924man's Journal

924man's Journal


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the war machine trys to take more lives

03:22 Jul 23 2009
Times Read: 552

my exs son is all most 17 and hes gone throw so much and i consider him my own son becouse i dont have 1 he just lost his gf and i think something eles that i dont want to talk about but hes in this self dastuctive path and wants to join the army i think its so he can get a gun a shoot him self he tryed 1s and i think he will try aguin i dont want to lose him hes in consling and i hope he gets better befor he makes the bigest maske any1 can i have seen what war dose to ppl i have seen what it dose to famly and i dont want it to happen to my ex she wont make it if something happens to him i dont know what her new bf is doing if hes pushing him in to it or incorging him to join up if he is i will shoot him in cold blood right out in public i wont evern do it secrit just shoot him and not look back he toke the girl i still love from me and i dont want him to kill my son the war machin has taken to meny lives and i dont want it to clam my son he wants a mustang and i was going to get him 1 a old 1 and work on it with him but i cant anymore the war machin has done to much damige i dont want it to cose anymore if i could i would dastory the war machin the u.s goverment and all its killing and sad ness its cosed over the years the hart ack is emons its lies r pilling up every day it feeds off war and lives off the pain of outhere it dosnt make heros it makes mass muders and homsidel maineacks it makes blood tursty insane killers i may be a vampire and drink blood alot but i dont kill like the machin it all the members of congress and the presdnt and vice prasdnt where all in 1 place i would burn it down same with the blood turst solders of the war machin and same with all the lieing lawours that cheat and stille from ppl ever day this isnt a contry of freedom its a contry of lies and death ever1 knows the u.s.a is a war machine but ppl dont want to blive it i dont plan to kill any1 and hope i never have to but does the goverment say that no they say bring it on well go to war with u we love war and death thats what they say.



18:44 Sep 09 2009


please feel free to delete this after you read it. i don't mean to sound like a teacher BUT, an occasional comma or period would really help me read your journal better.

Also if you type into word doc first, you can correct the mistakes before posting to VR...

It's frustrating to read something written with internet gibberish rather than proper English.



this contry and whats lost each day

04:15 Jul 20 2009
Times Read: 572

each day i see homeless vets livie in boxs nere wallmart some missing legs or arm most of the just got back from iraq and lost everthing i say thats what the get for killing i heired a recroting officer say that solders get tretid good and r given places to live if there homeless but i asked 1 of them homeless solders they said the the goverment the war machine gavie them metels that r worth less and hafe the mony they where promised and spent it on the down payment on a house but couldnt pay the moregise so they where kicked out now homeless and eating trash the war machine said they coudnt find them homes i lafh and them what they gave for nothing like i said they dasuve it for what they did this that most ppl would get throw in jail for theres olny 4 kinds of ppl that get away with muder solders,rich ppl,polatishnes and foot ball players as in (OJ) i may be a cold harted proson with no morles and bad jugment but i see things that most ppl dont want to see i know things that could get me killed but i fly under the rador hardly use my real name hide my ip and i havent been spoted yet the u.s.a lies to its ppl and most of the ppl bend over get fucked in the ass by the war machine and say thank you i dont do that i say fuck u and wach my back i scan my ibooks hard drive block stuff i dont know what it is becouse the man frems ppl that get to close i have read blue book i have seen most of the screts that they try to hide they went after my liver throw my pills but im better i may be parnide but im right about them im right about the war machine about what they do and ppl like to stay blind about it they like daning the truth




bad things i have seen cosed by the war machine

23:28 Jul 16 2009
Times Read: 586

any1 that know me knows i was in the nut house afew times but 1 time i was in there something happend that i try not to think about but it honts me i meat a solder in there he told me about the things he did in iraq he told me about the ppl he killed he killed kids wemon men he said it didnt mater who it was he killed he shoot 3 litte girl notevern 8 walking to school with there mom he talk about how meny ppl he killed he said he lost count after 100 after he talk about what he did he got up and ran 3 times in to a concret block wall shoveing his head in to his back there where brains on the wall he didnt make it he died feet from me. i have been to this website that shows vids from helmit cams on solders i saws this vid of a solder stoping a car at a cheak point and geting the driver out and shooting him in the head he had no guns no booms but he had a baby in the back seat thats when the solder shoot the baby i dont know y and i cant ask becouse i cant find the man.i saw pics from a hp in iraq full of dead ppl kids with no heads ppl blown in hafe i saw what a bullet can do to a litte kids head there must have been 50 or 60 ppl dead and missing body parts.i gess it all started back in veitnome but i dont know thats any1s gess.the machine needs to fall befor more ppl die.if u went down to a crazy house and counted how meny solders where geting tretied for mental problums u would be stunded after all what dose the u.s. goverment do better then takeing away ower freedoms killing ppl and covering shit up its takeing care of there ingerd and messed up killers o thats right after giveing them peines for killing ppl that throw them on there asses and the the solders end up homeless but hey that what they dasuve u want to not lose body parts or ur life or sanatey stey the fuck in ur home town.




