I wanted to write this here since a few people like hearing about the little things that happen while I'm at work.
Well all week we have had to keep the kids inside since it's been raining/snowing during the day.
Today, even though there was snow on the ground, there was nothing falling from the sky. So the kids went outside. When it was announced that recess was outside, you could just hear the cheers from all the classrooms. It was cute.
My third class to go inside today ended up being bad. We are talking screaming, shouting, and running in the hallway on the way back to class. I stopped them and made them turn around and do it again. Right in front of the teacher. She smiled at me and then took her class back to the room.
When I got done with the last class, I got told that she wanted to see me in her classroom. I was thinking to myself "maybe I shouldn't have yelled at them like that"
I walk in her room and she asked me to step in front of the class. She then told the class "What do you guys have to say to Cassie?"
All at once I heard "I'm sorry" from every single kid. Then I was handed apology letters from them for misbehaving.
I was amazed. I will be writing them a letter thanking them for the apology tonight. I feel it's fitting.
On another note. I've been having issues with this little second grade boy hanging off me and such. Yesterday he was rewarded for not doing that with a little funky rubberband thing he likes. I talked with him today in front of the principal about him. We have come to the understanding that if he is behaving in class, each day he can get a treat. He smiled and even asked if it was ok for him to give me a hug. I allowed it. He is so adorable sometimes. But when this kid is bad.....he is really really bad.
Most of our issue children are doing better. There is still a pair of little boys that constantly fight and two girls that can't get along.
We know the story with the girls and this goes beyond the schoolyard and to the home life for both of them. The boys, we are working on it.
Work has been great. I can't wait to see all the costumes tomorrow. :D
I took a peek at my blog this morning since I was curious to see how it was going.
When it is done I will put a link up for people to go check it out. I'm liking it so far. :D
Also sorted the computer issues from yesterday. He bought a new hard drive this morning and I got it installed and everything set up for him when I got home from work. Nothing wrong with it now :D
Well after some research with problem numbers and trying a few things.
That computer is dead. Time for a new hard drive. :(
Well I did it.
I cracked down and paid someone to redo my blog for me.
I just don't have the time or energy to do it myself lately. I figured it was a friend that needs the extra cash so I'd help her out a bit.
She said to give her a few days, so that is what I am doing. :)
When I got home today Sean's father looked up at me from the family computer and simply muttered "Help please?"
I fiddled around with it. It refuses to boot up for some reason. He gave me permission to wipe the computer clean and give it a fresh start. Thankfully he backs it up every few weeks and did so this past weekend. So nothing will be lost.
So that is what I'm doing tonight. Attempting to fix that computer. lol
Wish me luck?
I guess it's been a bit since I wrote. Things have been incredibly crazy this past week or so.
Last week I only worked 3 days, but that last day wore me out. I ended up straining something in my neck from having all the kids hanging off me. I spent Thursday resting up and sleeping. Then it was off to Virginia to get some wintery stuff for me.
Friday I got a surprise when Sean showed up home early from work. We hung out for a bit until it was time for me to go to the Halloween event I've been doing. I didn't get out of that place until almost midnight. They stop selling tickets at 10 (or until the line is pretty much gone)
Same deal at night for Saturday. During the day we spent the day resting and eating junk food together.
Sunday we worked out our costumes and went and got what we needed for them. I'm going as Velma and he is going as Shaggy. Then we watched the football game and screamed at the TV.
Not really anything else special. Just spent the weekend with Sean and getting ready for the weather this week.
Apparently it will snow this week. :(
So the past few days I've been incredibly sick with the flu. I was told I looked and sounded like hell yesterday by Sean's sister. I felt like hell for the record.
But in my stupidity, I mistimed my doses of cough medicine. I was so out of it that I took about 5 doses in a 3 hour period without thinking. On top of that, I also grabbed the bottle of tussin with codine I had left over from when I had bronchitis a few weeks ago.
Needless to say, I overdosed.
Sean and I had decided to sleep downstairs because it's been insanely hot for some reason and it was cooler down there in the bedroom. I started to flail around at about midnight screaming about some dog trying to steal my breath and about white and grey tubes that wouldn't let me breathe.
He took me upstairs and laid me down and from that point on I don't know exactly what happened. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't pretty. He told me I had to have been hallucinating and such. He rubbed some vicks on me and I passed out and slept it off.
This morning when I woke up, I felt a lot better. We went out for breakfast like we do on Sundays and then grocery shopping.
Spent the day downstairs gaming and such. Was pretty nice day overall. Considering the past few days have been hell for both of us, I think today was an improvement.
Thursday while on his way home from work, a car was going the wrong way on the divided highway and almost hit him. We found out the next day that they hit a truck about 5 minutes after they passed Sean. A 16 year old girl died.
Yesterday we found out why the guy was on that side of the road. He had a diabetic issue and blacked completely out. An honest mistake that ended horribly. :(
We kept thinking that if Sean left work 5 minutes later, that could have been him. Not a thought we wanted.
Hopefully I'll be well enough to go to work tomorrow. I called out on Friday since I was running a fever. :)
Every day there are moments at work that warm my heart and make me feel like I'm actually making a difference.
We have a second grade boy that gets in trouble a lot. He mainly does it to get attention.. Well today it was ok with myself and the other person outside that he could play with the other kids. He did good the past couple of days and took his punishment like a good kid. When I told him that he was able to play today he jumped a little and said "Yessssss". It was pretty cute.
