i have been realy bissey and my mac has been down and no money to fix till well now.some1 asked me y i say that im a vampire knight and olny protect witchs/wiccans thats becouse us few vampires are strong and take care of ower selfs i will help outhere vampires if then need help but wiccans have a vow of never herting any1 and wiccans/witchs have over hitory been aboused and killed becouse of relgon i feel wiccans and outhere witchs that cant defend them self and ask for help im willing to help.im a knight a vampire knight and what is it that knights do a real knight protects and helps those who need it and humens cose problums and they hate things that they dont under stand and fear. i have been changed over the past few monts and i have more anger towerds humens and relgon but i will not kill or hert any1 unless its in self dafens and that goes for protecting outheres but its time to say good night