open to all . we hold no bars ... but we have fun alot .... looking for active members . to at least log once or twice a week and post every day they can one time . say hi is all . thanks for taking the time to read this . have a nice day or night.
This coven and coven master are awesome so take a chance and join
thanks for that . and the person above is not even in the coven so if that does not say something good about a coven i dont know what does .
for got to add one thing , posts are to a not all that needed as long as you log every other day and are active on vr . then i will not need to many posts but you do need to do it every 3 days for self so you do not level down that is set up in the system .
I'm in this coven and I like it and we need more active members.
yes but we also what thos that wish to work hard to level up and to help others to do the same .
also thos that are willing to be open minded to the truth of things . the truth of things are not always as they seem and it can be just a bit confusing . so you never know what one can learn from someone else .