So remember that tutorial I was talking about?
Well I did it this morning. I didn't have the energy after work yesterday.
After an hour and half of going "erm o.O" I finished it.
Here are my results:
And here is a link to the actual tutorial.
Princess It Up
I think I came close. :D
Was messing around and created a new stamp. It doesn't look too great on the black so yeah...and if you peeked a few seconds ago..sorry. I hit delete by accident when closing out. :(
It is a rare occasion that I do a tutorial for PsP. I do them all the time for Photoshop, but Paintshop I don't.
But I was checking out one and I was curious how she did an effect, I figured I could wing the rest of the tag.
I was wrong.
I am going to try my hand at this tutorial after work. I'm also going to look at some of her other tutorials. She does a lot of perspective work and I haven't touched that much.
The reason I don't do a lot of tutorials for PsP is rather simple. Most of them are kit/template tutorials. That means "copy this, paste as a new layer, selections>float>defloat>invert>delete>deselect" Rinse and Repeat. Then add elements to the tag. If you are lucky, you use a filter.
This woman, her tutorials use no scrap kits and use only filters. I'm a bit interested.
And for the record, my tutorials rarely use scrap kits. They are all animation tutorials. There are not enough of those out there. Most teach how to do glitter. Mine teach particles. If it's a non-animated tut of mine, it's using selections, blend modes, and filters.
But I don't do tuts that say S>F>D>I>D>D. I have those actions scripted for my own tagging. I know how to do them well enough without needing a tutorial to tell me how to paste into a template. xD
I'm excited. Of course I'll share my results with you guys.
This was a challenge over in Misfits. The challenge was to use this template.
To add my own personal twist, I challenged myself to use a scrap kit I have never touched before in my life. Not one I recently purchased. One that I bought ages ago and it sat there...I've had it for maybe 4 years?
Well here is my result.
I saw this lineart on dA and it reminded me so much of how myself and another leader of our guild act when someone hits our percs.
The wings are red because our guild is 100% Brak (devils) so it was only fitting.
90 frame animation done with my right wrist in a fucking brace.
Culled it down to 45 for ease of uploading (which didn't make it easy regardless)
Enjoy. Animation was made by me in particle illusion blah blah blah. Tube is the newest commission over at Misfits.
Another one...I'm on a roll. And trying to get better. I really really am. :(
Any feed back would be great.
Ooooh cute!
The only thing I see is towards the bottom of the scarf, some of the flowers are cut off.
That's because I cheated on the flowers. I was like "fuck this shit with the circles. I'm using a pattern"
And so I did. Yay photoshop!
I like what you've been doing lately. =)
It feels weird to critique other people's work. The upper lip, I would have gone with two slightly curved lines above it instead of a U. But I think its wonderful.
Another painting of sorts.
Feel free to click on it to see the full sized version. Be warned it's HUGE. Bigger than this page stretcher here.
Ohh.. I like these. You are doing so well at these. Have you been thinking of a darker one? :)
Darker one is on the way. Prolly this weekend or so. :D
Angry tagging. Long story short, I have a shoulder that is the size of a grapefruit from work.
Sooooo. Enjoy pretty taggies?
These are from this past weekend at Misfits. It was pact weekend. This pact. Old school taggies. Eek!
Click this one to see it in all it's glory please :D
And an animated one to make those fans happy.
Dere. Purty taggies for peepers.
Something I painted today to get me out of a funk. I did it all in photoshop after finding some nice lineart on dA.
My painting skills suck btw.
Cool...looks like you rockin' out to music.
You should get this on a t-shirt!
Well I like your suck.
Oh you know what I mean.... it is well done.