Do Ghost Talk?
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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:46:26 Mar 09 2015
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It is all over the news how a 18 month old survives a car crash in a river so cold that even the rescuers had to be treated for hyperthermia. All of the rescuers claim they herd an adult voice calling to them for help. Do you think when people die if they are not ready to go on like in this case that they will stay until ready to go where ever it is we go? Do you think this was the mothers voice who died in the wreck calling out to help her child? What are you thoughts of cases like this? Do ghost talk?

Four Utah rescuers swear they heard a voice calling for help from an overturned vehicle in an icy river.

After they flipped the vehicle, which was on its hood in the Spanish Fork River, they discovered inside only a deceased woman and her unconscious 18-month-old girl, who had hung upside down for about 14 hours.

"We're not exactly sure where that voice came from," Spanish Fork Officer Jared Warner told the Deseret News.

The infant, Lily Groesbeck, survived as the water flowing through the car never touched her as she hung by straps in her car seat, police said.

Her mother, Lynn "Jenny" Groesbeck, 25, of Springville, Utah, was found dead in the car, police said.


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Noble Sire (160)
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03:38:40 Mar 10 2015
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She might have still been alive at that point, yelling for all she was worth, and due to atmospheric conditions , her voice traveled. Sound travels farther and denser through cold water, ice and air etc..

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:31:57 Mar 11 2015
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They said the mother was dead. Had been dead during the 17 hours the baby hung upside down in the car seat from inside the car. The baby was not awake either and did not come too till the next day... yet all 4 of the rescue team said they herd a adult voice yelling for help and they even replied with "we are trying our best to get to you". There was no one else in the area to explain the calls for help they claimed was coming from the car.

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Exasperater (20)
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14:50:45 Mar 12 2015
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If you believe in ghosts etc I guess you could also believe the Spirit of the Mother or guide etc called out for help for the baby.
I have seen and heard Spirit subjectively but not in the way you describe.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:53:08 Mar 12 2015
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I think that is what it was the spirit of the mother staying with her child till the child got help then she was able to move on. I watch on CNN they interviewed all 4 of the recue workers said they herd a women's voice calling out to them. I think it making the news so much because of what the recue crew herd.:

'For two nights I've laid awake trying to figure out exactly what it could be. All I know is it was there, we all heard it,' Spanish Fork Police Officer Tyler Beddoes said.

And that voice? Beddoes said he and the three officers talked later and concurred they all heard the same thing. They can't explain it, but have no doubt they heard it.

'That's the part that really sends me for a whirl,' Beddoes said. 'I'm not really religious, but that's what you think of.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2986597/Toddler-improving-14-hours-upside-car-river.html#ixzz3UD82pJLS

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Termagant (58)
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03:56:57 Mar 13 2015
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perhaps was a guardian spirit/angel crying out for help for the baby or perhaps they heard the energy of the departed mother.. maybe she was crying for help before she died and they heard that residual memory

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Venerable Sire (130)
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22:11:07 Mar 13 2015
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As a skeptic I respect a good account from collaborated sources. Though Occeanna makes a good point too. I only wish that more witnesses would testify as well as this First Response team. See would factor in weather or not these responders have witnessed, or claimed to experience any thing else.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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22:17:44 Mar 13 2015
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Sorry for the double post but I had to include something George Carlin shared regarding his idea of what becomes of a person after death. He basically said he thinks we spend our life building a "Hum" and we charge, or are charged by others we encounter (inspiration). When we pass our "Hum is resonates" in those we inspired.. so personally my grandma "talks" with me in my sleepy state, or when I mediate upon her painting my mom saved for me. Though it is a still small whisper. I can also still "hear" the laughter of Rick my 3rd grade pal, and that is every time I drink Earl Grey Tea because his family was British and they introduced me to Tea Time.

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Savage (61)
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23:52:25 Mar 13 2015
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Its possible that it was a spirit, but it is also possible to mother was still alive. They could be wrong on time of death. We will never know for sure.

