets in the way of me most times is my impatience to see results... I can go on obsessing throughout the days, wanting my body to magically change in a week and no less than that... When it doesn't, I get into the "I might as well just give up, it's not worth it, why even bother" mindset. I know myself now, I know how I react to certain things and I know what to stay away from. I guess you can say experience has taught me well.
So now I feel really to really have this battle with myself and my brain. I am sick of it getting in the way of something I want, not only when it comes to my health but with everything in life. I am sick of it telling me to give up. I want to fight and I am in it to win, I KNOW that somewhere inside I am a real, ambitious, driven, determined person who gets what she wants. It's only my insecurity and my tendency to lay low and just let time flow which always gets in the way. I am going to be happy and I am going to get what I want out of life, it just has to be that way. I won't let my life go to waste, I just WON'T dammit. I want to life, and nothing is going to get in the way for me anymore. I will begin by working on myself...
Then we'll tackle the whole financial issue.
I am going to turn 22 in less than 2 months, time is escaping, my youth is behind me and I am growing old. The more I let petty things like my low self esteem stab me in the back, the less chance I will have of experiencing good things. Soon I will be old, and I don't want to look back on my life regretting everything. It really does feel like life is slipping away, time just seems to be moving much faster than it used to... Years don't feel like an eternity anymore. I need to get to work and I need to do it now.
Ok... So... Now I kind of just let my fingers run over the keyboard as I always do, I was originally just planning on typing down a weight chart so I could keep check on myself... I haven't really got access to a scale, but I am guessing my weight is around 65kg now and my goal weight is 55kg... for now... Once I reach that I will probably want to lose another 3kg or so.
My measurement are as follows:
Hips - 92cm
Thighs - 60cm
Waist - 75cm
Goal measurements:
Hips - 80cm (then 75cm)
Thighs - 50cm (then 45cm)
Waist - 67cm (then 65cm)
Well, actually, I'll see how I feel once I reach that, I might not be fully satisfied... but it's a start. I'm also somehow going to squeeze in some daily pilates and yoga, it used to make me feel so good and energized... I simply must get back to it.
I am not doing this solemnly for vanity... but because I KNOW my body feels good and I cope much better with everything when I eat Low Carb, even though it is tough... I miss eating porridge :P Seriously, chocolate I can live without (well actually, I can eat dark chocolate) but not having porridge in the morning is a struggle, especially since I have o watch Ryan eating it... Argh!
But everything comes with a price, I suppose. In the end it is very much worth it.
So, I am basically writing this down because I know I will feel pressure not to let go this time when have your eyes on me... I can fail in front of myself, but I would be too ashamed to do so when so many others are following me.
By 1st September I am going to be back in shape, so there!
Now I'm off to reply to your messages, finally I might add.
I realized today myself and Ryan are not really the best combination of characters, at least not when it comes to the speaking part.
He is quiet much of the time because of him being so observant, he gets caught up a lot just looking around all fascinated with whatever is going on.
I am even more quiet, unfortunately not for the same intelligent reason though, I'm just so absent minded, lost in my own thoughts that I forget to use my tongue in the present.
Honestly, every time I open my mouth to speak it feels like a huge effort.
So the result of this is that the two of us get much "quiet time" together, something which used to worry me... but now it just feels relaxing. I just hope it won't diminish his vocabulary in the end.
I am feeling really tired and should probably go to sleep, in fact I did fall asleep together with Ryan tonight... Or rather, before Ryan. He kept me up until 11 PM, though usually I manage to pull myself out of bed to go clean or whatever... I must have been exhausted. I just woke up now and am not planning to stay for long, I have to do a few things though before another long day with the boy begins...
I think I probably should start planning my time more efficiently, I feel like I let too much precious time go to waste by just sitting down and not really doing anything in particular. I'm that kind of person who could just let life go to waste, and I don't want that to happen. I don't have many hours to work with, especially not if I'm as tired as I am tonight, but I must try... There is just too much I want to do.
Eh, honestly I can't even think right now, I probably should give up trying to do anything and go to bed... Sigh.
Not having enough time really gets on my nerves.
You know something that is EXTREMELY frustrating about this country!?
They don't have unsweetened whipped cream!!!
How can it be that NO shops sell whipped cream with less that 5g of carbs, HOW!!???
Damn it, I can't make LC cheesecake and it is pissing me off. Never mind the fact that it's summer and I can't eat ice cream because SOMEONE WON'T STOCK UP ON WHIPPED CREAM!!!
Can't I buy it online? I'll pay extra for the mini fridge to keep it cool.
