1. Each member will follow ToS and the rules of VR.
2. Each member will conduct themselves appropriately and when faced with conflicts, they will remove themselves from the equation; block the offending members and leave well enough alone. How a member acts and behaves reflects back on their Society.
3.No member will abuse the VR system or that of it's administrators. That alone will earn them a one way ticket to Purgatory; no exceptions to this rule.
4. Each member will respect each member of the House and on VR. Remember the golden rule: "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
5. We have a ZERO tolerance for racism, discrimination, and prejudice. We expect our members to have some open-mindedness when dealing with other members as well as respecting that there are no two people alike. Our differences make us who we are; thus our uniqueness shows how strong our character is.
6. Each member will place the crest on their profiles, signifying they are a member of the House.
7. Each member will notify the House Master should there be a foreseeable absence. Life happens, as it is known, if a member is gone for an extended amount of time, upon return they will notify the House Master so that their return is duly noted.
8. No member will partake in plagiarism, theft of images, or claim work they, themselves, have not created/made.
9. Each member that wishes to move on from the House will contact the House Master and negotiate a move from there. Any hostility or disrespect will be handled with swiftly and at the House Masters discretion.
10. Each member will make an attempt to remain active,within the House and the site. Bimonthly posts will be accepted as participation, if you're logging into the site daily or weekly, stop in the House and say "hi" at least. Failure to show some participation within the House will be grounds for trade- unless otherwise discussed with the House Master, Nekirena.
Phantom (28)
Hope you all have a great day!
13:56 - December 03 2024
Sire (105)
Inside my tree house....embraced in my darkness
12:20 - December 03 2024
Banshee (72)
Some have a rude awakening coming.
12:09 - December 03 2024
Vampire Rave is a member of
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