"Spike" Pittman has designed our 2008 Goth Cruise Tshirts for us.
You can view the file at:
Pricing for ALL Shirt Types:
$16.99 Each Small through Extra Large
$19.99 XXL through XXXL
Your Choices are:
Regular Short Sleeve TShirt
Girls Tank Top
Guys Tank Top.
If you want the shirt delivered to you, you will have to pay for shipping. If you want to avoid shipping costs, I can deliver them at the Precruise Party, and onboard the ship.
Orders MUST be received by August 25th.
OK, i am a noob. how would you like our orders made? I know we got time but would like to know.
Just send an email to info@allgenretravel.com
Let me know what type of TShirt you want.. and what size. Also, if you do NOT ask for me to mail it to you - then you will get it at the precruise party or at the autograph session on the ship (if not attending the precruise party)
The Tshirt price will be added to your final payment in July.
Request has been sent.
You know how much us rivetheads love black t-shirts....
Yeah.. I had thougth about doing hot pink with green polka dots just for you dog.
From what the manufacturer has said, you want to allow for some shrinkage. About 1/2 a size.
No polka dots.. no long sleeve this year.
Good thing I asked for the XXL...
I am big, but not THAT big.
(still ticked about the polka dots...)
How about some stripes?
No. No Stripes.
No Dots
No smiley faces
No Pink
No Flowers
No diagonal lines
No extra long
No extra short
*puts hands on her hips and waggles finger* I swear.. there is just no pleasing some people.
i will not eat green eggs and ham
Not if shoot me
Not if you boot me
Not if you Stab me
Not if you Jab me
I will not eat green eggs and ham
Sam i ...
How are the girls tanks designed? Are they regular or like a spaghetti strap type. You and CrystalJolynn need to take some pics modeling them for us.
Now you know i dont do pics! LOL.
they are standard tanks this year.
Are any shirts going to be available to purchase on the cruise???
SOME shirts will be available on the ship - but not very many.