I'm always concerned about Ryan, not that it is news, but it's so frustrating never being able to relax. It's summer here now and it means I can't take him out before 4 PM, and I'm so worried that he gets bored, doesn't have enough activities or get enough stimuli and education, doesn't have sufficient toys to play with...
It seriously stresses me out.
Have I ever mentioned how much I love studying the dictionary?
I really miss doing that.
Not eating carbs is giving me a whole lot of unexpected, extra energy.
I'm not sure whether I like or not as I find myself unable to sleep right now thanks to that...
On a more positive note, I have more energy to perhaps focus more on things that matter.
I have learned that I've been kicked out of La Rose Noir. Not that it surprises me much, my inactivity is most probably the reason. I honestly don't have the time nor the will to participate in any case. Now I stand homeless, I don't even have a virtual home anymore... that's kind of sad.
I am not angry or upset, just a bit shocked and melancholy considering the fact that I co-founded the coven in what feels like so many years ago. I had an important role in its life and growth, and I made some good friends on the way. I feel truly sorry to have lost it, to overall have lost whatever it was I had back then... Despite everything, those were good times and I got through a rough patch in life, never mind the fact that I'm in a deeper mess now...
I suppose everything has its time, and when that time has passed it's time to look for something else.
I'm so sorry. That must sting, esp if you help found it!
Check out the Coven I'm in and see what you think hon x
Looking beyond his incredible appeal, the movie was really good. I usually say I'm not into SciFi movies, but seeing as I've come to like both Star Wars and this movie... Maybe that doesn't apply to me anymore.
Although I won't really be interested in watching the whole Star Trek series now, I wouldn't go that far. Star Trek was great, however as cheesy as it may sound I wouldn't have watched it if it hadn't been for Zach. All the other actors (whoever they were :P) were amazing as well.
Moving on from the movie aspect of it all, I really went through a wave of mixed feelings during my stay. Incredibly enough, I was the only one at the cinema... Seriously, the huge salon was all mine to conquer and there was barely any staff present outside. It made me feel incredibly lonely at first... It shocked me, I had thought I would embrace the chance to be alone with my thoughts but I felt really distressed... So much that the whole 15 minutes before the movie began, I just sat there crying.
Now I don't know in what sense I felt lonely... If it was me missing Ryan (God knows it was extremely weird not spending the afternoon watching him running around in the park), me missing being able to go out like this more often, me missing having my best friend sitting next to me, or me just missing whatever it is I've been missing out on in life.
It all felt bittersweet to say the least, cause in a way I did appreciate being there and especially the few minutes when the music and commercials stopped playing, and everything just went quiet. I haven't experienced such silence in a very long time. It felt very welcome, I really wish I could have that every day... I love silence, I love just sitting there quietly.
As the movie began, I immediately got drawn in and left my whole life behind me... Or so it felt... And in a way I wish I had, because waking up from that was dreadful. If there's anything I dislike about myself it is my constant need to escape reality, only because in the end it makes me really bitter and unhappy. I love watching movies and reading books mostly for the whole getting lost in another world aspect of it, I don't care much for the visuals, the writing or any of that, what matters to me is its ability to take me away from this awful life I'm living.
I can go through days like that, all absent minded, living inside my head. Sometimes it really scares me, I find myself so distant to real life that I end up wondering what part of me is real... Sometimes it's really difficult for me to wake up. It is alarming that I often do not only use my imagination as an escape, I use it as my reality. Dreams are not supposed to be more than just that, you're not supposed to prefer them next to your real life, you're not supposed to dreading having to leave them behind, you're not supposed to choose them over the other side.
What have you got to live for, when nothing of what you want exists in your life?
Ryan was perfectly fine without me, he didn't even cry when I told him goodbye and got out of the car... Of course I had talked to him and prepared him for what was coming, explaining that I was going to leave for a little while and he would stay with his daddy... He accepted it.
So from now on I'm having an evening off every week. We'll see what use I will make of those, probably do nothing but go to the cinema. Haha, what else is there for me to do? What else is there I can do? What else is there I want to do? I only want to escape reality, and that is the best way to do it.
I don´t like being this way, but it's in me. I am not the kind of person to get settled down at one place and stay happy, I'm the kind of person who can only be happy by being in constant movement. I hate staying in one place for too long and the only thing keeping me here is the lack of money. I don't even know where home is, it is definitely not there and as much as I love my mother, my place is not with her either... It was made perfectly clear when I was there in April, I felt like a guest the whole time, it is not my home anymore... I feel so lost most days, I don't know where I belong. I am not even sure if I want to belong anywhere.
