Dream sex
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Incendiary (86)
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19:15:24 Oct 20 2016
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its common that people have sex in their dreams though i feel its something you can't control but what i want to know is "does it has an effect on someone im talking spiritually,mentally or emotionally...any contribution guys?

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:29:24 Oct 20 2016
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DonorTheDead TMI! TMI!

I have to give this some thought. Lately I have been dreaming a lot. Some are nightmares. Very vivid dreams. My last one was a apparition that was sitting on me. Some how I knew it was a female. In my dream I could not breath. She was very powerful and was... taking advantage of me in that she had me pinned down and was... enjoying herself. She was also cutting off my air supple in my dream. I woke up frightened and felt fear. I was very scared when I woke up and was fighting to breath for a few moments. It took me a little to calm down and I told Lily about it right away. I have NEVER had a dream like this before. I also had an erection when I woke up. Strangest dream/nightmare I have ever had. If I close my eyes now I can still see her. I had herd of people having dreams like this before and I jokingly said 'I wish I would have such a dream; sex dreams.' Now that I have had one like this; I hope I never do again.

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Royal Sire (228)
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21:40:47 Oct 20 2016
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Let's keep the lewdness out of this thread. Especially since overtly sexual posts are not allowed.

Carry on with the discussion.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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23:54:03 Oct 20 2016
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I forgot to add this part to my post, yes it affected me for days emotionally. And of course I had to analysis it to death. Now my dream/nightmare might sound sensational but it was not. Thus I list it as a nightmare. I know there was a thread awhile back about nightmares like I had and a balked at it. I joked about it. It was not that I did not believe some but some I did not. There here I am now having had such a dream myself. I spoke to some people about the dream and was told that I had an subset of the incubus encounter, a nocturnal meeting with an otherworldly creature that sits on your chest or otherwise gets all up in your business while you lay in bed. This time of year is the Last Harvest and more specifically as the cross-quarter between the Solstice and the Winter Equinox, has a long association with ghosts, goblins and spirits. I was told my nightmare falls into the category of sleep paralysis. So now I am researching this to learn more about it and my nightmare.

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Incendiary (86)
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02:07:42 Oct 21 2016
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i've got a friend who faced same thing some while back and for a couple of days he was actually scared of the female gender

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Scamp (26)
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04:15:02 Oct 21 2016
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I would say it is most definitely something you can control if you put the work in to achieve wake induced lucid dreams.

AS soon as I realized that I could fully control what happens in dreams, this was the first thing I did. Celebrity crushes, past relationships, self made dream girls, you name it.

Would it be considered emotional cheating? I guess. Only by virtue of intention. If you find yourself randomly having a sex dream, I wouldn't freak out about it.

On a dream interpretation level, if I randomly had a sex dream while in a relationship that didn't involve my partner, I think it would be worth asking myself if I was happy. It might even be worth asking my partner is she is happy too.

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Termagant (58)
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15:34:08 Oct 21 2016
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You can, energetically speaking, meet with someone out of body aka Astral and feed from others in a sexual manner, so the answer is Yes it's possible and sometimes without knowing you are, but regular dreams, most likely not.

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Curmudgeon (11)
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21:44:35 Oct 29 2016
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I agree.
could be a being that's well-and alive,
right now in this relm that could be doing
an out-of-body projection into ones dreams.
Sexual vampires like to feed off of this energy.

As long as it dosent hurt anyone.
Should be no prob..but if it get out
of control. you might wanna seek help,
or place up barriers.

I have alot of these..umm dreams and
feels..but thankfully im never hurt or put
into a situation that i feel threatened.

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Incendiary (86)
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14:04:17 Oct 30 2016
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its not as beautiful as you make it sound

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Great Sire (118)
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16:15:27 Oct 30 2016
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Dream sex. Well, is just that, a dream. When events about a subject, get stock in your sub-conscience , then, when you go to sleep, they appear, as a seductive encounter. Sometimes, erotic, sometimes passionate.

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Vampling (25)
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02:41:49 Oct 31 2016
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Many of these types of dreams are the body's way of getting rid of stress, just as real life sex does. but however the real definition of these types of dreams is this:

To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself. The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express. A more direct interpretation of the dream may be your libido's way of telling you that it has been too long since you have had sex. It may indicate repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love. To dream that you are having sex with a stranger represents uncertainty about what is ahead.

