Have you ever had something strange happen or saw something that you cannot explain? Something that there is no rational explanation for, yet, it happened and or you saw it? I would like to hear about your experiences.~Mina
All the time. Thats not to say that they cannot be explained later down the line however. Thats what makes life in this realm so cool.
Yes, and I don't know if there can be an explanation later in life but all the time I see things that are uniquely strange or just straight out eccentric
Yes I have them all the time. I call it the weirdo effect to self. ( note to self need new name for it) Since I have just met others that have the same stuff.
At least I know I am not the only one that have these experiences. I was raised Southern Baptist and as a child, I was told that what I have seen and or experienced was the work of the Devil. That having 'premonitions' was ''Evil'' and that I was a ''Witch'' - so, I learned to keep such things secret and to myself.
I was raised definitely different my mother was wicca vampire and dad was catholic. Rofl so you can imagine the stuff I saw. SO What do we call it since more than one person has this effect...
@Dhyan I can only imagine the stuff you saw, having had parents on opposite ends of the spectrum. I suppose we could label ourselves as kindred suppressed spirits?LOL! ~Mina
@RavensDeath666 I suppose ''an explanation later in life'' is possible but most likely, it will be in death (When we reach the other side - whatever or wherever that may be.) that many questions will be answered. ~Mina
@Oceanne I too, hop that to learn and understand more as time goes on. Life in this realm would be so boring if we knew all the answers - there would be nothing to look forward to for those of us whom seek knowledge.~Mina
@ DragonVvvVPrincess True to that. Saw things that make you see the world you in a whole new light. So these strange things happen a lot to you too huh?
It is reassuring to say the least in regards to know others have it too.
Rereading your post about premonitions. In the bible there are many examples of it. Isaiah spoke and talked to the dead living and angels, Joseph had dreams that foretold his future, U·rim and Thum·mim in Exodus talks about the breast plate and how to use it. Jesus even had visions for he knew he had to die to help the world of Christians learn about loving one another and the ten commandments. Alot of people don't realize it but it can be used as a book of shadows. Psalms, proverbs, and then some. So I don't see it as evil but apart of your gifts from your God. If you are still Baptist. You can do a lot with the bible. You just have to look for the key words and go from there. I use an Aramaic bible for Jesus spoke in this language. The wording is divine and it is almost like a whole new world when you read it. I used to study a lot on the bible even became Catholic. However, then I had pagan tendencies and realized I am Gnostic of sorts with a dash of kitchen witch.
I have odd experiences with smells. I do not know why. I can walk into a room and smell something and everyone else looks at me like I am nuts. I have figured out that my ex-husband's spirit smells like pickled sausages, and my dad like diesel fuel. I have seen too many things in this life that were not per say "normal" to even list on here. I have lived out dreams right down to the color of the walls in my dreams, I have seen people that I have not seen in years right before their death walking where I know they were definitely not, and the night I found out my daughter was pregnant me and her both witnessed the front door violently fly open, herd the words "that is it I am out of here" and then the door slammed shut. I am sure I could list more.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
The problem with humanity is that they are not happy unless things can be explained, and rather than just live life and accept it, they need to find higher meaning to everything, best to just accept life as it is, not dwell on things yet to be explained, though some people dislike rational explanations, choosing to believe in miracles instead, though sometimes that can be beneficial, for example some mysteries that have simple explanations are sometimes better believed as mysteries, as they can be used as a form of comfort to people who are greiving.
