The Human Condition is explained as follows:
"'The human condition' is a phrase typically used with respect the generality of situations that humans face in 'getting along with each other and the world', situations that are difficult to encompass in some way because of hang-ups or predispositions of one kind or another or just simple ignorance -"What did I do to wrong her?", "Why can't we get along with each other?" and "The beauty of a flower, isn't that proof of God"? -illnesses of a sort, mental and real, our own or society's, mental or real, and how they weigh upon us and society about us.
The human condition is, for example, the material of poetry in general and the lyrics of most music ('rap' included) and various other 'secular' or even religious situations -lovers in warring religions, for example, and the irony in the contemporaneity of both most abject and most excessive 'lifestyle and quality of life' as in some parts of Africa and anywhere in the US.
Perhaps the most obvious examples come right off any daily newspaper... or the dog next door, run over and killed because your neighbor had a fight with his wife and forgot to close the gate. And there are more general examples too -the individual saddling his friends and relatives with his aches and pains or complaints on government: "They (whoever) ought'a do (whatever)" and "You can't change human nature". Various expressions of frustration, 'unrequited love', 'the seven deadly sins' -'the human condition' is some one aspect or another of these items. "
I believe in humans, we are capable of both amazing and terrible things. With this great power comes great resposiblity. To loose faith in humanity is to give up on the future.
We need to see our selves as the stardust that we are. No matter how you word it we all came into existance at some point so thus have a common origin. We are are one family in the universe. Of course by "we" I mean all things we consider living but also all of space and matter.
Coexistance starts with children. If we are not willing to change completely ourselves we can at least alow our children to make up their own minds about the world. Try to have a nuetral stance with the offspring and avoid poisoning their minds with any sort of hatred toward any sort of thing. Don't cause reverse prejudices against those that are wrong but instead explain the imperfect existance that we must ascend from.
I do not have faith in humanity as a whole. I have faith in certain individuals but not everyone. There is no cure for how some individuals are as a person, everyone is different. If everyone were the same, I think that'd be a pretty boring world to live in.
Humans are all to real. Humanity can be good or evil its the humans choice. Example, Mother Teresa, opposite, Adolph Hitler. A Human makes up their own mind. There is no cure for being human. The masses of humans will be the way they are.I am one of them that want to be one of you. Coexistence can happen if both sides can respect each other. But that is rarely what happens.
The definition of the human condition you have provided is just one of many. The human condition is a very broad topic, and encompasses so much such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspirations, conflicts, morality, and much more.
According to Jeremy Griffith, many people actively avoid thinking of the human condition because it is so depressing. He describes the human condition as the existence of good and evil in every person’s make-up. Because each person has positive and negative behavioral qualities, he/she makes “excuses” for the negative ones so they can live with their guilt. But then again, this is just one version of the human condition.
As far as your question, do I believe in humans? Lol – not even going to answer that one.
A cure for the human condition and coexistence? As with anything else, it takes a person to WANT TO DO IT. We can plead, cajole, threaten, do all of that, and if the person does not want to change or do it, he/she will not.
Each one of us has got to want to coexist with other people. I did read the link you posted, and further down it mentioned the “pecking order.” So true.
Since back in the days of cavemen, there has been a hierarchy, which still exists today. Leaders and followers. The strong will lead, and the weaker will follow. The key is to have strong leaders that will change the human condition for the better. Do I see that happening? No.
We are living in the Era of the Sinners and for that reason, I can NOT believe in those called Humans. Yes, the technology is advance, but at the same time, all the others qualities are being lost. Soon or later, they will exterminate themselves.
No, because that all crave power or to rule or take what they want an go to war for about any or everything. They destroy them selfs as time goes by. Everything repeats itself in one point in time. For every one taken out there is two that comes back. Making it even more harder to go on but, human will power makes him get back up an fight no matter what the cost. It's either brave or stupid to do so. We have not seen nothing yet folks World War III is coming so be ready one an all.
Humans crave power and money and lands (especially lands that aren't their own) , they care not for the order of nature or the animals and plants on this earth. I think supernatural beings are more deserving Of The "human"title because they crave not material things. They crave honour, loyalty, peace, bravery, courage and discipline.
