Apologises if this has already been posted I am not aware…well at least in my time line.
Have you ever wondered how millions of people can get the same thing wrong, over and over throughout the years?
I have spent the last few years deciding if I was going mad or if I truly had false memories.
I always remember it being mirror mirror on the wall…even my grandparents and parents would recite mirror mirror. Only for me to find out that it has never been.
It is in-fact magic mirror on the wall.
Darth Vador never said “Luke I am your Father” He in-fact said “No I am your father”
It was never Looneytoons, it has always been Looneytunes.
There are many many others
So Rave members, what do you remember?
Sometimes, I think people just hear what they want to hear. Sadly this become hearing something wrong, and believing it as truth.
Example of something I read about sometime back
If a couple lived together for many many years.... The 'wifie' is basically slaved, and brainwashed by her partner "believing" everything he tells her. Even thou some things she knows are not true. For example, he tells her the world is flat..... she knows it is round, but after time, she, herself believes it.
But yes, I heard of "The Mandela Effect"
In the mid 80's many many many people believe they seen and read about his death of Mandela on tv. Even went as far as thinking they watched his funeral on tv as well.
The wife thing is totally different!
This is a total change in what one remembers..not just films, books, stories, buildings.
Perhaps the wife this is a tad off.... but the point I was trying to make was idk, missed.
Sorry to be blunt, it is you who have missed the point.
This is world wide Phenomenom.
I don't know how hold you are are if anything has changed for you, for me it has. No I need reason to think that I am not going mad lol, because I remember things differently. I find this very disturbing and simply put, you haven't given me reason. Lol.
My take is that the collective unconscious is a powerful thing, and our perceptions will affect our reality. So if you get enough people taking a particular thing as fact, or a taken-for-granted reality, it becomes part of the filter on how we see the world.
Unless you're a true hermit, you are pretty much affected by the masses in many ways, and I'm tempted to say that most of those collective understandings go unnoticed until they are specifically focused in on.
Telling it from the heart xRobin3x
Oh doesn't one just love points ha ha...
I know all that, and thank you for your response and your research. I have been researching this for around 4 years.
Apologies if my writing appears aggressive, this truly has twisted my brain. Even Mrs Ban is worried about my mental state of mind lol…then again, she always has.
Some false memories are indeed connected to the Mandela effect as well as other abnormalities.
For instance I remember NM became very ill when he was in prison and there was talk of his death. I also remember it being reported that he had recovered from his illness.
Some of the people don't remember the recovery.
Tank Man~Tiananmen Square is another. I remember him being run over but not seeing him crushed. I remember seeing the reports on the news. First with the tank attempting to dodge him and then with him going under.
I remember seeing blood on the ground after.
The false memory would have been presented by my parents~shielded from the truth by my parents not allowing me to watch...though in those days the BBC would only have shown before and after..not the crushing bit. My parents when asked, remember him being crushed, when in fact he survived though disappeared, never to be heard of again.....so what has changed?
Let’s take a peek at Star Wars…a film I grew up with and know pretty much back to front word for word.
When looking at the Actor James Earl Jones, even he verbalises “Luke I am your father” on chat shows and that’s how I remember him saying it. When in fact he said “No I am your father”
Another film, Grease. Love this film and seen it many times. Again I can recite lines/songs from the film as I have seen it so often.
Grease Lighting/ It was never This car is systematic hydromatic altramatic why it’s grease lightning. What the hell is altramatic anyway!!!
It HAS always been This car is automatic Systematic (Hyyyyydromatic) Why its Grease Lightning.
The original version has changed.
These are just a very small number of a few changes that I and millions of other people have noticed and picked up. I am not believing in false memories, well not for me to have so many.
Life is like a box of chocolates....even that has changed lol
Next we will see is that Arnie would never have said I'll be back.
I am leading somewhere with this...it's all very nice to live in a protected bubble but when one digs deeper and deeper, as I have, the bubble starts to dissolve!!
Hence why I live with this madness ha ha.
The Mandela Effect is all about "false memories" as opposed to the fine-line distinction of "wrong information". False memories are not wrong memories. They are merely... untrue or distorted from their original meaning. I guess Robin was working from a wrong memory basis, which is not what the Mandela Effect is about. It is an internet terminology.
You are right about Luke. His father never really said that he was Luke's father. It is the "No" that has always got to me.
Another one I can think off off-hand is "Sex and the City". It is never "Sex in the city". Or that one on... Silence of the Lambs. Where Lecter suppossedly says,"Hello, Clarice" when he really only says "Good morning".
Or Interview with THE vampire as opposed to Interview with A vampire.
Or how Aryanism has no factual basis for Nazism. It was a mere mandela effect on the part of the great Führer! But, hey, i kind of enjoy wallowing through distortions.
Dam it, lol
He did say Hello Clarice...there is no doubt what so ever in my mind.
I had asked 10 people who I know watched the film and what sticks out is 9 said hello Clarice...including Mrs Ban, whose fed up with me talking about it lol
Sex in the City...why would it be Sex and the City...hmmm
Interview with A vampire...not The
So many changes which I find fascinating...and worrying. lol
Ah yes, this little gem.
Surprisingly true, actually. People all over the world believe they remember Mandela dying in prison. (Hence the name)
In fact, he absolutely did not. He even became president when he got out. It's also a common misconception that the twin towers was meant to cover up the pentagon being targeted but they were both on the news, so clearly the government wasn't trying to cover up either one.
