Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 74,464    [ Give / Take ]


52 entries this month

16:15 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,085

I know I should not rant about people who rent homes from us but… god damn are you that stupid?? In the winter you call bitching because the water is frozen up. We go into the home to find no heat on, it is on 55, the lowest the heat goes. Asked about it you say you use a little heater in your bedroom and leave the rest of the house cold. Well DUH! Water pipes freeze without heat. I told you then if you want water you have to turn the heat on in the house. It is not rocket science bitch…and you a nurse.

Now it seems the A/C is not cooling the house. It has center heat and air… if you had heat… but whatever. The repair man I sent up to just look it over found the control set on 78. What the fuck? It is hot in the house, blowing hot air? WHAT THE HELL! He turned it down to 70, left the house for a few hours and it is already down to 73. You can’t expect cool air with it on 78 you dumb ass bitch. That just stirs up the air, no wonder it is not blowing out cool air.

Ex Military, nurse for years and you can‘t grasp that simple little fact of life?

I swear I am going to charge more rent for stupid people. Flat out 5% increase across the board.

And when I call to tell her she will start the “I am trying to keep my electric bills down.” Well then don’t expect to come home to a cool house. The weather has gone from wet to temps in the 100. The A/C will need to be turned on if you want it to be cool. And not just when you get home as by then the house is hot, take hours to cool off. Leave it on at least 72 when you leave.

Now watch it… this rant will lead to me not having any A/C when I get home.

But … fucking idiot.



16:19 May 31 2011

HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR what do this here cause and effect?!?

16:24 May 31 2011

lol poor hun, seems like stupid just hunt you out! looks for sign over Rat's head " we rent to stupid's" takes stick and tries to knock sign off.

16:33 May 31 2011

I. So. Adore. You. ♥

Rant away, Beautiful, rant away. I am ALL ears!

17:24 May 31 2011

I swear people lack any form of sense these days.

Can I start a no re-re community? Lol

21:18 May 31 2011

and these people was aloud to breed?????

22:52 May 31 2011

Honey, if you can't rant to us, who CAN you rant to? I mean, what did we spend three days doing when I was down there, hunh?


15:43 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,083

Had some strange dreams last night, kept waking up out of them. Between them and my sore shoulder it was a fitful night.

Seems my dream was about so many things. I was sitting at a school desk, the old kind where the chair is attached to the desk part. I was stuffed in this little thing, paper in front of me, and I had to check off the right answer. Questions about Dad, business, life, goals, money, family was asked. And I kept thinking I was checking the wrong answers.

As you can understand- little sleep.

House is clean as it was too hot in my place for the dinner planned for last night. Cat called off sick, I called Birdy and packed up the roast and to her home I went. Nice and cool. Had a great meal with her and Mr. Birdy. Watched movies, shows. He even sat all still and silent as the two ladies had at it on Games of Thrones show. LOL Poor guy, kind of felt bad about that but the ending of the show was a cliff hanger, my favorite kind.

Came home to a cool house, hoping it was just me heating the house up with the oven on 350 for three hours that made it so hot in the 98 temp outside.

Really really hope so as I want a nice cool house for the guest who are coming down at the end of the week. At least the house had a good cleaning Monday.




22:51 May 31 2011

You've spent so much time in all those abandoned schoolhouses, they are starting to invade your dreams...lol


16:27 May 30 2011
Times Read: 1,092

Roast are in the oven, and I have put off the housework as long as I can.






23:10 May 27 2011
Times Read: 1,120

Home, just ate dinner, got the PJ's on....

And ready for a nap.





00:53 May 28 2011

PJ's on? It's Friday night, young lady! ;)

00:56 May 28 2011

Yeah don't ya know you're supposed to sleep naked on Friday o-0

01:40 May 28 2011

Naked? But .. I have cats ...


15:34 May 27 2011
Times Read: 1,147

Thank you so much Mr. or Miss copper thief. Not only did you kick the door in, you damaged the water lines. I want to send you a big Fuck You.

Yes- I go into old buildings. But I never kick my way in, break a window or bust a door to do it. Nor do I damage or steal anything from the property.

So I am not the same as you... you god damn fucking prick. Hope you hurt yourself doing what you did, twicked your back, step on a nail, cut your hand.




15:52 May 27 2011

It must be something in Kentucky. We had someone come in our building, dont know what all they took yet, but the f'tard took a pee in the corner. The carpet has to come up now. Whoever it was I hope they get a really bad UTI.

15:55 May 27 2011

I know- this is the second time I have had damage. At least these was not living in the property like the other ones. Grrrrr... I know time is hard but .. DAMN!

16:41 May 27 2011

Yeah.. a couple of months ago someone came and cut the copper piping off the backs of the ice machines in my hotel in the middle of the evening. Flooded 3 floors.

I'd love to hit them like a piñiata for a few minutes.

19:49 May 27 2011

More and more of this type crime and it doesn't make that much sense to me.


02:14 May 27 2011
Times Read: 1,180

Movie fans out there- I need help.

Been trying to remember the name of a movie that was out... less then a year ago. It was about a allien who ?? crashed on earth. It is a comedy, and I remember the allien and the two guys sitting around a fire. And a joke about a probe.

Anyone?? Got anything?

I hate having a movie on my mind and not able to find it.



02:26 May 27 2011

The only one that comes to mind was the one that was pushed back from 2010 and released on March 18th, 2011-

Paul: The trailer for the movie "Paul"

02:53 May 27 2011


And it was effing funny! WC and I went and saw it in the cheap theater last month.

03:23 May 27 2011

Ya that did look pretty funny - it should be out on dvd by now or pretty soon.

07:12 May 27 2011

LordV and I went to see it. Make sure that you have seen: Jaws, All Star Trek episodes, especially Original series, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Indiana Jones and any other Steven Spielberg film there is. They reference a lot of different Sci-fi movies, so if you aren't familiar, it might not be as funny as it was to us.

Definitely one we are going to buy. Its hysterical.