@Dhyan Indeed, I have. I have done and known things that things that I cannot explain, either. Suffice to say that I am very careful in wishing for things (Especially when I angry.) It is good to know that we are not alone.~Mina
@Dhyan I agree - there are many things in the Bible that are contradicted by the church. Thank you for the information you have given me - I appreciate it. No, I am no longer Baptist. I had too many questions that was answered in the end with ''You just have to believe, have faith and not question God.'' That was not a good enough answer for me. I have never cast a ''Spell' but I have wished for things ''to happen'' out of anger that I regret dearly. As for religion? I too, am agnostic. I know death is not the end of our souls but what exactly the ''Afterlife'' holds...I do not know.~Mina
@evilkitty1313 I smell things that others do not - when I smell the scent of a freshly sharpened pencil, I usually have a severe headache following it. I also have phantom pains when I visit some places. Your story is amazing. I have dreams that come true, also. I once dreamed I was under a car, a block slipped off of the car frame and it fell on me. I felt the pain of being crushed and the inability to breath. I woke up screaming and gasping for air. I was sure that it must be a warning for my husband (He is a Mechanic by trade.) I hovered over him every time he was under a car. It turns out, a year later, that it was his brother's death I saw and felt, not his.~Mina
@evilkitty1313 I smell things that others do not - when I smell the scent of a freshly sharpened pencil, I usually have a severe headache following it. I also have phantom pains when I visit some places. Your story is amazing. I have dreams that come true, also. I once dreamed I was under a car, a block slipped off of the car frame and it fell on me. I felt the pain of being crushed and the inability to breath. I woke up screaming and gasping for air. I was sure that it must be a warning for my husband (He is a Mechanic by trade.) I hovered over him every time he was under a car. It turns out, a year later, that it was his brother's death I saw and felt, not his.~Mina
@MordrakusxMortalitas That is so true....It is in the nature of humanity that everything must be explained and have a reason. I believe things that I have seen, but I cannot explain them - I accept them for what they are. Very true...Believing that Heaven awaits you rather than your spirit staying here, is a comfort for some, I suppose. And believing that your soul will go to Hell for your sins serves as a deterrent for others. ~Mina
I've seen and heard things that I myself cannot explain. Maybe it is just my mind playing tricks on me, I am not sure. I've seen shapes and heard things that weren't really there. I may have just been hallucinating, like I said I am not sure.
@Woolfe There are mental conditions that can cause hallucinations but it is common when witnessing such things to try and explain it as such (Hallucinations) and or question your own sanity.~Mina
i saw bat, very very large..,
i am searching what it could be, :3
Wolfee, many people do question their sanity because they are insane or not but the people around them sure have lost their peace or whole of sanity sanity and are still unaware :3
I have seen spheres of light. I have seen flashes of shadows. Not much else.
The ghost of my father, but it was only for a second then he was gone
I think we all have seen a shadow from the corner of our eyes, or felt the chill of what we thought to be a presence on us. I have many times, yet explanation is not to be had . unless someone said it was the trick of the mind and eyes
orbs of light..but my cat sees them as well,
and tried to catch them.
i see shadows of tall men.
and some other random things.
I just think that maybe our world has been crossed
with another dimention..or other relms by
mistake at many of times.
or maybe some of us are more awakened to these
things that others can not see,do to living on the
inside of the box(mind thinking) so of way.
"Strange Experience" share:
1. I fall asleep without realizing I am asleep and the only way I know I am asleep is when I try to physically pick things up, turn things on, touch things, etc. It's disorienting.
2. I notice what fits outside of the pattern and what doesn't fit into nature's algorithm. For instance, standing on the roof of buildings and looking down at crowds, noticing the flow and those that move outside of it. It's a highly innate sense of awareness for life in all things and the balance of chaos.
3. Electronic failure. Smartphones, cars, lamps, electronics in general fail or batteries die. I stopped owning phones, tablets, etc. because it was utterly frustrating for me to keep replacing it. I realized it's not important anyway.
4. Slow motion episodes. They happen constantly. It's hard to articulate, more of something you have to experience. I can equate it to the moments before something traumatic, like a car accident. Only it doesn't have to been something traumatic, it happens with people in my work environment and they seem to forget what they were telling me.
5. Empathy vs. energy transference. Recognizing feelings and emotions out of familiarity, unlike instinctual or reactionary.
When you said, "I was told that what I have seen and or experienced was the work of the Devil. That having 'premonitions' was ''Evil'' and that I was a ''Witch''.
So it's not witchcraft if they summon the Holy Spirit and people start speaking in "tongues"? Praying, chanting, invoking the spirit....is the same as one doing Witchcraft. The only difference, is intention.
