Demon vs subconscious
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03:59:59 Sep 07 2016
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Those that have found they have voices inside their head, or black out under use of certain chemicals only to have someone else use their body and behave in a manner that is obviously not who they are. The question I have is how would one be able to tell if they were simply acting from their subconscious, or if they had allowed a separate entity to dwell in their soul? This is a question that has plagued my mind for four decades. Any opinion or thought would be appreciated.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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05:55:58 Sep 07 2016
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I have to say this at the start, though. Really, I do not know why I am actually responding to this post... It seems like everyone's giving me the cold shoulder. Anyway, personal distastes aside, I shall just chime in. :) It is nothing personal.

Carl Jung had postulated something in the field of psychology that humans have to acknowledge their "Shadow Self". I think, put in simple terms, this would be our Subconscious, as you put it. There was a time in my life when I devoured anything I could get my hands on, to feed the interest in this area of "possession". I believe that there are several stages of possession; mostly through the Soul, Spirit, Body and Will.

As for how one can differentiate this... It is quite difficult. Most of the time, this condition of blacking out or voices, can be treated or alleviated by medication. One may never be fully cured, but their condition can be significantly reduced. There are so many signs that may signal a possession... automatic writing, acting out of character, becoming violent and such. These are some good indicators, I guess.

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10:15:06 Sep 07 2016
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The problem goes even deeper if you allow the idea that the influence of the demon is causing real phisical mental and other medical issues. At that point it is impossible to prove or disprove any sort of possession

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Termagant (58)
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14:25:51 Sep 07 2016
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I would think that is something a demonologist would be able to tell you.
Granted most come from a religious type of background and i don't necessarily agree with how they handle situations.

A demon is either invoked upon, or the person's mind is in a state of weakness or darkness already that it would be all too easy for one to possess a body but it doesn't come without consequences.

Some demons are far more stubborn than others but if one allowed it in, would have to have someone to summon it out. It's just another type of energy, and you need a person who recognizes the difference between a demonic energy within a being, versus something subconscious.

My guess would be that you'd have to FEEL it within them.

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Vampling (25)
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21:03:08 Sep 07 2016
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Most people have a shadow side, always watching and always waiting for a chance to get loose. This is actually where the saying "Know Thyself" makes a lot of sense, because to truly know thyself one must know the shadow side as well and embrace it fully. And no its not a mental condition as most folks may think, there is an actual second soul attached to yours.

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00:30:11 Sep 08 2016
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It happened to me once, a friend of mine told me about it, when I was totally sort of black out, he said I was not me, someone else was inme, someone or something else has taken over, he said he have encouter many things in his life and did not care much usually and don't really pay attention anymore as its to common, but that one time he said he got really worried, as whatever took over me, was not to friendly and really made him worried for his safety and mine at one point, it was he said very strong phisically and even my appearence changes a bit, some of my feature were totally different, eye color and voice and way of moving and all. Then it said to him it was leaving me for now and I went limp and sort of out for a bit till I woke up and wondered why I felt so sore and all.

So it is possible, but the thing is to make sure to protect yourself, as of later after that I did two astral voyage and both time it was a diferent person near me and they said that a shadow was watching over my body sort of protecting it, it was as if my body was without life then I came back suddenly they said they saw the life come back inm e, they felt the room change and saw the shadow vanished as soon as I breath again.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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06:35:06 Sep 13 2016
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I think you are talking of what is called "Detachment". If one is able to separate their Self, being able to differentiate between entertaining the notion of having an external entity controlling their Self and accepting their condition as inherent, then I am not quite sure about that... It seems like a matter of the level of Detachment.

But, hey, you know what they say... The greatest trick the Devil has ever played is to make one think that he (who?) does not exist!

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Heretic (18)
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08:44:30 Sep 13 2016
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this is all totally psychological and yes physical,..i believe in spirits and those with weak minds are the ones that that become a puppet to the puppeteer

and....that's all I got to say about that...*who wants a piece of chocolate?*

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Dastardly Being (59)
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20:53:15 Sep 18 2016
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So if a child goes for days without sleep, and is subjected or assaulted by a nonplanar entity, you would call his mind weak? That seems like a tad harsh.

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Doppelganger (69)
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14:46:38 Sep 21 2016
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if you believe in demons - some cultures to do not believe in mental illness - some cultures do not believe in demons...