15:35 May 27 2011

That was it- :) Thanks all.


23:34 May 26 2011
Times Read: 1,210

I swear there was a clown in the cam. He had the makeup on, the red wig. I swear it.... I know I saw him.

But then he was gone.


I am not losing my mind... and the drink is not that strong.

No matter what Otter thinks... I saw the clown.


At least I got a pat on the head from Otter.

As I go crazy.....



23:35 May 26 2011

LOL No, you did see the clown. I saw it too.

I tinkled out of fear a bit.

23:35 May 26 2011

A little part of me died inside. :(

23:38 May 26 2011

Oh thank god!! I was thinking I was going nuts.



Now... kind of wish I was.

23:39 May 26 2011

Hah hah hah hah

Ronald McDonald was on cam?


00:03 May 27 2011

There's something on the wing!

00:12 May 27 2011

I saw the clown too, hence the Kismet.

01:36 May 27 2011

Okay, that's just wrong


All I need is a long ass stamp to send with it in PM..

19:04 May 26 2011
Times Read: 1,250

After receiving another “add me” request, Rat starts to type her own up.

“Please do me a favor, it will cost you nothing and go a long way to helping me enjoy my time on this site. I want you to not add me to your friends list. See- I don’t like you. I have never talked to you, and would not do so now but for making this request. I will be honest and say you bore me, do not impresses me enough to catch my eye. And in return of this favor I will not add you either. This way we both can go about our way on this site, never seeing or hearing from the other. Now it’s that worth it?

My journal would not be of interest to you either as it is about my life, what I do to have fun and my hobbies. It is all about me and therefore I know not of interest to you. So please, do us both a favor, and do not add it either. I will return the favor by doing the same to your own dull boring ass journal.

Now I will leave you with a stupid stamp, showing you my level, the House crest and alliance, the position I hold in this society, and Mentorship if I had one. I am sure you care to know that as we are strangers passing each other in the stream of computer codes.

Yes- I know I can raise in level if I get you to add me, but funny thing is… this website is not about the numbers for me. It is about the cool folks, the interesting people who make it worth logging into. And if you care all that much about your level/rank, most likely you are not one of those to me.

Thanks and hope to never see or hear from you again.



19:08 May 26 2011

Iffin you ever want that stamp...just pop me a message.


19:09 May 26 2011

I'm glad I never received one of those messages from you. I think my black, hole filled heart would cry.


19:22 May 26 2011

hahaha! Awesome! hahaha!

I would love to be stamped with something like this haha :D

19:55 May 26 2011


my 'message/stamp' would be so much more colder. lol

19:59 May 26 2011

I don't send requests, I just add (if I feel like it).

20:53 May 26 2011

You're the awesome of the awesomeness.

21:53 May 26 2011

You mean....you won't add me? *Cry*


01:13 May 26 2011
Times Read: 1,289

I never demanded respect here, or act like I am better then anyone else.


Another rude, demanding PM from you will have your ass blocked.

While you might be the queen of drama on here, not seeing just how stupid you look to anyone who has the emotional maturity above a snail, I am just not willing to put up with you.



01:15 May 26 2011

Go Rattie! Go Rattie! Go! Go Rattie!

I love when people act demanding and then think we have to put up with it because we are staff.

-bzzz- Wrong Answer, Foo's!

01:28 May 26 2011

Oh snap!

Send them to me hun. I'm in the mood for that shit. I have had a fantastic week that puts me in a mood for that. :D

01:39 May 26 2011

She sent me the message a few days ago- took this long to calm down to write about it.

Imagesinwords journal about the cams just kind of made my mind up about blocking if she keeps it up.


Thanks Abby- keep that chainsaw gassed and sharpen. ;)


00:43 May 26 2011
Times Read: 1,292

While I have had a long day... it could always of been longer.

And harder.

Just need to keep remembering that.



13:12 May 26 2011

Finding Pollyannas and keeping them close is what has been keeping me sane (ish - we all know that relative with me).



21:04 May 24 2011
Times Read: 1,320

Last three work days have sucked. Seems it all went to hell. At least I feel that way. I mean...

Trucks were fine- no trouble there.

Men showed up to work on time.

No damage to the shipment.

Did the move in the time frame promised.

Under the estimated cost.

But still...

I misrepresented the estimate.

I ended up with too much labor.

I did not move all that I should of * the misrepresented part*

And had to put all the items upstairs as the rain we have had for three days made it too risky to put what they wanted into the basement.

Unloaded in the rain, damaged the yard with the truck.

Just... sucked. Worst move I have done in years.




22:15 May 24 2011

What did you learn from it that would prevent the same mistakes next time?

There's a good and bad side to everything. ;)

22:50 May 24 2011

I know.

1- should of went and made the estimate in person.

2- tell people to stop being babies.

3- know I can't control the weather.

As you said Bones... I need to learn what I can from this job.

23:27 May 24 2011

It happens, and bless your heart for owning up to it. Learn and improve. Sometimes it's all we can do.

16:54 May 25 2011

I like what Bones pointed out. Besides, you have a big responsibility doing stuff like this.


22:44 May 23 2011
Times Read: 1,338

Since the world did not end.. I can enjoy me some Prince 1999. Turn it up!





22:02 May 23 2011
Times Read: 1,342

Why is it every god damn time someone tells me I can't cuss- it seems to be all the fuck I can do?

This is why diets don't work for me either.




22:48 May 23 2011

You can't have healthy food. o.o


10:34 May 22 2011
Times Read: 1,373

Awake yet again. This is the same time I have to be up in the morning for work *5:20 am*

Maybe I should just get out of bed, start my day so I can go to bed early tonight.

On a Sunday.

Yeah- I laughed at that one too.

*goes to rate a little to dull my mind into nothing, then back to sleep*



19:24 May 22 2011

I do that too, lack of sleep really fucks a person up :( Not saying you are fucked up or anything :P

22:08 May 22 2011

Lol at the fucked up comment.

