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Do you know a story that goes like this...

10:01 Sep 11 2007
Times Read: 679

There once was a Tiger-striped cat.

This cat died a million deaths and was reborn

a million times...and was owned by various

people who she didnt care for,The cat wasnt

afraid to die...One day,the cat was a free cat

a stray cat.She met a black male cat,and the

two cats spent their days happily together.

Years passed by, and the black cat died of

old age.The tiger-striped cat cried a million

times and then died.It never came back to

life again....





13:03 Sep 09 2007
Times Read: 683

Acultomancy is divination using needles.

Aeromancy is divination by atmospheric phenomena.

Ailuromancy is divination by watching cats' movements.

Alectryomancy - divination using a cock/chicken.

Aleuromancy is divination using flour. Messages would be written on paper, and rolled into a ball of flour.

Alomancy is divination using Salt. (By analyzing the patterns in which the grains fall, or travel through the air when thrown.)

Alphitomancy is divination using a loaf of barley.

Alveromancy is divination using sounds.

Ambulomancy is divination by taking a walk.

Amniomancy is divination by using the caul.

Anthomancy is divination using flowers.

Anthracomancy is divination using burning coals.

Anthroposcopy is divination by observing facial features.

Antimopomancy is divination by meal, flour or bran.

Apantomancy is divination of any object which presents itself by chance.

Arithmancy is divination by numbers.

Armomancy is divination by examining one's shoulders.

Ashagalomancy is divination using the casting small bones, each associated with particular interpretation.

Aspidomancy is divination by entering a trance or ecstasy.

Astragalomancy is divination by dice.

Astrology is divination by planets and stars.

Augury is divination from the behaviour of birds.

Austromancy is divination by the winds.

Auto-manzia is divination using ten straight pins and three bent pins.

Axinomancy is divination using an axe. (Agate or jet was placed on a red hot axe.)

Belomancy is divination by arrows. (Messages were tied to a number of arrows, the arrow flying the farthest, was the advice taken.)

Bletonism is divination by currents of water.

Botanomancy is divination by herbs or leaves. (Either by writing messages on the leaves, the answer was chosen from the ones not blown away, or by the crackling sound when thrown on a fire.)

Brontomancy is divination using thunder.

Capnomancy is divination by smoke.

Carromancy is divination by the melting of wax.

Cartomancy is divination by using cards.

Catoptromancy is divination by using a mirror.

Catoxtromancy is divination by vessels of brass or other metals.

Causimomancy is divination using fire. (It was thought to be a good omen whenever combustible objects did not burn when thrown into a fire.)

Cephalomancy is divination using the head of a goat or donkey.

Ceraunoscopy is divination using the phenomena of the air.

Ceneromancy is divination using ashes.

Ceromancy is divination by molten wax dropped into water.

Ceroscopy is divination using wax.

Chaomancy is divination by examining phenomena of the air.

Chartomancy is divination by writing in papers.

Cheiromancy is divination by the hands.

Chirognomy is divination by studying the hands.

Clairaudience is divination by hearing things inaudible normally.

Clairvoyance is divination by "second sight".

Cledonism (or Cledonomantia) is divination from words spoken whenever individuals meet.

Cleidomancy is divination using keys.

Cleromancy is divination using black and white beans.

Conchomancy is divination using shells.

Coscinomancy is divination using a sieve, and a pair of tongs or shears.

Critomancy is divination using viands and cakes.

Cromnyomancy is divination using onions.

Crystallomancy is divination by a crystal.

Dactylomancy is divination using rings.

Daphnomancy is divination using burning laurel.

Demonomancy is divination using demons.

Dowsing is divination by using a forked stick or wires.

Dririmancy is divination by observing dripping blood.

Emonomancy is divination using demons.

Enoptromancy is divination using mirrors.

Empyromancy is divination by using objects placed in a sacrificial fire.

Eromancy is divination using air and water.

Extispicy is divination using the entrails of sacrificed animals.

Gastromancy is divination by the sounds of, or signs of, the belly.

Geloscopy is divination by a person's way of laughing.

Genethlialogy is divination by the stars placement at one's birth.

Geomancy is divination by examining dots on paper, dirt particles or marks on the earth.

Graphology is divination using hand writing.

Gyromancy is divination by walking in a circle until one falls from dizziness, the direction of the fall being significant.

Halomancy is divination by salt.

Haruspex is divination using the entrails of sacrificed animals.

Hematomancy is divination using blood.

Hepatoscopy is divination using the liver of an animal.

(The liver was supposed to be the seat of vitality and of the soul. Ezekiel 21:20)

Hieromancy is divination by studying objects offered in sacrifice.

Hippomancy is divination using white horses in consecrated groves.

Horoscopy is divination by means of a horoscope.

Hydromancy is divination by water.

Hypnomancy is divination using sleep.

Ichnomancy is divination using footprints.

Ichthyomancy is divination by fish.

