This is something I came across only recently, so please excuse my lack of subject-matter. I came across, online, a person named Michael Tsarion; an expert on various subjects within the Occult and Metaphysic circles on his weblog - where a segment is devoted to the dangers of Psychic Vampires. I picked this section:
" There are many ways to test for a vampiristic kind of person. Because they are basically pathological, demented and deeply empty. They are empty, immoral, lost and spiritually destitute. They need to be around creative and genius types who are downloading some major creative or spiritual energies. Find a creative man, a good man, and either he will have a vamp on his shoulder, or will have just got rid of one, or is about to meet one. Same thing for women, who often attract the dysfunctional male predator... "
I was taken aback by what he said in the above section. I thought it was a relatively fresh description of such beings....
What do you have to say about this Mr Tasirion and what he has said about Psychic Vampires? Are there others like him out there?
Opinions are very divided as far as I can tell. There seems to be a lot of such negative depictions among "regular" energy manipulators, while I find acceptance more prevalent in other "ostracized" groups.
That being said, I by no means want to paint any group a single colour with my words; opinions largely come down to the individual.
This negative understanding isn't uncommon though.
i believe if you think negative those things will come at you like rice cakes but if you think positive good things come to those who wait i say" as in for vampires energy the only way to be come one is if your bitten other wise. im not a vampire by all means so i don't know that one!
well its seems to me like the person or persons did not do any subjuct testing on real psi vampires or would not have posted such things.
i am not an expert on the matter . but i have seen post about the matter and this one is all wrong.
or at the very least does not know a thing about the matter.
well i do not even know any person like that so i would say then i do not know any vampires but before i say this it would be very hard for me to tell if i ever met a real live vampire . for i would not know one if one was right in front of me . only thing i do know about that impression is very judgemental and i do not even judge myself so how would i dare do that to others.
There are plenty out there who have absolutely NO idea of what they are even talking about. Just like him. To base the entire class of individuals on an experience he most likely had with one person is absolutely INSANE. I'm sure they have room for said person at Ancora. ;)
well for someone to tell so many lies and talk about something they know nothing about is just not right at all and i am sure it will come back and get them in the end.
Could you post the link where you found this information at? There is no scientific proof of vampirism. We have discussed that here on these forums many, many times. Vampires are a myth.
Now on negative energy, I think if anyone is around negative enough they will become negative. I call these toxic people. Some people just have to be around it. Some people are the cause of it. I do believe in positive and negative energies.
I respect or try to respect peoples beliefs. Just at times here I think some people really go off the deep in into the fantasy that they really believe vampires are real. They are not. Drinking Blood is bad for you. I have had people message me and get into the conversation how they have to drink a pint of human blood a day. When I call them out to get on cam and drink a pint of blood the messages stop. It would make you sick.
first off vampires you are talking about are found in books and tv.
did you ever see the news . about the govonor of minisoda who said he was a vampire and drank his wifes blood on tv . but you may say he is not a vampire and you may be more then right to say that . but i tell you vampires are more then real am not talking about blood drinkers . am talking about ones who feed on the pain and feed off of people to make better of them self now thos are very real ones . also you may not believe that you can live forever but i know some who do believe it . believers . all do .... if you die its your choose you dont have to . all you have to do is believe . sure its not with a body . and its not life as we know it . but its real . now how does this fit into psy vampires well some take on energy like we would food . but that does not mean that they do not eat . its just a lot of people want to take vampires and put them with horror and sifi because they ether do not read the signs or they fear what might become of it if they believe its real . this is just the why vampires will not come out and say i am one . and even tho i am not a psy or other kind of vampire or i do not have even the same believes this does not mean we need to close our minds to a thought of things we dont know about .
"vampiric" people, well I guess yes some are like that, some are having their energy suck" but these kind of persons others are simply a match a symbiosis with that person
I mean I agree with the term parasite because many are that and it has nothing to do with vampires or the way of it, it is simply people who are just like that, they abuse others they use them, they crush them and the only thing the person knows is either to do it to others or to have it done ti them.