I feel you on lack of sleep. It seems I wake up at the same times every night.

01:30 May 23 2011

I'm going to have to sneak in with a frying pan it seems on the weekends and put you back to sleep :)


04:54 May 22 2011
Times Read: 1,389

Seems like I spent all day doing makeup. But the one I loved the look of - we don't share photos of online. She is 14. Safe to say Cat and her sister loved the look I did, she did look freaking wonderful.

Then it was photos that sucked as my lightbox broke, not enough light from the one light I had, so I had a shadow. Outside was the hot mid day sun *and why did I not check those pictures at all??? I know how to use the shuttle setting damn it... *slaps own forehead* then out to the park for "the" spot. Only to have her grumpy by then, and NOT liking the bugs. But the shade was just right, the few light rays the leaves let hit her..... She gave me 20 shots tho. I just hope they are better the the others.

I am at the point where I want to either set up the lights right, or just not take any more. It makes me peeved that I can't do better when I know that I can. Light... such a simple thing but way tricker then you every would think.

But then- it is still a hobby, right? Right? Sucks not doing better tho.

Now to check profiles, ports, forum then sleep.

All in all- learned a few things, had some fun, and time with friends. Not bad for a Sat. And I got to see a little girl turn into a young woman in front of me, ballgown and all.




01:29 May 23 2011

You did awesome and gave her more confidence in her looks than ever in her life. I've gotten her Mom's permission to put a few small pics in my journal to show off your lovely work. When the pics came out this good with all those problems, then it's pure talent on your part. Thanks so very much.


17:15 May 21 2011
Times Read: 1,424

There is a difference between being ‘truthful’ and being rude. Take a lesson in tack, grace. May change your life you little fuck wad.



17:28 May 21 2011

hehe I love it when you lay the smack down. It makes me giggle in delight. ;)

17:46 May 21 2011

ha.. and I like it when you giggle.


FYI- this has nothing to do with VR or any member. Really life, rude ass.

20:53 May 26 2011

I know a lot of people like that.


12:32 May 21 2011
Times Read: 1,446

AND what pisses me off is... that is 30 mins I could of be sleeping. It is only 7:00 am here fucker...

Damn it.



13:40 May 21 2011

me too me too..... day is not starting off good ... is it....lol

hands ya coffee.

15:51 May 21 2011

There is no forgivness for that....KILL...

19:00 May 21 2011

Or getting boned! ;p


23:21 May 20 2011
Times Read: 1,468

I really need to burn that baby doll...

*evil grin*

>please note- I did not say voodoo snow doll*



03:56 May 21 2011

Sniffles ! but ........ but ......... the Voo doo Doll , He loves you , he do anything for you ,Even ......BURN!!!!

15:05 May 21 2011

... awww why not?


16:24 May 23 2011

You are evil......alright......fine......sneaks off to switch dolls....


01:39 May 20 2011
Times Read: 1,500

The one thing I hope never changes on VR-

The welcome greeting on the Home page.


I had not removed my headset from watching a movie online when I clicked over to that page and that sexy voice...

Yeah- really hope that never changes.


Now- bed for this Rat.



07:13 May 20 2011

Oh what I hate is when I have my speakers super loud from music and then click on the home page. That lil welcoming can make me jump lol

14:52 May 20 2011

It does make you feel welcome ;)

01:52 May 21 2011

Dat's the Tony. ♥

I LOVE telling him terrible jokes and hearing him groan. He left me a voice mail one time of TWO SOLID MINUTES of growling.

Holy. Hell.

10:13 May 21 2011

LOL! I recently forgot I had the speakers on (pretty loud) and she welcomed me. My poor roomate was napping on the sofa behind me and almost wet himself lol. It was awsome! :P


18:54 May 18 2011
Times Read: 1,525

Sales Person calls-

"Can I speak to Hannaha."

This is a puppy we use to have, rest her soul. So I know this is a sales call.

"She is not in."

"When is the best time to reach her?"

"She has no set hours. She comes and goes as she wishes."

"That must be nice."

"Well...she just wags her tail and gets anything she wants from the boss so...yeah, must be nice."

"We will try again later. Thank you."

We should use the dog we have now but... Sweet Pea doesn't have the same 'human' sound to it. Hannah lives on tho, in our hearts and souls. And in the business forms, truck tires, and cleaning supplies buying.



19:09 May 18 2011

LOL , that is sooo funny .

20:00 May 18 2011

gotta love that lol

14:51 May 20 2011

Hannah was a cool doggy she'd love folks still calling and asking for her.

17:59 May 20 2011

I love the way she lives on :)


18:14 May 18 2011
Times Read: 1,535

Sis and I are sharing a Netflix account. She came to work today and looked like the walking dead. Seems Mom, and / or the puppy kept her up all night. Meaning- no billing will be done. Anyway...

She is asleep at her desk, face down on her desk as the laptop plays Salt, the movie. Her headphone are on her head so... I guess I will just leave her like that.

Hope it is a long movie.



18:24 May 18 2011

Photo... Get a photo..

20:58 May 18 2011

Ohh.. that would of been evil. aka- *damn.. wish I had though of that*

18:05 May 20 2011

Oh yeah...opportunity missed for bulletin board hyjinx!

23:09 May 22 2011

I didn't have shit to do with it....


17:53 May 16 2011
Times Read: 1,591

Today must be about scaring the shit out of me.

Around 3:00 am this morning I am woken by a BANG in my house. I laid in the bed, heart pounding, trying to decide if I just dreamt it or was something going on. Getting up, walking into the living room to check the doors, looking outside, I found nothing and went back to bed. To lay there…listening for hours, until I finally went back to sleep. When I step into my shower I found the noise maker. My shower caddy had unstuck from the wall and fallen. Good to know I was not crazy.

