The art of french is one hell of a complicated thing, it is said that french is the third hardest and most complicated language of the world, after chinese and japanese, that says a lot I think.
In french objects have gender, yep really. For exemple car, a house is feminine, while a wall, a floor is masculine... ;)
We have grammar rules for when the object of a sentence is before or after the verb for certain verbs, some are affected by the gender some are affected by the gender and number (meaning pluriel or single) some are just affected by the number. Some words writen the exact same way in a sentence will mean different thing depening on where they are placed. Even if they are the exact same spelling.
Also even the place where you put the comma makes a total difference in the sentence, as to if you are refering to the person/thing you write about ot yourself or a third party or no one /nothing at all.
In french we even have a rule that is called the letter of the word, or sometimes the letter of the law in some text, depending in which tense the text is writen and the purpous it is writen for. And I am not talking about legal documents I am only talking about regular stuff.
In the stucture of a text, let's say for exemple you tell a story, the way to speak is often totaly different to the way of writing it, as in writing the stucture is very stricted, you can't do much around the rules, as there is no space for exeptions in the wirting structure rules.
In french also it is hard to be publish in Quebec where I live, as the portion of french compare to the english in Canada is relatively to low, to make of profitable for canadian publishing house to risk investing in a french author unless you have been publish before, or you invest yourself.
I was publish in France, whiched helped me and I also got published here for 18 months, I removed the book myself for personal reasons. Still it shows up on searches and the publishing house in France still has it in file as pending available, all they need is my signature and its back on sale.
Anyhow, the bottom line is french is a pain and even so its consider the second most romantic language in the world, spanish being the first, personaly when an english speaking guy talks to me in french... it does impress me as I know he is making a shit load of effort... and yes I find that romantic as a french kiss perfectly given ;)
Aurevoir et merci de votre attention Messieur, Mesdames, au plaisir de vous revoir :)
02:19 Jun 26 2011
I did French is school and found t easy to pick up, but the grammar always got me. There are some phrases we were required to use that didn't have any literal translations, and it got confusing after a while - though I will never regret learning what little I know.
It's a beautiful language.
20:32 Jun 27 2011
I never learned Frech or my language Italian
03:59 Jun 28 2011
Le français certain diraient même que c'est une langue qui peut seduire les coeurs ou les enflamer :) some would say french can seduce heart or enflame them :)