I was 14 years old when my friend dared me to by and read the" Satanic Bible". I did and i found that everything in it fit me and my thoughts, beliefs, and attitude to a T. That day i kept that book by my side and never let go of it or the contents. I have it memorized. I then got "Satanic Rituals" for by then i was doing rituals and had most of my friends invloved. My friends brother in law was a high priest of a LaVeyen based satanic church in MI. I went to it occasionally but i did rituals solitary and with my friends at home. I was high ranked in the church in MI. I was 17 then. Im 45 now and still have the same philosophy. That church in MI still exists. I go every once in a while but i still do rituals at my house. None of my friends participate anymore. They have either fell to the right hand path or dont care any more. When i was in high school i got the nick names of "the beast" and "devil boy". I have been blamed for alot of mysterious accidents. Yes some were me but not all. As you can see i had quite the reputation. I loved it! I let them blame me. I didnt care. The more it happened the more i was hated and loved. I got all of LaVeys books and all the books about him. I still have them. They are mine and i will never part with them. I have spent upwards of $250.00 on 1 book. I have some of his music that costed $450.00 for 1 album. Im not bragging im saying i have the very rare stuff too. It was Dr. LaVeys birthday yesterday so it made me think of this. Happy freaking birthday Dr. LaVey. I love you man. I always will.