Like the Parallel Worlds thread, I originally posted this topic in 2007 and wanted to bring it back.
You know how people talk about dream lands and how we also hear about Astral Projection (Traveling)? Well what if we actually leave our bodies during our sleep and dreams and go to the "dream land" and actually live a whole other life?
Your discussing Dimensional Traveling, or Quantum Jumping. Happens all the time during the deeper subconscious state of R.E.M. sleep. You think your actually there, it seems real. You can touch your hands to your face, the wind is in your hair. But it can't be real, you see an ocean in front of you and stone steps to your side. You don't live anywhere near a location that looks like this then suddenly you begin to float and slightly fly.
Yeah, it happens.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Reminds me of that old saying about dying in your sleep if you don't wake up in time during a dream about falling. When one does dream about falling, you do tend to jump yourself awake.
I would rather have put this in the closed thread as there is an existing dream thread but the OP does specify "Parallel worlds". So here it goes.
Let's start with Multiple existences theory first:
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
The terminator example is interesting because originally it was a stable time loop with no other timelines or alternate reality. Its like how a time machine can't change the reason you created a time machine.
Causality is good, infinite universe created by alternate decisions, every decision, every choice have the possibility of creating an alternate future.
Mow, the concept of believing that when you dream, you may go into a world paralleled to our, can be believable. The only contradiction is when you dream, and people that has die, are in your dream. That mean, that you went into the world of the dead or that mean, that the dead got their own world. Confusing, but, interesting topic.
thats is indeed an interesting topic and it gives us something to truly think about.
i myself dont dream. i dont know if theres is a point past that when sleeping or what but i just dont dream, but on the rare occasion that i have dreamt they tend to come true or pretty darn close.
I'm really curious to know if the I-band will only work for those who already have a good handle on Lucid Dreams, or if it will completely deliver and allow people who have difficulty dreaming at all, to become aware within their dream.
In my personal experiences I have had three types of "dreams" over the course of my life.
The first being what I refer to as "non-sense" dreams. I seem to be in a place that seems irrational to me. I.e. a zombie apocalypse situation, or driving down a road and suddenly the area in front of you is suddenly perpendicular as far as the eye can see upward [think Inception or Dr. Strange- like]. I never see anyone I know or recognize from the waking world and nothing in the dreams makes sense to me when I wake up. I can usually remember bits and pieces of these dreams, but they are rare for me. Perhaps this would be an alternate reality or universe that has different governing laws in terms of physics.
The second type is more of a lucid dream/astral projection. These are more of a rare occurrence now as I can control the projection and not just "jump" out only while I'm asleep. I see places and people that are real and that I recognize, most of the time. If I'm not in a familiar location, the places always seem logical in keeping with the physical laws of this universe. The lucid dreams are usually messages of a subconscious nature I think. Sometimes I'll dream about people telling me or showing me things that I find out later from them.
The last dream type I have seem to be memories from the past. Nothing extraordinary, other than maybe seeing recognizable items or architecture. More of "slice of life" dreams of myself in past lives and in places that no longer exist but seem to be definitely in relation to this current universe and timeline. Other places I have seen do exist today and if I ever go back to one of these places I do get deja vu but only in rare and precise circumstances.
I controlled a dream only once.when i woke i felt like
i have never rested ..and i was like a zombie all the
next day. I'm thinking it was too much
I never done it again.
Other realities..ect...
Well..this can be based on theory.
Pretty-much it.
Can't really fully have evidence of this,unless a HUGE
world connect threw our relm..and we got evidence
for everyone on the planet for these things.
Talking about this among others..
they just think you're loopy.
Really I don't know what I think on this.
Sometimes I think this life right now isent real.
So many things much stuff
hiddin' and so much mystery...just feels fake.
or..maybe its just my depression..i donno.
So I've had a series (about 3 or 4) of a WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream), in which I am building a planet from scratch. And since then, I've really been trying to wrap my head around visualization from a 4th dimensional perspective. Maybe I am getting a little ahead though...
I lucid dream quite regularly and have done for as long as I can remember, I had no idea most people find it difficult to control or create within a dream until a few years ago, personally I've never linked lucid dreaming with possible astral projection, it's certainly an interesting question.
I dreamt in text once; rather than experiencing the dream in first-person I was reading it. I've heard some people say that you can't read in dreams because the readingy part of your brain is shut down, but that's bollocks; I've focused on signs and letters and such in dreams before and been able to clearly read 'em. And there've been a couple times that I realized I was dreaming, those are always fun.
If you LD as experienced as you suggest. I'd recommend that you look into some astral projection and deep meditation techniques. At the very least, visually imagine you dream body floating away from your physical body in bed just before your next Lucid Dream.
And if you are really really nice with LD, I challenge you to ask this same question you posted here, within a lucid dream.
Coven Mistress,
A few things caught my attention with the details of your dream.
First, the closure that the dream brought to you with regard to the nightmares. These message or meaningful flavored dreams have this way of leaving a waking impact.
Second, you describe this animated letter visual. Now you have described a variety of dream details with me and when I compare it to the neat dream tricks you have shared in the past, this 3-D letter trick is simply not your style.
