Reincarnation: Do You Believe?
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07:46:38 Jun 05 2016
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Greetings VR People :-)! Being a new member, I searched the previous threads. I didn't find a thread with the term Reincarnation, this year or last fall. I know its discussed in other threads. I thought it would interesting to not only ask if you believe. How is Reincarnation interpreted according to your beliefs, which are diverse. How would you define Metatempsychosis?

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Great Sire (110)
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17:46:06 Jun 06 2016
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Someone once told me that birthmarks are related to how you died in a previous life.

I have nothing substantive on which to base my opinion, but personally I don't believe in it. If I follow mind and matter, it seems that people are born as a human with a unique soul.

Just my 2 cents.

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00:14:56 Jun 07 2016
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I do believe that birth marks are from your previous incarnation. I do agree with you that everyone's soul is unique and eternal. It reminded me to address the people who know of their previous incarnations and have revealed facts that can't be explained any other way. Thank you for your opinion.

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Cannibal (30)
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01:14:03 Jun 07 2016
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I believe in it, the reson behind it is that I have had vivid dreams of the past of living in the 1400's, I know I lived during the egyptian times, and I know I lived during the civil war. I have found through my research into past lives is that things that we are most attracted to have an indication of the time frame of a past life we have lived in.

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Sire (102)
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20:11:28 Jun 07 2016
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I wonder if the same traumatic events are doomed to follow you for every life you live?

I have a birth mark on my upper inner thigh. Like, right at the top. If that has something to do with my previous life, than I have some questions, like, for real.

Thank you for bringing this up Lutris8. You're such an awesome guy! I do believe somewhat in reincarnation.. I'm a little skeptical. It's actually one of those things for me, that one day I believe it's possible, than the next I think, not a chance in hell. Another symptom of my BPD I guess. That's why it sucks LOL

But yeah..

For the MOST part, I do believe that reincarnation is POSSIBLE.. I just really have never seen any proof that tells me it exists.

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Daemon (95)
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03:16:05 Jun 08 2016
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I also an a bit skeptical about reincarnation but I have had deja vu many times. I will get into a situation that I know I dreamed about. Not sure if thats a past life coming back at me or maybe my existence on another plane? All I know Is when it happens, it creeps me out.

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05:06:42 Jun 08 2016
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Yeah it's definitely out of this world. Extra dimensionally-metaphysical! Thanks everybody for your
input :-)

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Savage (61)
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05:11:03 Jun 08 2016
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I believe in reincarnation. I have had dreams and visions if you will when I have meditated of some of my past life experiences.

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08:32:14 Jun 08 2016
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I agree with you. Only enlightened beings are able to experience previous lives :-) According to Pythagorean Hylozoics(logic), as we continue to raise our consciousness, we will be able to experience all of our past lifetimes. Thank you for your reply :-) Blessings!

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Venerable Sire (136)
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03:54:22 Jun 10 2016
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I don't believe. Some schools of Buddhism believe and are based upon it (Tibetan, for example, and Tenzin Gyatso/The 14th Dalai Lama) but I don't believe in it.

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Superior Sire (147)
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07:08:53 Jun 10 2016
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ive never really thought about it

i have had the deja vu thing happen but ive always put it down to coincidence

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Premiere Sire (120)
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07:36:37 Jun 11 2016
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Cree Culture: Death and Renewal/Rebirth, Redemption and Reconciliation.

I have been asked many times about what are my beliefs. In my culture (Cree) the word Death means: My people, Cree, we highly believe that it is both the living and nonliving that make up the natural world, and both are connected. We find honor in death, because it is one of the stages in the circle of life. Death does not cut off relationships between the living and the dead as both can communicate through dreams and visions. After a person has died, to help the separation process we are not allowed to cry “during the night after the fourth sun has set”.

