The Dark Network & You
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Venerable Sire (137)
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Sanguis Dracones (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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19:00:21 May 30 2015
Read 1,281 times

There must be a reason as to why each one of us is here, on the Dark Network. Sometimes, even more than one reason. This reason could be a personal one or something that we willingly share with others. We may be who we claim to be I.e vamps, witches, werewolves, daemons and such.

On PowerPunks, we reveal our Hero/Villain side.
On Sci-Fi, we reveal our Fantasy/Futuristic scientific side.
On Vampire Rave, we reveal our Vampiric side.

(I know the above could be phrased better, but, hey.)

My questions are these:

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

P.S This is just for fun. No harsh words or bashings are encouraged.

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03:33:06 May 31 2015
Read 1,263 times

Guess i'll go first?

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?
Vampire Rave

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?
I won't say who i am, but Angelic in a human body
and Why? Because I remember things.

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?
Our kind feels warm & peaceful unless provoked.
The males are usually constantly aroused and for the most part, the perfect male. Rare to find in this world.

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Curmudgeon (11)
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03:33:16 May 31 2015
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I'm a regular old human. But, I do seem to have an ability to read people's demeanor and intentions very accurately when I meet them face to face. so I strongly feel I have at least some psychic ability. I am not sensitive to paranormal stuff, nor do I claim to be empathic. just hyper aware of people I meet physically. I am almost never wrong.

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Obtruder (51)
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04:46:55 May 31 2015
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1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent? - Covens and journals.

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why? I claim to be human, not like some of the delusional idiots on here who think they are "other".

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be? I am fairly sure people here know what makes up a person.

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Scamp (26)
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Immortal Blood (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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19:27:51 May 31 2015
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I came looking for information about vampires and a place where I might fit in. I am not a vampire or werewolf or witch. I am a child of nature.

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22:47:13 May 31 2015
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@ NaturesBeauty -- loved your entry, here... was unassuming, unpretentious and to the point. :)

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?

VampireRave, only... and only to share information on actual Vampire research, usually via the Forum and my journal

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

Obviously, Human... though born with a particular scientifically documented "physiologically impossible" capacity (if that sounded pretentious, can't be helped as it's the simple, unassuming, unpretentious, to-the-point truth).

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

Too much to go into here; it's all at my profile.

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Shaitan (64)
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07:24:13 Jun 03 2015
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1. I only frequent VR.
2. I am a human being, exactly who I "claim" to be.
3. Mammal, thumbs, right and wrong...you know, that sort of thing.

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Ophidian (66)
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05:04:04 Jun 04 2015
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1. Only on VR.
2. I am a Meat Popsicle
3. All on my profile.

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Venerable Sire (131)
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The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs is a member of an Alliance

Member of The Coven of Temples of The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs
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02:15:57 Jul 02 2015
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1. I enjoy frquenting vr mostly, but I do enjoy scifi second.
2. I relate to werewolves and have a thirst for blood but I am human and dont claim otherwise.
3. My traits are loyal and territorial, I enjoy learning.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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02:24:05 Jul 02 2015
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I am a Dabbler. A Dicordian, and a Lover of Goth. I did the fuck out of Sci-fi.. andf I fucking love that VR doesn'r censor their awesome fucking forums!

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Venerable Sire (130)
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02:25:10 Jul 02 2015
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*I dig*

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Obtruder (51)
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05:13:40 Jul 10 2015
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I visit vampire rave and I consider myself a psychic. It's mostly out of my control and I do seem to feed off pranic energies but I don't consider myself a vampire. I believe that title is far too fanciful and inaccurate. I'm a traditionalist and vampires should be undead and should exist off blood alone. However, I do wish to meet others who have vampire-like abilities and I'm looking into becoming a donor!

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21:09:30 Jul 27 2015
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I just frequent VR and I'm a regular human, although I am sensitive to ghosts/spirits and can normally pick up 'vibes of people' before they even open their mouth :-) I joined VR to look for the historical roots buried in myths and legends, and to find out people's different viewpoints on various subjects.