Lastly, your grandmother is showing you this very wild effect, while talking about your grandparents traveling together, being able to do anything. The description overall is this very lucid afterlife experience.
I've only astral projected once, I was in two places, looking down from the ceiling at my paralyzed body in the bed and at the same time looking up. I was screaming in my head, unable to move, breathe or speak. I finally got a mental command through to my limbs and moved out of that state and my fingers twitched. It was one of the scariest moments of my life. Where I live this is called a 'Hag.'
I have had dreams where I would get injured and upon awaking I would actually feel pain in the general area of my body where the injury in my dream had occurred. I have had the feeling of falling in my sleep and I wake up trying to catch myself. I have also had the typical dream of "floating above your body". Dreams do hold significance though, be it scientific or supernatural, I'm not stating whether it is one or the other though because I simply do not know. But if it is merely scientific, it is still important because it can hold the key to telling us important things about ourselves considering, according to science, dreams are merely the shuffling of mental data by the subconscious, that pat of us that becomes most active during sleep. Example: Dreams such as falling could simply mean that we are insecure or possibly even uncertain about a situation in our life. Sensual dreams could mean a need or desire for companionship or intimacy. Also, what we take into our bodies such as food and beverages and drug, can have effects of how we dream. Most dreams are forgotten upon awakening, such as night terrors, a nightmare that usually involves one trying to escape some unknown or unseen evil or tragedy in their dream and upon awaking are still in fear but cannot remember why or from what. Nightmares can mean we are afraid of something in our life that has gone unaddressed. A lot of spicy foods have also been theorized to induce nightmares. So many factors could be looked at when it comes to dreams, but it is just one more feature that proves how little we understand about our own brains.
i dreamed that i got cuts up and down my arms and when i woke up i had cuts on my arms not deep ones but they still hurt though another dream i had as a teen a friend and i were driving some kids back to their mother when we got hit by truck well when i woke up my friend came knocking on my door wanting me to drive with her to drop off some kids to their mom we went to pizza hut for lunch first and on our way to get the kids to their mom it happened we got hit by a truck just like in my dream
dreams can come true trust me i know
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I would say the cuts on your arms were due to you since humans do sometimes cut and scratch themselves in their sleep, the second part is a bit strange but it could be only a coincidence.
Usually when one travels such as the way you describe we are entering what I call an alternative timeline to the one we currently live in. Our energies are not subject to just this time frame and as we sleep we can either jump timelines, travel to the future, or into the past. When we have dreams such as this, one can normally wake up with a feeling of tiredness or weak, taking a longer time to wake up. This is usually because it takes up a bit of the energy within to be able to travel to such places.
i honestly dont dream often. i suffered alot of abuse, and i occasionally remember nightmares (not often) but dreams dont happen much. my counselor told me it might be from the abuse but couldnt be sure.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Dreaming is only supposed to happen, at least memorably when you enter REM stage of sleep. If you are not dreaming, you must not be entering that stage of sleep often or you simply are not remembering your dreams.
I'd imagine during the process of astral projection, your soul does not physically leave the body. If this were the case, we'd lose 21 grams each time we astral travel, which would be pretty easy to prove scientifically.
I do allot of Astral traveling do not even have to be asleep to do it... I like to travel different parts of the worlds,
I believe this concept to be true. I often travel to the same locations and interact with the same people in my dreams. Sometimes they teach me things.
I think this is a very common belief among many segments of the occult world -- q.v. all the posts above. (It's got some precedent in non-occult philosophy, too: think of that canard about if you're a person dreaming you're a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming you're a person.)
However, what the OP seems to be describing is actually different: the idea that there's one continuous life we lead, on the other side.
I imagine there's some precedent for that belief, but that's not my experience. I do have recurring dreams, and recurring elements in dreams, but there's no overarching narrative.
If I am jumping to other universes (which strikes me as maybe an overly-simplistic explanation of how dreamwork functions), I'd wager I'm jumping to several different ones, rather than one single one.
I think that most of us who have experienced lucid dreaming, OBE, astral feeding, dream walking, etc. do not need scientific evidence to know that what we experienced is very real. I frequently experience lucid dreams in color and OBE. Lucid dreams can be used to trigger OBE or astral projection
What I find interesting is that there is a mounting body of evidence from the scientific community around the world to support the theory that our world is a hologram. In other words, the universe is a projection of itself. What this means is that everything in the universe is infinitely connected on a subatomic level. Because time and space are intimately connected in this model, the past, present and future all simultaneously exist. A holographic universe according to scientists now gives credence to paranormal activity, near death experience, lucid dreams, synchronicity, telepathy, déjà vu, astral projection and more. As we all know, in the past this was all waved off by the scientific community. I have also read that in a holographic universe, it is possible that we can live multiple lives simultaneously.
So from the standpoint of the holographic universe model, it appears that living a whole other life would be possible. Perhaps this life is just a dream projection of another lifetime lol.
I do not know enough to give a very informed response but if that is the case I'm rather disappointed to be honest. My dreams tend to be mostly normal except for the occasional flight dream or when everyone was talking about the zombie apocalypse or other apocalypse theories enough I dream them. Maybe I should join a book club...