Then about a hour ago at work another huge BANG almost made me jump out of my chair. The lights go off, the alarm goes off with the strobe light flashing. I knew what it was- transformer. You ever hear one of those blow you will know it for life. I had no more then gotten the alarm control panel open to try and shut it off when my brother comes running into the office, to see that I was alright. I am alone in the office as Sis is staying with Mom today, the wet cold weather is making for a bad day for mom.

Funny thing is that they still have electric, even tho we share the same line. Hmmm.. Oh well. Fixed within 20 minutes, as the Utility Company has a office less then 50 feet from me and I am sure they heard the noise. Seems a squirrel got into the unit, trying to stay warm I guess. Poor thing.

So my heart has almost stop twice today it seems. Let’s hope the 3rd time is not the charm.




17:56 May 16 2011

Maybe you need a pocket size defibrillator.. just in case it stops again. lol

17:57 May 16 2011

You won't get the hiccups today.

18:17 May 16 2011

Poor thing , Bless your Heart .just try to remain calm and know you would be hunted down and brought back if you try to leave us.

19:30 May 16 2011

lol that's one warm squirrel alright

00:24 May 17 2011

So, hey, VW...I just wanted to talk to you about your new avat...BOOM!

Love you

00:26 May 17 2011

:D I loves ya too.

00:27 May 17 2011

Poor thing- I have had the squirrel in the transformer noise before- not pleasant is it?

We had a hurricane aimed at Tallahassee, and lightening everywhere. I was hoping to "blow" one of the transformers, so I could go home, so I "cast a spell" at it.

The transformer 3 blocks away blew up, leaving us with power, and I couldn't go home. One of my friends, when I told him what I had done, told me "I'm not surprised, you throw like a girl."

01:29 May 17 2011

I'm telling you the wildlife around your place is just plain crazy!

19:34 May 17 2011

I would like to applaud you for taking out one of the enemies.

05:03 May 18 2011

That happen to me just last week. I heard a noise and swore it was outside. Josh went out and checked and later, when he was getting ready for bed, he saw the hooks had fallen in the bathroom.


15:54 May 16 2011
Times Read: 1,598

Endeavour final launch went off without a hitch. Hard to believe the space shuttle program is going to end, be closed down. While I do think the space shuttle needed a over haul as far as a updated ship, it never enter my mind they would just close it down.

At 10? 11? years old I remember going to the Kennedy Space Center and they had a full size mock up shuttle in front of the building. Got a picture of me standing in the shadow of the huge machine.

I remember the two shuttles that blew up, watched each of them at the time. I remember the night launch I watched with my sister standing on the beach. What a site to behold.

Guess this part of history is coming to a close. Now exploring with be done with machines, no human involved but for those who control the joy stick, keyboard.



19:28 May 16 2011

I think it is a shame it was shut down. We need to keep doing this. So much to learn.

01:27 May 17 2011

I keep hoping they'll announce a new design that will take over for the shuttle and not just let the space program die.


03:32 May 15 2011
Times Read: 1,628

Joli asked me to read a poem she wrote in her journal. Little did I know it was written for the images I take of abandoned forgotten homes, schools, warehouses, and hospitals. Guess the name should of gave me a hint. lol

I read her words and left in her comments that the feelings I experienced reading her poem is the same I get stepping into these buildings.

Images given words by the wonderful lady Joli --

Through Sharon's Halls

May 14 2011

These are not my hands,

This cog and lever

In a Da Vinci render,

Scrabbling for the last supper.

I am walking in someone else's dream,

Another face

And another face

Hidden in hands.

Oh, her head hangs

On such a thin neck,

Whites of her eyes gone,

Housedress hanging

On such an ancient thing

That raises her hands

And screams.

Color, agressive and wrong,

Shades out harmony

In strokes of orange crayon

That melt in the plump hand

Of a mad child,

Dripping down the walls

Like spin-art and lies

And I cannot breathe this air,

Air that flicks its long fingers

And sets a shining mobile spinning

Above a cold, forgotten crib,

Faster and faster, flitting

And glinting like the knife in my hand.

Thank you Miss Joli. You captured the feelings perfectly.




23:56 May 14 2011
Times Read: 1,637

Thanks to Abby rub and some advice from a recipe from a southern cooking book, I made this.

Yummy. Pulled it, added a little of the juices and some store brand BBQ, and a baked potato-- heaven. :)

Just glad no one is here to be bothered by the "gassy exchange" as Birdy calls them.




13:58 May 15 2011

Your DEADLY Gassy exchanges.......grins and FLIES......lol

20:04 May 15 2011

Everytime I do this I either A) end up feeding everybody in the family or B) feeding everybody at work.

Southern women cannot cook for 2- it is simply impossible..


16:40 May 14 2011
Times Read: 1,648

Going to try a pork shoulder to make pulled BBQ pork today. Never done this so... guess in about 7 hours we will learn if it worked. lol

It is in the ref with the dry rub as I type. It needs to sit for two hours so I am going to go do some makeup. :D

Speaking of makeup...

Last night Cat helped me find something I have been wanting for many months. It is a Bollywood Bridal Necklace set. I have wanted one of these since I seen it years ago. A hour later, Ebay, $25.00 with free shipping and it is on the way. Can't wait to try it on a few makeup looks.




04:58 May 14 2011
Times Read: 1,662

I blame it on the day – Friday the 13th. *shifty eyes*

Had a nice dinner with the Cat, and hours of hours of talking. And the conversation went a little off the crazy track…

“What if a traveling vibrator salesman was to knock on your door.”

“One hand holding a vibrator, the other a briefcase?”

“What? It could happen.”

“Remember the rainbow cleaner salesmen? They would clean a room for free?”

“Or when they use to sell fancy cooking pot and pan, cook you a meal to show you how good they was?”

“Ok, that went a little creepy.”



“Why is the energizer bunny song running thru my head?”

Then we talked of the kismet that had the site in an uproar of late, and the comment about Cancer’s name.

“Hey- I am going to change my name to Diabetes. And anything you say about it will offend me.”

“Ahhh… that would be all sweet. Get it? Sweet.”