I am not sure what to say about this....I find it all interesting but sure I believe in humans ?
adjective: human
relating to or characteristic of people or human beings.
"the human body"
synonyms: anthropomorphic, anthropoid, humanoid, hominid
"in human form"
of or characteristic of people as opposed to God or animals or machines, especially in being susceptible to weaknesses.
"they are only human, and therefore mistakes do occur"
synonyms: mortal, flesh and blood; More
fallible, weak, frail, imperfect, vulnerable, susceptible, erring, error-prone;
physical, bodily, fleshly
"they're only human"
of or characteristic of people's better qualities, such as kindness or sensitivity.
noun: human; plural noun: humans
a human being, especially a person as distinguished from an animal or (in science fiction) an alien.
Firstly, this is a great subject matter, nice. :)
Yes, I believe in the human condition. But I believe it's invironmental. We learn it.
If you were to strip away societal constraints, we would be beings that were much simpler and needed/lived by the code of these few things:
1. Self preservation. Do anything you can to eat, sleep safely, breed safely and kill anything that attempts to prevent that.
2. Procreate. Or just have sex a lot. Keep the species alive, and always choose the stronger, faster, smarter, better hunter for a mate. You don't want your children to be weak or inferior. Be willing to die for your offspring, they will ensure the survival of your species.
That's it. Period. We would be no different to any other animal without the influence of our childhood, our education, our peers and those that tell us what we should and should not be. Primitives and neandethols learned to live in harmony because if they didn't they'd have slowly killed each other off. No more human race.
I'll tell you this for free, our planet would be thriving if we weren't what we have become.
My people (I've got Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage) had a great respect for the circle of life. For their planet. Their people. They thanked their meals for dying for them. Not their god for providing the meal. And they have a god. "The great white spirit." And they never killed an animal with cruelty like people do now. Everything was done in such a way that the animal would die quickly, and with as little pain as possible.
Having seen some of the things they do to animals before they die now, I'm actually considering becoming a vegan. I love meat, but I don't want to support the disgusting way that these animals are treated anymore.
Essentially, if you ask me, the human condition is man made. And it's destruction.
The Human Condition was the reason why the Nazi regime started out its operations in the first place. If you have read the book, Mein Kampf, it states in black and white that Hitler had foreseen the evolution of the humans to lack in clarity, depth and substance, eventually leading to their own demise and the cause of fall of other humans.
The Human Condition is a vast topic, but, I see it as the frailty of the Human. The inconceivable notion that a Human might be wrong appears to be the most outrageous thing that a Human could ever be faced with.
Then, there is politics, which determine the actions and behaviors of men against men. I do mean it mean in a globalised political sense, but in a sense of when men regulate their affairs with each other. I am not one for politics, as I seem to be standing alone in my fight, my struggle.
What is your struggle as a Human? That is your condition. Your frailty. Your weakness. This questions then begs the question.... "Why even be human at all, in the first place?"
My struggle as a human is my spirit being trapped in this 51 year old broken down body,waking up to just another day of the same thing over and over and over again. As far as being Human, if there was something else , I would take it, no matter the cost.
Yes I do. All of humankind has shown the awesome and the horrible. Humankind has great potential and needs to use it wisely.
No I feel humanity will fall again.
I have skipped the thread and I am just answering the question. I doubt, I think, I am.
I think humanity is tittering between the potential to do great things as a whole, or to cause great destruction.
in my eyes it seems that with each passing day it leans towards destruction. humanity can and will cause havoc eventually
i think i lost faith in humanity out side my family circle inside my family circle i have faith
Humanity is a fools illusion. We are all just puppets waiting for the strings to be manipulated by our fate, controlled by forces we cannot understand. We would like to think we are in control, yet the random out of control vehicle on a road, serial killers , a plane that falls from the sky, or mother nature can extinguish a life in a blink of an eye. We drift blindly to our next random insignificant act in the play of life not knowing the time, place or the event that will extinguish this delicate existence we share with one another.
i believe in humans, they are capable to do wonderful things, but i don't have faith in them, they don't love each other for real