Then they themselves are hypocrites and doing the Devil's work every Sunday. lol
For the record not all Christians are the same. If you look at the ages of burning a witch to a stake a lot of pagans moved to father son and Holy Spirit. AKA mother maiden crone. Intention is all about how you work it. If you look at the real bible Aramaic to English you will see that not only is the bible a serious book of shadows, it also has the intention of doing the same in witchcraft. For it is all about intention. If god gave us the will to create or goddess, we all have to put the best foot forward. As a person who reads the bible but not a Baptist fundie ( for that is the sect that people should be knocking down to size and makes everyone else look looneys.) Is the reason why so many other sects don’t talk about the faith. As a person of faith I am just saying any faith can have hypocrites in their faith. The holy ghost in my eyes is the same as crone. If you have faith in one you also would see that whatever the faith you are celebrating god or goddess in your own way.
I have had many premonitions and seen and felt things that made me questions if I was losing it. My great-grandmother(Irish) said I was an old soul and that it was past memories crossing over into me. A little intense when I was 10.....still looking for answers and still having the unexplained happen. But it sure does keep me from being bored :-)
Yes I saw a lady who appeared to be floating in mid air in church once. Not sure what happened but she was freakin out there was a loud crash sound afterwards . There was brief aakward and eerie moment of silence. Not sure but I think she she found herself that day and some say she was touched by god, others would argue and say she was possessed by evil demons or the possibly the devil himself. I on the other hand either think it was one of two things either the act of nature or supernatural forces at work.
I have a question, not sure if anyone knows the answer.
Is it possible that by watching a TV show or movie about evil spirits, that you are inviting malicious spirits into your own home by watching that?
Hope that makes sense..
Funny you brought that question up. My neighbor Jessica across the street from me said that James, our other neighbor believed that by watching Supernatural that it's inviting the Devil into the home.
Jessica says, it's just a TV show. She doesn't think so.
James views it differently.
My own opinion is this. Whatever comes to YOUR home, is because you attracted it or projected it there. The TV isn't anything more than a visual tool with random images.
The smell, taste and sound of death. You cannot explain all that you experience.
Makes sense. Thinking about the spirits a lot and dwelling on them while watching may invite them into the home. Hmm..
I know it sounds weird or I will sound crazy but I have seen the dead walking around but no one else can see them. I thought I was crazy until I knew things about someone that there was no way of me knowing...please be nice about this, I am sharing something personal with ya'll
About a week after my grandfather died, his mobile was laying on the table in front of me, my mum and my grandmother. The phone was off. My mums phone was laying next to it, then it started ringing. It was my granddads mobile calling my mums phone.
No one was touching either phone.
Strange things... there are so many to count I could write a book. My daughter's dad passed away in 2001 and his spirit has followed us ever since. He comes and goes as he pleases, but he likes pranks. When activity is zero at my house his best friend is on the receiving end. He will hide things, toss balls, and other pranks. The oddest thing however is when my daughter got pregnant I heard him 4 days before my daughter even knew telling me that she was.
One night I was lying on my side on my bed with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep, and I saw a purple sparkle flash/spark by my bed that made a pop/spark sound. Now yes I did say my eyes were closed, so I was super confused and shined my phone around the room but saw nothing there. It startled me but it wasn't frightening...
In my youth I identified with the strange and eerie via tv, books, media, etc.. I wanted to experience such to break monotony of life. Then, many years later circumstances in life forced me to change the habits and my perception of everything. Then I started experiencing the strange often even on constant basis. Now, falling further into the rabbit hole my eyes have been opened and every mundane thing is strange and eerie having a new meaning via new perception.
