According to the Anglo-Saxon mythology there is race of Vampires Werewolves called Dracopyre.
Also there is a similar race in Romanian folklore called Varcolaci.
Aswell other accounts of similar creatures in France, Spain,Italy, Baltic regions, Iran.
Could they be real?
Could they be hunting humans down right now at this modern era?
"Dracopyre" is not part of Anglo-Saxon mythology... it's part of a video game: AdventureQuest. "Varcolaci" is not part of Romanian folklore... it's also part of a video game: Final Fantasy. Soooo... I'm thinkin' maybe, just perhaps, they aren't hunting anyone except gamers.
Perhaps actually studying mythology and folklore would provide you a better vampire education than... playing video games. Just a suggestion.
Thank You!
It is my relationship with Wicca I am a Dracopyre Varcolaci Warlock =)
I do not play videogames.
Yes indeed in mythology the internet medium is full of errors.
Which was the one I used to post.
Although a guy claiming to be Vampire from Usa and even not knowing Varcolaci Seal from the modern age is interesting.
Well you shall find it.
Regarding mythological mistakes or not What is the central point of the Post is:
Could Be Werewolf be Vampire at the same time?
This text provides the Word Dracopyre with reference to Saxons.
also is written in Wikipedia in Portuguese the same version about Werewolves with the word Dracopyre and Saxons without relating to any videogame.
Do you know their source for posting it?
Trouble with Wkki is, anyone can write them, and edit. I wouldnt trust Wkki for any information worth its salt.
Almost forgot to reply my answer as to whether they are real. It is no.
well, vampires and werewolves can be real. yes there is no proof they are real but there is also no proof that they are not real :3
Lack of any type of remains, no real eyewitness accounts..the list goes on and one . There is absolutely no indication that such creatures exsist, other than in the imagination of man. Maybe they exist somewhere else..another dimension etc.., but no here on planet earth.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Not just imaginition but desperate wishful thinking on part of those obsessed with them and they are usually quite lacking in their lives.
Humans typically always want to be better than they already are, they also want to be a part of something, social identity and so on.
Vampirism has long now been a fad, a sub-culture of sorts with many claiming to be such creatures to be a part of it yet they offer no proof or make lame excuses why they can't, prove their claims. they try and compromise by saying they are human vampires, which goes against the original definition of what a vampire is supposed to be.
Point is, you will have more luck finding a leprechaun than a vampire, and will definitely find more posers for certain. Even if vampires exist, you would never find one because it obviously their intentions to keep it that way and so why would they openly claim to be one? they wouldn't, as the point of apparently not being seen and heard by the prey is to actually not reveal themselves Which is how you can tell a poser, because they always make the claim, while a true predator would never reveal themselves to their prey.
No. Cross breeding genetics. Leave the animals of fiction in the games and movies were most junk lies
Actually to be quite honest and I'm going off the deep end here on trying to say that perhaps they once existed.
In ancient lore and legend stories that have been passed on that at one point that the gods were trying to create new races (ex. the minotaur) half human half beasts. Who is to say that aliens came to prehistoric earth to gather DNA from various species and humans and tried to create these half man beasts. Why were such stories written?
(again I'm going off the deep end here)...
Now I will tell you of a personal account of what I saw in a place in Southern Ohio in what is called the experimental forest of the account of what myself and friends saw the decaying remains of what looked to be a half man/beast looking thing which we took to be a werewolf.
Now werewolfs of legend probably could have drank blood, and from my understanding, there is a possibility that if the were wolf is drained of blood and forced to drink the blood of a vampire it would make them a hybrid, but again there are no written accounts of such things other than the movies.
However I do believe that the spirit can have the traits of a were and a vampire. Call me weird but that is my thinking, but in true life, not happening...
From my understanding by a Shaman i once knew for 3 years said that the term "Werewolf" simply means Shapeshifter. A person can have spirit animal ties such as the Wolf, however the only thing i can possibly see is a person who is connected to a Wolf and also has vampiric traits so in a sense, I suppose that can be real if you were to look at it in that sort of context. Nothing physically speaking.
I just had a thought though. What if, what people were seeing is in physical form? Apparitions or wandering souls/spirits take collected pieces of themselves and creates an image. What if people see these half animal/half human oddities as simply forms that are manipulated by whatever energy it wishes to represent itself as?
Folk lore brought about because of the underworld movies of half camp half werewolf. Mere legend. Some legends hold a bases of some truth but this bugs me that a story line has now bled onto the forum. I guess times change and questions are asked. Do i believe in this. No.
Seconded to Dakota - not real. I don't believe in supernatural stuff at all.
just because some people don't believe in something, or have had no real experiances themselves, don't mean something is fake or not real, although a cross breed vampire, werewolf is unlikely
You will find a lot of members believe in many things on this site. Which makes it quit unique Yet some believe in actual facts to give credit to a lore or myth. Cross breeding or cloning or bio is quit possible yet on the terms is now they have to exist to do it. Lines between myth and science is a common practice almost co existing one feeding from another. But i stay with my first post. A lore of Hollywood and should be kept there
A vampyre could also a therian but mostly it is 2 completely different thing but its not unheard of...
very interesting topic, I believe there are real werewolf's and vampires there just hidden in the darkness.
No one has seen spirits but many or i should say almost all believe in spirits, no one has seen angels, but same many believe in it, and no one has seen GOD, but all believe in GOD :3
Vampires and werewolves can only be real as a make believe "club". Yes, I said Club. There are plenty of them around every city and metropolis. They just follow a norm as to be closes as they can get to be a wolves or a Vampire. There are places, especially in Europe, where Vampires are considered sexy.
So what do I think? Of course there's the stories and folklore from times past. Fact or Fiction is totally a personal choice. There are many unexplained things that have occurred throughout history and I can not judge what is real or not based on somebody thoughts or writings from 300 years ago. I would have to see it for myself in the flesh for me to believe it is real. The other scary note to this is the scientist in labs using genetics to create things only thought of in nightmares. That is where the next true monsters will arise from.
I wonder why there are so many people in vampire rave that don't believe in vampires or were wolfs. Isn't that kind of the point of vampire rave? Of course vampire raves definition of what a vampire is needs to be updated and added on to other types of vampires. Definitions get added to overtime and our evolved when they are updated but then again definitions depend on belief and the writer of such things. I believe the person who brought God (or Gods) has a point. Belief depends on what you believe is true or not true. I believe in the supernatural and in spirits ect. Who is to say what is true or fiction...
Let me re-assess my last post a bit. I believe people have vampire or werewolf characteristics. I would love to be like the vampires or werewolves portrayed in the movies. Historically speaking though they are considering heartless and soulless beings that have no control over their physical state. That is not to say that something could not happen that would make me totally change my beliefs. I have had many things over my life make me change how I see or believe the world to be. It is a growing experience and we are all here to find that thing that we are looking for. At least here we all have a common bond :-)
Werewolf generally means "Shapeshifter".
The animal spirit and human spirit are one with nature so generally each of us have an animal totem and sometimes more than one that we connect with.
Vampire and Vampyr are also different terminologies.
It is called a lycan, but yes it is offspring of a vampire and a werewolf.