Blood, it's what's for dinner.
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Exasperater (20)
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03:50:42 Apr 24 2017
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There has been debate amongst the community about the intake of blood. The issue is usually whether the intake is craved/necessary because of the vitality within or if it is the nutrients or both. I was wondering, amongst the sanguines and hybrids-in yalls experience, what is it about the blood that has you needing it and how often is it needed?

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Monstrosity (34)
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14:37:09 Apr 24 2017
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You might want to look up the forum thread titled, "Where is the Soul?" posted by Dakotah. There is all the information there. :)

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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22:34:55 Apr 25 2017
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I believe that blood intake and it's beneficial effects on the user are a matter of personal needs and interests of that particular type of Vampyre. I for one have always been aroused by the thought of blood, but have never needed it for energy upkeep. That's when I discovered I was more of a Psi Vampyre able to manipulate ambient energy from afar.

Blood in itself does have some nutritional value for even the average human being consumption, assuming that it is clean and coming from a healthy individual, of course. So maybe there is something there.

-- K

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Premiere Sire (120)
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15:46:29 Apr 28 2017
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Do a google search ‘is human blood healthy to drink’ and you will become educated that the fact is, blood, when drank, is toxic. When confined to places where blood is supposed to be — such as the heart, vessels, and so on — it is essential for life. But when ingested it's a very different story. Of course all toxins have doses, and just as a tiny bit of poison won't necessarily harm you, the more you eat or drink, the greater the danger. In very small amounts (say, a few teaspoons), and if the blood is free from pathogens (such as the many blood-borne diseases), blood might not harm you. Beyond that, watch out. blood Blood is so rich in iron — and because the body has difficulty excreting excess iron — any animal that consumes blood regularly runs a risk of iron overdose. While iron is in high doses it can be toxic. This condition, called haemochromatosis, can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver damage, buildup of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous disorders.

According to Katherine Ramsland in her book "The Science of Vampires" (Penguin Putnam, 2002) the vampire bat, "requires an enormous intake of iron, which helps make hemoglobin for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues. Yet the iron intake is generally higher than what the bat needs, so it has a special process for secreting the excess. When ingested, the blood goes through a tract that's adapted for extracting nutrients. Research on this system suggests that bats have a mucous membrane along the intestinal tract that acts as a barrier to prevent too much iron from getting into their bloodstreams."

You, however, are not a vampire bat. Because humans did not evolve such an iron-extracting mechanism, drinking blood can kill us.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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18:23:49 May 01 2017
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Like bondage, sadism, masochism...drinking blood is merely a fetish, it has no true health benefits. The "high" or "energy" people claim to feel from consuming blood has nothing to do with the blood they are ingesting at all, but rather their own mind releasing adrenaline and endorphins because it has satisfied some special desire or urge. People have just mistaken it for vampirism without doing any real research as to why and how it makes them feel so good. It is a mental and emotional reaction, not a physical reaction. Same thing with psychic vampires, a lot of it has to do with the touch of another human being, the intimacy and emotional reaction from that touch. If people did more research into the human mind and body, they would understand this and not just automatically slap an outrageous label on themselves and resort to these types of drastic measures as a "cure" to whatever they believe to be suffering from. As far as physical health issues go, their are far better and more effective treatments out there than consuming human blood, which as Dakota stated, has no positive health benefits whatsoever. If someone is suffering from energy loss all the time, then they may want to consult a doctor as this could be a serious health issue. Otherwise they may simply need to assess their lifestyle and whether or not they are making healthy choices both physically and mentally. If your mental state is not healthy, your physical state is going to suffer as well and vise versa.

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Shade (32)
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20:15:31 May 01 2017
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Toxic only to humans. Is there a being out there that exists on human blood,maybe, who knows for sure but the being itself. I still and always will believe that anything is possible.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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23:01:50 May 02 2017
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Keloan, nothing wrong at all in thinking anything is possible as far as I care. I just wanted to make some aware the dangers of drinking human blood. I read your journal and I understand fully your plight. And this is not directed at you ok, but I just wonder sometimes if really given the option would a human really want to become a vampire if informed to exist you would have to drain a human being of blood were they would die? Basically you would become a murderer. Could you really look into the eyes of an innocent soul and.... I see so many here on VR who post in there journals asking, begging to become a vampire. I think that most just look at the romantic part of Vampires, the beautiful creature who can obtain all the riches in the world and how Hollywood has made it look so....attractive. Having to do what they must to survive,nope, not even to live forever would I want to be one knowing to do so I would have to harm a human being, I couldn't.