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Changeling (71)
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06:16:03 Oct 31 2016
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Could also be a succubus. Just sayin'.

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18:21:50 Oct 31 2016
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One needs to watch out as there are cases where you will actually have sex while sleeping, though humorously one woman said that her husband being asleep while mating with her was better than when he was awake.

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Great Sire (115)
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22:00:35 Nov 01 2016
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my beloved says she has dreams in which she and I are engaging in the act... mine are different... I just dream that we are together, but she is playing coy.

maybe my dream is more symbolic re: the chase or pursuit of her affections?

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Incendiary (86)
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23:12:06 Nov 02 2016
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once heard bout a man who lost his ability to work well in bed after having sex with an unknown Lady in his dream

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Doppelganger (69)
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01:41:16 Nov 04 2016
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I can see how this is issued with men but women can be attacked too , I have had the same deal only with a demon and is not fun and actually has me paranoid till this day, even yet, I try not to remember him I believe i was cursed or hexed, sent to me when this occurred i had him in my old apartment everytime id have a man over they would not stay long , could this be some sort of curse or attack ?

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Changeling (71)
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09:15:43 Nov 04 2016
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Eternal Night, look up something called The Lessor Baniching Ritual of The Pentagram on youtube. It is a ritual for the expulsion of malevolent beings such as succubi, and their male counterparts incubbi.
They are basically sex demons who assault you in your sleep. They feed off of sexual energy.
erhaps these men were afraid of commitment, and when they felt inexplicably drawn to you, it scared them.
I would suggest that Dakotah looks up this ritual too, because that my friend, sounds like the same thing people attacked by a succubus experience.

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Premiere Sire (124)
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04:33:57 Nov 05 2016
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I think it's a good possibility as there are astral traveller's and there is dream travels . As to dream one usually needs to be in a state of rem sleep. But if the person is psychic it may be they could connect with others in that manner. I think I'll ponder this. As there's some interesting stuff here.

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Scamp (26)
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14:27:24 Nov 05 2016
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I can't speak to psychic powers, but I can confirm that shared dreaming is legit.

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Incendiary (86)
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00:26:17 Nov 06 2016
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shared dreams is something I still find hard to believe

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17:24:31 Nov 06 2016
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It is funny how no one says that about murder.

Shared dreams? probably unlikely but dream sex does happen, and as I have said, can actually happen out of the dream. Perhaps people should stay in seperate bedrooms if they "suffer" from that.

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00:42:08 Nov 07 2016
Read 547 times

If they enjoy it then sure its unnecessary. but if one of them doesn't want it and has to fight their partner off then its pretty much sexual assault only the assaulter is not at fault, so best way to avoid that would be seperate bedrooms.

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Scamp (26)
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06:24:52 Nov 07 2016
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Shared dreams unlikely... that is correct.

Mostly due to the fact that most people don't experience lucid dreams at all, let alone share the experience with someone else. I've read in multiple threads here on these VR forums about experiences of succubi, intruder, & perpetrator dreams. If these members are correct in their analysis, then they too have experienced a shared dream.

There isn't a whole lot of public research out there on the subject. But the internet has made it possible to find some information over time.

It seems so far fetched, but I've sent this message via wireless technology. Machines are creations of man. Moreover, the spirit or dream plane has very little rules, if any at all. Spend a decent amount of time over there & see it for yourself. Then again, that brings me to my next point.

It is also highly unlikely because most people are unwilling to put in the work required to train your mind to be aware of the lucid state, let alone two or more people at the same time. Tall order.

My first shared dreaming experience was in about 2008, two years before seeing the film Inception. After seeing the film, my mind was blown. Having shared dreams prior to seeing the film really woke me up to the idea that more people than I imagined had already had similar experience. Someone had very obviously done their research and homework.

And lastly, it is very unlikely because in order to achieve success, one must first believe success is possible. Dream sex is probably in the top 10 easiest types of dreams to manifest into reality within reason. I say within 'reason' since I personally hadn't had real sex with any of the celebrities that I dreamed about, but I did meet one. Fact bruh.

