Imagine that it is the year is 2116 and you are writing about sociological or cultural issues of 2016 that dehumanized, devalued, or exploited the people of that time. Say something about your observations and recommendations for the people of 2016.
Some of my thoughts about what is going on in our world....
Sadly people will not talk to each other face to face anymore. The other day I saw a mother and daughter on the bus, they were both using their cell phones; why text others, talk to the person beside you. That is becoming more prevalent, a time will come when communication is only by social media. Less books are being published, and less numbers being printed. People read on their tablets, nook, kindle, eventually only a few will still read books.
Politically people are getting more stupid, elections will be decided by a small number of people.
The economic gap will increase, it will only be very rich and the poor slaves working to maintain them in luxury, the poor live in squalor, the rich in luxury.
Sex slavery and trafficking is at an all-time high. Exploitation of migrant workers for cheap labor.
I miss the 80's.
that's my story.
I mean technology is great,and everything.'s been bad too.
causing people to want to stay out of reality,
and into games or phones and texting.
Ideas arent new anymore.
People remaking or copying what was already done.
Not many can sing anymore,unless you
put there voices into a computer to change it up.
Art rarely done by hand ,by pencil and paper.
more of this,but I don't feel like typing...that
The future dosent look so great.
They say 'the future is what you make.'
Not true.
It's what the government,and other people
make as well.
I do not wish to grow old.
Not the way things are going.
that some thing will happen to wake everyone up,
from sleep,and out of anger.
yes and texting has killed so many people more then guns . just they dont get on the news like gun shots do . and yes i live in chicago were just this year i think we doubled the people shot with guns. just in the few months we have had in 2016. but texting is something i can not see lasting . not when this year becasue of the high cost of cell phones . people will have the new watches by moto. they are all the crave . and you can voice text no need for spelling or typing. and its faster. and it cost less now.
Texting has killed more people than guns? Not a chance.
Around 4,000 people in the US die each year from "distracted driving". Something like 33,000 die from guns.
As for the future. I'd say government itself was the main cause of devaluing human life and causing suffering. Governments sanction war, they sanction segregation, laws against women voting, driving, etc. They sanction second class citizen status for LGBT people. And so much more.
I hope in the future we learn that government isn't the answer - you have no right to interfere with my life in any way so long as I'm not hurting you, and just because a group ("government") wants to run my life doesn't give them that right either.
We are continuing to make the same mistakes over and over again apparently learning is not what we choose to do
we are getting off the topic .... i was just trying to prove a point things this year are not different then any other and i agree we do not lean as much as we should from our mistakes we just keep making same ones over this year am talking now about 2016 . we all think that freedom means we make and change the laws . in this new year i hope that only one who makes new laws are the ones that know what they are doing . so far this year has been a big joke . we all think we know whats wrong with 2016 , as for me i can only look at what has happened to me this year and see it the way i see it and try to see it as others do and what makes it best for all of us . tec , gov, edu, and usa . thos are 4 big issues and they need big changes this year or we will all feel the shame and be powerless to do anything about it . i dont say that all of the people who disagree with the gov are right but on a lot of things this year they are .
lots of people die every year but its when real famous people die that others say things like it looks like a lot more are going on to the next place in life.
I much rather read a book than a kindle or nook. So many people have lost patience for the simple things in life. Why? Because technology has made it to be faster and easier to do things. Why do we have to do so much within a day? We are living longer are we not? So lets slow down and take our time to enjoy the simple things in life. Put the phone down and smell the wild flowers.
Soon, the world will go crazy, due to starvation. The food supply is geting lower and lower. Now, some canadian, if I am correct, are making salmon grow as faster as pig: Hormone and more hormon. and don't forget the antibiotics.
yes i do agree we do need to take things much slower ...
but soon i believe that we will soon find a way to stop death altogether and that will be a sad day. who would want to live life on earth forever . but in this time that is all people think of life and not death we want more of it and there for no time to spend sitting around looking at tv or books we need things now and want them now faster then ever before and soon meds and other things will be a thing of the past when we exchange ideas of this body we have for new ones . am talking like vr and ciber chips they are already started the idea over seas .here in us we have body parts of all kinds legs arms , hearts, lungs, and we will soon have eyes and ears. the hard part is the digestive system how do we change it so we need a diferent type of food . we have got the right idea with space food but more then that we need new ideas.
Looking back on how this year has been so far lets cover the following we have lost more people so far this year then practically ever in the celeb world.....I think there is more to their deaths but thats my view point. The real question is 2016 year of blood shed and death...or is it a year controlled by a cult who knows
Put down the electronics. Go out and develop relationships , experience life to its fullest. Think for your selves , be teachable and willing to accept that the world is not perfect yet not a lost cause.
thats a helpful thinking but with the youth of today its practically impossible
2016... hopefully will go down as the year most people realized their lives were bought and paid for by the 1% of this world and took their freedoms back.
i would reather go with the peace keepers then the fighters . i think it takes a lot less but gives so much more to the whole world .