There are so many myths about dreams like I heard one like
"If you can not fall asleep at night it means you are in someone dreams"
Like stuff like that. Well I want to know what myths you heard and do you believe them or not?
There's one I head which goes something like this: Don't go to bed with a full stomach as it'll give you nightmares. I am not sure if this has been scientifically proven or not.
Dreams, in some cultures, are a way to channel prophecies. In these ancient cultures, burning and inhaling the vapour of certain herbs increase the chances of "entering a trance" and inducing dreams that many thought were only limited to seers.
Dreams, as they used to be believed, are messages from another realm. This world that we live in has a "reflection". There is another dimension(s) that is believed to exist parallel to ours. Thus, this explains why sometimes dreams have to be interpreted in reverse, because they are reflections.
Myth does not mean that it will definitely turn out to be untrue. They are just widely believed theories. Till these myths can be proven to be untrue or implausible, there will be beings who carry on the tradition of passing it down through the generations.
I've heard that if you dream you are falling, like off a cliff, and you hit bottom and die, you supposedly die in real life. I don't know if its true, because I never hit the bottom. I always startle awake when I'm having a really bad dream.
I heard that cheese is supposed to make you dream more, but chilli / spicy foods give you nightmares.
No matter how crazy they may seem sometimes it's said that your dreams are your subconscious talking to you. They are on the same level of consciousness as meditation reaches and if you can remember and decipher your dreams they can help you find your way in life and solve your problems.
I heard if you have a dream about someone you like you are in love them but if it is a nightmare about them you are afraid they might hack you up in your sleep. The love part I don't believe but being butchered in your sleep well that is a horse of a different color all together.
Interesting .. I heard some of the things u guys already wrote it.. I think dreams always will be wrapped in a mystery.. But i think they are very important to us.. The way mind works while we sleep.. Isn't it interesting?. I love dreaming.. I also notice if i sleep more hours i always dream.. When my sleep last only 2,3..hours i never dream.. Guess body and mind are to tired...
I read once that we dream in the last phase of sleep and when our eyes are in fast movement it means we are dreaming.
..I hear that if you write "666 come to me" in a piece of paper and place it under your pillow, you will dream with lucifer.
Some people say that dreams hold the answers we seek for our future, others have said that dreams hold the answers to our past life's.
I have been taught that our dreams are a way for us to jump dymentions. Or how ever it is spelled. I have put this to the test and have noticed with certain herbs being burned at the start of sleep or before sleep that they do enhance your dreams. I have put months of research into this theory and it seems to hold true so far that herbs do enhance your dreams and the frequency of your dreams. I tested this on myself for I knew what my body can handle. I have noticed the more you dream the more tired you are and can actually become sleep deprived from too many.
In a lucid dream(awake inside dream) I heard that if you wake up others in your dreams you will awaken sleeping parts of your own brain.
Dreams are an important way our brain processes information we received that day. They can be indicators of stress as well.
That being said, I've heard the recurring dreams mean your life is about to change significantly. I mostly think it's my brain being unoriginal.
There are all sorts of myths and stories out there regarding dreams and what they mean. Sometimes I dream of things and a few days later it happens- paranormal or coincidence-who knows? Mostly I believe that when you dream it lets your brain 'unplug', and take a holiday and as others have stated process what has happened during the day.
I too have heard about the myth regarding if you die in your dream, then you die in reality. Since I've never died in my dreams I wouldn't know-but I'd rather not put that to the test!
When you fall asleep, your spirit leaves your body. Dreams are created by your spirit in another realm to show you what to do in life if you can't get answers in your concrete body. Also some are to warn you of the future that you cannot see but you spirit fears. But some are purely entertainment.
I was told if you dream of death it means someone around you is going to bee pregnant or is pregnant and will tell the family, or a birth is happening
![]() TheArtistRose Venerable Sire (133) Posts: 2,295 Honor: 9 [ Give / Take ] |
I have the oddest dreams. Most common, although, I haven't had it in a long time, is to dream of teeth falling out.
Some dreams are fun and for entertainment, others are to teach or warn you.
I've had several in the last to years that made my confidence soar.
Two weeks ago...when Venus retrograde began....I had two dreams in a row about Thoth since in my handwritten journals I speak to the ghost god of writing quite often . . In the first one it was me and a spirit telekenticly throwing cups and objects at each other....using extreme frustration and strong emotion....caused a glass to fall off the counter in the dream.....then.....I watched this long haired old floating man...with solid glowing blue eyes enter my apt....I wasn't scared...I thought he was coming to tell me something....then.....his blue glow came off his eyes and went into mine....crazy fear or negative at all
the next night....I have another telekinis dream
in this one...its Thoth dressed as the grim reaper.....
we start going at it again telekentic and now I feel like its fun learning lesson and since I remembered the night before lesson
I picked up the couch in my living room...
and smashed a mirror....when I saw him appear on it
They were the most empowering two dreams I have ever had to date in a row.
Your brain does not release waste in the same manner as normal cells, it uses the process of sleep to cleanse itself of those toxins. Those parts of your brain which were the busiest probably experience some sort of pooping pleasure, triggering an active response from the rest of the brain to recognize and process the experience. Your brain uses about a quarter of your calories, or more, so a particularly irrational day may trigger a significant amount of waste from very specific brain cells. Your irrational thoughts, contained in this microburst, are weighed relatively equally, unlike the time, subconsciously or conciously, spent on them while awake.
That being said, your brain is not really you. Your brain is a directional governer for your mind. It keeps the mind from going in every direction it is capable of, at one time, and thus learning nothing. During your brains' downtime, it is easiest to escape those limitations and sometimes, if your mind is trained, or by randomness, you can do some really interesting things.