All of the persons belonging are divided and given to members of the community. The burial ritual goes as follows: Women wash and dress the body in clean clothes, fresh moccasins are made and put onto the feet of the body, and sweet grass is placed in the right hand. Tobacco is believed to be important between the connection of body and Creator, and is buried with the body, as well as the person’s pipe, and select few personal belongings.

The casket is covered in a blanket before it is lowered into the ground. The blanket that is used to cover the casket is often the persons personal blanket or if they were married it is the marriage blanket that is used.

Sweet Grass that is used in Death Ceremony:

Many times during old days in war, a formal burial could not be performed, but my people stayed within their traditions by bringing sweetgrass into the ceremony.

We dig silent and steady, the body beside wrapped tightly in his blanket. When the hole is deep enough, we put the dead into it. I prefer the old way of placing the body high in a tree so that the soul can leave it without hindrance, but no trees sometimes would stand for miles around. We burn a little sprig of sweet grass that is carried and whisper more prayers to drift up with it. The body is covered with shovelfuls of dirt.

“When the body is no longer viable the spirit ascends into another realm.”


The universal meaning of redemption is the action of being saved or saving from sin or evil. In Cree or by the First Nations standards, this is done by using every part of an animal. First Nations, don't believe in wasting and use every part including the bones, hide, eyes, brain and guts etc. By doing this, we show respect to the spirits and to the animal which, intern pleases the spirits thus providing us with security through our religion and food supply (we believe by doing spiritual rituals it will provide us with luck for more food).

Reconciliation: The restoration of a symbolic relationship (provides advantages to both people) We do this throughout our life to each other and the things around

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11:09:34 Jun 11 2016
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Dakotah, thank you for your reply. I'm honored A Original American chose to share and educate all of us about the cycle of life. How it really is! I chose to make this thread to help everyone think and learn about our eternal souls. Next winter, I look forward to asking you to share with all of us, stories of Wesakechak. Blessings :-)

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06:57:38 Jun 13 2016
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I thank everyone for their participation in this discussion. Your interesting replies are appreciated :-) As we delve deeper into this fascinating topic. I look forward to development of this thread. I want to introduce some reports of proof that reincarnation is logical and true.




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Fiend (35)
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08:34:05 Jun 16 2016
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Well being reborn is part of life it how the soul get new experience by starting a new life there is poof of children still knowing of there past life death is just illusion it why it called the circle of life as one thing ends for it to become a new people fear the unknown because there not sure if did all they could in that life when they could change more then think

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Hellion (73)
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15:50:35 Jun 16 2016
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I raised good people go to Heaven
and never eat, no sex, no sleep just
Happy. And bad people go to hell
and burn forever!
With that said what exactly is good
and bad?
Is good everything but murder, theft
Etc. or not breaking laws or comments?

I have to say jury is out because after
reading "Bringers of the Dawn", just
who is good and bad?

I don't remember any previous life only
the past 51 or 52 years of my 55.
But if my DNA has changed I certainly
could have forgotten who I was!
Plus all kids ask Mom and Dad was I adopted?
Think about it!

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Fiend (35)
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20:25:52 Jun 16 2016
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Well it not that easy there more to it there has to be a balance of good and evil it so any living being can learn from there mistake and go on to there next life humans are still such like children

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Hellion (73)
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00:56:44 Jun 17 2016
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Yup I totally believe that number 2 again
in balance. Off/on light/dark, living dead
I guess when only one prevails it shall
Be the end of time and that can never
Be allowed. The earth would stop shifting
The summer daytime people would fry
And the nighttime dark creatures would
Freeze to death I imagine!
What do you think? Kind of crass but?

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Fiend (35)
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02:43:03 Jun 17 2016
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Well it is all was about the balance evil is just in the eye of the beholder with every wrong there be a right with a day there be a night as the living become the dead as the dead form the living it why bad things happen so good things can happen

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Hellion (73)
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23:03:08 Jun 17 2016
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Exactly and I used to always think
the minute you have all the conclusions
You are whisked off to a secret place
To never tell!

