What are your paranormal beliefs?
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Premiere Sire (120)
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00:23:13 Jul 26 2016
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Growing up as a kid in Canada Cree Reservation, Fisher River I would sit for hours and listen to the Elders tell stories about Skin Walkers, Ghost’s, Big Foot and Spirits/Ghosts. I believed these stories. I used to believe, and have been a big fan of all the research, sightings, TV specials, etc. Now I just WANT to believe- I think it would be way cool if it ALL actually existed. However, my logical/cynical side has taken hold as I have grown older and I believe less and less. I want to believe again. Which of the following (if any) do you believe in? Why do you believe in them? What has your personal experience been?

UFOs/Alien visitations
UFOs/Alien visitations
Chupacabra/Nessie/other Cryptids
Mediums/communications with the dead (including EVP)

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Chimera (90)
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00:43:59 Jul 26 2016
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Well I am a firm believer of many of these. First off UFOs/ Alien visitations it is lonely I think and does not make any sense to believe we are the only life form in the solar system. To say they never visited that is just too far fetched. Ghosts see them all the time, can feel them, and smell them it is hard to explain. My house came with a ghost, and I moved in with one that is attached to my family (my daughter’s dad). Telepathy my five year old can let me know what is on his mind just by looking at me. Demons well if ghosts are good and there are good people than of course there are demons. Cryptids I do not know yet.

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Viscount Sire (189)
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00:46:03 Jul 26 2016
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As I was born I in Greece from early age the thought us about the gods and goddesses of Olymbus. Along with that we learned about the dark fairies and scary witches. Lamia is one of that.
She would hunt and get kids.
Grannies used to scare us when we weren't good. "Eat or Lamia will get you"
After that and when I grow old I started to search alone. One of the reasons I joined vampirerave was because I was searching
Since then till now I believe in energy paranormal
Like the soul that had died and can't rest is around us and try to show it with many ways. Angels that protect us. Demons that try to seduse us. All that was pushed to us when I would go to church. Orthodox believe that a lot. Especially old people. I still believe but not in that way the church and old people used to tell us.
And still I search about anything that I like.
Vampires. Werewolves. Shapeshifters. Even Nessie

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Behemoth (65)
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00:48:16 Jul 26 2016
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I can honestly go down that list and say that I have seen evidence of ALL such existences. They constantly say they want proof. It's OUT there. You just have to research the subject on your OWN time. Google is your friend. I would DEFINITELY say that Extra Terrestrials and ghosts exist. I've seen so many videos and shit it's not even funny. WHY don't people see that shit as proof? I mean, it's right there. Black and white. I don't know...........I could write a pretty hefty bunch of paragraphs regarding this stuff. I don't wanna bore people because I know when I see mega long posts, they bore me. LOL ^_^

So anyway..........I believe that aliens exist. I saw a UFO a couple times. But one time I saw some shit that I couldn't explain. An entire ship disappeared after I saw it look like it was ON FIRE communicating with some crazy ass ship in the sky that was changing formation.... The lights were changing all around. It was crazy looking. Called the coast guard. They tried to tell me it was a TUGBOAT. I acted stupid, thanked him and hung up. I turned to my mom and was like, that was NOT a tug. That was a damn aircraft carrier. I know the difference. I've lived coast side my ENTIRE life. I've WORKED on boats. That was no tug. That ship was communicating with SOMETHING and then straight up disappeared. I will never forget it. So SOMETHING is out there. ;)

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Behemoth (65)
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00:52:20 Jul 26 2016
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Also like the girls up there said....about the energy. I agree with that too. Not sure what happens to us after we die, but we go somewhere. I heard on Coast to Coast AM once someone say that ETs, when they kill us, it doesn't phase them, because for them, it's like popping a balloon... Releasing the soul to the next realm or whatever.

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05:34:08 Jul 26 2016
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UFOs/Alien visitations?
Yes I have witnessed one floating over my place, and my neighbor and her son both witnessed a craft following them while driving.