Now I am tired, I have a whole day with Ryan tomorrow so I am going to sleep instead of forcing my eyes to stay open for once...
Good night whoever is reading.
Good for you!!! I am glad that you got out of the house and will now have 1 day a week to yourself!!!!
That is great! Maybe you'll find as little more happiness this way. Everyone needs me time, especially moms!
I am glad to hear that you did enjoy going to the movie. I am sorry that it was bittersweet, but it does take a bit of getting used to when you first start taking time for yourself. I remember feeling guilty and missing my daughter, but then I realized after a few times out that it was both of us that benifited, me by getting some away time, and her from being with others and having a more relaxed mommy...
I do hope that you will continue to take a little time for yourself. I believe it will do you some good.
I can also understand the need to find "home"... Sometimes it comes easy for people, other times you can look for a long time for it... I am just started to feel that I am "home" a little over a year ago, but for me it was finding people to be "home" with, not the place. Each person has their own "home" and you will find yours.
In the end after the crying it sounds like the experience is just what you needed...sweet dreams.
There is NO man alive sexier than Zach!
Going in, I was thinking, how could anyone pull that haircut off and STILL look good??
After seeing it... He could make a clown suit look sexy.
My only regret - Not living in the movie. Not being Uhula.
You know what day it is today!?
It's Star Trek day!!! :D
I couldn't wait until Thursday so I convinced Yendor to let me go tonight at 6, he'll have to stay with the kid for 4 hours...
Meanwhile I'm going to enjoy being alone and put my mind on something more yummy.
You gotta appreciate the small things when life sucks...
This is the first time I'll be going out for a longer period without Ryan, at least here in Malta. Sometimes I get to sneak out for 10 minutes to buy milk, but that's about it...
And since Ryan was perfectly fine when staying with my mom in Sweden those two times, I'm not even a bit worried. I don't feel bad either, I spent all morning JUST being with him and reading books. He shouldn't miss me too much, he'll be going to the park and to see his grandma... Then they'll pick me up. I am sure he'll be fine, but I'm a little bit worried he might start look for me if they stay at home...
He is beginning to talk a lot as well, I can't even write down all the words he says now as he repeats many of them... When I sing to him he is singing with me, often getting words like "cup", "two", "see", "mice", "out" and such right. :D
He is increasing his vocabulary in Polish as well, although he is still at the very first stage there... but he tried to pronounce some words, he does.
It struck me how much he really imitated us now when I caught him dancing/jumping and singing into a hairbrush a few days ago...
Now he uses EVERYTHING as a mic.
Anyways... I don't know what I'm going to wear today since I have nothing to wear and a body I feel very uncomfortable in, but I'm not going to let something minor like that spoil the whole evening... I'm going to the cinema... Alone... And when I looked now NONE of the seats are booked... Maybe I'll get to watch the movie all alone too?? :P That would be wishing for too much, lol. Though I doubt many get the idea to go to the cinema on a Tuesday evening.
I SHOULD go clean now and prepare some food for when the boy wakes up...
I'll be back a much happier (at least for the moment) Adora tonight! :D
Have a wonderful time at the movie :)
I know Yendor and Ryan will have an amazing time while you are having your own amazing time :)
I am very glad to hear the excitement and happiness in your words. I hope that you have a great time at the movie. Enjoy your you time... You deserve it.
Enjoy !
I didn't even notice my PM was about to expire.
Shows how much time I spend here I suppose...
And that comes from someone who used to spend days and weeks online at this site.
I've been a very bad girl.
I just bought the whole 1st season of Heroes on DVD, and I should add that I've never bothered to buy series before, not even once that I absolutely loved...
I barely even buy movies.
But the idea of having Za... I mean... HEROES, of course, so close at hand was too tempting, the devil made me do it, I couldn't resist.
Now I only have to wait for it to arrive, then you probably won't see me for a couple of days.........
I think I'll end up having to go to rehab.
I can't help but get the impression that your fairly new to the concept of Sin.....go on, jump in, get wet, you might enjoy it muhuhuhuhu
Sweety!!! Maybe you should try : www.hulu.com
I know I've caught up on a lot of t.v. series' with that site....for FREE!! ♥ miss you!!!
How is it that no matter how much I try to put Ryan in the middle of the bed, he STILL ends up right by the edge and with one leg out?
Christ, I don't dare leave the room when he sleeps like that but I can't just stay there watching him either.
I can't even rest when he's sleeping!
Jag laste nyss ditt mail, jag har inte tiden att svara just nu eftersom Ryan ar pa vag att vakna... Men jag vill inte att du ska ga runt och tro att jag menade dig i mitt forra inlagg. Jag har absolut ingen anledning till att vara arg pa dig, inte ens for vad det nu var som hande back in the days.
