Alright, lets say ghost are real. For some reason they are trapped here and haunt us and our homes. How is it some get trapped on earth and some do not? I began to do some digging and read that in some cultures when a person dies all the mirrors should be covered.
Some of the superstitions behind covering mirrors and stopping clocks when people die were thought to have origins in Great Britain and in Germany. Others have said they are based on an old Jewish tradition, and I have even read that these superstitions originated with African Americans and with Creole people. Regardless of where they originated, there are certain superstitions that cause people to do these things when a person dies.
Superstitions behind covering mirrors with a cloth when a person dies ~
So mourners do not have to see how they look when they are in mourning and can then feel free to mourn peacefully.
To allow the spirit of the newly deceased person to cross over into their new life successfully and to keep them from getting trapped in this life. It was believed if the soul of the newly departed saw their reflection in the mirror, they would become trapped and not be able to leave to begin their afterlife. This might cause the spirit to stay and haunt all who remain in this world.
Another superstition said that the next person who sees themselves in the mirror will be the next person to die. Mirrors were covered so no one would see their reflection.
Superstition claims that reflections in the mirror are projections of the persons soul.
Some legends say by sitting in front of a mirror in a darkened room with nothing more than a lit candle and gazing into a mirror will allow you to see spirits if they are present in your home.
So here we have it. Could it be that some ghost get trapped here due to this mirror myth? Could this then be why some houses are haunted and others Not? Just saying a house is old is why it is haunted, well not all old houses are haunted and if you research say a house 100 years old chances are great during those 100 years there was some type of tragedy in them. So what do you think, could this myth be why some ghost get trapped here? Could mirrors be portals for ghost? Do mirrors have the ability to suck out our souls?
Well if you subscribe to the belief that your dream body, spirit body, soul, residual self image (RSI), and one day your ghost, are all really the same thing, which I do, then I can confirm mirror portal-age through experience.
When I first got a solid grasp on WILD, using mirror portals in dreams was my primary way to get around or change the scene. Jump through a mirror, come out wherever I wanted. In fairness, I guess those first couple of rides was more like pot luck. Get where you get. But once I understood it as a concept, destination control was a simple thought.
For many years in my culture it was said to never put a infant-toddler where they could see there own reflections, like mirrors, because the soul it not bonded fully yet to the body and they could loose there soul/spirits. Same belief was with camera. Some have even reported after bring down an old mirror from an attic that they began to notice strange things in the house. Same as with buying an old mirror from a flea market or even ebay. Then some even claim to contact the spirit world via mirror: IE The story about Mary. It is said if you say her name three times in a mirror she will appear. Some truly believe you catch site of spirits in the mirror if you try. Not sure I want to try this. Has anyone tried this and something happen? Also I read a way to prevent this by covering the mirrors at night; night time is when the more malevolent entities like to lurk. They prefer hiding in the shadows. By covering the mirror with a white cloth in your bedroom you can prevent anything from entering. When you bring a mirror into a home, cleanse it with salt water. Hang or draw a protective religious symbol on the wall behind it to prevent it from acting as a portal.
Now when you mention camera's, I have to plug the vamp reference there. I used to HATE taking pictures when I was a young adult/teen. Would avoid them at all costs. There are very few pictures that exist of me between ages 12-17.
Here in the selfie age I've grown used to it. I still don't particularly like the idea of some random person that I don't know creeping on my pictures though.
Some pacific Islanders sit the body of the deceased in their loungeroom for three days and have a feast celebrating their life. Apparently, this is so that the deceased person can see their body and acknowledge their death and need to move on, and so that they can see they were well loved whilst living.
My personal view is that, as with anything else, it depends on the spirit itself. Percieved unfinished business, those who become a dybbuk ( a soul that attempts to possess another body), family trauma that they feel they need to protect others from. Live has many of these issues, why would death be any different?
Strange that if some people once believed that the mirror reflects souls then how did they explain why a "soulless" dead body keeps it reflection? Got to love the chumps from back then, so superstitious.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Many forms of popular culture have depicted mirrors as a gateway to another world which is either completely devoid of life or is filled with horrors. Mirrors have sometimes been used as a form of travel from place to place with mirrors acting as a medium.
There were and still are many superstitions concerning death such as coins on the eyes, mourning wives wearing black veils, putting drapes over mirrors, ect. Death has always been a mystery to most, and what lies beyond death is still hotly debated. As far as why someone would be trapped or stay behind, could be a number of reasons. Attachment to something or someone, some traumatic event, and so on. ome have even suggested that it is merely a natural recording in the environment. Just depends on what you choose to believe and what you have or have not experienced.
I know in islamic culture one belief of the culture was not keeping pictures around of the deceased. Reason being it can hold the soul of the person that passed away turning them what was deemed evil and Djinn. I do believe mirrors can be a portal to another world very much think they are. Have you ever just sat in front of a mirror and looked at yourself for a while 5 minutes at least. Notice that it feels as though your reflection might twitch or move in a different direction or do something completely different even little as it might be? Very good possibility a spirit is involved there.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Well that twitching and movement is just you, because you are staring, you are not aware of what your body is doing. It is like daydreaming in that you are not aware of what is going on around you.