The best part is, when you believe in something for real, it truly doesn't matter what other people think. That is one thing most all religions have right, without belief there is nothing for you. The lessons I've learned from WILD and shared dreaming were priceless. In fact, I will be exercising my power to manifest dreams to reality, like today. So enough typing for me tonight, I need to get some rest. I would suggest to anyone who so happens to notice the universe bending for you to be on time. She doesn't like it when you're late ;)

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Termagant (58)
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13:25:07 Nov 07 2016
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First of all, that isn't correct.

One can't simply make that kind of statement without asking others first if they have EVER had a shared dream with another person because I did with a Shaman years ago.
He told ME what i saw before i said a word, and he was correct.
I'm not trying to cause any conflicts here but if someone is wrong about something, i have to step in, even if i'm the only one who experienced such an event.

Yes shared dreams DO and CAN happen.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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09:02:35 Nov 08 2016
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Dream sex? Ahh to be twenty again...

Dreams are nothing more than the brain venting. They can be controlled but not shared. There's no reason for one's brain to share its trash with another.

To be able to control dreams can be useful for other dreamlike abilities but "sharing" dreams belong to therapists.

Sounds like some people are posting about "sleep paralysis."

Two episodes myself. After the first one that scared the shit out of me, I recognized it the second time and rode it out. Weird stuff for sure. But it's still just a dream.

If I didn't have those years of training, I wouldn't have been able to just lay there in bed and watch patiently while the dream ends.

The brain can and does do weird things. Dreams are not real in any shape or form. A person can learn many things from dream watching but reality isn't one of them.

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Scamp (26)
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14:43:23 Nov 08 2016
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100%. Shamans & Healers FTW.


LOL @ the Delorean ride back to the early 20's.

I too have experienced sleep paralysis as a side effect of LD. And I too freaked out completely the first time it happened. I also adjusted and patiently waited for it to wear off after the first time.

To your point, and as I mentioned the opposite, Yes, there are real rules here on the physical plane. It makes shared dreaming a bit problematic. This is why, the astral projection research and practice is key. I do not believe shared dreaming occurs purely in the subconscious of the two subjects. I believe, that your dream body or spirit has the same access to the complete spiritual plane/universe that it does prior to birth, and after your death. If one does not believe in the spirit body having eternal existence, or at the very least, afterlife existence, then the concept won't make any sense. And if it doesn't make sense, then there is no belief. No belief. No astral travels. No shares. No Magics.

I just speak to the interpretation of my own experience with 4 different shared dream partners. Perhaps the Shaman Sorvena experienced uses a different technique.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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03:46:32 Nov 12 2016
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Has anyone tried Nightmare charms to see if they work? Here are some I read about:

Charm against Night-Mares

I lay me here to sleep;
No night-mare shall plague me,
Until they swim all the waters
That flow upon the earth,
And count all the stars
That appear in the firmament!
Thus help me God Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen!

A Charm to Control the Night-Mare


S. George, S. George, our ladies knight,
He walkt by daie, so did he by night.
Untill such time as he her found,
He hir beat and he hir bound,
Untill hir troth she to him plight,
She would not come to him that night.

n Japan, among superstitious people, evil dreams are believed to be the result of evil spirits, and the supernatural creature called Baku is known as Eater of Dreams.

The Baku, like so many mythological beings, is a curious mingling of various animals. It has the face of a lion, the body of a horse, the tail of a cow, the forelock of a rhinoceros, and the feet of a tiger.

Several evil dreams are mentioned in an old Japanese book, such as two snakes twined together, a fox with the voice of a man, blood-stained garments, a talking rice-pot, and so on.

When a Japanese peasant awakens from an evil nightmare, he cries: "Devour, O Baku! devour my evil dream." At one time pictures of the Baku were hung up in Japanese houses and its name written upon pillows. It was believed that if the Baku could be induced to eat a horrible dream, the creature had the power to change it into good fortune


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Incendiary (86)
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09:15:19 Nov 12 2016
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that of England is a sham but I'm yet to try the others

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Venerable Sire (134)
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03:50:49 Nov 14 2016
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As mentioned earlier...if it's a succubus (or the male equivalent - an incubus) you may want to stay awake a bit more.
On the other hand...

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