Jag ar ledsen om du tog at dig.
With the EU elections going on, Yendor is away at work for 3 days or more and I'm left alone with Ryan.
Fun, fun.
He says "kon" (horse in Polish), "yes" and "kaczka" or rather "kaka" (duck) and "Pic! (drink) as well now.
If anything, I've promised myself to stick to Polish while he's gone.
Other than that...
Nothing new really.
Things get out of control when I spend the few hours I have feeding my growing addiction.
I'm supposed to be doing... other stuff...
But no, I sit here giggling like a school girl.
Yeah... Just wait until I've seen Star Trek, I won't be talking about anything else.
I'm feeling like crap, but this really relieves much of my tension and puts my mind on other... things... Which in a way is good, I suppose.
However, it might not be as good when these... things... make me even more absent minded than I already am.
Ok, too much talking, must go back to youtube...
Oh Yeah
Pa pa (bye bye in Polish)
Nie (No in Polish)
Today at the park he fell on his little bum and said "Boom! Pupa!"
Hahaha, so cute.
Time for his bath, I can't wait for this day to end...
On second thought, why wait 2 months?
I'm going to get my ass the cinema next week!
Surprisingly enough, while Ryan and Yendor were gone the boy didn't mention me ONCE! He didn't even fuss when they left, he sat quietly in his car seat, and as far as I know he was playing and was perfectly fine throughout the whole visit.
I guess that means he really is in a "daddy" period right now, sick of me after 18 months I can only imagine... :P
He doesn't even BF that much anymore, he still loves it, but he does it way less now... Especially when he is upset or has hurt himself, he used to calm down only by the breast but now he doesn't ask for it anymore. Honestly, it's a relief... As much as I love the intimacy of BF, I'm ready to move on from that.
I'm planing to take full advantage of this! Thereby my visit to the cinema... We've already planned it so that they will go to the park before I leave for the bus, and then squeeze in a visit at Yendor's mom's. Three hours pass quickly.
Now, my only problem is which movie to choose? lol
Seriously, last time I was in the cinema was in November to watch "Twilight" and I had my mother watching Ryan then. Before that I hadn't been in the cinema for over a year, 14 months to be exact... And that was when I watched "Transformers".
I really miss going to the cinema, in my younger days it happened that I went as often as once a week if there were any good movies showing.
So now I have some of movies I am dying to watch...
Angels & Demons (Though I haven't read the book yet)
Star Trek (Though I've never watched the series, the trailer looks awesome!.... Err... Ok... FINE, I admit, I love Zachary Quinto....)
Revolutionary Road
He's Just Not That Into You
Ehhh... I think the choice is obvious.
So, I'm going to start "seeing someone" about my... issues.
I don't know where I'm going from there, but it's a start I guess.
I don't want to waste my life being a depressed, unhappy wreck like I am.
It's just too tragic.
Baby steps...
Maybe I can learn to accept living life as me, but I don't think I'll ever be able to let go of wanting to be someone else, someone luckier, someone happier, someone richer, someone prettier, someone more successful, someone free, someone better, someone with a more likable personality, someone unlike me...
Putting that aside, I sent Yendor away with Ryan to his sister. He is dead scared of being alone with the child, he has been since birth, you'd think he would come around by now... Especially since Ryan doesn't even cry when he leaves with him (though I make sure not to actually wave bye and stuff, that makes him panic a bit).
However seeing that Ryan IS getting enough time with me (I am sick of worrying about that), I'm going to insist on Yendor taking on more of the responsibility...
One step of me feeling better is getting more, and I mean MORE, time to myself. I can't keep being isolated like this, it makes it much worse.
So there.
I have already planned to go see the new Harry Potter movie in the CINEMA in July...
And I'm going to do that, he will have to handle his son.
As much as I would like to just relax for a change, I must go and clean.
This is what I mean,
I'm not strong enough to end this,
And that's what makes me bad/
I don't even know where to begin to get back to myself.
I don't know how to deal with this, I don't know how to help myself, I don't know how to be positive and stay that way.
I don't know where the hell I'm going.
All I know is that I want to change, I want to get more out of life but it feels like something or most probably myself is always holding me back.
I don't know how to stop, I'm only good at bringing myself down. It's easy to fall and keep falling, and I'm a weak and pathetic person for not fighting against it.
That's the truth as I see it.