the war machine marchis on

04:13 Jul 15 2009
Times Read: 601

the war machine said afew weeks ago it was leaveing iraq where it shoud have never been befor where will it go next whats in the path of this war machine is it off to korea to go after a man who has wmd's he hasnt done anything to prvoke the war machine but will the machine do a pramtive strike that could sprak off the next world war but isnt that what the machine wants it tryed that with russia afew years back it tryed hard but russia said no and did there best not to prvoke a war the soviet union did its best to prvent war the soviet union gave up and gave its life to prvent war but the war machine didnt stop and never will till ever liveing thing is gone but even then will it stop will it go to the stars looking for more to dastroy i dont know the anser to that but i know more wars r to come biger wars ever1 knows that some say "god" will step in and stop everthing but the truth is theres no god to help no 1s comeing over the sunrises to save us from war how far will the machine go befor it stops how long must we live throw war befor its full will this black man who now runs the war machine will he start more wars or will he do everthing to prevent war olny time will tell but the genrals of the war machine push for more war will this black man show that nomater who runs the machine it will olny drive tords war relgon backs the war machine it blesses the machine but is it the cose of war if relgon gos will war end or just get worse will there be finely pace or more death i think more death the war machine is the hiest power on earth r outhere worlds scared of it is that y they have stoped comeing to earth do they think we r doomed so they stoped geting involved with earth do they know that if the war machine stops and falls and dies that 1 will step up and take its place do they know something we dont can they help if the masses ask for help but do the masses want help or r they toys and tools for the machine they fly flags they have stickers that say sapourt ower trops do they fuel the machine do they back the machine more then relgon r there olny afew good ppl left on earth or do the masses love war so much that they dont care who dies there bros and sis and moms and dads r we programed for evil for war. war is on tv and there r so meny games about war past wars futer wars taching kids to kill taching them that war is just a game that killing can be fun is it just a way to get ppl to back the machine r games just anotere way to promot war just sablmene messeging for war i may be young but this is my secnd life and i feel older i play games alot of games and yes some war games does that make me a hipacit or am i right the olny war games i have are not realy war games becouse the olny war games i have r james bond and ariea 51 i play mostley car and raceing games do those few war games make me a backer of the machine james bond is about stoping war and ariea 51 is about alines and zombies.my bro has alot of war games alot of call of dutay games witch r ww1 and 2 i hate war i try to saprate my self from the machine as much as posablua when the machine is gone and relgon is gone we can have pice but that wont happen for hundrieds of more years when earth is a dead rock and humens r spred to space in sarch of a new home when earth is just a pic on some kids wall as a reminder what war gets us what we lose from war becouse no 1 stops when there familys r killed in war they just want to kill some1 so they go to war them selves will they stop at earth or will the datroy more worlds thats screy to think about but i and use to it so it not to scary any more




i must not be to amrican

17:51 Jul 14 2009
Times Read: 613

i have thouts and that can fuck u up big time i see amrica as a machine a war machine that dosnt care about life how meny ppl have goting killed in war in the past few years started by amrica millons and y for wepons that where never real so all we have is a big body count crying famliys and wasted blood some ppl say well they started it they made us go to war (bull shit) they didnt do shit 9/11 wasnt done by ppl from iraq iran or quwate dont give me bullshit war is to bad to evil to make mastaks about who did the wrong the u.s.a wants nothing but war and death how meny wars has the u.s.a been in sences the revalushin if want to blam some1 blam the ppl that did it not ppl that say they did it and cant prove they did it.if humens r this evil if humens r this carzy that all they want is death humens shoud be wiped out humens run around with big guns and booms killing outthere humens theres no god i dont know how humens came to earth but i know that humens wont last much longer in the past 6000 years things have gotin bad when tachnolgie advancies war advancies and y ill tell u its becouse humnes r worse then anmiles. anmiles kill for food ppl kill for plasher for greed for no good resins i dont kill when i need blood i find a doner a girl that for a price will let me drink her blood i do that becouse im not a muder like humens i dont need to kill for my food yes i eat meat but unlike humens i dont muder outhere vampires or humens yes i have shot some1 a man that came in to my yard saverl times to steal from me all i did was shoot him in the nea cap the olny time i will kill a humen or vamp is if they r trying to kill me if they come in to my house to kill me i will shoot them but i will never go over seas and in to someothere mans land and house to kill him he did nothing to me and unless hes trying to kill me hes not my enmey and he shoudnt be yours i see bumper stickers sapourt the truops im not going to saport muders vilnet killers that get matels for killing war dosnt make u a hero it never will if u want to be a hero be a fire fighter or a doc or a cop find a cure for canser to be called a hero not killing kids and wemon and men for no good resin but becouse some1 told u to i must be very unamrcan to think this way



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