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07:31:34 Jun 20 2016
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Hi dracula777. I appreciate your reply. In your first reply, after I posted the article about how a child solved his previous death. A murder that resulted in a legal conviction. Gives proof beyond an existential, philosophical, debate, that reincarnation is truly logical . I don't understand what you meant by the child's knowledge of their death is a illusion. I think there might be a communication misunderstanding. You spoke of reincarnation existing; but I couldn't understand how that's interpreted in your beliefs. I apologize, I'm not great with the English language, and maybe it's my Android. But I had a hard time understanding your grammar structure.

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08:07:18 Jun 20 2016
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Hi DarkoThelite. I appreciate your reply. I definitely don't understand what you mean by," I raised good people go to Heaven
and never eat, no sex, no sleep just 
Happy. I think your explaining in your Christian beliefs that reincarnation is not supported by doctrine. To address your existential questions, " And bad people go to hell
and burn forever!
With that said what exactly is good
and bad? 
Is good everything but murder, theft
Etc. or not breaking laws or comments?" I think this is debatable. I Love to debate religious beliefs. I'm am a Ordained Minister. I definitely do not understand what you mean about your DNA causing memory changes. Or when you stated, "all kids ask Mom and Dad was I adopted?
Think about it!" There's no way I could ever speak to all of the children born during this or any lifetime. That would prove to be illogical and futile. You definitely gave me something to think about, lol :-). I was looking forward to your explanation of interpretation. Well, we will have to get into Gnostic Symbolism in another thread. I hope in your following replies I can understand you better. I apologize for my ignorance.

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Fiend (35)
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08:21:27 Jun 20 2016
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Well what I mean is death is illusions in the fact that you don't really end we call it the end of new beginning and go to the afterlife' and start a new life as a new you

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Spellbinder (81)
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17:33:27 Jun 20 2016
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Lutris8... You know I love you hun, but I really have to disagree with what you've just stated. You said, "Gives proof beyond an existential, philosophical, debate, that reincarnation is truly logical".

As far as I know, there is absolutely ZERO cold, hard, solid, factual evidence that leads me to believe that Reincarnation is something that exists. I'm not saying that I don't believe it is POSSIBLE. I'm just saying that I don't believe it is PROBABLE. Meaning, it is PROBABLY NOT true. That's just my opinion. But you can't say that something is a fact when really, there's no way to prove that this kid is telling the truth. He could be making the entire thing up.

Now.. If you go and test the DNA of the corpse and it's a match and there is no relation to speak of whatsoever? That I might find to be factual evidence.

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Hellion (73)
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17:38:04 Jun 20 2016
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I have no proof for me but do believe!
153 years ago August 10, 2014 I started
Asking what if about anything spiritual.
August 10, 1861 was the Battle of Wilsons
Creek in Missouri I'm drawn to as much
as anything imaginable!

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19:21:12 Jun 20 2016
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I understand your position, its not my opinion that led a investigation and a court of Law to convict a capital Charge of Murder. There are to many reports from news and newspapers liable for false reports, around the world.That have reported. It is Statistically impossible to eliminate the variables and outliers to produce results that would bring random occurrence into probability. I have many more official reports to present as evidence for this discussion. I apologize, this is my first thread I have posted for discussion. How else could I incorporate the differences of spiritual interpretation of reincarnation. No one has defined their interpretation of Metatempsychosis. Which I believe will add a different perspective to this discussion. I'm here to learn from everyone. I'm constantly seeking knowledge beyond my years of dedicated study. What do you suggest would establish greater fact and logic to the discussion?

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19:27:00 Jun 20 2016
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Oh, and I am glad ppl disagree with anything presented. I know that's what leads a discussion beyond rhetorical opinions to establish logical facts :-)

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20:24:42 Jun 20 2016
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Unclean Spirit (39)
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05:01:46 Jun 21 2016
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I believe in Reincarnation. Through the help of others, I know of a few of my past lives and how they have an influence on my current life. If you're interested, look up the Akashic Records. There are those who can tap into that dimension/records for you to access anything about you, like past lives.