You sound like you are depressed. I would suggest talking to someone. When you can move past that, you will be able to cope and regroup. It is easy for some to come in here, like myself and give you advice like its wrong that you are feeling this way. It is not wrong...you feel how you feel and you are sharing that with others. Criticism is not going to help, but sometimes friends will who will give you positive support.
Saharia got it in a nutshell hon.
You say your not strong but look, you bare your Soul here, that takes balls, one day at a time, believe it or not people are rooting for you, wanting to change is the start of change.
I don't mean to sound whiny again and get into a grave of self hatred - I know I'm not a bad person.
I don't like to constantly complain about everything, that is not who I am, it's how life is shaping me to be.
Though I have a whole lot of things I could work on when it comes to myself.
Please bare with me.
At some point you will have to choose- I know you know how to,
Choose to:
See the good
See potential
See options
See the future
Act on the good
Act with your potential
Act on the options
Act towards your future.
The old saying it's no use crying over spilt milk is harsh- but true in many ways. When you find your energy, use it, but don't abuse it. Encourage it by not over doing it when you have it, doing what you can in just that moment and then let the rest be.
None of us are perfect- nor do any of us have an answer that will work for you. So start with the good- and find your way back to yourself. We're still watching and waiting...
I was wrong before, I do know who I am.
I am a selfish, ungrateful, unappreciative, spoiled, insecure, whiny, absent minded, careless, irresponsible, lazy, unthoughtful and naive little child.
And I wonder why I don't have any friends?
I wonder how anyone can even love the loser that is me.
I think I'll just get back to reading, I'm not feeling well today. Not at all. I felt good for the half an hour I was listening to Green Day, imagining myself somewhere else... but then I had to take Ryan to the playground.
If I could only see GD live, if only.
But my life is not supposed to me anything but shit as it seems, so I might as well not even bother hoping anymore.
Good night to whoever is reading this, I can't believe you're still reading my crap?
I should probably go to sleep as Ryan fell asleep just before midnight - which means not much night sleep - but I don't want to.
Big surprise there.
Why live in the real world when you can spend your whole life inside your brain, doing and being whatever you wish?
Why haven't I thought of it before?
I'm getting quite good at escaping reality, half the time I'm barely aware of where I am.
A blank stare is all you'll get from me these days.
Life really is a pile of shit, isn't it?
I have still to be proven otherwise.
I'm beginning to feel like I could go spend a week alone without missing Ryan.
I feel like I could just lay down and stare at the walls for the whole week.
It doesn't seem to matter how many breaks I get or don't get, I feel like I can't recharge anymore. There's no will, life or sense of purpose in me. Nothing seems to restore me...
And I hate it, I want to want this. I want to feel like this is what I want to do, I want to want to spend all my time with Ryan.
But I don't.
I don't want this and I'm growing tired of imagining myself anywhere here. I feel like I'm betraying him...
Today he threw a tantrum at the supermarket, I don't know why but he went through most of the morning very irritable... He had had his snack and everything, so it wasn't hunger, possibly tiredness... but he ended up breaking a bottle of tomato sauce... And I immediately felt like it's my fault, like he feels I don't want to be around him, that I'm losing touch with him... that he's about to turn into one of those uncontrollable kids I swore never to let him become...
I feel so cold, annoyed, indifferent, tired, hopeless, angry, unhappy...
He said a new word yesterday and I found myself barely caring. It's scaring me... Yendor's mom asked me what's wrong when she saw me yesterday, if even she is taking notice of me I must start getting better at hiding whatever I'm feeling.
I'm so ashamed of myself...
I'm also worried about my mom and teen sister, I haven't spoken to them in weeks as their phone is not working and I never see them online... I barely get to speak to my best friend either.
I feel so isolated and abandoned, I think this journal is the only "one" I can talk to, so at times I end up saying things I would have kept to myself under different circumstances...
Also Ryan is missing my mom like crazy, every time he sees a phone he points at it and calls her name... And yesterday while we were out for a walk, he went to random doors and asked me about her... How do you explain to him that she is not there and why? I try to tell him that you need to go on the plane to see her, and he understands that at least... And he misses my sister as well, I call her "misiu" it's been her nickname since birth... and he smiles so big when I mention her...
I think that's what hurts me most about not going to Sweden, forget Green Day, but seeing him missing them so much is painful...
He is saying more words now as well... I don't think I remember them all, but a few are:
Pupa (ass in Polish, haha)
It is a constant struggle for me to speak to him in Polish, mostly because I am more used to speaking English by now... Polish feels like a foreign language, I barely hear it anymore as my mom and I usually end up speaking Swedish to each other, and I don't speak to my father on the phone... I've considered teaching Ryan Swedish, but that feels even stranger... and he'll learn it eventually, it is much easier to pick up than Polish... One reason why he is not saying any words in Polish is probably because they are quite tricky to pronounce... He'll get there, I just need to keep talking...