The material world is an illusion,there is no rational explanation.The only reality is Spirit.You come from Spirit so shall you return to it.All the things that you think you own stay behind when the flesh dies.God owns it all,your only here to borrow,thats why its better then to give then recive,do right by what is his.For your merits will be judged.Namaste' Elviscat
No, it is not strange or crazy at all. There are others that see them as well and have the same gift as you do. Thank you for sharing this with us.~Mina
It is said that the insane do not question their own sanity because they do not know that they are in fact, insane. As for the very very large Bat? I have no clue as to what it could be.~Mina
I believe that you are seeing spirits in their orb and shadow forms.~Mina
That could have been your father's way of saying ''Goodbye''. I have heard of such occurrences from people I know, myself.~Mina
Often times we try to come up with explanations for things that we cannot explain or wish not to believe might be real. Often times we play it off as ''trick of the mind and eyes'' so not to accept that there are things that cannot be explained.~Mina
Many times children and animals see what others cannot. As we grow into adults - many lose the ability to see such things because we convince ourselves that what we have seen and or experienced cannot possibly be true.~Mina
No, not all Christians are the same. The truth is....People fear what they do not understand.~Mina
As far as strange things happening in my job i see a lot of them lol. But the strangest feeling is Deja Vu it always leaves me feeling out when i feel as if somehow the exact thing i am experiencing has already happened. ( hmm no more pain killers might help)
Since getting this stone dragon head my friend made I have been having the oddest and most vivid dreams. I don't know if it is simply coincidence or if the stone dragons energy is causing the odd dreams. Who knows.. I just found it very strange that the dreams started happening at the same time the Dragon head arrived.
I get Deja vu all the time. Have had some really weird dreams and then experienced them in some part later on. The weirdest was I was asleep and was awakened to hands pushing on my body. I was paralyzed and could not move. This seemed to go on for at least five to ten minutes maybe more. When it was all over I was scared to death. I looked to see if maybe I was just dreaming and it was my cat walking on me. But no, she was downstairs sleeping. It couldnt have been her. What it was, I will never know, but I pray it never happens again.
Sounds like your experienced sleep paralysis or what ever it is they call it.
Me and my brother have both experienced out of body experiences
I have seen a ghost more than once and someone's guardian angel or at least that is what I perceived it to be.
And once while I was looking out of the car window on a long drive home when I was younger I thought I saw a big bear/wolf drinking from a river it was quick and I only got a glimpse as we drove past but I never did manage to explain what It was as in England we don't have many big wild animals.
when i was growing up in my moms house she was playing with Wicca stuff not really knowing what she was doing opened a few doors that she has no idea about
she attempted to white sage the house for whatever reason she had i used to hear growling in my closet although i knew it was a demon however it saves me from my mother quite a few times she tried to get rid of it but never succeed. then all of a sudden one day it was gone
My family is mainly deeply christian. My mother converted into Christianity from catholic. Her side of the family beside being catholic study some sort of classic Santeria which is afro-Caribbean belief of Yoruba religion with a hint of catholic saint belief. My mother has always stay true to the root of her belief even if my father denounce it and calls it satanic which is laughable.
The stand thing is growing up believing in the bible i have had gut instincts and some has my sister and mother when things are going to happen. It's a strong weird feeling like your stomach is being flipped upside down. The worse things might be the stronger the feeling. I have never told my family about the gut feeling till one time when my mother got into an accident flipping her truck over in a ditch. I told my sister who told my mom. She told me not to tell my dad it's something that runs on her side of the family and then she mixed some liquid poured it on my head and rubbed an egg on me before heading to school and before the accident. The feeling only got worse in my 3rd period class. I had to go throw up, i came back to only see my sister and my dad who told me about my mom accident. She of course was completely unscathed but the truck was not salvageable after that.
When I'm around particular members of my family, things will move of their own accord. Like, if we both end up looking at the same object in a glazed, starey sort of way, the object will slide across the surface a few inches. We've never consciously tried to make it happen, it just does so at random.
Once I saw a man dressed in white with no head from my Window lol
It was a bit creepy tho
I have seen somethings that have made me question my sanity to the point that i went to the doctor for tests.
I'm sure you're all aware of the black objects thatmove out of the corner of your minds? My experience is like that but very different.
For a few months (i haven't seen them recently) i would catch a glimpse of figures out of the corner of my eye or they would peer around a corner and quickly look at me before darting away. The only difference is they weren't black they were white from top to bottom and would come in various sizes, some as small as a cat or small breed of dog. Ranging up to a child and the height of an average adult.