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Shade (32)
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23:55:10 May 02 2017
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Thats where, are vampires evil? comes from.How much blood would you take from an innocent to survive? I would take what I needed. I would not kill unless I had to. But I also know there are others that would not be the same if it meant survival or not. They would just keep on taking until there was nothing left! Human nature.

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Apostate (62)
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00:40:45 May 03 2017
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On that note though...say you were to run yourself out of willing donors, and say, for the sake of arguments, the blood was indeed needed to live.

So is it better to merely wound and traumatize your prey? Surely, one might opt to not outright kill anyone. However, you would still be entirely responsible for a number of people who will never feel safe alone outside for many years, if not their whole lives. One would still be entirely responsible for the mental damages done to everyone they cross paths with.

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02:10:12 May 05 2017
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I have a friend that claims he was bitten by a bat and since then his teeth have grown out with out dental prostetics and everytime he goes to the dentist to have them filed down, they come back again, not to mention he has complained of being tired all the time and no energy. I for one being an empath can tell he is an energy vamp because after being around him I feel drained, so I suggested to him to mix in cow blood in with the food he eats for the extra iron intake....not sure if he heeded my advise because I haven't talked to him since then.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:52:23 May 05 2017
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If I got bit by a bat I would seek medical help, they can carry rabies.

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Shade (32)
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23:53:30 May 10 2017
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This is a vampire site, If I needed to have blood to live I would try to keep to animal, if possible,but if I am in a state of existing or not, I would do what it took to survive as a predator.

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Carnal Creature (56)
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04:13:50 May 22 2017
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Despite what people believe and even some in the vampire community, drinking blood is a minority activity. If you want to look cool you can say you drink blood and some do but in small amounts so they don't usually get the negative side effects. It's really a topic more related to fiction. Of course then you have those that have blood fetish issues and even they can only take small amounts or they are lying. Most will vomit if they try to drink very much and where are they going to get it? Line up donors?

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Malignant Spirit (49)
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05:55:28 Jun 06 2017
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This is where I believe simple logic has been sacrificed. Vampires have always been supernatural creatures that exist beyond life and death. They are resurrected corpses. So, scientific studies may be interesting, but ultimately are missing the point. In other words, does excessive iron harm a corpse whose has arrested decomposition? Well. of course not. Remove the supernatural elements, in favor of a secular approach, and the entire mythology collapses from its own weight.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:53:39 Jun 14 2017
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@sethj But no one here is a walking corpse and Vampires are mythological. We are all humans here and drinking blood is bad.

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Elemental (77)
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23:02:16 Sep 12 2017
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The majority in what is now being called the GVC (Greater Vampire Community) doesn't care what others might think. The majority do not drink blood. Sanguinarian vampires are the minority. There are now some who refer to themselves as medical sanguinarians but not as vampires. The only ones who spell vampire, vampyre, are those in South Africa because that is the spelling for it there.

It's presumptuous for anyone to decide for others what their needs might be. Unless extensive research has been done by someone who has the training it is hard to say. There are more than two identifying types. The only reason people say Psi is because that's what Michelle Belanger uses and she is Psi and not Sanguinarian. It is suspect concerning how many who say they drink blood actually do. Whether one considers it a fetish and tries to rationalize the idea of it, is a personal issue. Most don't say it has to do with the energy in the blood these days. There are theories but at this time there is nothing more than agreed consensus based on personal opinion and experience. Even a casual conversation on this topic can cause infighting among those in the community. This has caused many sanguine vampires to form groups separate from any others identifying differently. In other words, it's a sore subject.

Vampirics do not deny they are human but with a difference and the difference they acknowledge can be legion. Not all wear black all the time and live what most would call ordinary lifestyles except they identify as a vampire or my chosen word, vampiric. As for psi vamps, there are kirlian photographs that show exchanges of energy. One doesn't have to be anything out of the ordinary to exchange energy. It is done all the time casually between people who are unaware it is commonplace. The difference is the way it affects those who are energy feeders. I don't use the term psi but rather, pranic.

Those in folklore came from superstition concerning the death process and often religious folks to scare the less educated. Some comes from books and stories. They are something entirely different. Many realize the term vampire may be a misnomer but it is the best word any believe describes what some people are all about. Not fantasy or delusion, but a condition and what type of condition is debatable depending on who you are speaking with who claim to be a vampire. Living, breathing human beings of another ilk.

Yes, I do have some inkling of what I am speaking about but at this stage in my life, I just shrug everything off. I'm a senior and been in the community quite awhile and a member of the VVC. (Voices of the Vampire Community). This is an International organization but Merticus has retired from active interaction with the community to concentrate on more personal activities.

