So I know there are several people on here who are Vampyres BUT as a Vampyre do you believe in Vampyre Spirituality?
Dark Greetings to you,
I have an extremely keen interest in vampirism and the luciferian spirituality that comes with it. I do not consider myself a "Vampyrian" as you have coined in your Member Article that I have read titled, "What is this Vampyrian Spirituality?" but, I do think it is a pretty neat concept. Modern Luciferianism is roughly a diluted belief, and it encompasses various deities and their Manifested forms and ideologies that pre-date several ancient religions, some of them being Hinduism, Christianity and so on. Essentially, Vampirism as a system dictates that, without dogma, the individual is their ultimate god. It is indeed very difficult and impractical to abide by this. As modern-day beings, we are influenced by various external factors, some being social and so on. I'm pulling in a bit of Jungian psychology here, as I am more interested in Vampires as an archetype and a blend of occultism thrown in. We manifest ourselves via two modes - the internalisation and externalisation of our beings. As such, Vampyrian belief (not to forget musical genres) is more of an "internalisation" of that being than anything else.
Just my opinion.
The Vampyrian belief is eclectic but different than most since we don't worship anything above us and believe most religions are based in truth just what people understand. However it takes away your personal power which you can develop on your own esp if you are Vampyr kin. Humans can develop there own divinity through Mind exercises that other kin already posses naturally. My spirituality is based in my Vampyrism and that I am a very Spiritual soul. We have our OWN personal beliefs and ideals but each individual is encouraged to find there own way and awaken to there own individual path. I wrote a couple books on it as well as well as some articles found on the Vampyrian social network and will be in my journal which I will do when I have time...