They are vamps that don't originate from earth, there is a few vampyre planets in other galaxies
First time I hear about the "Starseed" being associated with Vampirism. I though Starseed are old soul, which are incarnated into some humans to give them the wisdom and knowledge of the past.
In Vampiric terms, a so-called Star seed Vampire is the Strigoi VII.
The Alphas, if you will, who are into Predatory Vampirism.
I would say that a Star seed, if you'd consider me to be one, I am not of this Earth. Earth is not my Home.
I am what you call, a Pleiadian.
So, in another term for a wholly different sect of the Esoteric, in Alien Star seed Fallen Angels school of thought, I am a Pleiadian Starseed, if you will.