Someone started a bulletin on MySpace called Apps Anonymous because of everyone having withdrawals because the apps have been down since last night....... hahaha, check it.... the very last entry is mine.....
Urrmm.....Hi my name is Blue...I've been involuntarily app free for something like umm....... 22 hours 11 minutes and 42 seconds now and I feel good....really.....I do. *twitch, shiver* OK...I'm going to check and see if they're back on yet.
Hi my name is Tami
Here I sit at the computer and am reading my emails and not play the apps. now what is up with that? People might really think I am home and finally answering their emails for once.
Body: Umm......Hello. My name is Kathy and while I occasionally play 1 or 2 .....OK OK OK 10 apps, I really don't have a problem. I can stop anytime I want. WHAT? I can.............OK.......I'M ADDICTED! PLEEEZZZZEEE give me my apps back? PLEEEZZZEEE????? I'm going to go throw up and come back to see if they're back.
hey all my name is john , and yes i have a problem , like amy says i'm an addict and going through withdraws too , but then it all TOMS FUCKING FAULT
Ummmm..... ive never been to 1 of these before.... um Hi. My name is Jess. Its been WAY to long since I've been able to bank my money and whoop ass on Vampires and Fashion Wars. Yes, I said FW! Dont judge me!!! Sorry, im a little testy right now. Anywho... I have some pent up anger. Anyone else wanna grab some pitchforks and crowbars and head to Tom's house? lol. I kid... I kid.... No really, I WANT MY APPS BACK NOW!
~Jess~ :(
OMG They are not working. I can't believe how upset I am. Now I know I need to attend therapy for this problem.
Hi My Name is Amy, and I'm an addict............Were is Mobsters?????? I'm going through withdraws.... It's so cold and lonely in this place.........HELP ME
Hi my name is Freida, and I am an apps addict.
I am about to die because I can't check my apps!!!HELP!!
HI! My name is Emily, and I'm an apps addict.
"Hi! My name is Lisa, and I'm an apps addict.
Hi! My name is Kent, AKA Crispy, and I'm an apps addict"
Hi,my name is Mike. I can stop anytime I want.
Hi, my name is Jennifer and I would very much like to check my apps... >> < No I'm not... Ok maybe I am a little addicted.
Where are they?!
Spokaneshadow here...... I am trying not to count the seconds till they put Mobsters back online, Ha ha!
Hi my name is Meagan aka Eys Screams Mob and my new Baby Mobster TheAllSeeingEye and I am an apps addict... I feel like my skin is crawling and if I don't get a fix soon I believe my mind will really melt!!!!! I'm starting to feel like something very precious was ripped away from me... So lonely...
I AM THE MUSIC CRITIC-and I am an apps addict.
I feel so lost without them!
Hi, my name is Dana and apparently I am an apps addict too.
Thank you for supporting me! LMAO
my name is ... >_< my name is ..>_< this is how much of an addict i am i cant even use my real name ,my name is v.g2 and im an addict please please help me by donating 10 cathedrals and 20 wishes from the genie ..
Hello My name is Blossomed Rose.... I mean Dena.... I can quit anytime I want too.. I swear it... for real! where are my games??? I need them... I mean I don't.. Imma about to whip out 485 swats 485 miniguns 485 ballistic armor because if it wasn't for TOM I'd have 501 miniguns 501 swats 501 armor... I have members waiting to be approved!!! not to mention my.. hell I"m an app junkie..
Hello my name is K C Chiefs.... Kevin I am sitting in front of this THING wanting my apps back I am an addict... hey the walls need painting... are they back yet?...... no...... I should clean this desk off..... are they back yet? ...... no..... I should do the bills..... are they back yet?....... no...... please help me I want to stare at this thing that I don't know what is on it......
Hi, My name is Count Lickalot, but they tell me my real name is Paul.
I have been app free for 20 hours now. Withdrawal is painful and I need help. Some also say I have ADD but I know that is not true...........Hey, look! A Squirel.
Hello my name is Pyretta Blaze, My friends and family call me "Kristine"
( don't know where they got THAT from) I am absolutley not addicted to my apps.
I can quit anytime I want TWITCH TWITCH.
I mean really, I have NOTbeen sitting in front of this computer all day waiting for my apps to come back on. I LOVE filling out bulletin after bulletins.
I can quit, really.............I CAN. I said I can dammit........
That's it........wait till they come back on........your being hitlisted! I swear!
How dare you not believe me! I got plenty of money.......I could go all night! LOL
Hi my name is Living dead girl...I mean Nikki. And I am a vampire app addict.
Going through withdraw makes me actually tune into the real world, and do laundry and clean and make dinner....
Hi my name is Monica and I'm an apps addict. Now I am a bulletins addict.
hi...my name is anonymous...and.....IT WAS JUST ONE APP..I MEAN COME ON ALREADY I'M NOT HOOKED.......okay so I'm an APPoholic....please help.......
Hi my name is Spike.....and i been putting "hits" on my nieghbor's cat....just to get my fix...and i asked my fish to be a part of my mob.....but really...I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!.......by the way...you need someone "whacked""....come on...i need this!!!
janetlee48 i am a APPoholic....now i have to sit here and watch happy feet for the 100th time
Hello my name is Geneveive I am APPoholic..I am so so sleepy but scare to go to bed because everyone is angry they will be putting everyone on the hitlist just to get our monies & have us killed LOL... Thanks I feel more like dancing now that really help
My name is Serpthia, and a real addict would have known the nanoseconds, which by the way are 17. The problem is - I'm not a real addict. I only pretended to be one while playing endlessly. And I showed up today only to keep the addicts company. I just didn't want them to feel bad. I'll join your group to help support those addicted, but I don't need intervention. I can quit anytime I want.
Where did that petition to hit list Tom go? Does it have enough signatures yet?
Hi, my name is Henry. I have been playing Mafia Wars all day long and still am playing it. WHAT??
Yes, it's true, I've been playing Mafia Wars all day long. See, what happened is that I never close out my browser window, so when the apps went down last night I never shined away from the Mafia Wars app. I used a new browser window to check my myspace stuff, heh.
ew, was that a rotten egg?
So, all the apps are down on MySpace, have been since last night, lol.
People are bitching left and right. Crack addicts acting like they're in detox or something, hahaha.
I guess it's a good thing I never close my browser window for Mafia Wars, heh. I've been playing it just fine all day.
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03:31 Dec 08 2008
LOL ty again for the good day here...lol
01:58 Aug 05 2009
wats apps?