Iconomancy is divination using icons.

Idolomancy is divination using idols.

Kephalonomancy is divination using signs on the baked head of an ass.

Keraunoscopia is divination using thunder.

Knissomancy is divination using burning incense.

Lampadomancy is divination by observing the flame of a candle.

Leconomancy is divination by observing the shape that oil poured on water makes.

Libanomancy is divination through the behavior of Incense Smoke. (An Old Babylonian method from around, 2000 - 1600 bc.)

Lithomancy is divination by stones.

Livanomancy is divination by the burning of frankincense.

Logarithmancy is divination by logarithms.

Logomancy is divination using words.

Lunomancy is divination by the shadows created by moonlight on the individual's face.

Macharomancy is divination by knives or swords.

Macromancy is divination using large objects.

Maculomancy is divination using spots.

Margaritomancy is divination using a pearl.

Meconomancy is divination using sleep.

Meteoromancy is divination by studying meteors.

Metopomancy is divination using the forehead or face.

Metoposcopy is divination by the lines of the forehead.

Micromancy is divination using small objects.

Moleosophy is divination by moles on the body.

Molybdomancy is divination using shapes of molten lead or tin in water.

Myomancy is divination using rats or mice.

Narcomancy is divination using sleep.

Necromancy is divination by calling up the dead. (Samuel 28:7-14)

Necyomancy is divination by summoning Satan.

Nomancy is divination by examining letters of name.

Numerology is divination by numbers and names.

Odontomancy is divination using teeth.

Oenomancy is divination by the appearance of wine poured in libation.

Oinomancy is divination by wine.

Ololygmancy is divination by the howling of dogs.

Omoplatoscopy is divination by observing cracks in burning scapulae.

Omphalomancy is divination from the knots in the umbilical cord.

Oneiromancy is divination by dreams. (Genesis 37:5-11)

Onimancy (or Onycomancy) is divination using the Angel Urial.

Onomancy is divination by the letters of a name.

Onychomancy is divination by the fingernails.

Oomancy is divination by the outer and inner forms of eggs.

Ophidiomancy is divination using snakes.

Ophiomancy is divination by observing the behaviour of snakes.

Ornithomancy is divination by the flight of birds.

Oryctomancy is divination using excavated objects.

Ossomancy is divination using bones.

Osteomancy is divination using bones.

Ouranomancy is divination using the heavens.

Palmistry is divination by reading the lines and aspects of the hand.

Pedomancy is divination by examining the footprint of the person to be studied.

Pegomancy is divination by fountains.

Pessomancy is divination by pebbles.

Phrenology is divination by the bumps on the head.

Phyllomancy is divination using leaves or tea leaves.

Phyllorhodomancy is divination using rose leaves.

Physiognomy is divination by the face.

Psychomancy is divination by men's souls, affections, wills, religious or moral dispositions.

Pyromancy is divination by looking into a fire.

Pyroscopy is divination using the burn stains left on a light surface after burring a sheet of paper on it.

Retromancy is divination by looking over one's shoulder.

Rhabdomancy is divination by a wand or divining rod. (The throwing of stick or arrows to the ground. Hosea 4:12).

Rhasodomancy is divination using poetry.

Roadomancy is divination by stars.

Scapulimancy is divination using the cracks in the shoulder blade of an animal.

Scatoscopy is divination by the examination of excrement.

Schematomancy is divination using the human form.

Sciomancy is divination by shadows or ghosts.

Scrying is divination by looking into a crystal ball.

Selenomancy is divination by studying the moon.

Sideromancy is divination by observing the movement of straws placed on a red hot iron.

Sortes is divination by using passages of a book selected at random.

Sortilege is divination by drawing lots.

Spatilomancy is divination by means of feces.

Spheromancy is divination using a crystal ball.

Spodomancy is divination by looking at ashes.

Stareomancy is divination by the elements.

Stercomancy is divination by studying seeds in dung.

Sterromancy - from the breast to the belly.

Stichomancy is divination by picking passages from books at random.

Stolisomancy is divination by the way a person dresses himself.

Sycomancy is divination using fig tree leaves.

Tasseography is divination using tea leaves, also known as tasseomancy.

Tephramancy is divination using the ashes remaining from the fire that has burned victims in sacrifice.

Teraphim is divination using idols or images. (Genesis 31)

Theomancy is divination by oracles.

Theriomancy is divination by the movements of beasts.

Tiromancy is divination using cheese.

Topomancy is divination using landforms.

Trochomancy is divination by studying wheel tracks.

Tuphramancy is divination by ashes.

Tyromancy is divination using cheese.

Uranomancy is divination by studying the heavens.

Urimancy is divination by observing urine.

Xenomancy is divination using strangers.

Xylomancy is divination by dry sticks.

Zoomancy is divination by observing the behaviour of animals.

Zygomancy is divination by weights.




Common Parlance

12:12 Sep 06 2007
Times Read: 688

These are terms commonly used among the kindred...