“I was hoping you would move on…”

“Fine. You can call me asthmatic. And the Dark Vader jokes are not that funny.”

What a nice way to start the weekend- good food, a dear friend, and some laughter.

Thanks for making the time Cat.




05:36 May 14 2011

I used to sell cookware like that.

It was damn good cookware.

Damn good.


16:41 May 13 2011
Times Read: 1,678

Ahhh.. you got yourself in a bind. So you are sitting with 10,000 lbs military and not able to get it picked up. You just want me to drive 62 miles, load it, bring it back to my warehouse, unload it, let it sit here till you are able to pick it up.

And you are willing to only pay me the DPS pay system.

Let me do the math...

Fuel- $60.00

Labor- around $400.00

Storage/ insurance coverage for unknown amount of days as you hunt a driver to haul it- ???

So at the least it will cost me $460.00/ $530.00 if you take a week of storage into account.

And you want to pay me $120.00 only.

Yes- I understand that is the amount the DPS system is paying. I also know that is why I am not working for the military anymore.

Well...guess you are still in a bind, dude.




15:37 May 13 2011
Times Read: 1,691

Damn Birra... at least this one is a little better.



15:43 May 13 2011

This is only bearable now because Glee did it...and I like Glee..

but let's be honest...those lyrics? nothing can redeem them

16:31 May 13 2011

Ha True Memoir :)


13:53 May 13 2011
Times Read: 1,700

Could not sleep last night, stuff on my mind. So I got up, shower, dressed and came to work. Mind you this was 7:00 am.

So I got my car cleaned on the inside, vac, office swept and dusted, bathroom cleaned.

Now to town to wash the car, store for the family, serve a 7 day notice to pay rent, and show and take pictures of a rental trailer we just got done with a remodel. Lots of work on the rentals of late.

And.. well.. that is it so far today.

Oh one more thing.




14:28 May 13 2011

It's Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday.

We so excited.

We so excited.

15:04 May 13 2011


Dang you for putting that song in my head again.



23:00 May 12 2011
Times Read: 1,731

Reading the news about Facebook makes me glad I don't use the site often.

But then I don't use Google either. :)

I think they should just box it out in a ring... go all kick ass about it.




01:16 May 12 2011
Times Read: 1,766

Why oh why is there not a sharp object in my house that will reach the very center of my upper back?

God damn itch....

One of the draw backs of living alone.



01:22 May 12 2011

Do you have an umbrella?

Or a coat hanger?

If so, use the tip of it. ;)

It may sound lame, but it's long enough to reach that spot you can't reach by yourself.

01:41 May 12 2011

Excuse me. Do you not have doors in that house of yours? That's what door frames are for...lol

10:42 May 12 2011

Grrrr. You made my back itch :(

13:46 May 12 2011

Thats why I keep a chopstick near my bed.They work great.

13:59 May 12 2011

Why can't you reach the center of your back? I hope you get to capture that itch though!

14:21 May 12 2011

I just do the bear thing and go rub my back on a tree....

21:29 May 12 2011

Note to self...ask for a fork when eating chinese food at Oceanne's house!

23:16 May 12 2011

I just rub up against the wall.

Wait. That sounds awfully...

00:53 May 13 2011

You got a perfectly good tree in the back yard that is perfect for rubbing against to get that evil itch


19:35 May 11 2011
Times Read: 1,783

Had a lady who rents from us come into the office today, me and sis here. It is a lady who drives you nuts with repairs. From a wasp nest, to bird nest, to air coming into a window, porch step paint chipped. She is a pain.

Sis takes the order- gives it to me. I have to see they are fixed. I have to send the repair man over for the little job, keep at him when he really tries to just put it off, thinking we should make a long list of little nick picky things before he waste his time. But NOOooo.. she will keep calling.

So I deal with my sis who it "Get it done so she will stop calling me." to the repair man who is "I will do it later today." "I will try to do it in the morning." "I am not coming in just for that- not worth my gas."

So today she comes in with a peanut butter pie she made. Seems the repair man got one also this morning as he went to remove the bird nest that a bird had "just started to build" in her dryer vent. It was to tall for me to reach so he stop by, after much bitching, to do it for me with his ladder.

Yeap.. she comes in, all smiles, chat chat with my sister and how that pie was for Mom, brother, and her. Tells how wonderful the repair man is and how she sent him home with his own pie,,, and leaves without a word to me.

Or a pie.

Damn... I really wish I got a pie. Or at least a slice. Well ... I did.. sis gave me one to take home. ;)

I will remember that next time she calls with a running toilet that she just "can't sleep" due to the noise kind of bullshit repair request.

I am sorry you AC is out. I will call the repair shop for it. Yes.. it is hot at 90. Gosh... a nice cool piece of peanut butter pie would be nice right now, don't ya think?"



23:54 May 11 2011

Next time she renews the lease, change the monthly payment to include some pie :P

01:43 May 12 2011

Bitch. People like that make me want to growl

21:31 May 12 2011

I like meeper's idea...pie invoice!


17:38 May 11 2011
Times Read: 1,789

Seems the military members are having a little issue.

I just read an article about the DITY moves. This is when the military member does his own move as far as packing, loading a Uhaul, unloading.

Seems they are being more done due to the fact of not enough movers, not able to have the dates they want for the moves. That is one complaint they have.

It also seems the pay for them doing this, which is 80% of what a mover gets paid, is “a joke“ as one member said in the article. And that is what is really setting them off.

He packed, moved his 3 bedroom home 690 miles and got paid less then $500.00.

Huh…wonder how long till that make that little connection of why they can’t get movers in the first place?




23:34 May 10 2011
Times Read: 1,818

So I was roasting a cut up potato in the oven with a little dry ranch dressing/oil on them. Long day, been craving these for a while. Spent a few minutes on VR listening to a sexy voice before I got back to cooking.

