This new Forum is for Profile, Portfolio, or Journal view/rating requests only.
Really nice name for this section...
Honestly, Cancer...anyone who has been here for very long and understands the system DOES love you. The way you posted this thread looks very cute and a shameless promotion to love you.
I know you probably didn't mean it to look that way, or you did and thought it funny. Either way...we love you.
The naming of this section has nothing to do with me. It is in regard to those who post their profile/portfolio/journal view advertisements here.
how about the threads in which if there was one posted awhile back and a member decides to make a topic that's the same but a little change to it will it be allowed
Bones edit: If the thread posted 'a while back' is over 30 days old, it's fine. If not, it's considered a duplicate thread and will be closed. As for threads posted in this section as profile view/rates etc. , the thread should be allowed to run it's course and be closed by the system rather than be closed by it's author just to create a similar thread.
I'll probably get my arse chewed for asking this stupid question but...
I have noticed in this section, a lot of members who posted a thread and are no longer members of the VR due to whatever reason (self deletion, name changes, etc) and the thread is still an active thread...
Do you just wait for those to close out automatically after 30 days, or would one close them after seeing that member is no longer a valid VR user?
I know.. Curiosity killed the cat and stupidity makes it to the Gems sections... But seriously, I wanna know. :P
VW39 Edit---
I have checked all the active threads. Other then a few double post I have found only one where the member deleted.
If they change names- unless the name of the old account is in the thread posting, then it will not be closed. If you see more closed accounts- please point them out to a Dominar or a Master Vampire.
Thank you. :)