ANARCH: A rebel among the Kindred,one with no respect for the elders.Most Fledglings are assumed to be anarchs by the elders,and are dispised as products for the 20th cent.

BARRENS,THE: The areas of a city that are devoid of life-graveyards,abandoned buildings and parks.

BECOMING,THE: The moment one becomes a vampire;the metamorphosis from mortal to Kindred.Also called The Change.

BOOK OF NOD: The "sacred" book of the Kindred,tracing the race`s origins and early history.It has never been published in its entirety,although fragments are known to exist in various languages.

BEAST,THE: The drives and urges which prompt a vampire to become entirely a monster,forsaking all Humanity.Vide Man infra.

BLOOD: The vampire`s heritage.That which makes a vampire a vampire,or simply called the actual blood of the vampire.

BLOOD KINDRED: The relationship between vampires of the same lineage and clan.The idea is much the same among mortals;only the means of transmission are different.

BLOOD OATH: The most potent bond which can exist between vampires;the recieving of blood in an acknowledgment of mastery.This grants a mystical powerover the one who is bound.Vide Blood Bond infra.

BROOD: A group of vampires gathered around a leader(usually their sire).A brood may in time become a clan(qv).

CAITIFF: A vampire with no clan;frequently used in a derogatory fashion.To be clanless is not a virtue among the Kindred.

CAMARILLA,THE: A global sect of vampires in which all Kindred may hold membership.Its rule is far from absolute,and it serves as a debating chamber more than a government.

CHILDE: A derogatory term for a young,inexperienced or foolish vampire.The plural form is Childer.

CLAN: A group of vampires who share certain mystic and physical characteristics.Vide lineage, bllodline.

DIABLERIE:The cannibalistic behavior common among the Kindred,involving thr consumption of the blood of another vampire.The elders do so out of need,whereas the anarchs do so out of a desire for power.

DOMAIN: The fiefdom claimed by another vampire,most often a prince.Invariably a city.

ELDER: A vampire who is 300 years of age or older.Elders consider themselves the most powerful Kindred,and usually engage in their own Jyhad.

ELYSIUM: The name given for the places where elders meet and gather,commonly operas,theaters or other public places of high culture.

EMBRACE,THE: The act of transforming a mortal into a vampire by draining the mortals blood and replacing it with a small amount of the vampire`s own blood.

FLEDGLING: A young,newly created vampire.Vide Neonate,Whelp.

GENERATION: The number of steps between a vampire and Caine.Caine`s Get were the second generation,their brood the third,and so on.

GEHENNA: The end of the Third Cycle;the impending Armageddon when the Antediluvians shall awaken and devour all vampires.

GHOUL: a servant created by allowing a mortal to drink Kindred blood without the draining that would give rise to a Progeny.

HAVEN: The home of a vampire of a place where it sleeps during the day.

HUNGER,THE: As with mortals and other animals,the drive to feed.For vampires,though,it is much more intense,and it takes placeof every other drive,urge and pleasure.

INCONNU: A sect of vampires,mostly Methuselahs,who have removed themselves both from mortal and Kindred affairs.They claim they have nothing to do with the Jyhad.

JYHAD,THE: The secret war being waged between the few surviving vampires of the third generation,using younger vampires as pawns.Also used to describe any sort of conflict or warfare between vampires.

KINDRED: A vampire.Many elders consider even this term to be vulgar,and prefer to use a more poetic word such as Cainite.

KISS: To take the blood of a mortal,or the act of taking blood in general.

LUPINE: A werewolf,the mortal enemy of the vampires.

LUSH: A vampire who habitually feeds upon prey under the influence of drink or drugs to share the experiences and sensations thereof.Vide Head.

LIFE,THE: A euphemistic term for mortal blood taken as sustenance.ManyKindred regard the term as affected and prissy.

MAN,THE: The element of humanity which remains in a vampire,and which strives against the base urgings of the Beast(qv).

MASQUERADE,THE: The effort begun after the dead of the great wars to hide Kindred society from the mortal world.A policy reaffirmed after the time of the Inquisition.

PRINCE: A vampire who has established a claim to ruleship over a city,and is able to support that claim nil disputandum.A prince often has a brood to aid him.The feminine form is still prince.

RIDDLE,THE: The essential dilemma of a vampire`s existence-to prevent the occurrence of greater atrocities,one must ommit evil deeds of a lesser nature.The provrb is:Monsters we are lest monsters we become.

ROGUE: A vampire who feed upon other vampires,either out of need or perversion.Vide Diablerie.

SABBAT,THE: A sect of vampires controlling much of eastern North America.They are violent and bestial,reveling in needless cruelty.

SECT: General name for one of the three primary groups among the Kindred-the Camarilla,Sabbat and Inconnu.

SIRE: The parent-creator of a vampire,used both as the female and male form.

VESSEL: A potential or past sourse of blood,typically a human.



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