Some are not aware there is other ways to be around people, they think its how it is, they think it is suppose to be like that.
As for this "expert" I would say one thing, experts usually keep there option open they always questions themselves and the work they did, never do they go and say "without a doubt" they always keep their mind open in case of.
yes well how do we know if one is one ... i mean there could be something not wrong with the vampire but something wrong with the way we live in our own worlds. a vampire does not do this but some think of themself as such. but do they realy know if they follow the way or do their own thing . but how do they know their own thing is not just the way its been or the way it is now because that is the way we all think it sould be.
The word vampire has different connotations depending on the person and the culture and that is only one descriptive words for something. Obviously most don't believe in undead vampires. Now a certain subculture uses the word vampire for want of a better word. The quote is pure fantasy. There are many people of this ilk on the net who think they know it all or consider themselves as Vampirologists but it is not an academic title. There are some colleges and vocational schools now cashing in on that idea and offering courses.
Personally I would say this person is using a veiled description of a sociopath and not a vampiric which is something else. There are those that like being around the negative and they say they draw energy off it but we have no way of testing that or chaotic vampires. Unfortunately those that do not drink blood get labeled a psi vampire which I have always felt was a very erroneous title. The discussion is moot because if you want to bring in science at this time, there is no way to prove it. Some call this type of person a troll. They like to stir the pot and bring the negativity out of people. One good example of that is Anthony Hogg. People can say there are no such things as vampire because frankly science can't prove it but then science can't prove their is a "God" either yet hundreds of people believe there is without any concrete proof. Some things science can't prove at this time. Energy vampires are no more negative than those who seek blood and they are in the minority.
I agree with AsphaltTears on this one. It is about the connotation of the word. We have not proven or disprove the Existence of the gods or even a god. We cannot test for scientifically accepted result concerning Psi Vamps. I think the guy needs to admit some real proof before spouting off.
Agreed, without a way of measuring psy energy, can all this be about someone who is influenced by the energy (or even moods) of people around them?
some vampiric people may be like that, but definitely not all.
Everyone has opinions, and some feel they need to share theirs. The subject discussed here is interesting, and obviously debatable. Even with scientific evidence and research, putting a negative biased slant creates sensationalism. Like the media or elsewhere, what is the intent? There's enough divisive energy already being broadcasted to make us all separated from our higher power(s) and everybody. Love is the only way!
The first time I heard about this was when I read an article about a female vampire named Michele Belanger about 10 years ago.
My wife has trained in Reiki and I have worked with crystals. At this time such energy is considered pseudo science by academia.
I happened upon a girl who identified herself as an energy vampire. After I felt comfortable knowing her, I allowed her to "feed" on my energy. She claimed to be able to see my aura and said it was light blue. I couldn't tell any difference before, during, or after she said that had fed on me. Yet she said that she did in fact feed.
Isaw where someone mentioned prahna, as in prahna yama. I have studied the breathing and vibration work of Dr. Andrew Weil and I am quite impressed.
I think that there may be something to it, but like many Eastern Alternatives, they are not accepted by academia because there is no substantive empirical/peer reviewed research to support it.
Well so everyone gets some understanding vampires can take energy life force off the host where it don't hurt them we can drain them if we like but don't and just take what we need and it be any kind of energy
I was fed of by an astral sang
And got so addicted she dumped me
I slept good after couple nightmares!
I missed it terribly!
Just recently got over her but led
Me to getting 3 premium accounts here!!
I don't think that all energy vampires would be bad/negative. I've heard of some energy vampires that frequently go to clubs where there's a lot of energy so they can harmlessly feed?
I don't believe that they do some might i ran into one at the time i wasn't even aware that he was the next thing i knew i was almost completely drained of energy i really don't like those kind of surprises but it is strange that i never seen him again after that i noticed that others find better ways like going to the mall and getting unused energy as well so i suppose it's a question of who you will run into sometimes still I can't imagine it being negative impression