Modern Supernatural Horror vs Old School B-Rate Flix.
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Venerable Sire (130)
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05:38:36 Apr 08 2015
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What are your thoughts relating to the new genre of horror? Has it overshadowed the gore fest films that were B-Rate? Will "Slasher Films" ever reclaim their status?

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Sire (107)
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08:08:07 Apr 08 2015
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It seems to me that the newer films, in part, are a resurgent of the older B rate films. With the redos of cult classics like fright night and evil dead it would appear that the audiences for such "oldie but goodies" is alive and kicking.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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13:01:12 Apr 08 2015
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Call me nostalgic but I prefer the grainy low budget, and quirky scripts and gratuitous sexual exposure of the bygone B-Rate. Many B-Rate films were shot using equipment and actresses from the porn indusry. Some Porn producers even got into directing slasher flixs to buffer their distribution.

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Disciple (53)
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21:35:41 Apr 15 2015
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I love cinematography in general: the scripts, the angles, the effects, the characters.

I think that the older / classic horror movies will still have there place for at least a few more decades. The low budget ones are the best. Nothing like watching a few and finding a rare true gem!

I love the villains in the older movies. Many of them have a stronger, more believable back story than say that of the cave creatures in decent, the little girl from the ring, and I would add in my thoughts about the Woman in Black... but I can't seem to stay awake for the whole movie.

I'll happily watch The Birds, the original Psycho, Christine, Sleep Walkers, Leprechaun, Chucky, etc. before I get spooked by a possessed Raggedy Anne doll.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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09:21:31 Apr 16 2015
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I love the classic horror movies compared to today's blood and guys. The old movies were more into plot and suggested violence. Compared to how much blood you can show in one scene like now. Don't get me wrong. Some new movies are very excellent in its design and effects yet still leave some luster. Classics covered almost all aspects to intrigue our interest to suspense to slight nudity all done tasteful.

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Disciple (53)
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12:11:36 Apr 16 2015
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So agreed.

When I was little my mom would kick me out of the den and let my older brother watch horror movies. There was an open book shelf that would divide the den from my play room. I could hear the movies, but not see them. One day I got smart, moved the stuff on the shelf, climbed up, got into the shelf, and watched the 1st Nightmare on Elm Street. My mom caught me and let me come in the den to watch. She'd cover my eyes for all the sex and bloody scenes. I started having nightmares. After a few bad dreams my mom told me I couldn't watch the movies anymore. I explained to her that she should just let me watch the bloody scenes because I imagined things that were scarier to me than what the movie showed. Finally she let me watch the whole movie and stopped covering my eyes. Never had a nightmare again.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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20:35:42 Apr 22 2015
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Give me the old school moves the way they set up the horror and not blood filling the room, the plots seemed more classy, even the lower be movies cheesy films have been considered cult classic proofs the depth of the films compared to the movies now that die by the waist side

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Sire (107)
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09:20:52 Apr 23 2015
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There is definitely something to be said about the older B rate films.
The grainy film, the shaky camera movements to the low budget props cause them to rely on story instead of stage.
The modern versions try to recapture that forbidden with movies like the Blair witch project and paranormal activity but it is big budget attempting to appear low end... it often falls short.

Give me old school any day.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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09:26:09 Apr 25 2015
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I prefer the old movies, as they seems to be more work into it from the actors, more emotions more effort, I mean these day with new technology its not even make up anymore, or even doing anything almost, its all with green screen, and computer photoshoping thingy etc, while in the old movies, the actors had to go under hours and hours of make up and had to do a lot of work to really show what the character was feeling or planning, it was more true.

But thats just my opinion, as for technology it did bring new vision of old films and all, only sad they don't use it to make new stuff, they do but so little. Because with the tech they got the possibilities are unlimited

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Venerable Sire (130)
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05:44:45 Apr 28 2015
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The last good flix i saw was Sinister. Well thought out spook shit.

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Sire (107)
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07:01:58 Apr 28 2015
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Hey Dab... Poltergeist comes out may 22nd.

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Disciple (53)
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14:29:34 Apr 28 2015
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I like the end of Sinister. You think it is going to be the boy who offs the family, lol.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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06:45:48 Apr 29 2015
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I could not agree more with Serenity. Definitely, the raw talents of the actors and actresses were on full natural display. Suspiria, for example. Phantasm, too... Horror Train. However, I cannot say for certain if these movies are B-films. I prefer the feel of older horror movie, but, with the technology nowadays, postmodern movies can be said to be "keeping the flame alive", yet dead. I must admit, though... Older movies don't get me peeking through my fingers, which modern movies tend to do. I guess the anticipation has been strengthened through the years.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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06:48:11 Apr 29 2015
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I mean Horror Express. Lol.

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07:22:15 May 06 2015
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I personally don't believe there's anything scary about the "supernatural" horror trend. Possessed by this? No. If I think Ghost Hunters is a waste of my time, why see movies about a malevolent spirit?

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Venerable Sire (130)
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10:48:06 May 06 2015
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No they cant remake poltergeist they are asking for r a return of thecurse that kiled many actors and actress in the first series.. Haha

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Anarchist (88)
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22:39:45 May 06 2015
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Here's what I worry about...

