There are many definitions of art. Here is a collective page of the ideas and views shared by the Coven Members, and the Master. These will be the personal looks on Art, and we shall not judge. No one's ideas are superior, and none are wrong.
A word from our Coven Master - TheArtistRose.
Freedom Of The Arts
I am a child of the night
For the moon shines so bright
Trapped in a grave of dirt
They say things that hurt
I am a child of the night
For the moon shines so bright
Art smashed across closed doors
Tears shed from eyes to floors
I am a child of the night
For the moon shines so bright
I know I'm one of the best
So why do they pick the boring rest
I am a child of the night
For the moon shines so bright
Blood, too graphic, than water
Its freedom so it shouldn't matter
I am a child of the night
And even though there is darkness around me
There is always a light so let it be
For the moon will always shine so bright
An expression of what can't be contained. The raw unrestrained passions of he mind - On paper.
I believe that art is in many forms. As an expression of oneself, it's not just limited to visual art. Writing (Novels, poems, ect) Music, Video, Dance and Photography are just a few that are incorporated into my ideas. I have a deep love for clean Photography and, as clichéd as it may be, Manga. Art is only limited by the artist's imagination.
Art is an extension of yourself, of your soul. What you can't say, you can write. What you can't write, you can draw. What you can't draw, you can sing. Art can be anything if you give it the chance to be. It doesn't even have to be pleasing to others so long as you know it for what it is and like what you see.
This page was made by Lithe. The Background is Starry Night Over The Rhone - Van Gogh.