I've seen plenty of vampiric shadow people, and there's a revolutionary war solider that at times roams my home that i have heard and seen both.

I'm sure our brains are capable of such abilities

Never seen them

From what i'm told, Demons act like humans to a degree. They can choose to be helpful, or screw up everything.

Chupacabra/Nessie/other Cryptids?
Never seen them.

Mediums/communications with the dead (including EVP)?
My son is a Medium so yes i believe that

The Universe is vast and full of dark and light energies.
Frequencies play a role in that as well.

It seems that those who are aware or in "tune" with their surroundings, and not with their TV sets and phones which are btw dumbing down one's abilities to grow in that aspect...have become more aware of these things.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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09:09:14 Jul 26 2016
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QueenofHeaven you made me think about something. You know how children are more open to see truths and I believe they are more open to believe in things, for example Santa Clause ect ect. I think as a child I believed because I was more open to it. I was more aware. I have read places a lot of children see ghost and such things because there mind is open to believe in them. Maybe since I have grown up I lost that child-like quality and if I can get that back I will believe again because I will see. I have had experiences as a child seeing things. Children ARE more aware. As adults we get so busy with life, jobs, stress of it all and we loose that quality.

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16:40:06 Jul 27 2016
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A shaman told me that the reason children see and older people can see as well btw, that they are all closer to the source....one being close to the beginning of their lives, and the other near the end-cycle of theirs.

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Chimera (90)
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19:06:36 Jul 27 2016
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I have always believed that children are believers because they are more pure. Non-believing I feel is a taught trait such as hate. We are not born to hate or dislike, but over time we are taught it from parents, friends, media.... Same goes for being able to see ghosts and others children are the most honest people I know.

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Viscount Sire (189)
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20:21:28 Jul 27 2016
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Too true.
Thats why when tey see a small kid look at a place all the time and smile or talk alone they think that he/she sees things that we dont see.
Like energy and spirits
The purer and kinder the heart is the more open your "eyes" to see are

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Venerable Sire (136)
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08:25:54 Jul 28 2016
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None. I don't believe in anything without scientific proof (not anecdotal).
My cat gets the heebie-jeebies frequently... maybe he believes in ghosts or the paranormal.

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Vexer (13)
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05:21:51 Aug 04 2016
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Since I am a paranormal investigator, I believe in spirits, and the like. I have gathered much evidence in many years gathering evp's and pictures.

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Great Sire (110)
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15:59:02 Aug 04 2016
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I will probably have the answer to that question in a few days! I will be going to the Waverly Hills Sanitarium on August 12 and the Bell Witch Cave /Cabin on August 13th.

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Revenant (41)
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01:34:30 Aug 09 2016
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I do believe in the paranormal. I have seen to many odd things, in my life to not deny it. There is poof out there, and there has been for a very long time. The skeptics say that it is not real, that it is all bullshit. Of coure a lot of it can be explained. But there is things, that even they do not know about. The supernatural, is an science, we do not understand yet. I know there are evils things, we all know. It is a very extraordinary topic. I try not to have a very big opinion on it, because I simply do not know.

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Hellion (73)
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21:50:46 Aug 09 2016
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UFOs/Alien visitations: Want to believe but never even saw
a shooting star, so its hard!

Ghost: Never saw an apparition maybe Im
blocking. But do believe in Ghosts
just not Poltergueist activity.

Telepathy/Telekinesis: Believe in but I don't have the power

UFOs/Alien visitations: Believe its possible

Bigfoot/Yeti: Definitely but believe just a large

Demons/Exorsisms: Very possible but saw neither

Chupacabra/Nessie/other Cryptids: Yes but not sure what

Mediums/communications with the dead (including EVP)
Other(Explain): Yes

Werewolves: Not really

Vampires: Of course

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Sire (107)
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23:08:36 Aug 09 2016
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I don't really believe in anything paranormal, but I'm always more cautious not to piss off any invisible entities that may be nearby after watching an episode of Supernatural XD

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