Carl Jung, I think describes it best...but thats my opinion.


Being that this is my field of study I would really need to sit down with you and discuss many things before tossing around Diagnosis or labels such as possession.

But to answer your question - is merely a matter of opinion and belief. I do believe in mental illnesses that can cause you symptoms, but I am on the fence when it comes to possession....possession seems to negate free will. When you have a mental illness such as multiple personalities - you still have free will. Each personality has free will - mind you they do just take over you without permission so to speak which in turns causes the blackouts. but that is not the same as taking your free will.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:41:44 Sep 21 2016
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Once during a sweat lodge, not sure what happen or how it happen, I blacked out for a little bit then had this vision that scared me. My Spirit guide who was there, an Elder from our Cree nation, witnessed the visit if you will. I do not talk about it much but 100% believe it was evil. We call this manitowak, the Tsimshian, halaayt. We call is living in another world when this happens as we do not see things as dead. Everything has a spirit, plants, animals, everything is living even when the body passes. In other words believe we believe in the immortality of the soul. Some in my culture will even try to woo or appease powerful spiritual entities. It can be very dangerous. I never did nor would I. But sometimes when your journal things happen and things you do not want to come though do. It scared me and still does. Now I am leery when I do one. I see the universe as being composed of multiple layers. Earth was the middle segment. The Lower World (below the Earth). The Supernatural World (the world of the Ancestors above the Earth).

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18:09:47 Oct 30 2016
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The more superstitious humans would often mistake natural human quirks for demon possession, I have heard about stories where someone with epilepsy or some other condition would be beaten to "exorcise" the non-existent demon from within them.

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Doppelganger (69)
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15:06:12 Oct 31 2016
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people fear the unknown its a shame but its true.

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15:31:30 Oct 31 2016
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And that fear turns to hate, which causes more destruction than what they supposedly feared in the first place. Mankind has always been its own worst enemy. Compared to other animals, humans are demons.

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Great Sire (118)
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01:24:00 Nov 02 2016
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Let me put my two cents to the subject. As today, many mental Institutions, do not believe that their patients are acting under the influence of an entity. Now, are they right or wrong? Well, that depend who you are asking. If you ask a priest, who deal with Demonic Possession, then, He will tell you that demonic possession is alive as the reader who is reading this post. The subconscious is that part of the brain, which more of the time act during sleep. My opinion, yes, Demons can take over the subconscious of the weak.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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08:25:02 Nov 08 2016
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The Soul is perfect, always is and always will be. You cannot corrupt your soul or anyone else's. And you certainly cannot have it processed by any other entity.

Our subconscious consist of layers.

"Demons," are expressions and/or emotions venting from those layers either from frustrated decisions or perceived memories. They're conflicting reactions mirrored by unjustified perceptions placed on us by ourselves or others.

Hard truth is, drugs don't make us go demon. Someone with a calm soul wouldn't react any differently with or without a drug or outside influence. That's because it's not the soul that reacts, it's the brain.

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02:06:18 Nov 16 2016
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Drugs, like alcohol can remove inhibitions to let the "real" you out, so the only demon if any, would be you all along, nothing else. The only other demons are the aspects of one's repressed or negative emotions such as doubt, fear and so on. But those are just flaws, something that humans are full of.

In many ways, society itself is one big demon because it prevents humanity from being true to themselves, they are forced to hold themselves to their society's standards and thus repress themselves to the point of having a meltdown. Bottling things up never hoes well and this is why you have fools going postal.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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02:34:01 Nov 17 2016
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Pre-Crowley Demons were invoked and evoked. Crowley added psychological essays to his interpretation of the Goetic texts.

What is your experience telling you?

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Premiere Sire (120)
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07:33:44 Nov 21 2016
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Have any of you herd about the book of Enoch aka The Book of the Watchers which is dated to about 300BC and the later part of the book the Book of Parables was written some 400 to 500 years later?

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11:35:30 Nov 21 2016
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Aside from the relatively common sense answer(s) that are scientifically provided, such as the "Carl Jung" explanation, there could be more to it than meets the eye, yeah.

We all know certain people have "black-outs", I know a few people who even have psychological disorders such as PTSD, where their mind goes into a deep and dark place so the only thing left is a lasting memory that keeps them in a loop of the past.