He should wake up in an hour... He slept for 9 hours last nighti, 11.30 to 8.30...
I'm going to go lay down, stare at the wall and prepare myself emotionally for the next coming 6 hours with this toddler... He is really becoming quite a handful, guess his age is kicking in...
I'm eating oatmeal porridge.
Interesting information?
It would be, if I was a celebrity.
Lately I have been lacking big in the motivation and energy front, I haven't been feeling well at all and I am finding it very difficult to actually enjoy spending time with Ryan...
I am honestly so tired of never having a conversation which isn't with him or about him.
And the idea of waking up in the morning and starting a new, yet not different in any way, day with him is depressing, exhausting, boring and makes me consider running away and hide somewhere.
I hate to admit it but honestly, who can blame me? Who the hell can fucking blame for being tired of doing this over and over again, day after day, hour after hour, constantly spending my time in same way? Without even the glimpse of a break in the near future?
I only do it because I don't have a choice, sure he is more with Yendor now, but the 10 minutes he spends with him here and there doesn't really relax me as I have either cooking or cleaning to do, while still hearing the boy and feeling guilty during each and everyone of those minutes for not spending the time with him.
Sure, Yendor takes him to the playground now for an hour, maybe twice a week... but I don't see how that counts since I must stay at home that hour (not like I have anywhere or anyone to go to anyways) and clean, unable to relax because I am expecting to be met with what temporarily feels like a heavy burden within very little time
I never, ever get time to do anything.
I wouldn't ask for much either, but why ask for anything since it's impossible for me to get it?
I only get that hour or two online after he has FINALLY gone to sleep (why can't he be like other kids and just go to sleep at 7,8??) but even then I feel bad about not sleeping, because I know that if I don't rest for at least as much as him... I will go through the day feeling tired. Despite that fact it happens that I wake up during the night and force myself out of bed, just to get the time to DO something other than being with him.... With the result of me not feeling rested enough, of course.
Am I really wrong to be sick of this?
I could never have another baby under these circumstances, I would die out of exhaustion, boredom, lack of stimulation and loneliness.
Now I better go because I can hear Ryan tossing around in bed, meaning he is about to wake up for the first but not last time tonight.
Please just shoot me, shoot me for even allowing myself to feel like I'm tired of being a mother.
As if I didn't feel bad enough about it already.
It is not wrong to want a break. It's not wrong to think about what things would be like if life was different either. The fact is that you know that you still love him, no matter what you feel right now...
It can be hard to be a young mom for many reasons, but it can be hard to be a mom at any age. The main thing is to know your limits. I know that you say that he does spend more time with Yendor now, perhaps you can expand on the time slowly. Perhaps even if you can't go anywhere you can take a bath or just put on some headphones and read for a bit. Or if possible go for a walk.
It can be hard to let the housework go, but sometimes it helps to let it slide a little bit when he is off at the park and just relax, or even nap if that's what you need. It took me many years to come to that realization, and even now I sometimes get wrapped up in what "needs" to be done vs what can wait so I can rest. It can be hard to relax, but sometimes you need to just take the time even if you feel guilty to do a little recharging...
As for him being up "late" not every child goes to be at those times... Some children naturally need less sleep, others get it through naps... The toddler in my home doesn't go to bed till about 10pm here and still wakes up everyday at dawn, and he's starting to outgrow naps so that's not really that long to sleep... And many parents stay up later than the kids, some by just a half hour or so to unwind, others for many hours... It's part of the juggling of hours all parents do.
I don't know if anything I've said is of any help, as always I do hope it is... But if you need to chat you can always send a message.
I forgive you -
I forgive you for your ignorance.
I forgive you for choosing to bash me, ridicule me, and patronize me instead of being there for me.
I forgive you for not understanding or supporting me.
I forgive you for not being more considerate.
I forgive you because I once loved you, I once cared for you.
Whoever you've become now - I do not know that person, so I will instead chose to cherish the memory of the person you once were to me, because I severely doubt you will ever become a friend again.
The truth is,
I just feel so fucking lonely.
Fuck you.
Am I less of an adult to you just because I'm not strong enough to move past my problems? So I'm nothing but a whiny teenager who can't get her shit straight, is that it? Is that all you have to say about me?
Well, I'm sorry then.
I'm sorry that's how you see me these days, I'm sorry the time we knew each other wasn't worth more than that to you, I'm sorry because even though we haven't spoken in quite some time I still considered you a friend.
