So you wanna be a Black Dragon........

Views: 2,691
All pages by Zilaheteb
Page last updated: Feb 04 2012
Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]

Here it is, in all of it's useless glory. How to BECOME a Black Dragon. Forget leading by example... Master Ceras' approach is CLEARY a 'do as I say not as I do' approach. Such a disgrace to the occult world, and anyone who follows this bullshit needs to line up for the first glass of Kool-aid...after you remember to stop by and give daily "honor" to your keeper. This reads like a low budget infomercial... "Which has now come to VR" lol "But wait, ther's more" "You will also receive all of these fabulous prizes"

Wendy, when did you become so disgustingly desperate?

As a member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho, I promise to uphold HONOR with my WORDS and ACTIONS. I WILL NOT LIE, CHEAT or STEAL. I accept responsibility for my own actions and for what other members of the clan may do in my presence. I understand the need for honor and pledge to defend it in all its forms.
As a member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho, I maintain a high level of respect and integrity. I uphold the Honor Code in letter and spirit. I do not lie, cheat, steal, vandalize, or commit forgery. I encourage fellow members who commit honors offenses to acknowledge such offenses. I inform the Honor Council of my own and others infractions. I make this pledge in the spirit of honor and trust.

I can not believe anyone here buys in to this bullshit. You are such a joke and by you I mean ALL of WENDY'S profiles, All of MDLIVE13's profiles and any idiot with a kismet saying "WE ARE SIGNED IN BLOOD". You all do mean virtual "blood" right? ...haha


On 23:16:06 Jan 14 2012 (-0 GMT) MASTERxROHAAN wrote:


I'm sending this to the people I'm able to trust the most and those Master Ceras trusts also. There's members all over vr who's taking a pledge in real life to be signed in blood. There's already members from other covens which are not allianced with the vr alliance but who's taken an oath to uphold our allegiance with each other as people, as warriors and as allies of this virtual site. You'd be interested in posting the forum thread and reporting to me who's pledged ? People who've already pledged will have as their kismets, "We are Signed in Blood" and it's beyond any website. Real life pledges with real life benefits and now it's come to vr.

If you're one of those people then please post this in your forum only under [members to sign]. It'll be up to you to report to me the members who take the oath.


Black Dragon Oath
Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho

The Initiatory Declaration:
Any member wishing to dedicate themselves to Signed in Blood.

In tu purdor, conlecto Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho et fraternatis beli
Tempus hoc tempore reditus abi in malam remanio est,
ergo in Dei Glorium ex Infernis, pro locus statio et nostus est,
te renum ipse supra animus, te regnum malam Mundi est.
Ipse repudiatum Sanctus, ipso perfidus est~!
Ipse vivatio est~! Ipse maleficium locuti verum est~!

Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho declarato ipso verus unis Opus Dei,
ipse tribunere devotio, et pudor per et officium.

The Pledge:
Any member wishing to make this pledge must copy and paste and insert their own names.

I, [Name here] hereby pledge my allegiance to all s and s of this Order. I will always honor the tenets which are bestowed within our clans interior as I do those who are members thereof. I will always uphold the trust given to me when confided in and I bequeth my intent on remaining past my service expiration. I will always uphold and integrate the virtues of our Order and clan and in my daily life, knowing in my heart and soul that nothing can break us from who we are and what we stand for. Devoting myself fully to Sanctus Ordo ab Extrho, the Black Dragon Clan under the imperium of Master Ceras.

As a member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho, I pledge to uphold a high standard of integrity and honor by neither giving nor receiving any unauthorized aid in all academic settings either online or in real life. I agree to all standards set forth by the Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho Honor Code.

As a member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho, I promise to uphold honor with my words and actions. I will not lie, cheat or steal. I accept responsibility for my own actions and for what other members of the clan may do in my presence. I understand the need for honor and pledge to defend it in all its forms.

As a member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho, I maintain a high level of respect and integrity. I uphold the Honor Code in letter and spirit. I do not lie, cheat, steal, vandalize, or commit forgery. I encourage fellow members who commit honors offenses to acknowledge such offenses. I inform the Honor Council of my own and others infractions. I make this pledge in the spirit of honor and trust.

As a member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho, I recognize and maintain vigilance to Master Ceras. I shall bequeth at least one honor per day to her in recognition of her service as Master and Keeper to us. To the one who upholds our laws and keeps us safe within the realms we now enter. I make this pledge in friendship, respect, loyalty and honor.

The Acceptance:
Only given to a member once accepted by a Master.

On this date, of this year, Veneficus [Name here] has been passed the spark of illumination from the CLay of the Profane into a Bearer of the Blackened Flame, the gift of the Dragon and the Shadows of the Abyss. The Veneficus now steps upon the path of the Serpent, to become and transform into the shadows and the darkness Nahemoth, the Black Earth - the Dragons Realm.

This member is now one of the clan, and as by my command and my realm I declare [Name here] a true and loyal member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho. So it is done!

Note: Only the coven master or a fellow Master of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho may place this on any member who's accepted into the order. Only then are they truly Signed in Blood.

The Motto:
Never muttered aloud or in public.

"Ausus aspicio super incompertus"


Once someone pledges you'll post this under their pledge.


On this date, 12th of January of this year, 2012, Veneficus [name of member here ]has been passed the spark of illumination from the Clay of the Profane into a Bearer of the Blackened Flame, the gift of the Dragon and the Shadows of the Abyss. The Veneficus now steps upon the path of the Serpent, to become and transform into the shadows and the darkness Nahemoth, the Black Earth - the Dragons Realm.

This member is now one of the clan, and as by my command and my realm I declare [name of member here] a true and loyal member of Sanctus Ordo ab Extraho. So it is done!

