Past lives 2
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Changeling (71)
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13:45:06 Dec 09 2016
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Past lives.
Posted: 16:49:10 - Dec 08 2016
Times viewed: 16

We shared about ourselves as adults in believing or not in past life... what about children. I found this and its quiet interesting:

A three-year-old of the Druze ethnic group, a group of people for whom reincarnation is a core belief, told his elders that he knew what had happened to him in his past life: He was murdered. The boy, whose story was documented by Dr. Eli Lasch and then told to Hardo, was born with a long, red birthmark on his head. For the Druse birthmarks like these are an indication of death wounds, says Hardo, and children born with them are paid close attention to for anything they may remember of their past lives.
Once this particular child turned three and could speak, he told his elders that he was killed by an axe blow to the head. He was led through villages to see if he could remember where he lived, until he came to one that seemed familiar to him. The child said he remembered both the first and last name of his killer with complete clarity.

Hardo writes that the boy confronted a man he’d never met but knowing his full name, claiming him to be the murderer.

“Suddenly the boy walked up to a man and said, “Aren’t you … (Eli [Lasch] forgot the name)?” The man answered yes. Then the boy said, “I used to be your neighbour. We had a fight and you killed me with an axe.” Eli told me how the man had suddenly gone white as a sheet. The three-year-old boy then said, “I even know where he buried my body.”

Lo and behold, the boy led the elders to the exact spot, a pile of stones, under which there lay a buried body. The buried man’s skull showed a split in the front. The boy also led the group to the spot where the axe was buried, forcing the accused killer to eventually confess his crime.


Now this really blew me away. Perhaps, we do have past lives. Perhaps, we all have been here before. Perhaps some of can remember and some of us can not. What are all your thoughts on this case of this child who lead police to his body and who killed him.

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Ophidian (66)
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Past lives.
Posted: 20:43:08 - Dec 08 2016
Times viewed: 11

Dakota, it is so awesome how you commit so fully to your research of things.

There's another case, I don't remember where I read it though, of a boy in America who has had P.T.S.D. since he was three, because he gets historically accurate flashbacks from world war one.

I believe these cases are exactly what they seem. People who lived those things, who were born again after they died.

But that's just my opinion.

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Changeling (71)
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13:46:08 Dec 09 2016
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This was ended, so I restarted it using the last two comments, so the discussion could continue where it left off.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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14:15:05 Dec 09 2016
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Yeah, I really am intrigued about the cases of children like this boy I posted on. This is documented and not something made up. It really got me thinking. Children for the most part do not lie. They have not learned how too yet. There are many cases like this boy 5 and under.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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17:44:07 Dec 09 2016
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The sequel.

Even this thread has inherited pieces of its past in the new life.

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Royal Sire (228)
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20:19:18 Dec 09 2016
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You need to wait 30 days before making another thread with the same topic as the one previously closed. It is considered a duplicate post.

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