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Specter (43)
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06:35:57 Sep 14 2015
Read 944 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent? I only come to vampire rave because I'm a vampire I would frequent gothic invasion if the URL work because I am also gothic...

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why? I am a Vampyre, Rivethead, Traditional, Hippie Goth, Vegetarian, "Vampyrian" Graver", Pansexual Experimental Sound Artist because I was born this way and finally figured it out through research...

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be? The simple Definition of Vampyr is one who needs energy (LIFE FORCE) because our bodies don’t have enough for our soul as we have a higher energy metabolism. We take it through the blood (some of the life force/soul or human energy is in the blood) or by the taking of it directly if we are strong enough. Most Vampyres are tired and drained when alone but are usually hyper and often have high anxiety; we feel extremely hyper and powerful when around large crowds. A goth is a person who loves the darkness and loves Gothic music...

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Blood Drinker (68)
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17:34:00 Sep 14 2015
Read 934 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?

VR, I guess. Each "division" is nothing more than stacked spreadsheets with varying skins, so I fail to see any difference.

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

I don't claim to be anything other than myself. Instead of outright claiming who/what I am (I already know this, so I don't need to reassure myself), I tend to display skill sets instead. It's a lot more entertaining when someone else tries to guess.

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

inb4 "Good lord, Helen, I bet he's sucked down more sea men than The Devil's Triangle."

And on that note, I'm going to go octopus for a bit. Then later on, I'll cat for a while.

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Wyvern (85)
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02:09:17 Sep 26 2015
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I always been fascinated with the monster occult world especially Vampires, their culture, believes, customs, their nature and habitat I find their way of both intriguing and interesting. I would like to learn more so I came here hoping to expand my knowledge base on that subject matter.

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Venerable Sire (133)
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Member of Art (Coven)
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16:25:32 Oct 03 2015
Read 866 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?
Vampire Rave.
2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?
I'm an artist. I was born an artist. It's in my blood.

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

We're very odd creatures. We write in a universal language, called art. Most people confuse this with picture books, but lo and behold, the same people tend to pick up a comic book, otherwise known as a graphic novel. To make it sound more flattering.
Artists have a large range. I fit into the sub culture category of indie. This is because I hate rules and enjoy punk culture. I'm also a hybrid. I'm half starving artist. I drink coffee by day and at times, wine by night. I'm only half starving because I eat a lot when food is near. :)

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Premiere Sire (120)
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The House of Nocturnal Retribution is a member of an Alliance

Member of The House of Nocturnal Retribution
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01:14:38 Oct 06 2015
Read 849 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?
VR but i do really like scifi section to.

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?
Im just a human that try to keep my mind open.

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?
Logic thinking

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Mosquito (7)
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22:37:47 Oct 19 2015
Read 813 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?

Vampire Rave so far. Still finding my way around.

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

Ordinary human, writer of erotic vampire fiction, sound engineer, musician and producer. Lover of vampire lore and the occult.

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

Enjoying attention probably doesn't hurt... ;)

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14:19:49 Oct 24 2015
Read 790 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?

I have been to three of them.

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

Complicated, because A I am and B you couldn't comprehend me.

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

I don't desire to be anything other than what I am, though more power is always good to have.

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Savage (61)
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20:58:29 Oct 24 2015
Read 780 times

I came to Vampire Rave to meet like minded people and make new friends. I find it difficult to make friends in real life lately, so I decided to make friends through the internet. It isnt the same, but it will have to do for now.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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04:53:58 Oct 27 2015
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I'm an energy-worker. Life is all about energy. Never claimed to be anybody or anything other than to be myself; although, I have gone by several different titles in life. But it's always about the energy.

I prefer the Night; although, I work with Light. Some may believe that is contradictive - I disagree.

You'll find me throughout The Dark Network, rarely do I ever stay in one spot.