Also, it's kind of hard to explain, my soul has shown me a past life last year when I almost lost a family member and had to go to sleep not knowing if they'd be ok or not. So my entire being, the most freaked out I've ever been, forced my soul out of my stressed body. Some call it an 'out of body experience'? So I was standing next to my bed with a sense of knowing that this was just my soul, I went outside and everything went backwards morphing into Japan - a past life that was probably my most serene and calm life that I can recall. I guess at that time, I needed to remember that feeling of calmness.

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06:06:52 Jun 21 2016
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RosaBelle Maundrell :-) Thanks for replying. Reincarnation is metaphysical. It's truly amazing to me, to learn that's how we develop. Past life regressions are definitely a key to the Akashic Records. I appreciate your vivid description of your OBE. Blessings :-)

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Bestial Spirit (27)
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06:32:09 Jun 21 2016
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Soul Reincarnation? Yes. Although not in the sense of becoming a different animal each time.

Of course most to everything is left to speculation, but for individual perspective, only you could be sure for yourself. I once had a family member approach a specialist of some sorts, and discovered that her aching neck (Prior to no injuries) was from a hanging in the ten lives that she has lived so far.

However I guess it's what you choose to believe in.

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Hellion (73)
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17:15:07 Jun 21 2016
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Akashic Records sounds cool I'll have
to check it out because I know of no
Other past lives. When people say they
Are an old soul. It makes me feel like
an infant at 55

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Termagant (58)
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06:44:04 Jun 22 2016
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i think reincarnation exists on many different levels of existence and is interpreted in it's many different forms

perhaps evolving throughout different evolution we either progress to higher or lower forms of existance

in my belief reincarnation is to try and not make the same mistakes, it is a tool to learn lessons

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15:30:51 Jul 06 2016
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Reincarnation is a very common topic actually and I know several people who have memories of a past, as they should. Many of us have past lives, just not all of us remember them. Usually it takes a certain awakening, or something to trigger those memories be it a place, a thing, and sometimes meeting other souls we have encountered previously that "feel" as if we've known the before or KNOW we have.

Gods reincarnate over and over again. Different names, but very same traits and qualities that stay the same in every lifetime.

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23:14:44 Jul 07 2016
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I cannot prove or disprove reincarnation. I do believe in it and this forum discussion has been the best I have read so far concerning this subject. We can also discuss parallel universe and other dimensional living as a way of "explaining " this. I am not picking on anyone at all. I am always open to learning new things and the more I learn , the less I know.

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Evil Spirit (60)
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23:19:04 Jul 07 2016
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There is evidence that humans have a vibrational field of energy around them,something that people call an ``aura``.That energy sometimes doesn`t disperse immediately after death.Maybe it comes back as energy cannot be created or destroyed.If that`s reincarnation,maybe...

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Hellion (73)
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20:45:09 Jul 13 2016
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Generally I believe kindred people
Re-incarnate but non kindreds dont

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Ophidian (66)
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17:16:07 Aug 17 2016
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My answer is simple yes I do its a way to learn from past mistakes in your old life.

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Termagant (58)
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14:05:40 Aug 18 2016
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Soul energy doesn't change.
It simply carries on to the next life and the next one.
I don't believe reincarnation exists. I KNOW it does.
I have had proof of it time and time again.

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Hellion (73)
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20:40:51 Aug 19 2016
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I believe it exists for all others but somehow I don't believe
I will unless its a lower life form like a cicade. I don't know
if I would be in line for a promotion to a God Like Status
or worthy of a do over?

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16:08:43 Aug 20 2016
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God is just a definition that was given to people who were seen as such based on their abilities. Not really a "God" but we're talking about primitive man who gave these individuals that title.

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