But when he got outside, all the kids were in trouble for throwing rocks and he felt like he was being cheated so when I walked over to him he told me that he got in trouble even though he didn't do anything. I explained to him that everyone was sitting so that we could make sure they listened to us when we talked to him. He asked me if he was in trouble, and the smile when I said he was doing good was amazing. I'm trying to teach him that if he does good, he will get attention, but if he does bad he will get ignored. I think he is slowly getting it.
The funny part about this kid is that his mother works with Sean. So I sometimes see him outside school.
After work today, I was sitting in the office chatting with the other people there and one little boy came in. The nurse was out to lunch and he came in rubbing his eye going "Cassie, I have something in your eye"
It felt good that I got him to smile with the response of "Oh my! Something snuck in your eye with your eyeball?"
I got him taken care of in about 5 minutes just by washing out his eye and telling him to not rub it. It was nice that I was able to make him smile even though he was in pain.
It makes me think. Mentally, I think I am in a good place. I am doing therapy twice a month now, doing group about once a week. I'm trying to get out and do things and meet people. It is far from easy, but it's helping. Physically, I'm doing better. I still have a nasty cough that comes and goes. I think I'll just have to learn to deal with that. I'm losing weight slowly with all the walking and running I do at work. I've been cutting back on the soda and drinking more juice. I find that I only drink 2 cans of soda a day. Normally a can of Mt Dew in the morning and a Sprite at night. Sometimes I drink a bit more, depends on how my day is going. I'll admit, my dinners this past week weren't exactly epic when it comes to nutrition, but I blame the lack of time I've had. I have to have dinner done by 5 and I have been leaving at around 5:15 to go do volunteer stuff so I have been making things that are quick for me to eat. Monday I made roast chicken. Tuesday I opted for a frozen pizza *blush*. Last night I made hamburger gravy over noodles. I only had the noodles and some corn mixed in before leaving. Tonight we will eat out and tomorrow is pizza night. Sometimes I slip. XD
I think I'm growing as a person. I am not making huge sudden changes in my life, still taking it slow. My therapist said that if I need a mental day from work or whatever, to take it. She wants me taking it easy until we get me going better.
I'm not a different person. I'm just making different choices. :)
So today was interesting in regards to work.
Every day I try to do the best at not yelling at the kids, but today I failed about 15 minutes into work.
Two little girls run up to me and were like "These other girls both have zu-zus and we aren't allowed to have them in school"
In the back of my head I'm thinking "what the fuck is a zu-zu?"
I guess I'm getting a bit older now, I don't know what the cool toys are. O.O
But I had to yell at all the kids and confiscate the zu-zu things. On the other hand, this little boy that has been in a lot of trouble lately did really good today. The principal said for him to sit on the planter outside the school instead of having playtime after lunch. Today I decided that he has been doing good and he could come walk with me around the school while I got the other classes. He held the door for the others and was really nice. Even went to the girl he punched last week and apologized. I was proud of him.
Tonight is going to be great. I'm worried about a few things, but I know it should be ok.
Last week I called the local chamber of commerce to offer my help as a scare actor for the little Halloween event they do for charity. They seemed interested in my experience and asked if I minded teaming up to work with a group and make my own haunted area. I said I didn't mind.
This morning I got a call with what local organization I'm teamed with and where my location is at. I'm working with the Police department and my location is the very first place that everyone will see. O.O
I have a meeting with the guys this afternoon to discuss ideas and do some brainstorming. I am afraid they are going to think bad of me because of my age. I know how to do Halloween and I have been doing this for the past few years so I am confident I can do this. I have a few ideas I want to try out included a haunted train station. :D
I'll see tonight. I'm excited.
So the work on my profile got seriously halted this week. It's one of those things that happen with real life XD
Friday night Sean and I spent the night at home relaxing and spending some much needed time together. Saturday we went bowling and I felt up to doing my hair/makeup for the day out. We went out for some chinese food after bowling.
I took a picture of the makeup while in the car. Also got a few more pictures of the area on the way back. I have to go that way tomorrow, this time walking, so I will take better pics then :D
Today we woke up a little late after staying up last night watching South Park. We woke up around 9:30 but didn't roll out of the bed until quarter after 10. We rushed to get dressed to get to McDonalds for breakfast. We walked in the door there at 10:32. :( No egg mcmuffin for Sean!
Today we gamed together a bit, snuggled, and watched a movie. Went to Subway for dinner and did laundry.
I know it doesn't sound like the most romantic of weekends, but he has been working insane amounts of overtime and I really missed seeing him at night. We only would have a couple of hours together which was mainly spent eating dinner. This past weekend was nice and I enjoyed our date, no matter how odd it is.
He is taking a late shower and then it's off to bed for us. But here are a few links to pictures :D
Blurry Fall Pic1
Blurry Fall Pic2
Blurry Fall Pic3
Like I said, I will take a few more pics tomorrow from that overlook. I will be up that way walking tomorrow :)
I want to share my laugh of the week with you guys.
Yesterday I turned in the last bit of paperwork I needed to start my healthcare program here in Minnesota. Yay for me :D
I'm covered for everything and it will go back to August. Fantastic. :)
Today I get home from work, see I have a letter from DCF in Florida. I got confused. I open it, read it over and saw what it said.
"You are now eligible for Medicaid"
I haven't lived in Florida since July. o.o
00:18 Oct 29 2010
:) That was so nice, the sorry from all the kids.