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Termagant (58)
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09:42:20 Mar 14 2015
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also is possible someone from afar was asking for help and they heard that person and amused it was a spirit of some sort, voices do travel depending on the landscape, they should of been wearing a go cam lol

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Disciple (53)
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12:21:24 Mar 15 2015
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This accident involved a river correct?

Have you ever sat by a really noisy river (or even a fan) and thought that you heard voices? It's a very common experience where white noise, water, etc. can trick your ears into hearing other things that really aren't there. And this type of experience can be shared by numerous people at the same time.

Also (and I'm sure this isn't likely) Mountain lions when they scream / roar are often heard as a woman screaming. If one was in range of the accident site it could be what the rescue workers heard.

Just throwing some none paranormal explanations out there.

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Caitiff (17)
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02:49:16 Aug 10 2015
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Yes I believe in residual voices from scarring events that could be heard again like an echo from the spirits past

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Great Sire (111)
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06:37:44 Aug 12 2015
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I think it is possible that the mothers spirit stuck around long enough to help the EMS team find her child. It also could be possible of the child guardian angel that the rescuers heard.

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Sire (105)
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10:41:07 Aug 13 2015
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Human beings are emotional transmitters and receivers. Ghosts are recordings of this, a ripple or wave that goes in many directions; they can affect you no more than a recorded piece of music... IMO.

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Grave Robber (22)
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21:27:47 Aug 22 2015
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I have heard/spoken to ghost as well as just felt emotions from them. That being said I believe it could have been the mother or even possibly another guiding them to the child.

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Carnal Creature (56)
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23:41:12 Aug 24 2015
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I saw that story segment and was amazed! Yes, I do believe Ghosts talk. And the love for a child is an amazing thing and if that love is that strong, I believe that it can cross space, time and yes, even death. The question is...Do they fart? I have no answer for my 3yr. old granddaughter on that one.~Mina

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Bete Noire (44)
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12:20:27 Aug 26 2015
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Yes I heard that psychics can hear voices of the dead.

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Hellion (73)
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04:59:42 Aug 27 2015
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Ghosts have many ways of communicating with the living going beyond just "talking" - which is often captured through EVPs during "Q&A sessions", as I like to call them. *smile*

Ghosts/spirits will often move objects to get our attention, mess with electronics (i.e. draining batteries that are fully charged, changing radio stations, etc.), or even appear in photos as orbs.

With this little girl surviving the impossible, I feel she was definitely being watched over by spirits on the other side - as well as her mom, who was still alive at the time. This is definitely a unique scenario...thank you for sharing it with us!

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22:10:55 May 04 2016
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I do believe that a ghost can talk. However as Jaded Crystal pointed out that they have multiple ways of communicating. I have experienced it but not as an audible voice.

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Doppelganger (69)
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22:45:15 May 06 2016
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Yes, I agree that they have many many ways of getting our attention. Be it good or bad...lol.
I have worked with them my whole life and it is proven that they "speak" on a different frequency than most human ears can pick up. However, electronics do and can...


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Premiere Sire (124)
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11:14:50 May 10 2016
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I live near the area of the accident. Rescue teams indeed heard a voice. I believe in the power of mind speaking if the mother died she coyld have on her last breath been screaming for help and a psycic could have picked up on it and psycic energy can be at times strong enough to be heard in the mind very loud by many people if strong enough. A psycic could be yelling to warn them were to go. Because it felt the energies of a dying mother. Or just something to think about it could have been the women's spirit guardian calling out a spirit animal guide who knows for sure. All i know is rescue teams all heard it so loud in thier minds eye that each one tells the same story. A similar thing happened in Hillsdale but they looked for days and never did find the missing boy who died due to a flash flood. But i believe Dakotah is onto something here

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14:55:20 May 16 2016
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That's an incredible report, in your posts. I believe all forms of energy are connected, in many dimensions, and communication in anyway is possible. I personally sense, feel, hear, see, and experience things explainable and unexplainable- beyond comprehension. One experience was a girl whispering to me, calling me repeatedly, then asking for help getting out from under the house. That night, I was sleeping out on the deck of a new place I just moved into. Her whispering calls, becoming clear to a place, needing help getting out of. Jolted me awake! Still half asleep, I could hear her as I searched around the outside of the house. Later, a neighbor said she was stuck under the house, did get help out. Apparently she died a few days later from some unrelated illnesses. Others have experienced this, and believe she is reliving her powerful memory from another dimensionality that recycles it. Like a wormhole and or blackhole event horizon and how space time continuum paradigms are effected. We're not quantum physicists; just metaphysical. It's beyond comprehensive explanation. So, yes...