If we dive into spirituality and the manifestations tied into that part of the subject, who's to really say that a "DEMON" has taken over? Could it be some other "dimensional being"?

There are darker beings out there in the other realms and dimensions than just demons. There are layers upon layers of a world beyond our own eyes, through that veil that few rarely see. Those beings are a hell of a lot worse than "religious" entities that we have grown up believing in.

There are numerous entities that can technically take over a body, but as a few people in this forum thread have already pointed out, the SOUL remains untouched. As it is always attached by the spiritual umbilical cord we call the Silver Cord from the Seat of the Soul. Most call it simply "Astral Cord" that keeps the soul attached to its host body.

Even those who have honed their natural instincts as "vampi(y)res" can dreamscape into someone else's affairs, this is where the two terms "Nightmare" and "Remote Viewing" come into play. When one is asleep and cannot move from that waking dream... sleep paralysis occurs. That vampire has turned into a type of "Mara" and will begin to attack it's victim.

I'm sure this audience is aware of these terms, so I won't dwell further on that part of the subject.

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Great Sire (118)
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10:56:50 Nov 23 2016
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This is just some of the event that are happening in America.
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — The Florida college student accused of killing a couple and chewing on the dead man’s face told deputies, “Help me, I ate something bad” and then admitted it was “humans” as he spit out a piece of flesh, court documents show.

Austin Harrouff, 19, also begged deputies to kill him after they pulled him off John Stevens’ body, according to the records, obtained Monday by the Palm Beach Post.

“Shoot me now, I deserve to die,” Harrouff said.

Harrouff is charged with second-degree murder in the Aug. 15 attack on Stevens, 59, and his 53-year-old wife, Michelle Mishcon, outside their Tequesta home. Prosecutors say they will ask a grand jury to indict him on first-degree murder charges. That would make him eligible for the death penalty.

Deputies say they found the then-muscular former high school football player and wrestler in his underwear, making animal noises and biting Stevens’ face as he pinned his victim’s body to the driveway.eryday in America. "

Demonic possession? or Drug Influence? These cases are being left aside, because those in power, do not want to stir the pot of Demonic Possession. What is your opinion?

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No Longer Registered
12:03:12 Nov 23 2016
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That's an easy one. Drug influence... the new report was on all major news websites.

The drug in question was linked with Bath Salts. The major incident was in Miami, Florida.

I won't dwell further on the obvious...

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16:31:39 Nov 23 2016
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Indeed, its also called the "zombie drug". The drug can cause humans to run around semi naked or completely nude and literally chew the faces off other people.

I wonder what the statistics are on how many folk are experience those specific side-effects.

Lawyers are pathetic weasels, they don't care about justice anymore than I do, they just want to win cases. That murderer was obviously under the influence ergo was not fully responsible. First degree murder? what a bunch of eunuchs. Clearly america never needed trump the orange chump to ruin the country.

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Behemoth (65)
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03:09:18 Feb 10 2017
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Meh more often than not...well probably all the time, its simply the subconscious. Human minds can snap quite badly given the right circumstances.

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00:39:42 Feb 18 2017
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Some plants can cause hallucinations, and those who don't know which one is safe to eat then those idiots will probably end up acting possessed as well as thinking they are possessed. Either way its all just another state of mind. DPD would likely be akin to possession for some as it would be like getting your body jacked by something else.

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Behemoth (65)
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16:43:54 Feb 21 2017
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Lack of understanding and the fear of the unknown have contributed greatly to the legend of demonic possession, I bet that most cases if not all are simply down to seizures and other actual medical conditions.

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Exasperater (20)
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04:09:33 Apr 15 2017
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In some schools of thought, demons and the subconscious are the same. To have your subconscious self surface is to release your inner demons. This can happen as a result of repression/restriction/frustration/entrapment. You subconscious/demonic self will surface and lash out for the purpose of ridding you of what has been repressing/oppressing you. The lack of memory is a form of protection from what you demonic self has done on your behalf so as to keep the memory of those things from tainting the wellbeing of your conscious self.

A mind is a complicated thing. It is expressed through many aspects/dimensions of self. So if one takes the above to be true than one must consider that there is no difference between demonic possession, the surfacing of the subconscious, and split/multiple personalities. In which case, perhaps one would go to a Psychiatrist to rid themselves of a demonic possession. Amusing.

