When I first started watching the HBO series called True Blood on HBO on demand, which by the way, I watched the entire first season of twelve episodes in one weekend. I became fascinated not only with the story line and the characters, but that the vampires in this series drank bottled blood which is served in bars and stores, that of course had to be heated to the temperature of the human body. Of course the blood drank by the vampires was Rh negative blood. Over the last 8 years, I have studied, I mean by reading about this mysterious rare blood factor, and read on many websites which claimed that real life vampires, living humans who claimed to be vampires preferred O negative blood, and other of the ABO blood types with the Rh negative factor. I can understand that because O negative blood has no antigens. It is the universal blood donor. Antigens of the ABO blood types are sugars, and the Rh negative factor is a protein that can cause reactions and incompatibilities in blood transfusions, if the blood types do not mix, and since O negative blood has no antigens it is compatible with any blood type. Thus, it is the universal blood.. I am O negative and let's say, that I were a human vampire. I could only drink from another O negative or else I would have a reaction. An allergic reaction to the willing donor's blood. Yet, any Vampire of any blood type could drink from me.
What confuses me about the True Blood series is why do these vampires drink a variety of the Rh negative blood types, if as the series communicates time after time these vampires are dead? On many conversations, the vampires especially Bill Compton who is in the second highest place of the characters in the series talks about being dead frequently. He and Eric talk many times of having no heart beat, and are totally walking dead men. So, if they are dead, and would have no reaction to an antigen, why do they have to have Rh negative blood which is called the True Blood. O negative is called the "purest blood" type because it lacks no antigens. If a person is dead how could the blood react?
Another thing that is different is the myths of other vampire movies is the fact, that the blood of the vampires in the series have healing properties and hallucination properties like LSD. Lafayette the town drug dealer sold what is called V for enlightenment and for getting high. Another unusual thing in the series was that Bill used his blood several times to heal Sookie his human girlfriend, after she had been bodily injured. In the movie Bram Stokers Dracula and other Dracula movies drinking vampire blood after being bit would change that person into a vampire. I am thinking about the bed scene where Dracula would not allow his love to drink his blood in fear she would become a vampire.
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