As the market stands now we won't see a full return to slasher. That's not to say things won't change. However, there is shift in the market towards the direction of transmedia causing the death of original content. That is, studios, producers, and anyone else financially invested, want to put out a product that has the potential to birth a franchise or sequel. Their is more profitability in something that can be rehashed to an already established fan base. The problem with a slasher is the limited life-span of the monster. It is hard to write a narrative with a human killer, in today's world, that is not apprehended by authorities after the first spree. There just isn't the same sustainability for a human creature as a supernatural one. Exceptions are always made, of course. BUT Now more than ever film makers are motivated to create a monster that transcends apprehension. If a film proves successful the terror can be revisited. If the market rejects it, the monster can disappear into its paranormal realm.

In conclusion, Hollywood is the devil.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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10:30:25 May 07 2015
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The monster wont vanish but will fade to rise again based on the trends of society like it has always done. Us relics still watch horror films and will continue. But the true classic films will end up in vaults to be hid away from society.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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22:38:30 May 10 2015
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I'll take either one, as long as the movie doesn't suck. If I have my choice, Old School B-Slasher/Splatter

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Obtruder (51)
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16:58:50 May 11 2015
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I hate modern horror movies. The over-gore and the psychological, slasher... eugh. They're usually inaccurate medically and they annoy me for so many reasons.

I prefer... horridly old 'horror' movies, like black and white vampire movies, Frankenstein, things with ancient class.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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16:16:42 May 13 2015
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Personally, I prefer suspense to gore, but I don't think we'll ever truly see the end of slasher films. The only thing that will change is how the visual effects are delivered. With more advanced technology, we've got more realistic gore.

Now, the end of the 80's slasher films has already come and gone because the 80's have come and gone. We'll never recapture that ... flavor. That's not to say a new, more developed flavor can't/doesn't exist. But even the remakes of the "classics" can't capture the essence of their 80's predecessors.

What makes the "old school b-rate" movies stand out, to me, is their cheesiness. But it's only cheesy to me now. Back then, it was actually ... scary.

Actually, in all fairness, The Exorcist still scares the crap out of me. No matter how much I tell myself that's pea soup ... Nope. Still not convinced. I wouldn't classify that as a B movie, though.

I watched a B movie the other night that was downright laughable. I cannot remember the name of it. Night ... something. It was about these monsters that lived in a place called Midian. And while not a single second of it was believable, I couldn't tear my eyes away. It was interesting to watch just because I kept thinking, "This was actually scary? And, OMG, was that hair really a thing?? What was wrong with us?!" It was fun to watch, not because of its content, but because of what it said about culture during that time period.

That right there is the magic of B rated movies. There really is no comparison between modern day horror flicks and B rated movies of the past because they are two totally different entities. One we watch for the thrills (modern day horrors) and one we watch for the ... shame ... no, laughs (old school B rated movies).

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Premiere Sire (127)
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09:41:42 May 14 2015
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I love old films the imaginary focus on films than was superb. Yet Hollywood in its wisdom trying to remake the classics to modern has hurt the old cult classics and money makers.

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Premiere Sire (124)
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15:29:53 May 16 2015
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I myself liked the older B flicks.....The one that scared the crap out of me when I was little would have been children of the corn.
It seems to me that hollywood has lost that type of horror they rely on more blood and gore and supernatural "killers".
But I am more of a fan who likes the whole "It could happen" type of films.

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17:50:23 May 19 2015
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I don't care if it's old or new, I like the vast majority of horror.

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16:14:24 May 21 2015
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I like old school horror movies best, but there is a lot of new that l like too.

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Royal Sire (215)
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11:42:27 May 22 2015
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I like the old ones,but i give a try for the new ones.

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Elemental (77)
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09:37:47 Jun 13 2015
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I like what I like. I'm not fond of zombie movies, never have been and I've never liked most slasher movies in all actuality because most of them, the whole time is running, chasing, kill, kill, kill. I'm not into that and consider them mindless. I prefer Science fiction more in all actuality. If you want good B type movies watch those made by Asylum. Some are bad but many are surprisingly good.

I watched a movie out of Australia that won best picture for 2014 in that country. It's called The Babadook. I have a friend that has watched it three times already. It's more of a supernatural thriller but is classified horror. I watch horror but it's not my favorite genre. I like the old stuff but am open to the new films. I have seen many B movies classified horror. I guess it's just a matter of personal taste.

There is a new TV series on the Fox channel called Wayward Pines. It's considered a horror story/science fiction...maybe. It's from a series of books and most is taken from one of them called The Pines. The story is supposedly gory and I've seen some of that but not a lot yet. Since it's an adaptation I don't know what direction it will be going but it's blown my mind already. Matt Dillon stars. They are only five episodes into it so far. It can be watched on Hulu after the show has aired on Fox. I watch it on Thursday nights. I'm hooked. The author has stated his stories were inspired by Twin Peaks. (I've never watched that)

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Venerable Sire (136)
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22:00:11 Jun 13 2015
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I like them all, pretty much. But I will have to agree that the older movies were just plain scarier, and more fun to watch. Modern horror is filled with blood, guts and gore. It desensitizes the way none looks at horror. I like the suspence and story line of the older movies. Some of the remakes are better, but it makes me sad that they feel that they have to upstage the original films.