Cut up two tomatoes to go with as they were rip, soft. Had to grab a towel to wipe the juices that spilled on my cutting board, wiping it down. Now those who have ate at my house know I do stuff while cooking. Tonight it was putting a load of nasty clothing in the washer from today, turned on some music, and started to cook the hamburger on top of the stove.

When I notice the smell of burned potato. So I grab the towel, reached in to remove the cookie sheet they was on.. to freaking touch the hot pan with the wet spot, burning my hand, dropping the pan, spilling them into the oven were they caught on fire as they landed on the element.

You know the saying.. and the crowd goes wild?

And the fire alarms go wild!!!

*said in a smart ass tone, out loud to myself*





23:38 May 10 2011

You ruined a batch of steak fries? Shame... ;P

Steak fries with Ranch dressing sounds good.

23:41 May 10 2011

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh No!

That is horrible. :(

00:03 May 11 2011

I hope your hand is ok. =(

00:41 May 11 2011


00:41 May 11 2011

I'll cook for you. ::cuddle:: How IS the hand?

00:49 May 11 2011

Hand is good- ice on the skin between the thumb and the finger. Ouch.

Poor tatters... :( Have to wait for the oven to cool so I can clean it.

Think I will just go to bed, curl up and call it a day for me.

04:00 May 11 2011

Does that mean new potholders for your birthday....again?

06:48 May 11 2011

Great. Now you'll NEVER Get a microwave....


21:48 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,841

After looking all day for the report- you find it within seconds. Seems you are always able to do that. But then... it is always "Right in front of your face if you would look."

Once, twice, but a good dozen? Nah.... it is known as it is not where you tell me it is. You find it hours later in a spot that I would never look, someplace you put the god damn thing.

But it is my fault as... it is right in front of my face, you see.


Getting so feed up...



23:09 May 09 2011

Nearly Friday...!


16:13 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,859

AOL News-

Hillary Clinton Removed From Situation Room Photo By Der Tzitung, Hasidic Newspaper...


...has a policy of never printing photos of women in its pages because it thinks they could be sexually suggestive.

Shit like this is just flat out stupid to me. Suggestive? Bet that makes ads hard as hell to sell. A woman sitting at a chair, hand over her mouth is suggestive? Love for you to see what I am doing with my middle finger right now.....



16:14 May 09 2011

I love you

20:54 May 09 2011


23:45 May 09 2011

THAT'S SUGGESTIVE! ::hides the middle finger::

00:28 May 10 2011

*shifts eyes* I know what that finger is saying

00:59 May 10 2011

Add mine in as well- and they think WE'RE uncivilized..*snort*

16:21 May 10 2011

If Hillary Clinton were dolled up in a neglige' with fishnet stockings, stilettos, and a come-hither expression....

Sorry, I just can't get there. It just makes me want to either run or pee myself before I wake up with the sweats.


02:39 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,880

Time Spent:

230.00 days


I really do spend way to much time here...



02:43 May 09 2011

I understand. You're hiding out from all the men who chase you around on a daily basis. ;)

02:45 May 09 2011

*snorts* Yeah... that is it. ;)

02:46 May 09 2011

pfft thats nothing I am on 392.97 days lol

I don't have a life lol

04:50 May 09 2011

Yippie for insomnia and slow days at work. I'd say, man cut back, but quite frankly I enjoy your virtual company too much to do that.

11:26 May 09 2011

Im at 35.66 after 3 years here.

I need more outdoor hobbies lol.


00:17 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,892

I am at that point....kind of hungry, but it is already after 7:00 pm. So is it worth cooking or just snacking? What I get for making a pig of myself at the late lunch our family had with Mom.


Got chips, cheesecake. But think it will be carrots with a dip. Got some more vegs I can add.


Yes that is the ticket.



00:49 May 09 2011

Mhmmmm... Veggies.


04:11 May 08 2011
Times Read: 1,920

Pages Viewed:





04:38 May 08 2011

nice, now do me another 500 000 soldier ;) hehehe

06:09 May 08 2011

*looks at my 280271 and sobs*

06:18 May 08 2011

Sweet jesus

07:20 May 08 2011


10:16 May 08 2011

O. M. G. .... we need to get you out more!!

18:15 May 08 2011

Damn that a lot of pages!

20:04 May 08 2011

Wow. Just. WOW.

And here I thought I was keeping you out too much when I was down there- apparently I wasn't keeping you out enough...lol

02:33 May 09 2011

Wow...you've just about seen it all then! :)


23:28 May 06 2011
Times Read: 1,938

Just watched Justified last show of the season.

I was thinking she was going to kill him, as he had took two of her sons... but instead she killed herself.

The show just keeps getting better. Can't wait to see what they do with it next year.



03:14 May 07 2011

Well hell.....I read your journal before I watched the taped show. :(


18:27 May 06 2011
Times Read: 1,988

And we wonder why the Covens and Houses are so quiet. Who can efford to trade?


675,000 favor should cover it.

Member for over 2 years.

Level 22.

Rarely active.

I'll consider going as low as 700,000.


First- isn't 700,000 more then you first offer of 675,000? And for a nonactive level 22? Really??

Something is just wrong about trades of late.



18:34 May 06 2011

But I love that guy's sense of humor. XD

18:45 May 06 2011

That was some pretty good humor LOL

18:54 May 06 2011

Click here

Read that and you'll understand why I post ads like that.

It's not real.


18:06 May 06 2011
Times Read: 1,991

Chant with me...

Rain rain go away

just long enough

to take photos of

several abandoned home

You can come back again

on Mother's Day.




03:15 May 07 2011

NOOOOOOOOOoooope.......several more weeks of rain on Sundays.....which means rain during the week. That is what happens when it rains on Easter.


01:39 May 06 2011
Times Read: 2,015

Lady Gaga new video is out. Love the nails on her, some of the makeup looks, and the crown of gems. Other then that.. not that taken with it.



01:51 May 06 2011

Umm. Is it just me, Rat, or does she look like a transvestite?

01:58 May 06 2011

I have to say the makeup is not up to par on this one, even the outfits. It is different, she never repeats herself like so many do. She looks... old. Yes I said it.