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Venerable Sire (130)
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10:26:19 May 22 2016
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The deceased speak to us through those mutual acquaintances. I barely got to know a friend that passed away until I went to his funeral, I met the people that gravitated to him in life, and listened to their stories of time with him. His wit has stayed with me,I can "hear" him when certain things trigger memories of his wit.

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Exasperater (20)
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20:42:10 May 24 2016
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I agree with Dabbler. I think they speak to us through friends, memories, and even music.

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Fiend (35)
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00:58:47 Jun 18 2016
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Well ghost's are human spirits they have there ways of talking to the living it easier for people with open mind to hear them

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Hellion (73)
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17:49:44 Jun 20 2016
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I believe they do to some and I know
Angels do but never heard or talked with
any other Supernatural verbally. But feel
Them around me a lot! Like they are watching

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07:01:22 Jun 21 2016
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Those that have not had a body, do not have a body, thus they are without physical form. Those that have had a physical form, can retain a physical property when granted.
Demons are never granted physical bodies, but will mimic the form and try to fake the perception. Unborn Angels will simply not be able to and not lie about it.
Simply ask them to shake your hand to see what is before you.

As for sound, there is no noise that pertain to the laws of physics. Sound from "ghosts" that once lived are a different plane of existence that we are connected to, yet unawares.

But really, always do the handshake test.

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Hellion (73)
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16:36:16 Jun 21 2016
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I doubt if I will have opportunity
but if I do I will try handshake test!

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No Longer Registered
17:25:23 Jun 22 2016
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I believe ghosts exist and at times they do try to contact us to either seek out help or maybe harass us for bad things we have done...

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Hellion (73)
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18:10:38 Jun 22 2016
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They could also be warning us.

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Firebrand (79)
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20:46:08 Jun 24 2016
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It has been known that the dead speaks to the living in many ways sometimes in dreams other times in our daily lives most don't believe because it's not exactly on the normal side but evidence has provided that it does exist by those that have investigated the theory through the years hope that this helps any ^_^

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Spook (24)
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11:21:45 Jun 26 2016
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People can be known to pick up on voices, or they can speak through dreams.

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Great Sire (110)
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05:56:47 Jun 27 2016
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There is a device called an EVP to record ghost sounds.

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Termagant (58)
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09:53:51 Jun 27 2016
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i believe that is just a digital recorder i think they make them with different frequency sensitivities

EVP-Electronic voice phenomenon

i also what else can a spirit do other than talk it sounds funny but can a spirit pass gas or do any other bodily functions but in spirit form?

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16:36:18 Jun 29 2016
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i think ghosts can communicate with us but not exactly talk to us

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Caitiff (17)
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23:37:21 Jul 06 2016
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i have heard too many people say that something touched them. usually a gentle caress. i personally think that there can be some noise transmission from the "passed on".

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04:01:45 Jul 14 2016
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I am not sure about an audible voice but I believe that ghosts can communicate.

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16:34:40 Jul 14 2016
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yes they speak,
the real trick is getting them to shut up.

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16:58:58 Jul 14 2016
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They do if they choose.
My son is able to communicate with one that resides in my place but he is not a constant lurker.
He is an old revolutionary war soldier that passes through randomly but he will stop and communicate when he wants to.

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Vexer (13)
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03:55:03 Aug 05 2016
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Of course they do, it's called EVP, and sometimes their voices can be heard without the use of a recording device.

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Great Sire (110)
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14:44:44 Aug 14 2016
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I just went to Waverly Hills and did not see a ghost. Several others said they did.

