Which vampire are you?
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13:35:22 Feb 18 2017
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Vampires have different categories due to the characteristics they are given. We've all seen different types of vampires in films and series so I'm wondering which character best describes you (the readers).

The love sick vampire.
Twighlight vampires. We all know these vampires are wimps. No offence. But the vampires in twighlight are the happy family forbidden vampires where their son falls in love with a human (Edward and Bella).

The casual vampire.
Some vampires just live among the living day by day. Portrayed in some films and series. Only feeding when they want to. All these vampires want to do is blend in and try to be normal

The warrior vampire.
Dracula Untold. Do I need to say anything more? The vampire willing to fight for his friends and family no matter the cost. The vampire that fights for preservation and to maintain a normal way of life. Even though war is the way of life.

The veracious eater vampire.
Blade trilogy, Hellsing Ultimate (anime). Some vampires are purely hunters. They go out to kill either for food or game. They leave nothing but a bloody wake and destruction no matter where they go and appear like a flood.

If there's a category of vampire I missed feel free to comment what it is. I personally fall under the warrior vampire. But I would like to see where everyone else falls into.

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13:52:18 Feb 18 2017
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Well you left out the savage vampires which are single minded i.e I am legend DarkSeekers and the Vampires in stake land.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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14:38:52 Feb 18 2017
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Following your categories... well, I have to say, I am a "casual vampire".

The casual vampire.
Some vampires just live among the living day by day. Portrayed in some films and series. Only feeding when they want to. All these vampires want to do is blend in and try to be normal

I have an energy dysfunction because I feed only when I can. As deranged as I may sound, I have a conscience. Although, there are so many times, I wish I did not. I want to blend in. Sometimes, I blend in until no one "sees" me. It is a nice feeling. I feel all dangerous and evil, sucking out their life-force. I have to say, I stay away from stupid beings. I mean, why would any rational vampire like myself would want to suck the stupid energies out of stupid creatures. I prefer trees and plants. I am just kidding. I am not too picky. It really depends on the situation. There are times when our kind have to learn how to survive. These are those times.

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Behemoth (65)
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14:55:29 Feb 18 2017
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Not a fan of twilight vampires but physically they not wimps, in fact out most modern portrayals of vampires, they are amongst the toughest as they cannot be killed by anything short of another supernatural of equal or near equal strength, a human would not be able to do anything to them.
Emotionally, yeah they are definitely wimps. Big time.

The love sick and casual seem to go hand in hand.

Not a vampire but if I did had to compare myself, it would be the voracious eaters as I know something about hunger all too well.

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No Longer Registered
17:58:16 Feb 18 2017
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I'am a psi Vampire and electric witch I drain energy from electric thing's and I drain energy from people..

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18:01:22 Feb 18 2017
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The OP is asking what vampire archtype do you have in common with, not what "kind" of human vampire you are.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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03:06:06 Feb 19 2017
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American author Albert Bernstein uses the phrase "emotional vampire" for people with various personality disorders who are often considered to drain emotional energy from others.

The term "energy vampire" is also used metaphorically to refer to people whose influence leaves a person feeling exhausted, unfocused, and depressed, without ascribing the phenomenon to psychic interference.

So the birth of the true "Psychic Vampire" was not a flattering or impressive title to hold. As far as "Sanguine Vampires" go, the euphoria of consuming blood is all in the mind.

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Chimera (90)
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04:41:47 Feb 19 2017
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I would fall under:

The warrior vampire.
Dracula Untold. Do I need to say anything more? The vampire willing to fight for his friends and family no matter the cost. The vampire that fights for preservation and to maintain a normal way of life. Even though war is the way of life.

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Bete Noire (44)
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15:27:31 Feb 19 2017
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When I was younger I would have to say I was the casual vampire just wanting to coexist and live among everyone else. Not wanting to make waves and Just be left alone.

After getting older and having a family I would say I'm more of a warrior vampire. I will fight for my family and do what is necessary to protect them. Family to me is life without it might as well not exist...

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16:02:25 Feb 19 2017
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I am not a vampire since they don't exist at all, but I would be a hybrid between warrior and savage, I am more than capable of fighting for my own causes and beliefs, I don't have loved ones or humans I care about but I can fight for what I believe in and more importantly, for myself.
I'm also a savage because I am nasty fucker that has done a hell of lot damage and will continue to do so.

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Chimera (90)
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21:53:01 Mar 02 2017
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The lovesick vampire. There's no shame in my game.

You say they are the weakest, but I think being able to love, being vulnerable, choosing someone over and over, day after day, being someone's rock, is a strength, not a weakness.

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13:39:59 Mar 08 2017
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Love is a weakness, I can't count how many times its been exploited. I myself have used it against others. It really is an easy target.
If you are going to be a predator, you cannot have weaknesses, at least ones that are so easy to exploit.