But the nails are cool. She has the nail jewels that are the big style now. :)

17:40 May 06 2011

This was kind boring to me. Not like any holy roller I ever met before for sure.

18:32 May 06 2011

It's interesting as I like this one better than some of the other newer songs she's done. And I have to say I'm taken with the outfits. Granted she does look old in this and tranny like- but have you not seen biker chicks in real life?

Cripes she looks like a million, and not ridden nearly as long or hard... *cough* O.O

And yes I'd like my cream in crystal thankyouverymuch!


17:14 May 05 2011
Times Read: 2,035

Had a man call me from out of state, wanting me to go out to a job and make a estimate for a job moving to Alaska. Took about 4 hours and I made $150.00. They in return got direction, weights, packing needed, a list of items from each room, and told a tractor trailer would never reach the home, a shuttle would be needed.

Then he called back and wanted me to do a agent pickup/ pack job. Meaning we would go in and do the packing, the loading on a truck that would fit the narrow curvy driveway, and haul it back to my warehouse to sit, wait for his driver to pick it up.

I said that was fine, I had the time (didn’t want to tell him we are lucky to be working two days a week here) and asked what the rate was. DP3 rates. “Sorry but no. I will not book a DP3 shipment.” “What do you mean? You are military approved and you have to.” Well no- I don’t have to. I own my company and I, like a lot of small movers, am getting out of the military. Sorry but if I know I am going to lose money- why would I do it? And I am blocked out as far as open dates, so they can’t suspend me. Even if they do- it is the same thing. I will not work for free. You took this on- you do the freaking work dude. That is what movers do, at least the good ones.

Yes I am feeling it in my bank account, but what other choice do I have? I will not run my equipment down to nothing when I can try and make it with local work. The big insurance bill that goes along with the military coverage is the only bill I really stress out on. That and maybe my pay for the year.

He just could not understand. “So you are not doing any DP3 shipments, at all?” “No.” “How are you staying in business?” “By the skin of my teeth.” “You have to take this..” said in a whiney voice. “No I don’t. I did the estimate I agreed on. Difference between you and me is- I did not take this move on. You went online, hundreds of miles away, and snatched that shipment right up. Thank god for brokers online, which is all the military is now. Then you come to me and demand I help you. Well I am telling you no. Not at that price.” “Thanks anyway. I will find someone else to handle my shipments and I will remember this.”

He called back two days later, I told him how much I wanted paid, he agreed to the terms and we go next week. “I am going to lose money big time on this but I have to get the member moved.” Yeah- I use to worry about that to. Until I faces going under for it. I will handle the shipment with care, be on time, do what I am paid for. All we have ever asked for.

Yesterday the military inspector from Atlanta came to inspect the building, these are the people who can close you down, who run the storage buildings. We passed with 100%. She also told me 1/3 of the movers she went to was getting out of the military part due to the DP3. She understood as she had heard the complaints and seen it for herself. She wished us luck and said if we ever wanted back in our record should stand a long way to getting us in without a problem. “Not ever mover been in business with the same owners for 58 years.”

Sad, but true.



03:41 May 06 2011

Yeah on passing the inspection with flying colors!! :)

17:42 May 06 2011

Cool beans on the inspection. The rest of it is just as you told me it'd be about a year ago now.

22:45 May 06 2011

Not surprised you passed, but proud of ya anyway- and just for me, tell the military movers to stuff it...lol


21:38 May 04 2011
Times Read: 2,073

The urban decay site I have been on these last few months has a photo contest each month, with a theme. I have placed in one of them (Yeah!) but this month is different. I put my three photos in, not really expecting to win. I mean… these are working and published photographers. But they are also some of the coolest folks. When I asked a question about a photo they have taken they link me to tutorials and websites. Just like Morrigon and Birra have. Have to say I usually ask Morrigon first if I have a problem, she make me feel more comfortable asking.

This months contest has me conflicted. Why? Two new nice member have joined who has shared some wonderful work. But they also use HDR. And they have enter into the contest. Now the contest is for nothing, you do not win anything, it is more for fun. But…

On one hand, I love the HDR photos and would vote for every one of those. But a tutorial thread posted on the site has shown me, helped me understood, just how much is ‘added’ to these photos. To me it takes an edit photo and turns it into digital artwork. Let me show you what I am talking about- here is the photo from that thread. As this is posted on a public website, I don’t see the rules being broken. The site is called Opacity. The photos and edit was done by a member called vmlopes. Again- THIS IS NOT MY PHOTO.



How can you call that a photo? How can you enter that into a photo contest and say it is just that?

I am on a Makeup site and we have contest each month on makeup looks, fitting a theme. Looking at them you can tell some use edit to add light to the eyes, change eye color, airbrush the skin, and edit out scars. When a 40 year old has flawless skin… you know something is not right. I don’t vote for those as I know you can change so much about the makeup with the right editing skills. You can add shade, shadow, eyeliner, lashes, so many more little tricks. To me the contest is about how the makeup looks without all the editing. So I stop entering unless I just really wanted to share my work.

HDR is on the borderline of the same thing to me. Photo contest should be about the photo, not the edit skill of the person. Not saying they don’t start with great photos but anyone looking at the edit photo above knows that it is not just a photo, lots of editing was done to it. I think it is unfair to judge them with ‘normal’ photos. I love the HDR and wish I could do the process. And it is not against the rule of the site to enter them into the contest, just the first time it has happen. Be interesting to see what happens.

Care to share your input on this? I might wrong in this. I mean- anyone who takes photos edits them. Just because they are better at it does not mean they should not have the right to enter their work.




21:48 May 04 2011

It's photo manipulation and I don't think it should have been entered into the contest. There is a lot of editing done in that photo and I think it takes away from the actual photo.

I like the original better. It has more expression.

23:19 May 04 2011

As I see it. If asked which is the photo- it is not hard to tell.

