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TO ALL those critics who think Nicolas Cage's acting has been getting stale - cut the man some slack, he's more than 100 years old. And a vampire.
An antiques dealer has put a Civil War photo on eBay he claims is proof that Cage isn't 47 but an immortal bloodsucker.
The picture, which dates from 1870 and carries a $US1 million price tag, bears an uncanny resemblance to the star.
Here's what the product description says:
"Original c1870 carte de visite showing a man who looks exactly like Nick Cage. Personally, I believe it's him and that he is some sort of walking undead / vampire, et cetera, who quickens / reinvents himself once every 75 years or so. 150 years from now, he might be a politician, the leader of a cult, or a talk show host.
"This is not a trick photo, it's an original photograph of a man who lived in Bristol, TN sometime around the Civil War. Photographer is Professor G.B. Smith. A contact of mine forwarded this interesting article about the photographer, Smith. Turns out he was a confederate Civil War prisoner of war photographer.
"Guaranteed to be an original 1860s-70s photograph and not a modern reproduction, copy or photo manipulation."
Cage is no stranger to vampires. In the 80s cult movie Vampire's Kiss he plays a yuppie literary agent who thinks he is a vampire. His character also thinks it's a good idea to eat a cockroach..