I could feel and see them follow me, they never touched me nor did they seem to be out to hurt me but they seemed curious of me.
i would turn and see them there and i could see them for about half a second I'd do a double take and they'd be gone.
does anyonr know what they maybe?
I know of what you speak, as I was born with the gifts to see these things... They are shadow people and spirits on different planes. If you wish to know my opinion on these, please PM me.
I see these things and more all the time. It is part of my daily life. It is written up on my profile page.
Many people have such strange experiences, and can not explain them. There is a world much bigger than our own and the people who are more open to that truth it comes easier to, however, sometimes beings pick and choose.
People who have these experiences aren't usually forthcoming about it because of fear of judgement of others, but others are open about it because they know these beings are as true as you or I.
I've learned to just go with it... they were way more odd to me when I was younger
I have seen and heard things that cant be explained but I do not stress over it because it just makes life complicated
I have had a few strange things happen and quite a few true stories one i particularly remember vividly
I was 9 maybe 10 my friend christa invited me to stay the night at her house and I took the bus with her home after school
We watched tv, played on the phone her parents ordered pizza by 8 she asked me if I wanted to go play barbies I said yeah!
We played for about a hour and as we played in the back bedroom down the hall it began to rain everytime Lightning would strike we would count till we heard the thunder , we grew tired of barbies she wanted to go to the living room to watch tv more
There was a long hallway that leads to theivingroom and the hallway had a small skylight window I remember walking behind christa in a dark hallway I was about a few steps behind her I was walking with my head down to try to make out where im walking
A big flash of lightning lit up the hallway
All of a sudden christa stopped in the middle of the hallway during the flash of light and started screaming she ran through the hall and jumped in her dads lap crying and screaming
She said " I saw grandpa I saw grandpa!"
I froze standing in the hallway and she pointed out where she saw him
And there was a wet spot on the floor where she said she seen him it was raining outside nobody was in that hallway but us and we were the only ones in the hallway within a hour
The room we were playing in the door was open I can see down the hallway
To this day I can't explain away the big wet spot on the floor and she didn't piss herself , nobody slept that night
There are just somethings in life that cant be explained I guess you could say they are miracles. Hell everyday I see my mother I thank whatever saved her life in 2001
I have simply have started to accept that there is a larger world out there..
My grandmother's house had an unused room upstairs that whenever we opened it the rocking chair in that room would be rocking on its own. When I got older I figured out that because the room was always sealed up and we were the only people that would open it for weeks at a time, negative pressure would build in the room and the sudden opening of the door would cause a nice draft in the room and rock the chair. Sure had us freaked till we were 14 or so, though. Anyway. Ghosts. They're spooky.
I saw very large bat and got startled as there's no bat in the city here where I live.
So, I got confused but not scared and this is strange..
Nope, because I believe there's a rational, logical and scientific reason behind everything.
well i do believe in things that we just can't understand its just better that way or life would be so blaa .
Well, I personally think that this human experience is strange. There has been to many things which have been incomprehensible- totally beyond explanation. The only thing that makes any sense is Pythagorean Hylozoics(logic). Which states, science has defined less than 1% of the known universe. We have no idea of what reality is. However, we do know God(s) is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Transcendent, according to everyone's own understanding. Monads, Dark matter, multi-dimensional universe, are a few examples. Blessings to you all :-)
Yes and for some reason. I feel so
Un-nerved that I just laugh!
the flesh eating nightmare as I call it was strange.happened when i was 5.
Actually yes! Years ago I was watching tv in my room. It was dark outside. Suddenly there was a deliberate, 4 count knock on my bedroom window. I went to the window and no one was there. My yard was large enough and open enough that I would have seen anyone running away.