And by the way- meant to say LordV helps me with photo questions. We talk on facebook more then here, so I forgot to add him to the list of people who help me understand my hobby better.


00:28 May 05 2011

I see what you are saying, and I understand where you are coming from. HDR is a new photographic technique that has become available with digital photography. (For anybody reading who does not know what HDR is; it is High Dynamic Range.)

The purpose of HDR is to take a series of photographs, each with a different exposure, to pick up the different levels of light (shadows, midrange, highlights); and during post-processing the images are reassembled with the intent to render a photograph that looks much closer to what the human eye would have perceived at that time.

With that said, it is very easy for a person to over-embellish post-processing; which seems to be the case in the images posted by VW. But, let me show you a different example:


This is what I would call a good example of HDR photography. It's not over done; yet brings out the true vision of the scene.

This link will show you all 12 of the original images which were used to create the HDR image.

I cannot say that an HDR image 'should' or 'should not' be part of a photographic contest; but in my opinion, I would not consider the shown example if I were judging said contest ... however, the cathedral shown in my post, I would.

It's kind of a grey area.

(and thanks for not forgetting me)

00:29 May 05 2011

I screwed up the link somehow ...


13:40 May 05 2011

LordV- that is a photo that has been edit. And you can tell it is a photo. :) What should be enter into contest.

20:09 May 05 2011

Edited images remind me of the difference between the, "real thing" and imitation coke and the thing is, you can always tell the difference

All of our images are not edited.. it just would not be the same as it would be a different hobby altogether. You can either be a photo-shopper/shaper photographer/editor... or a real photographer. I know in the latter it takes hours, or days, or seasons just to be there at the right time, in the right location, to get the right light to get the photograph you wanted :)

I waited an entire two spring seasons to get the right light on my bluebells and woodlands as last year it was raining, dark and the flowers were well dead before the sun shone like the way it is in my recent photos.

20:14 May 05 2011

Oh, and P.S. If I was editing that photo above.. I would of just highlighted the plant at the side, as the strong light continuing just appears to burn out the image and fades out the tree image. In my opinion it's a little too much but there again everyone has their own ideas!


20:16 May 04 2011
Times Read: 2,087

I am still here... just been busy, and seem to have a touch of depression. Rain is not helping, hoping in the morning dealing with the rest of the repairs, sunlight will help.



20:18 May 04 2011

Hope the morning is better then ;)

20:30 May 04 2011

Have you ever taken photos in the rain, or after it's rained? Think of all the shiny light reflecting surfaces begging for your attention. ;)

20:51 May 04 2011

Maybe someone will really tick you off and a good mad spell will erase that depression right away. :)

21:31 May 04 2011

AAAWWW,Sweetie, Your Smile and laughter is like a ray of Sunshine to some people including me , hope you feel better soon.


16:56 May 02 2011
Times Read: 2,116

Had just gotten to sleep when Sis called me late last night. Yes- 11:00 pm is late for me. :P "Turn on your TV and watch history being made."

That is something Dad always said to us- watch or listen to history being made. I think I got my love for current events from him.

So Bin Laden is dead. While I can see the joy of the loved ones who died in the 9/11 attacks, I laid in my safe bed and wonder if it would make a big difference in the world?

Will the service men come home now? Will the cost, both money wise and in human life, of the 'actions/ wars' overseas lower? Will the people hate us any less? Or see it as another reason to attack the USA?

Every action has a reaction. And this one is going to be a big one as the videos of cheering crowds are shown, saying Bin Laden should burn in hell.

Guess we wait and see.



17:15 May 02 2011

I expect things to get even worse with him gone, all the want to be leaders will be working hard to make themselves the new boss. I don't feel like celebrating or screaming USA or any of that stuff, I'm glad he's been brought down but it doesn't change what happened or continues to occur :(

18:06 May 02 2011

It's awful. I am ashamed of the people who are behaving this way.

19:42 May 02 2011

As someone who lost family in the Twin Towers, I feel a sense of relief knowing that he is dead. I mean, he was the center of many terrorist attacks; or at least, he was the inspiration.

But, I'm not idiotic enough to know that this is the end, 'cause it's not. People will be angered at his death, and there will most likely be revenge attacks. It's not time to turn out in the streets and celebrate just yet, I think.

Bah, I don't know. Relieved? Yes. Joyful? Sure. But, there's a limit, I think. The people in the streets celebrating... they should go home and prepare for what's to come.


16:01 May 02 2011
Times Read: 2,121

Webcams this weekend was fun. Spending a few hours "looking" at those I see as friends. Hearing the laughter, the smiles. Almost as good as being there... *thinks of dog farts, licks, feet in face, burps*... or maybe even better. ;)

Good times that I am thankful I was allowed in to see.




22:30 May 02 2011

I BEG your pardon????


13:13 May 02 2011
Times Read: 2,138

Of course the one and only time you use my work laptop - you drop it and cracked the edge of the screen.

Should of known.... should of known.



13:57 May 02 2011

Well shoot.. sorry sugar

14:38 May 02 2011


Only you can prevent laptop abuse.

You know where there is help with that, if you need it.

14:44 May 02 2011

And he's good help ;)


18:00 May 01 2011
Times Read: 2,173

Taken from Imageinwords journal. This should answer a lot of the questions people are asking, what is being talked about here. -----

You share passwords, you share accounts. And they will be treated as such.

Sharing passwords: DON'T DO IT. I don't think Cancer could have been more clear in the manual about this- check it out for yourself:


Some of you allow 'friends and family' to log into your accounts because you trust them, that still doesn't make it right. If one of these profiles is a free one, it risks suspension. You cannot share free profiles. If you want to know how Cancer feels about it: "Ownership is determined by login." When you log in you are making that statement. So don't be surprised when the profile is suspended.





16:02 May 01 2011
Times Read: 2,181

Got hail early this morning, enough that it woke me up. It hit my trailer roof with "bangs" and all I could think is... sister new car is outside.

But then- small thing to what other have to deal with in these storms.



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