The FAQ is here: http://www.veritasvosliberabit.com/vampirismfaq.html
The public website is here: http://www.veritasvosliberabit.com/vvc.html
AKA: Lady Nightdancer

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Wyvern (85)
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19:24:45 Sep 23 2017
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It is not for me to judge others. However, there are many different opinions and we have to respect that. However, there does come a point where one has to do some research and understand the facts and risks involved.

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Malignant Spirit (49)
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04:05:11 Oct 13 2017
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Haha. I love your intellect, Dakotah. Always have.

I assume that the poster is referring to people who claim to actually drink human blood and such. Who was that Vampire guy on Mad, Mad House? Would that he had this information. :)

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Changeling (71)
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06:18:10 Mar 21 2018
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As stated before with me it's the thrill of the act but also the display of trust shown during the exchange. I am trusted not to harm or permanently them and I am showing that I trust they are as safe about what they take into themselves as they say, a blood test is a must I absolutely will not touch a drop with my hands even outside a medical emergency even if I know the person is "clean". Also I'm not gonna lie about the amount it's simply a few drops at a time taken from a sanitized area via a prick of the skin not a bite.

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Exasperater (20)
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00:52:30 Jun 27 2018
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Wonderful discussion guys but, not a single one of you actually answered the question. Based on that fact, I have to assume that no one that has posted thus far is a sang or a hybrid. I am a hybrid. I posted this question because the data gathered from the responses would create a spectrum like frame of reference that would help me and others like me to gauge our "need" for blood in relation to what is currently considered the "norm" in regards to feeding.

Question: Amongst the sanguines and hybrids-in yalls experience, what is it about the blood that has you needing it and how often is it needed?

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Exasperater (20)
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00:54:00 Jun 27 2018
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Correction: Pathofthewerewolf did answer my question.

Thank you.

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Unregenerate (63)
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02:22:16 Jun 27 2018
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I never was totally into the sang scene. There are too many communicable pathogens floating around in people's blood for me to even consider drinking from another person. Further, blood is a natural emetic, drink too much and you are going to vomit. Beyond that is also the chance that your body goes into iron toxicity.

Another problem for me would be simple logistics. There is zero GVC activity where I live, hence little prospect to line up donors.

I will stick to feeding psi and tantric.

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Irritater (16)
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21:35:03 Jul 11 2018
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On Jun 27 2018 Bastas wrote:

I never was totally into the sang scene. There are too many communicable pathogens floating around in people's blood for me to even consider drinking from another person. Further, blood is a natural emetic, drink too much and you are going to vomit. Beyond that is also the chance that your body goes into iron toxicity.

Another problem for me would be simple logistics. There is zero GVC activity where I live, hence little prospect to line up donors.

I will stick to feeding psi and tantric.

This, basically. It's a matter of taste and sexual pleasure for me, not a need. Maybe for some blood magic as well, but for that I use my own blood.

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Termagant (58)
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06:25:45 Nov 05 2018
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That is such a great question, and for a topic still current in the community...

I can only answer from my own experience, and that is this:

A vampire tends to have, in tact, (just like the soul, energy types, and differences in ideas, within the vampire) something of a ideal journey the being/existence is going on. Based upon the desires of that same part which dictates this, it seems the diet, needs or intake may vary over a lifetime. At times, this part of the vampire which I am, would require I take doses of herbal medicines, then stop... sometimes they demanded I take doses of more advanced medicines, then stop again... sometimes they demanded I hold the flesh and body as having no value; discardable. It all depends what this part of me wishes because it is generally accurate, at least for the most part. I am not a scientist or professor, just a person who is a vampire, so that’s the kind of information I have. In recent years I’ve been informed about “blood proteins”, herbal recipes... sometimes that is desired. Sometimes a strict mix of blood and purified water... other times a strong and large intake of blood for as long as I can live off of it, with nothing else but small doses of the modern medicines and other similar intakes. No drugs after a certain age, that was one definite demand of the vampire.

Someone else on the forums may have a better answer. That’s my best insight for you though.

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Primogenitor (99)
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23:07:15 Nov 06 2018
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as someone who has been in the scene for over a decade people who claim pure sanguine have gotten smaller and smaller, and even hybrids have become less and less. the best argument ive heard besides medical is the metaphysical argument of blood being a crutch for a physical representation of energy and as such physically consuming blood would give you the same energy as the ones psychic vampires are consuming.

i personally am still a hybrid because of personal preference but im also not chugging a 24 ounce of blood that most people assume i drink, in reality its a small glass a month if that.

