I moved to NOLA about a year ago and I have done nothing but isolate in that time.
I had a bit of a strange awakening that happened late in life and I move here thinking it to be the ideal place.
I am a sanguinarian vampire.
But I have yet to meet a single soul and I know this place has so much to offer, but I could use some help.
I am craving human interaction like I have never felt.
And my emotions are out of control. AS NEVER BEFORE.
I really hope that someone responds, but if not then at least things are no worse than before.
Thanks for reading.
Vampirewitch39 Royal Sire (204) Posts: 1,062 Honor: 24,248 [ Give / Take ] |
Since this is not a Meet Up or Event set, going to close it. PM the member if you live in the area.
If you wish to set a date/ time/ location for a Meet Up, then you can repost.