scifi, rise of the aliens?
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Carnal Creature (56)
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21:58:45 Feb 17 2015
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so i have noticed, over the years scifi is infact showing more and more alien based movies and shoes. And as this is ongoing the good horror movies many have loved over the years are not really on anymore.

now i am unsure as to why that is, but does everyone really love all this alien battles and wars vrs man kind? or is this just a phase befor we are given back our vampires,demons,zombies and any other form of fright which gives us our late night tv thrills.......?

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06:19:09 Feb 18 2015
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It's all about what studios think will sell tickets... plain and simple. Despite all the recent vampire movies, most of them bad, vampires are still popular and studios will never try to put a stake through this lucrative genre's heart (come on, you know I had to use that metaphor). So you have nothing to worry about. Even when the vampire film is bad (e.g., Dracula Untold), Hollywood knows it will still make money... so they still finance it.

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Wyvern (85)
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12:49:33 Feb 21 2015
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There is is a hugh market for aliens in the sci fi community world beings from other planets. It help make a lot t.v. series popular over the years. Aliens are to sci fi as psycho killers are to horror fills it just fits and makes sense.

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Haunt (40)
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02:31:11 Feb 28 2015
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Sci-Fi has since the 1950's romanticized the idea of aliens. Think about it. Here's a few examples I can think of.

  • The Thing From Another World- which has inspired a gore-fest of a remake, and even has a prequel to such.

  • It! The Terror Beyond Space

  • Forbidden Planet

  • The Day The Earth Stood Still

  • The War Of The Worlds- though it was a radio show in the 1930's that many took too seriously before a Hollywood film.

  • the Alien franchise

  • Independence Day

  • There are many more that I cannot seem to place, but you get the point.

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    Anarchist (88)
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    06:05:35 May 06 2015
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    Oooh. I love this one. Anytime you see a influx in popularity within the horror/scary movie genre it is directly related to the underlying cultural fears of the contemporary audience. For instance, the rise of alien sci-fi scary flicks occurred during the Cold War when the "threat from above" was very terrifyingly tangible. The most notable example comes from the 1956 film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." The threat from the alien is not simply killing its victim, but removing a human's individuality and enforcing a collective mindset on the people (Communism anyone?) Any resurgence of alien fiction can be a nod to the drone controversy, terrorists attacks, increasing world political tension. It allows for the populous to have a catharsis for fears they subconsciously carry with them. Zombie popularity emerged with humanity's increasing need to become absorbed in their technology and entertainment. Go outside. What do you see? People engaging or limping around like zombies. Instead of moaning "brains" they're moaning "itunes"..."candycrush"... We're subconsciously terrified by the dumbing down of our society.

    Now! This is where the good news comes in, young buck. The Vampire remains the most adaptable horror monster. Why you ask? It's very malleable within a narrative. The vampire monster has the ability to be either protagonist or antagonist.

    In the early vampire fictions (The Vampyre written by John Polidori and Dracula written by Braum Stoker) the vampires are Eastern Europeans who threaten the lives of young, innocent British women who are engaged or married to British men. You see? They represented the fear insecure English dudes had about losing all their pale p*ssy to swarthy Eastern European dudes.

    It wasn't until a female got a hold of the narrative (Holla at my girl Anne Rice) that the vampire was given depth of a protagonist character. Since then the vampire has been used to explore themes of homosexuality, aids, Mormon repressed horniness- heck- even the resentment Gen-X has to the Baby Boomer generation (lookin' at you "Lost Boys")...

    The POINT IS! Because the vampire monster relies on one element: the capacity (or need) to victimize another in order to survive (or thrive) it will always find a place in society..

    Because the core darkness of human nature is the vampire.

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    Obtruder (51)
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    05:18:45 May 09 2015
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    Eh. Alien cinema has been around for a while, and things just flux. Unlike the "usual", vampires/werewolves/dwarves/elves, aliens can be anything. They're open to the wildest imaginings you can use.

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    Premiere Sire (124)
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    15:40:15 May 14 2015
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    Well I have never seen alien shoes.... just kidding. It really is more about what sell's tickets if you look back a few years it was all about zombies once that got a bit old they moved on to new things. It all comes back full circle.

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    08:09:17 May 19 2015
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    W.e works. But for aliens, nothing can beat the original alien series.

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    Royal Sire (215)
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    10:51:59 May 23 2015
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    I love the Alien series,especially with Sigourney weaver a great actress

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    Elemental (77)
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    01:49:05 May 30 2015
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    I'm entirely different. I hate all the Alien movies and think they are stupid. I liked Avatar but it really is very fantasy oriented. I want to see movies with aliens that are not considered primitive or some sort of monster. Love the old standards. They need to raise up the quality of movies that include aliens. How do they build anything or accomplish anything if they are nothing more than a slug figuratively. It is the ego of man that creates movies that are asinine. I didn't watch Dracula Untold for awhile because I am tired of people taking license and making Dracula a vampire which was an erroneous idea in the first place. Unlike others here when I finally watched it I really liked it, better than Coppola's Dracula where he used the Vlad Tepes idea which is not in character with the book. I noticed recently people think when garlic is mentioned it means cloves but no in the novel Dracula, they put garlic flowers all around, something different. I like all views on vampires because they are fiction. If it's entertaining I will watch it. I mean entertaining to me, I do not follow the crowd in making my decisions. One of the movies with aliens I really liked was the Host. They didn't look like humans but they lived symbiotically with whatever culture they came across. The cast was actually all ages but they dwell mostly on young people which was fine with me. I liked it and the book was a best seller for something like 23 weeks. The movie makers guess and sometimes they guess wrong and I can't explain why some critics or even the public don't like some movies like Battleship. I loved it and have watched it many times. I am tired of Dracula based movies about vampires and would like to see others since some have finished running that were different and got a lot of bashing for no apparent reason than for people to look cool. I have seen numerous vampire movies, some many have never seen I would suspect and alien movies and TV series. It is a personal issue and in the big theater it is enough who like something as a group. Many make their money in sales of the actual movie. Sometimes the International countries will like a movie better than other countries. One never knows. Therefore saying a movie is bad is arbitrary most of the time.

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    Venerable Sire (136)
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    21:45:52 Jun 13 2015
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    I actually like the Alien movies. Battleship is a good, scary one. They also scare the crap out of me. I know we are not alone. It scares me just thinking about it!

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