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Exasperater (20)
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16:32:37 Mar 22 2017
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I don't think any of the media vamp archetypes listed here are apt descriptions of me, but if I had to choose, I think a cross between Casual and Warrior would be my pick.

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Apostate (62)
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09:32:19 Mar 23 2017
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I am a casual Vampire-feeding when I feel the need to. I take energy from plants and nature.. and sometimes people.

(I usually ask before taking a person's energy though.)

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Exasperater (20)
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04:43:20 Mar 24 2017
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I am

The veracious eater vampire.
Blade trilogy, Hellsing Ultimate (anime). Some vampires are purely hunters. They go out to kill either for food or game. They leave nothing but a bloody wake and destruction no matter where they go and appear like a flood.

however I am a selective of my hunts.

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Apostate (62)
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08:55:02 Mar 24 2017
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Hunters are tricky when it comes to Vampires... though I have to say.... I am friends with someone who considers himself a hunter... and I advocated for the Vampire Race and now his an ally.

(And still my friend).

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Venerable Sire (134)
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20:27:59 Mar 26 2017
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I'm none of the above, but I am partial to the warrior type.

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Apostate (62)
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22:01:57 Mar 27 2017
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For the most part, I'm throwing myself under the casual vampire classification (yes, I know, I'm a filthy casual). There are far more noticeable things I do, which essentially act as a smokescreen. Someone is far more likely to notice and be concerned with my religious leanings than my vampirism. Then again, going unnoticed works to my advantage. I am the worst kind of parasite, the one in the crowd you aren't supposed to notice. 0 shame on that one, I'm entirely okay with being casual and blending.

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Curmudgeon (11)
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08:17:52 Apr 07 2017
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Personally I'm a warrior vampire, and maybe sometimes a casual vampire, but mostly warrior.
But you left out a category: The self-hating vampire. A vampire that regrets and does not want to be a vampire, and hates them self for being one. (Definitely not me tho, it's just a category you left out)

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Dastard (23)
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14:19:38 Apr 08 2017
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On a light-hearted note, clearly, I would fall under these:

The love sick vampire.
Twighlight vampires. We all know these vampires are wimps. No offence. But the vampires in twighlight are the happy family forbidden vampires where their son falls in love with a human (Edward and Bella).

The casual vampire.
Some vampires just live among the living day by day. Portrayed in some films and series. Only feeding when they want to. All these vampires want to do is blend in and try to be normal

The warrior vampire.
Dracula Untold. Do I need to say anything more? The vampire willing to fight for his friends and family no matter the cost. The vampire that fights for preservation and to maintain a normal way of life. Even though war is the way of life.

I am more of a casual/warrior vampire, though, I may have a slightly romanticised view on life.

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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08:18:30 Apr 25 2017
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I have had a little mentorship with a Sanguinarian Vampyre back in the day, but I discovered that blood work and/or a more active predatory approach for energy intake, really didn't suit me personally. I had unknowingly developed a talent for manipulated energy from afar.

However, like the 'Warrior Vampire' you have mention, I do in fact take much initiative to protect and care for my friends and family.

My behavior actually reminds me of the vampire Abel Nightroad, a vampire priest from the Japanese anime called Trinity Blood or Juro Michisuki from Black Blood Brothers. Abel is rather quiet, caring, goofy, and very kind when unprovoked.

He is no normal type of vampire though. He is a special breed that actually feeds on other vampires. Abel has quite the frightening demonic transformation, with a spiked red scythe in hand, when fighting other vampires who wish to vanquish humanity.

I am far from being similar to any type of clergyman, but I find that for the most part, I am rather reserved at first. I do my best to be considerate, respectful, optimistic, and give one benefit of the doubt. But when my inner circle is threatened, forgiveness and humility become a myth.

It's a great animation. Very dramatic and rather religious, but the art form is stunning and there are just some really badass characters. Of course, there truly are not very many vamps that can stand up to Alucard. lol ^_~

-- Croatoan

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Cannibal (30)
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10:10:35 Apr 25 2017
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Warrior Vampire.

But like death dealer forbidden frok ubderworld

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Ophidian (66)
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04:32:45 Jun 15 2017
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I would have to say warrior I really don't fight for me but when it's people close to me it's all out war no matter what

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Shade (32)
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01:25:47 Jul 19 2017
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Let's say psi Vampire and casual vampire

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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:21:22 Jul 21 2017
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I will play along.... I would say that I am for sure The Warrior 100% yet also the seducer... the Lover (Of my Lily)... and I would say also some not listed here ...The Historian... I can sit and look at the beauty of a flower for hours yet also find the beauty in battle of killing.... complex and like a prism I am.... (a glass or other transparent object in prism form, especially one that is triangular with refracting surfaces at an acute angle with each other and that separates white light into a spectrum of colors.)

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Premiere Sire (127)
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22:36:22 Jul 26 2017
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This would be better suited as a poll.

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