If there's anything I've learned during the past few years is that you can't trust people, ESPECIALLY NOT online. I wish I hadn't wasted so much of my time in the past with talking to all these people who have ended up abandoning me (with very few exceptions). I hate you and you can all die. I probably shouldn't take it to heart or even bother, probably shouldn't feel half as hurt as I do.
I probably shouldn't have been so fucking naive and believe these people were my friends.
I probably should gain some confidence and get some real life friends, although I have a VERY hard time making friends so you can just forget about me ever succeeding in doing that...
Oh fuck you, fuck you because I have grown up. I used to be so incredibly gullible, naive and just plain stupid... I can say for sure that I am not anymore.
There are few people that I trust these days, and I have serious doubts about ever letting some stranger into my life again.
Fuck that.
FUCK YOU! Fuck you, fuck you, fucking FUCK you!
And once you have your rant, take a deep breath and remember the good- you don't have to share it with us- it is your private place, where you can grow and see beauty.
I know you still have it, every so often you do share a bloom with us- but those that can't understand the changes and how difficult a transition you are in- have not lived. I remember why you choose the name- it still suits you, you merely have to find it again.
Anyone worth anything, will be patient, and let you find them when you are ready. Or they will simply let you rant, rave and tantrum so that they can hug you when you finish.
Be well Adora, be more than that- shine.
*Agrees* with S....*hugs*.
Things are just as shitty as they were last night, if not even shittier.
It's killing me.
I don't want to be like this.
I'm scared.
I'm scared to see myself barely living anymore, lately I've been leaving half of me in bed in the morning while letting the physical part take care of the rest... I find myself paying attention to Ryan, of course, but not always whole heartedly.
I'm starting to get so fed up with this that an escape to an alternative world inside my head feels so much more appealing than dealing with this life I have made for myself.
I walk down the streets and catch myself scarcely being aware of my surroundings, constantly seeing things before my eyes which aren't really there... I just wish them to be.
I'm scared to think about if this is it, if this is all I'm getting to do with my life, spending my days in endless, boring routines with a child I know I love, but not always want to be around...
What scares me mostly though, is the idea that Ryan is going to grow up in an environment where he sees his beloved mother so unhappy, he can certainly feel the way I distance myself from life, I'm sure. I just hope I love him enough to make up for whatever harm I may cause him due to being like this...
I'm afraid I can't do much about it though, I can't force myself to be happy. I can't force fed my heart the happiness it's desperate to feel, no matter how badly I want to. Nothing in life can be forced on you.
I've kept trying to enjoy the days, see the lighter side of things, thank God for having such a beautiful boy and appreciate life for what it is... but in the end, I always come back to the dark side.
I can't and I doubt I'll ever will truly be happy, and the realization of that puts me down even more.
The thing is though, I was unhappy even before meeting Yendor and having Ryan, I can't say for sure my life would be better off without them... because without that, I would never have learned to love another person like I love my son, I would never have gotten to see that there is indeed some beauty to behold in life. I am grateful for this, I am, it just kills me not knowing whether or not I would have been happier without it.
As I've said before, I was and am still too immature to have a child of my own. I am in no way ready for this kind of life and it's really getting to me, getting worse day by day. I find myself resenting everything but Ryan.
I never got the time to find myself, to do the things which would have led to a growth in me as a person, to experience everything that could have shaped me into a better self.
Now I am what I am, and though having Ryan has made its impact on me, God knows that, it is not enough to have changed the core that is me... Meaning, I want to grow as a person and get to know myself better, now I wonder if I ever will. I've grown as a mother, I've grown when it comes to love and unselfishness, but I am still a very weak and insecure person... And now I'm afraid I will never get a chance to change that. I don't even have the time to think about it anymore.
As much as I love Ryan and seeing him grow, as much as I care for his well being and am giving up EVERYTHING for the sake of his health and happiness... I have these days when I feel completely empty inside, drained of whatever I am made of.
On these days it's easy for me to let Yendor take over and I kind of fade into a mere physical substance, doing things on routine in mechanic mode, with myself being lost somewhere.
And I feel so guilty about that, even though logically I shouldn't. With exception of the first two months of Ryan's life where caring for him was divided somewhat equally between us, though drifting towards me being the main care giver by the end, I have basically been taking on 90% of the responsibility. It's nothing I blame Yendor for today, but at the time it was incredibly tough and I know I swore about his lack of activity immensely. I don't know why he chose not to participate more, perhaps he felt overrun by me, but I have chosen to forget about that now...