Another time in the same room I had my door closed and locked. There was a sudden jerking on the door as if someone were trying to open it from the other side. I went and asked my mom if she had come to my door. She said that she had been in the den (which was down the hall) the entire time.
mine in particular only show up when not looking deliberately at these images
Well anything can be explanation with the right knowledge and wisdom if what your seeking is not illusions in this realm people have a hard time understanding the after life so they need closure to make there not crazy when it just them opening there mind more then they can handle it why some see human spirits when there not all bad just lost
...at sixteen [or fifteen] I saw a cigar shaped UFO high in the late afternoon sky, flying high... zig-zagging up and down... and fast... thankfully, I had a witness.
that is wild.. speaking of phones i was in the store a while back with my mom and her phone left my phone a voicemail and it sounded spooky i just laughed and shrugged it off but thought that was weird.
well when i was a kid.. i saw a black night OWL Man.. when i opened the door out our back yard.. it was so awesome as i already am intrigue about elder people talking about supernatural beings on our town.. so i finally got to see one.. also i see beings forming from any kinds of things when i stare at it.. but mostly ghouls show up fucking ugly really.. and on walls.. not mostly ghouls if it's on my walls.. no need to force my psychosis anymore..
I have seen and experienced numerous things since I was 5 years old and it became more intense at the age of 10. I can be at the hospital and alone in a room. The room suddenly becomes "crowded" with spirits that hang out in the hospital. I am sensitive to such things and it even happens at the store. I become aware of them and even on occasion know what they need or want. I have seen what I believe was death standing by the bed of a friend as they were about to pass away from an illness. I can sense the emotions of the people around me and I could also say my sense of smell is rather heightened. I could write a book of things I have witnessed and sensed. I basically wonder why me? I come from a line that practiced the craft but I never expected this and sometimes it is scary.
I see weird things when I'm almost awake. I once was having a nightmare that some kind of virus/sickness was poisoning my blood, and I was starting to wake up. As I was waking up I was looking at my arm, my veins were bulging red crawling up my arm. When I screamed I was fully awake and my arm was fine.
One night I felt scared, so I put salt at my doors and window of my room. When I looked up from my bed in the morning, I saw two kids peering into my room then run when I shot up. My only siblings is a baby, and two teens, not two 5 or 6 year olds. :(
I've seen someone in the mirror behind me when glancing at the mirror...
This is a fantastic topic! gj!
I personally have encountered things as well as experience things that are really bizarre , not just me though but my dad as well , im not sure which one to share first , ..I suppose I will share one that my dad shared with me and I can continue this topic in my journal
my dad grew up in talequah ok , my family has come from the "rez" slang for reservation for those that don't know native American terms there is a park there that has river/ bed creek, i'm uncertain of the name or exact location but this particular day my dad went down to the river creek and was playing alone (throwing rocks in the water, fishing, looking for crawdads ect) my dad slipped and fell in and was scared he was by himself , he felt the currents pull him down under, he was swimming as hard as he could to break surface but wasn't going anywhere because the current was too strong ...pulling him down, all he remembers is a arm grabbing him from the water and pulling him out , when he got pulled out he was scared this guy saved his life.
he was wearing a park uniform , he asked my dad if he was ok my dad said" ya" but shaking...my dad ran home ., my dads mom asked what happened to him, he was soaked , he said he fell in the water and couldn't get out and some guy pulled him out , my dads mother later called the park authority and wanted to thank them and get the name of the man who saved her son, my dad.
the park official said "mam we don't have anyone working at the park today"
my dad told me that there was NOBODY around and for someone to be where he was that fast was impossible.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Humanity is a disgusting species but their willpower can be extraordinary when properly applied. Like cancer patients that are told they have only 2 months to live but will end up living maybe a few years simply out of a strong desire to see their family achieve their own dreams.
This can be in reverse too, there are stories of healthy people losing the will to live and end up dying.
Yes. I once saw an angel and a demonic entity, both in the same night. Neither of them look how you think they do.
Makes sense Luvly because anything outside of body is pure energy and that conscious energy can manifest itself to look or appear any way they desire to you for an effect. ;)
But to answer the question, Yes i have several times.