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07:02:21 Jan 30 2019
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I believe it is more about the spiritual energy attached to the blood rather than the physical aspects of it. Unless of course vampires can somehow extract different nutrients from blood than what one could typically do with consumption. Interesting question.

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Termagant (58)
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09:01:24 Feb 01 2019
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“So is it better to merely wound and traumatize your prey? Surely, one might opt to not outright kill anyone. However, you would still be entirely responsible for a number of people who will never feel safe alone outside for many years, if not their whole lives. One would still be entirely responsible for the mental damages done to everyone they cross paths with.”

This is a great point, I didn’t initially think of it. Typically, it would occur to me upon meeting a donor, and likely a thousand other truths about consuming a person’s blood. To harm your donor argues against your form as a vampire. To end the life of the person whose blood you’ve consumed, as a vampire, makes very little sense to me. I think these ideas are just the first few thoughts of the millions regarding the health of individuals whom you receive life/blood from.

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Termagant (58)
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09:08:45 Feb 01 2019
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They are also some of the first few thoughts, regarding, pretty much everything about a donor, methods, and what is healthy, normal/natural, vs. what is unhealthy/unnatural or immoral. There are so many important points about the matter, whichever way the thinking tends to lean.

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Shadow (10)
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11:51:31 Feb 01 2019
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Such a beautiful discussion with a lot of good arguments. Pleasure to read it, truly. I just want to add that only can see the reason to drink blood from perspective of the red magic. After all blood is very special drink. It not only makes two circles in a body, but caries life in when it goes out of lungs and caries death out before it comes back. It is also what we got from our ancestors and what we share with our siblings. There is no way such symbolic drink will live anyone who dares to drink it the same person. It affects human on a very basic phycological level. Blood is vine of our vessels and “ in vino veritas”.

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Shadow (10)
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13:04:40 Feb 01 2019
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Forgot to mention one interesting fact. There are northern tribes which consume deers’ blood in large amounts, because it is the best source of vitamins in their location. Not sure if they got some adaptations over generations, but it is likely.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:40:48 Feb 08 2019
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@margulis626, what northern tribes do that? There is a ceremony when a young hunter does his first kill called blooding but I know of no nation that drink large amounts of deer blood. : Blooding: This common ritual varies widely, but usually involves a parent or the camp’s senior member taking blood from a hunter’s first kill and applying it to his or her face. Some elders carefully streak the hunter’s cheeks with a blooded finger, while others hastily smear blood all over the hunter’s face.

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Shadow (10)
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04:36:32 Feb 10 2019
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Have no idea what’s they called on English. Here is a YouTube video with some examples for you. Do not watch if you have sensitive personality though.

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Shadow (10)
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04:58:38 Feb 10 2019
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Yeah, those people live in the mother land, so it is a bit different from Northern America even though there are some similarities ( like shamanic practice) . Also, defebrinated blood is a pretty popular thing back there. People mix it with condensed milk and make bars out of it. Originally it was consumed liquid though. Saved a lot of lifes during ww2 due to its healing qualities. Hematogen is the name.

I totally see your point and generally I agree with it. But I have seen too many people drinking blood in different forms and being just fine even after some impressive intakes. May be the danger is a bit exaggerated, but it always better to be save than sorry. Right?

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Firebrand (79)
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21:22:09 Feb 15 2019
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I believe that the massi village also participates in blood drinking. But it’s not deer I think it was a cow instead.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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09:47:28 Feb 18 2019
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I use blood in Blood Magic on a weekly basis. And yes it is consumed.

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Great Sire (118)
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14:21:41 Feb 20 2019
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If you love the taste of blood, that doesn't mean you are going to have a glass full of it. You will suck into the capillaries veins of a friend of a donor and will be no harm done. Yes, if you ingest a higer amount of blood, your anti-immune system will think something is wrong and will act. Small amount are cool. Cheer!!!

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Premiere Sire (120)
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23:14:37 Feb 20 2019
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Nice post Markus, I agree with what you posted. Goes with that saying... moderation, be wise,careful, and safe. Also Doru, what is Blood Magic? And nice seeing you posting again.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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04:57:02 Feb 26 2019
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Blood Magic is a ritual using blood to enhance an invocation ceremony. The blood must come from a divine source to invoke its power and must be drank by the Priests performing the ceremony. The ceremony is sacred and all Priests and ceremonial items must be cleansed, bound and sealed in accordance with the ritual being performed.

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