What I mean to say is, since I came back from Sweden and even a little before we left, Ryan has been showing an incredible interest in spending time with Yendor... It came suddenly, as a shock to me, right when I was wondering if he'd ever give me a minute to breathe. Things have changed from me caring for him 90% of the time, to 70%...
Now what scares me is that it has become too easy to let Yendor take Ryan to the park or play with him, I find myself too often wanting to shove over the responsibility to him... Even though I feel guilty about it every minute. My excuse is that I need to clean, and sure I do clean, but it goes deeper than that. I'm afraid I am unconsciously pushing Ryan away from me, is that even possible to do?
Perhaps it's just something I'm scared that I MIGHT do now that he is not on me 90% of the time, he is not constantly demanding my attention or involving me in his play. Seeing him grow so independent all of a sudden is really frightening me, the part where I have to let him loose and start finding his own way... He has days where he rarely asks for my playing with him anymore, sometimes he might want me to draw with him, play with the soft toys or read him a book, but the point is he doesn't always ask for it as he used to. Now he is perfectly content spending time with himself or Yendor, even if I leave the room... Sometime ago I couldn't even do that without him putting up a fuss.
Reality is, he is growing up and I am scared to let go.
Or rather, I am scared that I might let go of him too much. I don't know where to begin or to end, sometimes I feel myself so insecure that I just sit down next to him, whether he demands it of me or not... Basically begging him to involve me in whatever he is doing.
I don't want to lose the bond I have dedicated every minute of the day for 18 long months to build up, my life would completely lose its meaning if I did. I know I need to find a balance between things now, but it is a major shock to me not having to pay as much attention to Ryan as I used to... I'm just not sure how to handle these extra minutes of the day that I get now.
I realize now what a dumb, naive teenager I was and in some cases still am. The idea of having a child, I remember, appealed to me so strongly that I used to dream much about it in the first few months after having met Yendor.
Stupidity made me go through with it.
I don't know what planet I lived on or what I had imagined this to be, but I never seemed to have fully grasped what I was getting myself into. Even throughout the pregnancy, I was living in clouds and not seeing the end of the tunnel, the part where my life would turn around so much to the point where I would lose everything I cared for.
At the time, I failed to realize how much having a baby changes your life.
I remember just craving an escape from the misery I was living in... My mother was involved with an alcoholic who abused her both mentally and sometimes physically, not to mention he made his moves on me. My father had just met a new woman who clearly wanted me out of the way and made me feel unwelcome, unwanted. Around the same time I began having panic attacks, my depression grew on me and always attempting to be the best in school in order to prove myself, was starting to take a serious toll on me.
Not to mention my daily battles with my eating disorders, having the only friend I could truly relate to living too far away for us to meet more than a few times a year. Also my struggle for acceptance, search for love and understanding, all that crap teenagers go through.
Right then a different life seemed too appealing, I didn't think twice before taking the step... If I had only know what was coming, perhaps my naive self would have stayed put.
I've also come to the conclusion that for the time being, I am not having another child. I feel sorry that I won't be able to give Ryan a sibling and someone to share things with during his childhood, but I simply can't put myself through it again. As much as I love children, as much as I wish to raise a girl, I don't think I have it in me. Not considering how things are with me now anyways, perhaps in a couple of years when maybe I have put myself back together.
I so don't know what I'm talking about anymore, I'm just kind of letting things pour out of me... It's 3 AM, Ryan fell asleep 3 hours ago and I am dying to get some as well... Only there is so much bothering me that I can't let it go. I'm also not feeling all hyped up about waking up and going through a new day again... I have nothing to look forward to, so who can blame me? Of course I love spending time with Ryan, although I'm not sure I appreciate it as much anymore seeing how I spend so much time with him already...
But there just isn't anything for me out there anymore, I don't matter. As much as I try to ignore it, deny it, bury it, I can't escape the fact that it is physically starting to pain me.
Oh, and there's also the issue that I will most likely spend the morning having major carb withdrawals since I always do the day after I've hopped back on the Low Carb train...
I need to regain my health, the past 6 months I've been... getting too out of touch with something I used to spend my life caring about, the extend to which I have lost myself is scary. I have never let my eating and dieting get so out of control as I have now, anyone from my past can tell you how much of a time and life consuming thing appearance used to be to me... As stupid as it might sound, I need to regain that sense of purpose, whatever it was keeping me motivated to stay fit and healthy despite issues I'm dealing with.
That's as much as I'm going to confess about my health problems, I am too embarrassed to continue with that topic.
There is much more I could and would need to write down, but my breath ends here...
I need to sleep, and hopefully dream something pleasant which will get me through the day.