I've heard voices, seen a ghost where i live currently but not so much these days, heard an empty can rattle on my desk by itself, have heard my kitchen cabinet door shut by itself or pots being moved with no explanation after examination of things. I've had personal psi-vampyr attacks that could confuse people that they are daemonic entities. I've dreamed of ghosts in my sleep, sometimes with messages to give to another that needed it.
Although that may be strange to some, i'm rather used to it by now.
Ok, I'm going to describe my experience, but please, no negative responses ok? I was terrified that night, and I wasn't the only person who saw them, my ex husband did too. (We were still together then)
It was roughly half past ten at night, we had just finished watching a movie and were turning in for the night. As he lay beside me, I rolled over and wrapped my arm around him, placing the other palm under my face. I then had this odd feeling, like I was being watched. So I rolled over. And there, crouching in the corner of the ceiling was this black thing with yellow eyes and catlike features. It was staring directly at me. Had it been standing, I would assume it would have at least stood six feet tall. It was very thin, almost skeletal. Almost. I rolled into my then husband's back and started to shake him. He woke up, rolled over, looked at the thing, said "Fuck that" and rolled back over. I closed my eyes, pressing my balled fists against them and his back and thinking to myself, "Oh, god, someone help me!" Then I rolled back over and saw the bright white being. I couldn't look at it properly. The most I could tell you was that it looked like a beam of light shaped like a long-haired woman in robes, and it was about two feet off the floor. I rolled back over and hid my face again, feeling my fear slowly subside. When it was gone completely I rolled back over to look, and they were both gone. This never happened to me again.
But a neighbour saw the black thing follow me to the outside garbage one morning and told me, saying "I needed Jesus." (Different house, and several years later, and I'd never told this man about what had happened.) So I asked a friend what to do and was pointed in the direction of The Lessor Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram. (Can be found on youtube.)
And I've never heard another thing about either since. Nor have I seen them.
Strange things happen every moments of our life. Some are real, some are part of the Imagination. The question is, which one is the one happening at that moment. One night I was talking to my sis, laying in bed. The light in the hallway was on. As I laid there, I saw the hallway become dark, like a shadow went over the light. I just said to my sis, "I think a Ghost just went over the light in the hallway". Her reply, they are coming for you. Are they?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
It is funny how everyone says the same thing, that whatever they think that they are seeing, merely watches or follows them...nothing more. If I was following someone to the point of being in their house without them knowing and I had malevolent intentions, I would not be content to just watch. I would do something quite nasty.
Point is that all these evil dark shapes and forms that everyone sees don't actually do anything evil.. And the bright lights just seem to glow.
So its likely the imagination because anything there that's evil would not just sit back and watch, I know I wouldn't.
Another strange thing is that these "incidents" always seem to be when you are all in bed and the thing is in the bedroom with you or standing over bed.
Make sure to close your closet door at night folks and don't look under your bed. Haha
That's because when you are more relaxed, you are being more open.
Same with dreaming. Messages or spirits tend to communicate easier or better when the mind is more still and not closed off. People can have a wall or barriers, a shield if you will...around them which is your energy telling THEM to stay away. I do that all the time.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
You're half right, the subconscious usually is much more vulnerable and open to influence, especially to yourselves. Humanity is known for unwittingly tricking and conditioning themselves.
My ex-wife claimed to have seen and heard things in the house I live in now, which is also the house I grew up in. I've never experienced anything here though, but I don't believe in anything paranormal or otherworldly beings or anything like that. She does.
It is possible that those that only stare were considering action until they were unexpectedly seen.
You can presume to tell me how humanity functions all you like, for the most part those behaviors are well known facts. But a being from another plane of existence? How would you know?
Also, Dybuks are known for terrorizing their victims with visions long before they actually cause any harm.
And according to the Warrens, so are a lot of demonic entities. Because they use that fear to build their strength.
Don't forget, fear is also an energy. Most beings who want to exist on our plane again (Not to mention human living vampyres) feed off some form of energy to build strength.
Did you know that emotive vamps can feed off you by simply fighting with you? Your anger feeds them.
