My brother Gaulder died hit by a car. Tuesday February 25 2014 :'(
Set at 20:55 on March 31, 2016

Quote: I miss him so much...
Ave to you all be it Friend, or Foe
Who I am Is truly none of your concern. If you wish to know me you may already do.
I am a Hybrid of some sort of which also concerns you not.
I was brought into the community by My Brother’s of Darkness
Gaulder A Vampire (May he rest in Peace my Fallen Brother...)
NyHarLutHotep A Lycanthrope.
But I was raised by my Mother in the traditions of Wicca.
I am Mated, and Engaged to a Man of Such Honor he is nearly Perfect, and Godly.
I'm in a Coven

I'm in an Alliance

I'm in a Mentor in a Mentorship

Former Mentorship

I have Aspergers (A High functioning Autism), Dyslexia, OCD, Anxiety, and Depression.
My Brother
Was hit by a car, and died shortly after at the Hospital
My Father
Went in for a Kidney Stone that ended up with Kidney failure. He was put into an induced coma for 4 Days. Died of Heart Failure at the end of the 4th day.
Member Since: | Oct 26, 2010 |
Last Login: | Nov 27, 2020 |
Times Viewed: | 19,884 |
Times Rated: | 935 |
Rating: | 9.774 |
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If you're Tabitha, we both lost huh? -big hugs-
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
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