In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, there are several deities that one meets on their journey through the Bardo. The Fierce/Demonic Deities are the same as the Buddhic Deities. They are aspects of eachother that surface based on need of function. These deities, are through the journey, revealed to be aspects of your own mind/soul.

So one can also think of the demonic self as the Fierce deity self that comes out when its function is needed in our lives.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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14:10:57 Apr 15 2017
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There is also the consideration of telepathy. Maybe a person has been controlled via a unknown telepathic link to a stronger human mind, to do their bidding. Not necessarily a demon or mental condition in that sense. I watch to much Harry Potter I know...

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Great Sire (115)
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13:51:49 Apr 16 2017
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I have always been very fond of possession. Though as always something comes along and rips it away. Demons, ha ha.

Remembering how demons are so powerful, not.

Remembering of how they can make a human do anything, not.

Ever seen a man/woman fly unaided? Ever see a man/woman turn water to gold ect. The list is endless.

You have been lied to all your lives and you don’t even know.

Really Demons have no hold ha ha

That stated, there are techniques that can be used to manipulate a person to do things against there will, in a covert way. Very easy to find out how to do, very hard to get away with it lol

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Dastardly Being (59)
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15:14:51 Mar 20 2018
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Amalga9 makes interesting discussion on the topic, makes me think of Dr Jekylle and Mr Hyde meets Edgar Allan Poe. A journey in a "all that we see or seem is a dream within a dream" situation, whilst battling our own processes in that existence.

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Marplot (14)
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17:10:53 Mar 21 2018
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tbh there are a few ways to know if it is a different entity or just your subconscious self.

- If you have holes in your memory that you cannot remember and when you try to remember them you feel as if someone is literally melting your brain (a headache much worse than migrane)

- If at times you get visions of some forgotten memory and you cant seem to place it especially the ones involving violence or negative emotions outburst of sorts

- If you feel a strong repulsive smell like that of rotten meat in the vicinity of a church or a priest

- If at times you get such bad mood swings that without any reason you feel like killing some specific person or just randomly any person

- Random bruises pop up in your body and you feel worn out all the time along with huge baggies under your eyes

Suffering from all the above most definitely symbolises possession but it is not necessarily a demon. If you feel some of the above it is possible that it is just your subconscious but it is best to get advice from an expert in case you feel any of the above except the last one. If its just the last one its best to consult a doctor.

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Changeling (71)
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09:46:20 Mar 23 2018
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Eagerly taking notes over here. So my question is could a possession lead to permanent change that could be confused with future possession when it is just "aftershocks" or perhaps some manipulation done during the initial possession?

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Nihilist (19)
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10:27:39 Mar 23 2018
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What of possession of objects as well I have heard that is a thing that can be done. Could a demon perchance manipulate some person or persons in an area that way?

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Marplot (14)
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07:54:04 Mar 24 2018
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Drugs and alcohol remove inhibitions. Decisions made under the influence are natural decisions the person in question would make uninhibited. The influence of substances, even to the point of blacking out, does not free one from personal responsibility. For example: Theodore Robert Bundy committed 136 murders under the influence of alcohol. Being a highly intelligent lsychopath, alcohol was a method of committing these crimes rather than a reasonable factor of diminisbed guilt. He got drunk before each mjrder because being drunk helped him to commit those murders. Likewise, any person engaging in an act under the influence would, if uninhibited, engage in ghe act otherwise. That is to say: if you would do it drunk, you desire to do it sober, even if your sober mind denies the desire to do if.

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Changeling (71)
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17:22:43 Mar 24 2018
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True indeed but I do still love the varying opinions and points of view in these debates. What are your thoughts on the topic were the drugs and alcohol removed from the equation DocHanTer?

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Great Sire (118)
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18:51:20 Mar 27 2018
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This topic is a complex topic. When you talk about Demonic possession, you know that you will be touching some nerves of some of the organized Churches. The Dogma that those churches are influencing into the congregation, is that Demons can not possess a person, because the soul of that person belongs to a God. Have you read and follows the news lately? Did you noticed how much crimes has increased in the last 60 years? One of the reason is that we are ending the era of Sin, and before get better, will get worse.

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Changeling (71)
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21:10:09 Mar 27 2018
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And what do you believe is coming next?

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Great Sire (118)
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12:23:10 Mar 28 2018
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...the end of mankind.

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