Even my ten year old niece knows about the Mandela effect.
repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as the truth
I have not experienced it. I do not see any solid proof of it. I know history has been systematically altered by different groups.
Neinmortian~ You use A quote which I don't beleive is related to the topic at hand. This isn't about people being told by other people. This is about actual memories.
Hello Cinnamon, yeah it's been a while.
Again Rumor/Chinese whispers, songs and mistaken lyrics are totally different to what I have written about.
Moonraker~ Jaws became a good bloke and fell inlove with a pretty blonde woman who wore braces on her teeth. They had a connection for obvious reasons, metal mouths. Now when I watch the film she is not wearing any braces.
Heres one closer to home on the Rave it'self. How many profiles has one seen with the Lion and the Lamb. Well all you people on the Rave have got it wrong. It is infact the Lion and the Wolf....
So I admit that this has effected my well being. Blown my mind. Yet others either don't want to talk about it. Or dismiss it as false memories, when they clearly are not.
Where have my investigations taken me... Somewhere I didn't expect but made total sense.
LuvlySwan86... 9/11 is interesting but has no connection that I have found with The Mandella Effect yet.
Another topic perhaps.
Only buildings in history to collapse because of fire~ lot's of conspiracy stuff about building collapse and not being hit.
My thoughts on 9/11 is a false flag operation to do with the petro dollar.
I think what's throwing me off most about this thread now is that even the confusion everyone else is having is causing me to question my own memories. There has been enough discussion that honestly, when you use examples, I can no longer say with certainty which example was the accepted falsehood and which was right. For example, many of you are using the Sex and/in the City example. Without googling it...I could not answer honestly to which one was the correct title.
I appoligise if you have become easily confused?
I am not confused and I have become extremely passionate about this subject.
I suspect that you have not looked at the hundreds of other examples on the internet, that I deliberately left off this thread. Reason being I have no wish to condition and want you and others to simply LOOK and digest.
I think things just become twisted and stick over time, just like stories often do.
Sorry if that came out sounding like a gripe, it was anything but. I agree the topic is quite interesting. My comment was more that as we question which of the options is the real one, it may become harder to actually discern which it was in the first place without actively tracing the answer back.
In time, then, is it not likely that there will be so much support for the alternative version that it may effectively replace the actual version (particularly in cases where the original source cannot be found)?
Ah....we are getting back to the realm of false memories again. What one needs to remember is for many, the memories are real.
You see it is an impossible feat for the original source to ever be found, because in this reality, it is the original!
It's about changes in fairy tales, books, places, songs, films, animals, the human body....I was taught over and over (conditioned) in school that Columbus dicovered America, I knew he didn't and didn't accept that persons truth. I was right, he didn't....however all my class m8's beleived he did....and probably still do.
I can categorically state that there are things that I remember and they have changed, so that they are no longer part of my past. It isn't me and millions of others being brain washed or not hearing or seeing things in the right way....our reality is simply not the same as others.
It's like parts of life have changed and are being rewritten.
Bloody hell, the next I'll find out is Vampires are real............(tumble weed moment)
Perhaps it is possible that the memories themselves have just deteriorated. We are constantly surrounded by new information, even directly oppositional information. Of course, since we aren't constantly monitoring the memories and ideas that we are experiencing, we sometimes let them drift into the subconscious (if not only because we cannot possibly have all of it at the forefront). From there they are potentially altered slowly by other things that lie in the subconscious.
Another potential is that the memories are altered when recalled after a long period of time. So the recall mechanism is what is actually causing the problem by not being able to select only the original memory (ie: we get a mixing of old memories that seem legitimate).
Or, you know, we could just be seeing a gradual breakdown between neighboring realities and due to increased socialization throughout the world and better access to information, we're actually able to verify these changes for potentially the first time. Which could be a very fun thought experiment.
You wrote~Or, you know, we could just be seeing a gradual breakdown between neighboring realities and due to increased socialization throughout the world and better access to information, we're actually able to verify these changes for potentially the first time. Which could be a very fun thought experiment.
I am leaning in this direction because nothing else appears to make sense. I have sifted through mounds of information on the web about the effect and some of it directs to Cern. Interestingly I found on a site a picture of a Cern scientist holding up a card which has Mandela and Bond written on it.
In my line of work I meet all sorts of people and I met a bloke who stated he had worked at Cern. He told me that a project called Mandela was/had been in operation at Cern while he was working there, so that may be why that picture was on a Cern website. He would not comment on what the project was. He knew of the effects and was as fascinated by them.
I remember there being a rather short but feverish response from a lot of people concerning the hadron collider (for the life of me, I can't remember when it was though). Some were concerned that it might blast open a black hole and destroy the world, others were concerned about shifting of the magnetic poles of Earth, there were a number of theories. The possible linkage between the LHC, Cern and the Mandela Effect is quite curious. If it is the link, I consider your discussion here even more interesting to me. It brings up a number of questions, including what happens when we stop experimenting with the LHC. Do we revert back eventually to pre-shifting memories? Or is this now just the way things are? Even more interesting, how far would this effect reach out from the site? Are there particular spaces that are out of the way enough that they are not effected?
At first I wasn't convinced of the interest in this topic, but congratulations Theban, you won over my curiosities haha