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Venerable Sire (136)
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22:01:19 Jun 13 2015
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meant one, not none.....

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Superior Sire (142)
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04:24:00 Jun 14 2015
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The last time I saw a movie that really fucked with my head was Blair Witch. The makers did a brilliant job of eluding to the evil in the story, but never really presenting.

Todays movies work on startling the viewer, more than actually scaring them.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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05:53:10 Jun 16 2015
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Well put KAL. Well stated. Keen observation.

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Pain Giver (55)
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18:48:20 Jul 21 2015
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I miss the old school more thought went into it

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06:33:43 Jul 22 2015
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I agree with kaligula, today's horror movies tend to go for cheap shock tactics rather than the psychological scares.
While I personally prefer the newer movies (pacing tends to be faster, dialogue is more relatable to me, and the effects are better) it's harder to find a quality movie than before.
Anything can be scary if you do a little perspective shooting and throw some gore up as fast as possible. But those aren't the movies that stick with you five, ten years down the line.
I'll be honest, I will never be over the Human Centipede. The concept was just so horrifying I feel like every minute of it is emblazoned on my brain.

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Great Sire (117)
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01:37:23 Jul 24 2015
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The new film, I will mention none, are just a pure entertaining for young Adult. Did you notice almost all are PG13, The reason is to produce more money, then, making then R. So, I do prefer a classic old film.

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Royal Sire (204)
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15:30:07 Aug 19 2015
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I like the slasher/ killer movies if they are done right, as in a little effort in the story line and the effects. But the supernatural horror is more up my alley as it adds a twist of the unknown. :)

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:21:04 Aug 19 2015
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IMHO horror films have a hard time with the plot, because well, as audience you know its a horror film, people die, either the good guys win or the bad guys.

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Noble Sire (160)
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06:13:28 Aug 20 2015
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Its a toss up for me. While I do like the old Grindhouse horror fix, I love the new graphics these days.

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Royal Sire (204)
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15:47:21 Aug 20 2015
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But something is to be said for the old suspense style. I mean- Alfred Hitchock style is still the best for me. Not all about the blood and gore, but the "BOO" moments.

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21:51:07 Aug 27 2015
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Personally I prefer the old classics to the modern ones, though no horror film has ever been scary to me, I find them comedic and amusing. The old films were original and had a lot of gumption to them, whereas the modern ones tend to be cliched "Oh I will just investigate a strange noise" and the always present "Who's there?" and "I'll be right back"
Most characters tend to be unsympathetic too, as they usually pot-head, sex mad amoral cowardly teens. However, in fairness to the modern films, they can't always help the cliches as what is cliched now, was not back then and one can run out of things to do, though there should still be room for originality. Remakes don't help of course. While classics such as Alien, Evil Dead, Christine and The thing were brilliant, modern horrors can be good too, Jeepers Creepers, Drag me too hell was entertaining (helps that Sam Raimi did that). Scream was excellent as it rejuvenated the tired Slasher genre and it poked fun at itself too. Friday the 13th and Halloween may have started brilliant but eventually it became the same thing over and over again.

And while it wasn't always pretty or good, the old films were inventive with their special effects as the crews would have to always use their imagination to overcome budget and technical limitations. These days CGI is the go to option, though some directors still like to use practical effects.

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22:28:34 Sep 04 2015
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The old horror movies made you look under the bed when you got home, made you look inside the closets. The modern films are so unreal that you know it is not possible, hence, no suspense.

In Psycho people swore they saw the knife against her skin, yet it never did, just shadows

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16:12:18 Sep 09 2015
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most of the new horror movies sadly are "remake" of the old ones, some are badly remake, others are ok, but to be honest I am often disapointed so i stopped watching them.
call me old school but I prefered it when the actor actualyl had to act their character, when they actually had to do something other then stand in front of a blue or green screen and have the computer dude do all the "magic' with pixels and algorithm.
I think that movies have lost their magic. For me to go see a movie it has to have a lot of work in it, and not talking about mainly computer, but actors actually working.

The old movies in the 50's for example those presented often by Vincent Price were I think the best ones.

I am not saying there is no good ones these days and new creations, but there is so many remake its like having 7 days a week hot dogs for meal 3 times a day, it gets painful at a certain point.

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Archfiend (57)
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05:28:13 Sep 11 2015
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With any luck, the series i'm writing will resurrect it. Actually I ought to amend that: "a few metric tonnes of luck"

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Venerable Sire (130)
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17:41:16 Sep 11 2015
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The last good film i saw was Hostel. As mrkus said too many PG13 horror films.

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Specter (43)
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21:22:02 Sep 12 2015
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Many of the movies out now have too much crap in them that I dont want to see or ruins the genre but yes many B rates rates over looked because they were made on a small budget except of course "night of the living dead" I wish more B rates would get better recognition

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