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No Longer Registered
22:52:39 Oct 27 2015
Read 759 times

1. VR only, specifically all forums I'm a party to.
2. I claim to be changing to a Dark priest which
includes vampire. In the past I wasn't ready
and only caught glimpses that brought
temporary insanity. Now I am aware all the
time and handle it with confidence. Why? In
a nutshell, 'know thyself'.
3. A 'unique' awareness of self and
environment shared only with the sacred
aspect of everything. Fate at this time has
me doing work in the darkside to bring

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No Longer Registered
23:07:11 Oct 27 2015
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PS To be me.

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Specter (43)
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04:42:55 Oct 28 2015
Read 750 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?
Vampire Rave

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?
Human, because I am :P

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?
Well, empathetic, sympathetic, loving, and all the bad shit too :D

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Great Sire (118)
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06:11:31 Jun 02 2016
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vr is were i mostly am at most of the time.
i am human.
i am not like others and yet am some times find my self in others . parts of me or i in others . i believe we are conected in some way and we do all share this earth for now , maybe some day when alive or after we may start to share the stars .

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Venerable Sire (136)
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Member of The House of La Bella Oscuridad
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17:18:46 Jun 04 2016
Read 567 times

I use Vampire Rave the most I claim to be me only me....I find the other two sites needing some updates....to be honest the profiles look the best on VR versus the other two sites

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No Longer Registered
00:39:30 Jun 05 2016
Read 562 times

I came here for ppl with similar interests
All the cool kids are here :-)
I'm similar to others here
We are all one!

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Great Sire (110)
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Mystic Falls Of Wisdom (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

Member of Mystic Falls Of Wisdom (Coven)
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22:40:03 Jun 08 2016
Read 542 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?

Vampire Rave is the only thing I am even aware of. It appears that I need to venture out.

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

I claim to be part time classic goth. I have always fancied the gothic culture and even wrote a paper on it in a college cultural diversity class.

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

Goths often wear dark colours, particularly black, as an outward expression of mourning for the decay and cruelty of society.

Goths will defend themselves both physically and verbally, yet they typically are not aggressive toward others.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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02:52:31 Nov 15 2016
Read 411 times

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?

I'm constant in my affections: VR

2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

I'm sugar and spice and everything nice. :) Just a girl. But ... I mean, is there really such a creature? We're all kind of amazing in our own regard.

I think, though, what you're looking for is if I identify with any supernatural creature. Not really. In high school I was called a vampire. I had one little groupie that would meet me at my locker, every day, without fail, to beg me to change him. *sigh* It was funny because I was the least "goth" kid in school. I have no idea where the whole vampire thing came from. Still, they might have been onto something. I am pretty drawn to vampire ... everything. So ...

I'm not a vampire, though. Like I said, just a girl. ;)

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

Boobs and a vajayjay seem to be necessary. In addition to those physical assets, I would say a woman is both strong and weak, both hot and cold, both a lady and a vixen, both cruel and kind, both independent and needy, both complex and simple. We are beautiful and wonderful, and way too hard on ourselves, as well as other women.

In all seriousness, I came to VR for inspiration, and I stayed because I found my niche. I was looking to expand my world, and I did. I'm a black sheep, the odd one out, a nonconformist, a thinker ... VR, despite some of its drawbacks, turned out to be a place that was very accepting of my oddball self. It gave me a place to come and to be myself, and to be appreciated for that. The friendships I have made during my tenure are cherished and lasting. I found my people here.

And those that aren't my people ... Well, they are entertaining, at least.

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No Longer Registered
16:06:54 Nov 28 2016
Read 358 times

Hmmm... all very good questions:

1. Which part of the Dark Network do you frequent?


2. What/Who do you claim to be and why?

I don't claim to be "anything". Those who meet me draw their own conclusions and their always right, based on my personality and the way I act, as well as my appearance alone... always "Vampi(y)re."

3. What, according to you, are the characteristics/traits commonly found in the Being that you fancy yourself to be?

It's all in my Journal Section. I don't "fancy" being anything... it comes with the territory by and through natural instincts.

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