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Ghoul (21)
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12:24:46 Mar 25 2017
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what can you do by witch craft? is there any particular go or goddess you worship?what is it about? what powers you get from witchcraft.

what is the best witch craft can do?

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Evil Spirit (60)
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23:57:14 Mar 25 2017
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Witchcraft is just another form of spirituality.

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Ghoul (21)
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21:52:53 Mar 26 2017
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i thought its about satan and tantra.

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Apostate (62)
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00:06:45 Mar 27 2017
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You appear to have been misinformed. Most witches I know don't worship Satan, and the vast number aren't into anything Tantric.

In general, most witches I know are 30-60, follow one of the Greek or Roman Gods/Godesses and generally what we do is solstice celebrations. Though that's definitely not the general rule. Happens to be most of the people I meet though.

Anyway, what can I do by witchcraft? In my case, mostly defensive spells, I'm a defensive caster sort. I read tarot and have been working with other methods of divining. I have been trying to get a better feel for sensing energies from others and around me consciously instead of merely subconsciously. Honestly, I'm pretty boring because I tend to play it too safe.

I haven't subscribed to any particular God, Goddess or pantheon, mostly because I suppose my interests shift on a dime. Could be anyone from any particular mythos on any given day, really.

They haven't shipped out my powers yet though. Or they got lost in the mail. One of the two. I was hoping for free Biokinesis with my first successful circle casting. Apparently you actually have to work for your abilities and learn them the old fashioned way.

If interested, I would suggest you go on a reading binge on the internet or go get a book. You seem to want to bestow a very Hollywood view of witchcraft, and it's much less sparkly and flashy than that. Mostly just spirituality and hard work.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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03:57:24 Mar 27 2017
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No, witchcraft has nothing to do with satanism contrary to popular medieval belief. Sure, you had some that did some pretty horrible things, but that did not mean the whole were evil and satanists. Same with every religion or spirituality, all of them have their "bad apples" but that doesn't mean they are all bad.

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Apostate (62)
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07:28:27 Mar 27 2017
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I agree with Umy.. there are "bad apples" in every religion but not all people IN that religion are bad. I am a pagan, but I don't sacrifice people in any ritual that I undertake.

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Changeling (71)
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10:15:55 Mar 27 2017
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Really, technically magic isn't actually what everyone would view as magic. It's more, influence. You cannot create something where there was no potential for that thing to exist in the first place. For example, witches who work with love. In movies they can actually force someone to love you against their will. In reality, that's not the case. It actually goes completely against the code of ethics. (Do what you will, but harm none.)
But if there is potential for love to exist in that situation, say, if you broke up with someone and want them back, and they still love you a little then there is potential and a love spell is the thing that could give them a nudge in the right direction.

I'm still trying to learn what I am, but this is one of the revenues I've taken to trying to learn. I feel that since I'm more in key with my emotions than others, this is a good place for me to start. Crystals are good to me too. I can walk into the store without the knowledge of which one I need, run my hand over the containers and have the right one choose me. (My palm heats up a little as my hand passes over the one/ones I need.) Never. Fails.
But enough about me.

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Shade (32)
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23:08:06 Mar 28 2017
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In tune with mother earth has nothing to do with satanism or evil ( as it is perceived ) I have been a wiccan for as long as I can remember. I have harmed no one. What you do comes back around three fold. Blessed be.

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Apostate (62)
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01:41:40 Mar 31 2017
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Apparently it's all the witches of Dark Souls in on this one haha.

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Sire (106)
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01:58:19 Mar 31 2017
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Witchcraft is not Satan or tantic how ever you say it. We reverse evil and do no harm none, If you read the wiccan read, I been into witch craft since I been 14, year's old. I do how ever do not believe in certain god or goddess I call them all out and each one for specific spell I wish to cast to protect my self.

(Sorry for my grammer I have dyslexia)

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Apostate (62)
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02:51:26 Mar 31 2017
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I also know at least a few Satanists who are witches, I suppose that's a thing. But the two aren't so linked that you can't be either/or.

In response, perhaps in wiccan there is the harm none focus, but not all witches necessarily subscribe to that. Not all witches are wiccan, either. For example, me. While it's increasingly rare, I most certainly am willing and able to cause harm if the situation calls for it. And I'm willing to take the corresponding consequences of my own actions.

I'm also not entirely sure evil can be reversed...but perhaps it's more apt in my case to say that balance is my goal. I don't actively try to generate more negativity, but I'm aware all things are part of the world and you can only compress them so far until they bleed out in other ways.

Not the most charming, whimsical, happy path, but it's the one I'm subscribed to for the time being.

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Apostate (62)
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00:12:05 Apr 06 2017
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Although tantra is AMAZING, its not part of the craft.

My work is all green in nature (pun intended)

Satan is essentially an angel, created by G-d, and limited to angelic power. I see no value in worshipping an angel.

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Apostate (62)
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01:59:45 Apr 06 2017
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While I wouldn't disagree with any other thing you've said, GreenCraft, I do think there is value in worshipping whatever speaks to you clearest. Just because it doesn't work for you on the same level doesn't instantly mean it has no value to another. Many may not have that same closeness with nature as some of us do. Therefore, a greener path is just as nonsensical or invalid to them.

In short, to say it's without value seems a little hasty.
Perhaps for your usage it has no value, sure.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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02:28:18 Apr 06 2017
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I am not religious, however I do believe all of them hold some bits and pieces of truth. I do not believe in one religion as truth though. I have never met or communicated with any god or goddess, although that's not to say they do not exist. I have experienced things that seemed supernatural or at the very least I couldn't explain them logically or scientifically. So, who knows for certain, we don't, it's all faith based. But if it works for someone, who am I to say otherwise.

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Apostate (62)
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02:49:42 Apr 06 2017
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I'm good with that Lav. Indeed, to each their own. :o)

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Shadow (10)
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15:34:35 Apr 13 2017
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witchcraft is all about magic, but most people are confused about witchrlcraft and magic.

i am the God of magic, worship me and i will enlighten you more abundantly...

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Apostate (62)
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01:26:36 Apr 14 2017
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The God of Magic. Huh.
Pretty sure I got this all by my little old self, thanks though.

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Dastard (23)
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08:43:46 Apr 14 2017
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Definition of witchcraft
1a : the use of sorcery or magic
b : communication with the devil or with a familiar
2: an irresistible influence or fascination
3: wicca


Witchcraft is a practice of a certain type of spirituality. According to the definition posted above from an online source, one can say that the definition is comprehensive and exhaustive.

Wicca would be a religion started by Gardner in the West and only a selected group are entitled to call themselves, "Wiccans".

The threefold rule applies in any element of witchcraft. For example, the use of candles for focusing sessions are deemed to be a form of witchcraft. Anything that involves sorcery or magic is also witchcraft.

The best that witchcraft can do.... well, it all lies in your INTENT.

You reap what you sow.

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