Witnessed by [your name here].
Under the imperium of Master Ceras.


Please don't forget to change the dates of the acceptance and to add the members name in the two places provided. Also don't forget to include your title at the base as witness. Then send me the members usernames, the coven which they're residing in and the date they've pledged. They're then able to use the kismet, We are Signed in Blood.

This is real pledge of allegiance and it's not just on vr, it's real life with real life benefits . People who've chosen to swear the pledge will live by the pledge in real life and on vr.

Master Rohaan..

All pages by Zilaheteb
Page last updated: Feb 04 2012



12:04 Jan 15 2012

they all have aids sharing blood and u wonder why we have so many blood diseases

12:08 Jan 15 2012

"Honour code"?

12:24 Jan 15 2012


14:35 Jan 15 2012

*giggle snorts* Too too funny

17:14 Jan 15 2012

Real life pledges with real life benefits and now it's come to vr.


act now and we'll throw in this bumper sticker at no extra blood...

17:35 Jan 15 2012

No kidding? They are spamming covens and members with this?

17:42 Jan 15 2012

it is one of the most ridiculous things i have heard. mes laughing so hard i can't breathe,lol i had no idea this wuz going on in vr. it is pathetic, but funny as hell. btw, it wuz a good read and that's 4 the info

17:44 Jan 15 2012

wait,lol i meant 2 say thanks 4 the info.sorry. i just woke up,lol

18:19 Jan 15 2012

Signed in blood, code name for vr idiots

18:30 Jan 15 2012

"Cults will love you to death while you represent a prospective convert to their group. As a member a tight family love will surround you as you faithfully promote their cause.
However, when it is clear that a prospect will not join the group or a member voices doubts, create waves, or leaves the group, all love ceases.
Indeed scorn is immediately heaped on these individuals and remaining members are told not to have any contact with them."

19:27 Jan 15 2012

Who's gonna visit me to collect my blood to sign the contract my bloods wasting here people....

21:35 Jan 15 2012

Well I hope they enjoy what else comes along with the connection they make.. ; )

22:00 Jan 15 2012

It is absolutely absurd! Thank you Zila, for once again exposing this b.s.!

20:57 Jan 16 2012

It seems almost anyone can join... well... except us haha... Makes one think we are not too liked by the Black Sheep er.. Dragons..

03:35 Jan 19 2012

This is a very interesting page, but I have only one question for you Zila. How would you like something taken out of your coven and displayed as a members page? Something you have worked on, in the comfort of your own coven and make your members pledge, "What is said in our coven, stays in our coven"... Remember, I used to be a member in your coven as Otium and have never done anything like this to you!

06:26 Jan 19 2012

Zila this is fantastic I regret having been taken in by these nutters

08:43 Jan 19 2012

Ceras: Thing is, it didn't stay in your coven- *it was not society exclusive*. This was messages sent to several people. People who did not want to have anything to do with it, and then it circled around like wildfire- even sent to me considered as spam.

In the eyes of the majority of people it was sent directly to, it was unsolicited and a ploy to try and get people to give you daily Vampire Rave 'Honor'.

If you want things kept in your coven, it needs to start with *you*. It should not be sent en masse via personal message. No one can be blamed for that but you.

09:11 Jan 19 2012

edit: "This was *a* message sent to several people."

11:49 Jan 19 2012

Yes, Wendy, I do ask that things be kept in my coven. Would you like to show me an example of where my members disrespect that and spam VR with information from MY coven? Like always you are barking up the wrong tree, why don't you take this up with your "guardian" (who by the way sucks at his job) and get back to me when you have something to say that actually makes sense.

On 23:16:06 Jan 14 2012 (-0 GMT) MASTERxROHAAN wrote:

13:08 Jan 19 2012

Also, to answer your question... I actually wouldn't mind someone taking something out of my coven and making it a member page... why? Because unlike you, I do not make a mockery of my work, I do not disgrace myself, nor do I lead by anything but an example of what I ask others to do. I do not self-glorify and I sure as hell do not take this site as seriously as you do.

You seem to want to keep bringing up the fact that you were in my coven...like this is some piece of important information for people to know.

Yes, everyone, Wendy was in my coven. Wendy took the opportunity to hideout in my coven under a profile very few knew was hers. I was gracious and nothing but pleasant to her. I kept the secret as she asked and traded her out when she asked to be. How did she act in return...by throwing a huge fucking fit over a profile, that she sold to me, when she couldnt have it back.

I really don't know when you will try to stop making yourself look like the better person

02:10 Jan 20 2012



03:52 Jan 31 2012

Hey Ceras, you sure like to pull the whole well how would you like it if this was done to you victim bullshit let me ask you this...

How would you like it if you met someone and developed feelings for them only to have them die some horrific death and after you cried tears and mourned you found out this person was full of shit and they were very much alive? How would you like it if this person did it more than once to you and still expected you to be a friend to them? How would you like any of the bullshit you have been launching at everyone around YOU done to YOU?

19:07 Jan 31 2012

Exactly Bella! And it just so happens that one of those people was a VERY good friend to YOU.Hell,she was one of YOUR best advocates! But did YOU care? NOPE.ITs always about Wendy.ONLY about what YOU want.You threw her to the wayside just like you do everyone you cant use anymore.

Really,stop blaming everyone else .YOU discredited yourself with your own actions and lies.

08:18 Feb 02 2012

I agree, and I'm one of those who thought you were actually dead. Now you are really dead to me. This is supposed to be a social site. What you did was not social.

06:29 Feb 10 2012

Hey I am anemic, can I sign in spit?
Oceane you crack me up lol

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