What does your destiny call out to you? What dreams guide you toward your goals, and do you follow your hopes and dreams thus? I have been a co-creator a long while now. Yet, I am humbled by my inabilities to stay focused. These, like most of you will learn, or already know, are just poor excuses. But, nevertheless as real as we make them. The truths I have come to discover are that. First, life is a game. Second, depending on how well you play this game determines how well you prosper through-out this epic. Thirdly, life is most definitely and journey of mass proportions.
"A proportion is a name we give to a statement that two ratios are equal. It can be written in two ways: two equal fractions, or, using a colon, a:b = c:d."
So, on a massive scale, there are many ways to play this game.
Everything you do matters, I am serious. We, as a mass consciousness, must beware of our standings in this game.
You have made choices, you may make others. The fact is, or rather my question is.
What choices do you make and why? Are you aware of your being, soul, your life in the most beautifully wretched game. The game of understanding through enlightenment?
Know I love you all, and I am here to tell you it is okay, be gentle, be forceful! But, do be cautious in your misunderstandings. For they may tear you and your encounters from a stable and most productive reality. Be it people, other beings, or even other entities you have the free will to choose and make choices.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."
"The law of Thelema is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." The law of Thelema was developed in the early 1900s by Aleister Crowley, an English writer and ceremonial magician."
How does one pray? I pray for the progress of humanity. For they are an important species indeed.
-Please, share your thoughts.- Take care, be well blessed.
From my perception, I am the product of my parents' genes. Since this conception the environment has influenced this. To me freewill is my naivety or perhaps ignorance of Fate. "Mr. Crowley"- One of my favorite songs by Ozzy. :)
What choices do I make and why?
Because of above statements, I make choices in context to my state of mind at that moment. If e.g. I've been focused on something to the exclusion of others to empower it selfishly into a self discipline I may do things the hard dangerous way conversely I may compromise for the benefit of another. The balance depends on the law of supply and demand relative to my sense of value anything has add that moment. Often I'm confused and my choices reflect it, because of this, I go back and make corrections or just remain silent.
How does one pray?
I'm awake and every aspect of life is sacred everything I do is magickal and I live among divine beings wether I'm ignoring this for whatever reason or they are. This awareness can be overwhelming. So yes, I think, one should ask for help sometimes physically and when alone spiritually. Or just do things yourself in this competitive game.
I agree, I asked for help long ago, during the shift, the date was near or close to. 11/11/11 It happened. I am thankful to Be Blessed Brother.
I have no conscious knowledge of mine or anyone else's destiny or dreams.
I pray often, as in prayer I feel so very close to those who have gone before me. Their company enlivens and encourages me, to try and be a more compassionate and loving person.
So, just curious, are we meant to discuss destiny and fate in general and our thoughts on that subject in this thread, or are we discussing the ideas of fate and destiny as they are taught in the philosophy of Thelema?
My thoughts on fate and destiny in general are...well, they're complicated, while I don't necessarily believe in a god figure in the sense that most religions have put forward I do believe in a higher power or force that governs the universe and all things contained within that universe. I feel as if there are...I don't know, it's hard for me to say that each event is planned specifically for each person, but I definitely feel as if some things were meant to happen and the paths we are on in life as a result of what type of person we are and how we feel and think, and what our personalities are made up of, well these paths will definitely cross the paths of others and maybe because of what type of,person we are we will do things and affect things and people in a specific way they just happen because of the paths we are on in life.
Okay, I will admit that's jumbled, confusing, and not as succinctly put as I'd like for it to be. What I'm trying to get at is, in the book I have on Crowely, his life, and his philosophy it states that the premise of Thelema isn't to go out and do what you want with no consequence, it's to do what you feel you were meant to do, or feel you are drawn to doing, it's to figure out what you were meant to do and make sure you do it. As in if you feel you were meant to be an artist, don't let life or a nine to five job keep you from being an artist. I suppose that's how fate ties into Thelema...people being meant to do specific things with their life and not allowing things to steer them off the path leading to those specific things.
Maybe this makes sense. I hope so.
It's hard to say. I do believe in God. I have had some miracles and enlighting momentsbin my life to solidify this belief. However, I do not feel I have a set destiny. If I do, it has yet to be show to or discover by me.
"As in if you feel you were meant to be an artist, don't let life or a nine to five job keep you from being an artist. " I love this, well said.
I just do me, and do my best to do for others before me. Thanks for sharing, and yes, this post is not about any set path or religion. Basically, I was hoping to see more signs, and I got them. I think sometimes we are all right on time, with our pathway crossings. . . "Hopes that made sense"
I feel the same way, in regards to helping people, I always go above and beyond to help people as long as it is within my capacity to do so, mostly because I feel like I was meant to do so, or that I have to help them. It's a weird feeling to have. Maybe this feeling is an indication of where the path I'm on is going. Crowley spoke of discovering what you feel you were meant to do and then doing it all costs, after all.
Agreed, I feel helping others helps me, hmm, further understand, it all. Thanks for being you brother! Truly, thank you.
I believe that we choose our own destiny by our "Will" and intentions. Fate on the other hand is like karma to me in my opinion, everything that you do comes back according to your actions.
“I’ve seen a lot of strange things, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s one all-powerful Force controlling everything. There’s no mystical energy field that controls my destiny."
- Han Solo
I couldn't resist the urge to drop a Star Wars quote.
From what I could understand about your questioning, I don't believe life is a game. I believe we all have to grow in our incarnations to the advancement of humanity; or complete annihilation will happen on Earth and affect the cosmos to a greater extent. This is my ignorant humble opinion.
People believe a lot of things mostly by fate in connection to their own experiences. I don't pray but just have a stream of communication...thoughts. I believe there is something that holds everything together but I don't believe it is a man somewhere in another dimension. I take no stance at all on anything. Fate, not in my vocabulary. You make of your life by the seeds you sew. We interact in such a way that everything we do impacts someone else and from there it is like dominoes. Are we aware of all of this, no because culture and religions are an impediment. As long as we live in various boxes separated, we cannot accomplish anything. As for Crowley, he wasn't too successful. He died in abject poverty. Magick is an extension of the individual and how it manifests itself is unique to each person. I personally have the motto, keep it simple.
I used to feel like I was on the bottom
Rung of roller coaster when you know
Others are gonna do the drop ahead
Of you and you are scared for them
Now I'm there and not scared!
I'm just 5 years from moms death
Age and 7 from only brother. Odds have to
Be on my side to have more time
To figure what's beyond! At least I
Think about it more than the days
Of being wild