With many sightings of the light entities being that their not actually possible to look at, wouldn't you say firstly that that implies that might be true, secondly that that is a hell of a widespread hallucination to have? And is it not generally considered NOT a hallucination if other people have seen it? Just a few thoughts.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Good job I don't get angry lol
Living human vampires are just ordinary humans that I have crushed under my heel before, no mental, physical or emotional draining or any impressive displays of strength occurred from him. It was quite pathetic actually. I may just as well have been curb-stomping a paraplegic. Which would be kind of funny.
One who calls themselves a "living human vampire" are just compromising, they know they can't pass themselves off as a true undead supernatural vampire or even provide evidence of such claims so they merely say they are humans with the ability to drain. of course such claim still requires evidence.
The only thing humans can suck out of a room is fun, they are notorious buzz kills.
As for demons and evils of otherworlds....I don't think its the evil from another world that mankind should worry about, this world has plenty to go around as it is.
One may not be able to understand "otherworldy" methods, but one does understand evil and dark intentions, seeing someone vulnerable in their home would be irresistible.
If I was in there, maybe I would watch for awhile to gloat or bask in the sadism of it all, but ultimately I would attack, especially if spotted since I don't see the point in doing a runner if you get caught. Less witness the better.
Well i know what i am and i know others like me can sense me as well.
No one is stomping anyone esp online.
I wouldn't go poking bears with a stick just to get a reaction that's for sure. lol
So to say that individuals who claim to be HLVs do have some psychic skills and ensight but certain individuals aren't just going to reveal what can or cannot be done by said persons to just anyone.
Why hand out the Ace card and flaunt it ya know?
You won't see that happening here, or anywhere.
So people who really don't understand us, or what our talents or abilities are really shouldn't be so disrepectful.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Or what?
because there is nothing you can to do me psychic or physically and I know what I can do to others.
If one makes extraordinary claims then they must provide extraordinary evidence because boasting about being a vampire ( Living human or otherwise) is only seen as attention grabbing (or trying to escape your miserable life) and you will end being questioned. Now if you don't like being disrespected or have your beliefs questioned, the solution is to not mention it in the public forums because its just like religion, its flamebait. If you are going to do it anyway, be prepared to have your claims contested because that is what happens here, the fact that the site has vampire in its name means nothing whatsoever, because there are still folks around here that are logical. Shame they haven't been active recently come to think about it, because they will give a good roasting.
Some may have grown tolerant to the point of ignoring your "kind" but I will always be there to remind others how mortal they really are. You want to believe in what you believe, that is fair enough. Everyone has the right to their beliefs but I will question them if its brought up in the public forums, anywhere else is not my problem.
Now here is a very strange thing and it happens to be about the "living vampires" they always make the same excuse why they don't prove their "abilities". Funny thing is that if its such a secret then why reveal oneself in the first place, they would have to know the reaction they would get.
I will concur that human beings have the potential to be evil, that there are evil human beings. But not ALL of us are. That's utter bullshit.
You might be. Would you kill your own offspring?
Eat someone you murdered in cold blood?
I think anyone who would hurt a disabled person is definitely evil/definitley has the hallmarkings of someone who isn't "all there".
I won't address the other issues, Sorvena has done that for me. Thankyou Sorvena. :)
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Not all mankind is, no but plenty are. Of course I view evil and corruption as two different things. Corruption to me is greed and pettiness, all about the self instead of the world. Evil has a place in the world, it is sorely needed.
Believe it or not but I do care about the world...the natural world anyway and I see humans as a disease that is consuming the world for selfish reasons.
Yes, I could kill my offspring if they dared challenge me, this is not unusual at all. Fathers and sons killing each other is a very old tale, quite cliched actually, though before resorting to killing, I would probably beat them first to see if they could one day be strong and disciplined. Only the weak die.
After all, having offspring is an investment, years of training and disciplining would go down the drain if I killed them and I don't like my time being wasted, so I would settle for "correcting".
See? I am not that bad.
Eating someone? nom nom. Tastes salty and full of cholesterol.
Disabled people? Death takes anyone indiscriminately.