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14:59:31 Aug 14 2016
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I (recently) used to live across the street from Waverly Hills Sanatorium. Never once had I ever heard anything about ghosts from the other locals. It's always people that aren't from around here that make such claims.

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Bete Noire (44)
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14:34:26 Aug 16 2016
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I'm with TheHaunted on this. If there was a way for a mother to hang around long enough to make sure their child was safe, I believe she would. A mother's love surpasses all bounds.

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Termagant (58)
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14:15:36 Aug 18 2016
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Yes they can be heard.
Some people are Medium enough to conversate with them as well.
Devices are for those that need proof to hear them, but sometimes they really aren't necessary.
I think sound waves carry over and can interfere with such things most of the time.
Why would people go through such extremes creating ghost devices if they didn't believe they couldn't interact?
We have pretty decent technology these days to intercept a few here and there.

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High Sire (154)
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19:23:53 Aug 25 2016
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As a person who has investigated for many years and as a mother I will say yes they can and do speak to us. I have an evp recording of the ghost that I lives in the house I grew up in speaking.

As a mother I can tell you that my children have spoken to and responded to them. My son is only 4 years old and he speaks to them all the time and he even tells me what they say to him. He just says they are his friends. There is not just one but a few. I know it is not his imagination.... toys go off and all sorts of strange things happen. I watched a toy car that is NOT a battery operated of any sort roll across my living room just a day ago... We hear the little children running and giggling in the hall way alot. That is even more reason for me to know that my son is not imagining this... he plays with the children and they are his friends.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:19:02 Sep 15 2016
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I believe that ghosts can talk, but that it is very difficult for them, especially when trying to communicate with someone who isn't open to the communication. I don't think it's a common occurrence, and when it does happen, 9 times out of 10, the only thing we can catch is an EVP. Now, having said that, as a mother, I know that I would do everything in my power to save my child. I could easily see a ghost mother garnering enough strength to plead for help for her child. Absolutely.

What if this mother had been psychically strong in life, too? What if she had some paranormal edge that made it easier for her to communicate? What if that's what it takes to be able to talk as a ghost?

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Great Sire (117)
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02:37:52 Sep 20 2016
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..for a ghost to speak, air must be traveling inside the body, and there is no air going inside, so, Ghost can not speak. My humble opinion.

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Incendiary (86)
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23:43:21 Sep 22 2016
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so little believes and so many don't, if you've ever seen a ghost before then you'll know they do talk...they speak only when necessary but believe me when i say that they do speak.

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16:44:07 Sep 24 2016
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yes ghost do talk but i've only seen it on TV and i herd a few ghosts my self.
Around old museums

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Heretic (18)
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11:11:04 Sep 25 2016
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I actually read this story a while back and found it amazing! but this isn't the only story like this, ..there are Countless!!countless unexplained stories of ghosts , I actually have had two experiences with something I cant explain , my dad wore cowboy boots..you can hear my dad walking in his boots, he was also cremated in them when he died sometime after my dads passing I was sitting on the couch with my friend and clear as day we both heard someone in a pair of boots walk up behind us we both at the same time jumped and looked behind us...there was nothing.....

I recall a story about a woman driving home late with her child, she fell asleep at the wheel and drove off a highway embankment and hit a tree, nobody seen or heard the crash and from the highway you cant see anything off the embankment side she was dead for three days till one night a couple was driving home and seen a nude body of a woman on the side of the road they pulled over a few miles ahead and called the police... after investigating where the body was on the side of the road the same body they saw was that of the woman who was dead in the car , her child alive hungry dehydrated and still buckled in the seat she may not have used her voice but her body
sometime death comes fast and unexpected and this is when you may or may not realize you are dead that you are still on this plane
this is my favorite story:
Diane, a young Christian university student, was home for the summer. She had gone to visit some friends one evening and the time passed quickly as each shared their various experiences of the past year.

She ended up staying longer than she had planned and had to walk home alone. But she wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked "God" to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped around her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safety.

The following day, she read in the paper that a young girl had been raped in the same alley, just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before.

When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if their was anything they could do for her, she asked if they would ask the man one question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She had a Big huge giant man walking behind her."

I have always liked this ghost story

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